KOREA TODAY No. 1, 2014 51 http://www.naenara.com.kp Happy New Year EAR READERS, time. Noteworthy of our coverage is D Greeting in the new year the introduction of the dynamic na- 2014 the Korea Today editorial board tionwide campaign to emulate the extend congratulations to all our Masikryong Speed—created by the readers and those who have rendered soldier builders of the Masikryong sincere help to our magazine’s Ski Resort—which brought about the activities. completion of the projects of the Last year we in the Korea Today Unha Kwahakja Street, the Lectur- staff have done all we could to give a ers’ Apartments of Kim Il Sung wide-ranging and deep-going intro- University, Okryu Children’s Hospi- duction of all the fields of the De- tal, Ryugyong Dental Hospital and mocratic People’s Republic of Korea Munsu Water Park on an admirably and to promote friendship and unity high level in a short span of time. among the countries and nations who Efforts were also made to give infor- aspire to independence and peace. By mation on the nation’s high enthusi- covering the seventh convention of asm for sporting activities, Korean the Korean Children’s Union held on wins at international competitions, the 67th anniversary of the union, the achievements in education and pub- military parade and Pyongyang mass lic health sectors and the national rally that took place in honour of the history and culture. 60th anniversary of the great victory This year we will continue to in the Fatherland Liberation War, work hard to let you readers have a the Worker-Peasant Red Guards better and concrete idea of the Ko- parade and Pyongyang Mass Dem- rean people’s firm will to go ahead onstration in celebration of the 65th along the road of independence, the founding anniversary of the DPRK, road of Songun and the road of so- and other major political events, we cialism in an indomitable spirit. The gave a description of the ideological realities of the DPRK will also be and spiritual traits of the Korean introduced on time in which new people. Our journal also carried arti- miracles and innovations are ex- cles about the nation’s science and pected. The Korean people’s struggle technology in rapid progress, ever- for independent and peaceful reuni- increasing production and the fast fication of their country and global pace of projects for modernization of independence will be an important production processes which are the part of our coverage. The Korea result of the Korean workers’ crea- Today editorial board will make tive efforts for the building of an every effort to help you have a good economic giant in a short span of understanding. 50 KOREA TODAY No. 1, 2014 KOREA TODAY Monthly Journal (691) Printed in English, Russian and Chinese C O N T E N T S Korean Future Viewed From the Perspective of the Year 2013··················································· 3 The Spirit Is Alive··············································································································· 8 Key to Growth in Production ·······························································································10 Great Opportunity for Cooperation ·······················································································11 All the People Under Arms ··································································································12 Kim Jong Il and CNC (2) ···································································································14 In the Scientists’ Mind········································································································15 From a Simple Clue············································································································16 Devoted Efforts Bear Fruit ··································································································17 In the Hub of Studies··········································································································18 KOREA TODAY No. 1, 2014 1 Note of Visit to Ryugyong Dental Hospital ···································20 Four Hours in Emergency Department ········································22 The Zeal for Sporting Activity ····················································23 Stories of Victory······································································24 His Only Hope ·········································································26 I’ll Exalt the Honour of the Motherland of Taekwon-Do··················27 Front Cover: The Chollima The Elderly Volleyball Team ······················································28 Steel Complex is increasing production. Ours Are the Best Apartments ···················································30 The Elderly Woman I Didn’t Meet···············································32 Photo by Ri Song Ik Korea—One Big Family·····························································33 Visit to Folkcraft Exhibition Hall················································34 Inventive Cook·········································································36 Short Story A Great Pride ··········································································37 The Episode of Kite···································································39 Hunminjongum········································································40 Makkolli ·················································································41 Mt. Kuwol ···············································································42 Songun Politics and Global Independence ····································44 Struggle to Achieve the Independent and Peaceful Back Cover: Hyonmu Gate in Reunification of Korea (4) ··························································45 winter. Invariable Stand of DPRK ·························································46 Photo by Ra Phyong Ryol Japan’s Future Depends on Liquidation of Its Past························47 13502 ㄱ-38233 © The Foreign Language Address: Sochon-dong, Sosong District, Magazines 2014 Pyongyang, DPRK ISSN 0454–4072 E-mail: [email protected] 2 KOREA TODAY No. 1, 2014 Korean Future Viewed From the Perspective of the Year 2013 AST YEAR THE US AND OTHER SINISTER Korea a number of joint military rehearsals against L forces intensified their aggressive and oppres- the DPRK in succession, including those code-named sive moves against the Democratic People’s Republic Key Resolve and Foal Eagle. These drills involved of Korea as never before. Despite the obstructive notorious means of nuclear warfare such as B-52 attempts, the Korean people achieved unprecedented strategic bombers. The Korean peninsula fell into a successes in their socialist construction. Over the touch-and-go situation where a nuclear war might days they harboured deeper confidence in break at any moment. Kim Jong Un, the supreme leader of the Workers’ Coping with the situation Kim Jong Un called a Party of Korea and the DPRK, and got firmer con- number of meetings and conferences like the viction of the bright future of their country. enlarged meeting of the WPK Central Military Com- mission, the March 2013 plenary meeting of the Through a daring offensive WPK Central Committee, and the fourth conference of the Korean People’s Army company commanders The anti-DPRK stifling campaign of the US and and political instructors, and indicated tasks and its vassal nations that had begun with the DPRK’s ways to implement them in order to strengthen the launch of a satellite for a peaceful purpose in De- army and safeguard the nation’s security and sover- cember 2012 got further frantic with the beginning of eignty. Meanwhile, he inspected KPA units and pre- the year 2013. Labeling the satellite launch as a pared the service personnel for practical warfare by “launch of a long-range missile” and a “savage viola- teaching them how to work out operational and tac- tion of the UN resolution,” the hostile forces insti- tical plans and supervising their drills. It was his gated the UN Security Council to make up another adamant determination to handle the hostile forces’ preposterous resolution on sanctions against the hard-line policy with a harder-line policy and answer DPRK in January 2013 while conducting in south their aggression war with a great war of national ► An evening gala of youths and students For My Only Motherland in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War. KOREA TODAY No. 1, 2014 3 ► reunification. As part of his resolute actions, he in- thus created a material and technical guarantee for spected the Jangjaedo Defence Unit and the Hero the harnessing of geothermal water. The Namhung Mudo Defence Unit—which are located in the hottest Youth Chemical Complex erected a plant in a short area—in March last year when he ordered them to span of time which can produce 60 million square deal an immediate and annihilating blow to the en- metres of functional three-fold PVC film for green- emy if they fired even a single shell to the land or house covering on a yearly basis. The Pyongyang water area in which the DPRK’s sovereignty is exer- Condiment Factory appeared as a good model of cised. Thanks to his energetic Songun-based leader- unmanned plant fed with domestic materials. A vi- ship the DPRK’s defence capabilities were aug- tamin C plant went up newly. mented considerably and the Korean people could Kim Jong Un’s energetic guidance was the hasten the socialist
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