\ F ■ y , y*' •. *......... .............:-------- ............... -.........- ....... L i b r a r l a . ^ ------------------------„— ^---------------- V J "‘'■‘'"•'“ I _____1. 1 ,___________ ..... - : , . ■ [ ' - J , : ' J- ' ■■■ '• - . ------------................................................ 1 ■ .... ■■ *. • •• fi ' I - 8 3 7 0 1 ^ — - -------- — -------- I ^ Weathere r iN ^A i I ^ i "I,'I.- ■ ^ ..................... _ - ,; B;inal , *; ■ S n o w Flurries S itio n ' " J • .» • . The Magic Valley Newspaperrspaper Dedrcated to Servingng and 1Promotii;ig^^e Growthwth of NiNi:ie Irrigated Idaho10 CountiesCountiei j ' VOL. 64 NO. 250 r 22, 1967 ^ ......" CENTS '•________ I___________________ .... , TWIN FALLS, iDAHO,iO, FRllFRIDAY,. DECEMBER 22, 1967 _____________ i .________________________ A ir Force Plays5 SantaSam Claus i Girl In Cast GeiGets Big Pmsentr ,P r e s ii d d i e n t PP a a y s Vi^ is is ; it t o A spunky Twin Falls girl, whoso .ambition is lo get on a , ""Rirls‘~softbal|-tenm ncxr-jrum - —— ■ T h a i ll a a i n d Al i i r r F o rr c e e e B a s e mer, let down her usual tough A, . exterior • and "almost cried"led" R , 1 jjjjHj . KHORA’i', Thailand (AP) — ccrof. Word got oui abuulabout the vwant to look cach of)f you in the'ithe'cret there, A small crowd wa when doctors at David Grant tl'i President John.son flew hereliere se- FKhorat slop, but a secrecylecrecy lid te ye.” <on hand and th.e makings of Hospital told she would be Table e 4 .1, ll",-'j cretly lonighi un the latesiatesi leg|sleg I slill was ijii Hlie Presidcm.idem's 's fu- Johnson said eachh .of his lis- nuilorcade1 were in place, to be home for Christmas. S f of a continuing niysteryery trip, tture travel plans. 1lencrs "should knoww righl will Apparently, then the Pres Julia Heughins, 13-year-old t telling combat pilots "1i want to There was much speculaiionspeculaiion |prevail,” He said "your,’our cause is dent1 decided 10 go into town. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char- J look each of you in thee eye." Ilhal he might visii Vieinam/ii'inam it-it-' ;a just one " j! Khorat, manned almost ei les Heughins, 4)8 Madison St.. ^ Johnson rflew to thiss Ameri- .sself, nllhougli his staffiff refusedrefused' Johnson flew to Khorai from (jrely hy American airmen wit has been hospi ali/.cd since Nov. can-built Thui air forcece base.Ubase.Uo say where he would1 go next,next. jlIDarwin on Australia'sa's norlhern'northern' American fighter bonibers, 18 for treatment of a birth de- , which pinys a role in1 the airj Speaking 10 men inin uniform <coasi, where he had1 stopped for jju miles norlh of Bangkok. Tli feet which, her mother says, ^ w ar over ViL'inain. after?r attend- hhere, John.son said: I refueling after the flight from Air l orce sent oul Iwo Fit would have pventually left ing memorial riles in Australia ■ "I realize lhal an iildd man is a!]a I Melbourne where hc? had attendattend-,-1 iiuinilerchiefs on a niftht radi her a hunchback. \* for his friend and Vietnamnam ally,|Fally,[poQr excuse for yourr wife and ed1 thc Holt services.'■ bombing strike just before tl' riolt. your fam ily and your■our loved The Whii.e Huuse Iriediried to keep Presideni ;nii\-.'(l. Julia, whose father is a re- |v P rim e Minister Harold Holt. > The While House staffitaff had rones, but I wanted soc) much to Ithe Darwin slop secret,.-rei. too.-bui,too.-but secreiaiA (ieorge Chri .tired Air ['orce Technical .ser- ^ I here se- be with you at Chrisimas.ristmas. 1 ;apparently the plans> werew e re no .sCrser ^|j,| geant, wns told previously she ^ sought to keep thc trip here se- t ilu' Pii'sideni meant by thi hospital at Trnvis Air Force ^ = = -----------------w h i‘ili»‘i' he p la n n o d (0 J>e him ' Base in J'airfield, Calif., and Jm ■ ‘W’T l B i f i i i I ^ Saiiirihiy or Sunday. Jclum , home., for Christma.s^__ « I I § . J!<eii^iiii4.