SWINGING WOUND GOLF NEWS OF THE GOLF WORLD IN BRIEF By HERB GRAFFIS Harold Murphy resigns from National members and the tax man . Experienced Golf Foundation field staff to become vp guessers estimate the Masters total gallery of Country Clubs, Inc. and Coif Courses, w as around 60,000 . Admission for Sun- Inc., country club organizing, building day was $7.50 . That included parking, and membership selling organization with pairing sheet and an interesting, helpful head* in arte rs in Dallas, Tex. , . Murphy booklet "Spectator Suggestions for the had been asst. to Jackson Bradley prior Masters," written by Hob Jones . Con- to joining National Gulf Foundation for cession stand prices at the Masters are which he worked in southern, then mid- moderate . Toilet facilities are adequate, west territory. conveniently located and clean . Polic- Services of Jim Gatjum, PGA tourna- ing around the concession stands keeps ment publicity man, already highly rated those areas remarkably neat despite the by sponsors, were boosted in appraisal carelessness and sloppiness of a lot of the when Jiin married Lois May hurst who used gallery - . The Masters is the biggest to handle women's golf publicity for Wil- bargain for the golf spectator and probably son and Golfcraft firms. Jim and Lois the biggest money-maker of the tourna- in handling Dc Soto Open tournament ments, without high pressure ticket sell- publicity at Bradeuton were praised by ing or the program racket. the high-powered automobile press agents Broadcast of this year's Masters was as the smartest, hardest-working publicity the l>est job TV has done on golf . Ar- team thev had seen. nold Palmer's dramatic victory with bird- Hob Jones and Cliff Roberts brought ies on the last two holes excited golfers bales and bales of money into Augusta and non-golfers looking and listening ti- when thev started the Masters 24 years the broadcast . Ken Yen tun's recovery ago . Tnis year the Masters gate was the after his first round 31-42—73 and his largest ever . Official figures never second place finish, one stroke back ol are released, except to Augusta National Palmer's 282 showed that Ken has plenty Her* are two interesting hotel that you will see if you gel the chance to toke in the Open at Cherry Hills in Denver next month. Above it the fifth green which it 538 yards removed from the tee. A brook cuts across the fairway ond about 250 yords out a player can get GOLFDOM into deep rough, compounded by o sprawling bunker. In front of the plateau green, ond running its full width, is a deep trap. This one won't be too easily 34th Year birdied. Below is the No- 2 green. This hole it 410 yards and wilt give the hookers trouble. The lake ot MAY. I960 left bends inward [not shown in foreground) and olong with trees and trap In the 350 yard lone, can cause grievous trouble to the player who goes aslroy. of what it takes. Palmer convincingly SPIKE justified his selection by most of the writ- ers as the man who would win the Mas- BRUSH ters ... lie had only 118 putts in 72 holes. Palmer's §17,500 is top money for a tournament winner since George S. Ma> stopped the Tam O'Shanter events Press facilities at the Masters, already bet- ^SBm ter thau at any other tournament, were further improved by the three-decked press stand near the Sarazen bridge ul the 15th . The tubular steel stand ac- commodates HO . It is between the 15th green and Ifith tee . Scoreboard show- ing how the leaders stood with respcct to par were at convenient places . , These scores were maintained on a cumulative basis so the gallery knew the score of the top of the field at the moment. Constructed of ^oolify, long-weoring, non-corro- Too bad about that 2-stroke penalty iiv» molerioli throughout. The onodiied oluminum for a practice putt on the 5th green in the bqs» com aim the brush which h« o bord plojlk back ond long-wearing nylon bristles. Cleans first round that Dow Finsterwald called shots and spikes without injury to either on himself . The penalty was a PGA device adopted in desperation to elimin- WBIIE FOB CATALOG ate tedious delays on the greens . , It has PAR AIOE PRODUCTS COMPANY proved to be futile and nonsensical in MM. O. 141? MAkSHAU AVI. ST. *AUl «. MtNN rules that already are too long and too complex . Observance of paragraph 4 PARTS CLEANING SIMPLIFIED For town mower Servicing Cenfers, Gas Sfafions, Garages, Machine Shops NEW IDEAL MODEL 80 CLEANING STAND At A Price AH Shops Cart Afford - Cleans Fatter, Belter, Easier, Replaces "Makeshift" Equip- ment — Expensive Steam or Spray Methodst Unit uses standard solvents to clean mowers, engines, bearings, all types of machine parts. Kit Includes solvent tank and motor-pump. Steel