-toea uilk he niigl »om bers RRe^ eturn To^J t cinni' h.nl; li) VVashington V As a special Cliristnias pres- ^ m lkS, Boir Riii)ii‘ afl,cr a talk wilh Po[ . ent for Julia, her parents and B m - : P a u l VI. lju,t- there was no co two sister.s and n brother, the ^ m / I • ^ I firni.iiinii. Air I'orce flew her to Mountain W l ^ 3 I Juhnson luld Ihe airmen i --------- Ho we---- Tltiifi.doy---------------then— H R-ftfl T a rg^ets e ts In DMA,*, Z K h o r a t ____ :_____________________ brought her on to Twin Falls^alls H B Blast Rec “Through the use of air po\ by ambulance. JK ’ER laimed al taking CommunistCommunist icompany exchangedI small arms er. a mere handful, of 'men — 1 She will return to the Ijpspital ^ | H I By GEORGE ESPER |Q 1.'" ■' ■ n . SAIGON (AP) — U.S. B.'i2B52 rpressure off the norlhern.hern fron-;;fron- and machinegun fireire with an military forces arc reckoned Wednesday, also courtesy of the list North tier area, was centered?red about 1enemy force of unknownlown size en- art* pinning down some 700,0 Air Force. , • - fbombers reiurned 10 blast North t H H H Vietnamese targets in tljciIyc de- ffive miles helow the demiliiar- 1trenched in a complex)lex of bunk-hunk- North Vieinitmese. ___ The family, which has only 4 ■■ ■ 'militarized zone again loday de-tde-"4^ed zone along the: coast of (ers I-our Marines were killed.' "They nre increasing thc co lived in Twin l alls since M spile the threat of moreore SAMiCSAMiQuang Tri I'rovince. 1and nine were wounded.u n d e d . Com-Com­ of irifiliration. They are impc were noi ing a high rate of altriiion whi __months ago when Mr. Heughins missiles like the three Ihethe Reds a battalion of Marines,ines about jmunist casualties were not r fe X I r e d. has lived in ' njany-lany- Hred ai them in the sameime area j| ooo men, landed Thursday 'known, the enemy is engaged, and gi places throughout the world and ft' Wednesday ni^ht. rmorning from helicoptersipters nnd U.S. cruisers andd destroyers '"B ‘'csl when he wit has always done things together ' ' The huge high-allitudcJc bomb- fromf ships of lhe U.S.. 7th Fleet.Fleet, ;al.so turned their bigb ig gunsg u n s on.o n . ‘*r‘iw s. — esfjecially sports. ers |X)unded troop concentra-oncentra- us headquarters said theIhc Communist positionsis along thejthe P'’"'''-''' Providii "Julia nlway!>' tried to join ' tions nnd artillery positionssitions in onlyf significant action1 so far oc-Ioc-1 northern frontier, and -fighter-fighter-mobility which m eets ai in," her mother noted, “and for tiie norlhern half of tlielie DMZ.Icur’redDMZ,|( shortly beforefore dark:'dark: bombers also rakediked enemy '"“t'^hes the stealth of an cnen Chrisimas this year she request- ^ ................... - seven miles north-northwest[hwest of Thursday-] when onele Marine!;M arine I strongpoints. whose tactics are based on su ed a baseball bat.” «*■ MaMaWBBiiBigwaiAvraw^ den hit and run attacks." Ithe U.S Marine outpostst at Con maaniMnaniiirimn- .Johnson said that by workii The cast that surrounds Julia, ,SURROUNDED BY PRESENTS'RESENTS, one of which she hopes>pes Is a baseball bat. Is 13-year-oldar-old Thien. Earlier^ ii> the day they 1 t-"~- from the bottom of her lower . :immunistia with the South Vietnamese a V in Heughins, daughterer ofof Mr.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heughins.ughins. JJulia was told she wouldId not Iblasted suspected Communist Ii _ other allies, “we Jire defeati lip to her hips, has a flaw .in be able to come home for Chrisi where she has been hospitalized,ilizcd, iinfiltration routes along the • it that is quite painful. She ask- jj for Christmas from California, where ; J^WgW. I this aggression—and we a t for a birth defect. As a surpriseise for hher an{l her familv, tho10 Air 1Cuinbudian border. cd the doctors to fix the wrinkle,ikle correcWvc surRCry for a bli 2scued From^ 1 1 V \ doing it with a proportion at her At 4jii>> same lime, the U.S. ' 17 Rescu lursday and will lake her back WednesdayI'ednesday, Julia should be out of her Mrs. Heughins said, but whenJhen Force flew her home Thursday an ! forces at least half those usua d ^ cast In -Ju n e or Ju ly andind IsIs anxiousam to start playing baseballbaseball. 1Command disclosed a new am-am - '^ __ they told her it wouldn’t be dry «— ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- phibiousI and helicopter assault ' I required to cope with a guerri in time to comc home, she told I enemy of such size." Iby Marines along lhe northern, ' S' |j Johnson said that alrpower them to "let it hurt." •m sector where 35,000 Communist Tunnelel Cave-In( \ Julia is keeping up with her ^ 1 ^ __ troops are believed concentrat-)ncentrat- I all its forms is a major reas ^p) — gnv.i ■•Rut we thought iss would lake the plans of the enfe'my, as .school work while in Ihe hosoi- • S LBt* ed. “ ----------------^ GORMAN, Calif. 4AJi)------ Se5t(_ tal, and doesn’t find it too diffi-i| $12' i\fittiDTiioTi Iirliig^rw^Tway^ W o rk ,' i There wns no report■t of any^fany enteen men. trappedid for 19 a weeiT'to gel us ouTT5uT7 --------------- put it, arc doeni\ed-to-fali.----- - cult since about all she can.
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