stand holds largest-size mowers, complete en- gines, transmissions, etc. Pump circulates solvent rapidly, aerating faucet cleans without spatter. Adjustable hose bracket leaves both hands free. Sink top drains fast, keeps the floor clean and dry. Write Today for Full Details* SINK TOPS Av»tl»*to In 16" nr 3S" width! iri U" 'en,. r 2" Ire*. Over-an hn QM sf th* itmil I, 44". Wafklni wnrlty ot tank It «•/, gall., 14 gallon link al» mi libit. Fin- Mj:*d motor 'or cofttiiiwui duly. nder Diyilion The Fate - Root - Heath Company °" Plymouth,• Ohio •« Golfdom in Section 1 (Etiquette) of the Kules of Golf was all that is needed . The Mas- ters tournament had the practice putting penalty as local rule on the hack of the tournament scoreboard as a variation from the USGA rules . Finsterwald, who goes quickly ahout his business of putting, made the mistake of believing that the Masters was played entirely hy the Rules of Golf as codified by the USGA and the H&A, and without any trick stuff to pun- ish slow pokes, Better read the back of vour scorecard NEW BALL WASHER ... It may have some special rule compiled for tournament pros, for intercollegiate BY LEWIS LINE golfers, for Hawaiian lady gollers. for • Swift, thorough cleaning action golfers in the Metropolitan, Chicago dis- (up to S balls at a time) trict, Southern California or somebody else ... It may have a retroactive penalty • Weather-resistant case , . , No telling where the confnsion will • Dirt-collecting reservoir with stop since the USGA can't get the PGA to drain-out plug agree that the USGA rules are adequate. • Negligible maintenance The Hides of Golf ore the longest, most For further dttailt and pricti confusing of all rules of a popular sport i ttnttit your Lrwii Unr Coll , . Single copies are 25 cents from the DeaUr or write. USGA ... If you get a rule book free that has a manufacturer's name on it that CONTAINER DEVELOPMENT CORP. manufacturer has paid plenty to the USGA MONROE STREET • WATEINOWN, WISCONSIN for helping educate golfers in the asso- KEEP YOUR FAIRWAY TURF HEALTHY THIS SUMMER the Proven WITH spsm Herbicide-Fungicide APPLY NOW and insure Fairway Turf Protection all summer fong — Sore/y — Economically Right now, when the first crop of crctbgrass is germinating — when warmer days encourage Stop these Pests troublesome fungus diseases — is the time before they start when prompt action will pay big dividends. CRABGRASS Remember PMAS is your most economical con- DOLLAR SPOT trolling agent for BOTH disease and crabgrass. COPPER SPOT Spray 1 qt. PMAS (in 50 to 75 gals, water) HELMINTHOSPORIUM per acre once every 7 days throughout warm CURVALARIA weather. Many superintendents add lbs. SMALL BROWN PATCH ferrus sulphate (iron) with PMAS to maintain vigor during this hot "Poa going out" season. G*I PMAS from your go]I supply dealer, or write us for compute information. Including report! ot leading W. A. CLEARY Corp. superintendent, who main- lain healthy j airway furl NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J, under the moat trying con. Cleary Products tor Belter Turf dilion*. TH1MER, 5FOTHETE, CADDY, METHAR (DSMA), PM. 2, 1-D, ALL-WET Golf/lnm trillion's rules of the game . Joe Loon- cy, golf writer of the Boston 1 lerald, thinks that the rules could be condensed and clarified if a committee of golf writers worked with the Rules of Golf committee in rewriting the Rides into language that can be understand by Junior golfers. Quite a few pro jobs have been lost be- cause of confusion about the Rules of Golf . When the pro is put in the mid- dle of a rules controversy lie can't always get away safely by saying, "Here's the book — look (or yourself" . Warren Or lick, pro at Tam O'Shanter, (Detroit dis- trict) probably is the professionals* top practical authority on the rules . One recent change in the rules has changed DAVIS WEED KILLERS the game from "the traditional and cus- tomary form'' according to numerous vet- Weed problem* of* varied and complex. erans . That is the change which per- There are specific chemicals for different mits putting at the flagstick in the hole weeds. We hove the materials, also lh* ex. , . The idea of the game used to be to perience to help you. Write its for Information, roll the ball into the hole . Now you prices ond recommendations. bat it at the flagstick and hope it will drop into the hole. Possibly the game is changing faster than most of us realize and already it's too late for the USGA, as rich and powerful as it is, to do much about developing interest in complex rules . One sign of a new 30,000 Holes Per Green 9 That's what you get with the RYAN Greens- aire .
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