News Broadcasts Windmusical Motorcade

News Broadcasts Windmusical Motorcade

CHICAGO FREQUENCIES W.G.N-720 WA AF-950 WCFS-1390 WIND-560 WCFL-1000 WHFC-1450 WILL-580 WM131-1110 WGNII-15.9 WILL-580 WJJD-1160 and 98.9 WMAQ-670 WJOB-1230 WBEZ-42.5 Will3M-780 WSBC-1240 W DIM 99.7 H'AIT-820 WEDC-1240 WEFhI-45.1 WENR-890 WCRW-1240 and 98.5 WLS-890 WhIRO-1280 WBBM-99.3 LM] Indicates MRS. IN) NBC, [C] CRS. and IA] ABC. MORNING W41-1VConntry church. WBBMPress News [C]. WILL-1111n1 Time. WINDNewa reports:Gospel Singers. 0WA AF--;Chapel in the Sky. WSBCKnow Your Bible. WAITAdventures in Research. 7:15WCFLTreasury Salute. WBBMThe Mariners. 7:20WINDMorning Melodies. 7:30W.G-NNews: Cathedral of Music. WBBMCountry Journal [C]. WCFLLlght and Life. WINDFive Soul. Stirrer& 7:45WJJDOrgan Melodies. W-G-NYouth Looks Up. %VMAQWorld News Roundup [N]. ,.....,WJJDTreasury Salute. W1313MNews of the World IC]. WL.SNews; Children's hour. WOESUnited SWedish service. WCFLCoast to Coast on a BM (A]. WINDNews; Golden Gate Quartet. 8:15W /3BMTIme for Reason. WMAQStory to Order [51]. WINDBlue Jay Singers. WJJDChristlan Science program. 8:30-1V-G-NRhythm Off the Record. WGESMoments et Devotion. WINDRecord Varieties. WILLGreat Composers. WMAQRadlo Parade. WJJDCorn ell Avenue church. 8:45-1V-0-NS erenade program. WBBMSa It Lake City choir (Cb WMAQReliglon In the News. 8: 55W-G-NNews bulletins. W-G-NRadio Bible elan [M]. WBBMChurch of the Air LC I . WLSNews reports. 0WMAQNational Radlo Pulpit IN]. WJJDMorning Devotion. WCFLChildren's Corner. WAITOld Sunday School. WGESYugoslav.American program. W1LLToday's Great Speaker. WEDCRussian Radio hour. WINDNews;' Music Maestro*. 9:15WCFLDon Artiste.pianist. WINDBreakfast Serenade. W LSLitt le Brown church. 9:30W.G-NIlelen Westbrook, organist. WBBMInvitation to Learning [ C 1 . WCFL,-rdessage of Israel. WhIBI, WDLMMorning Meditation. WJJDNews reports. WmAQVoices Down the Wind Mb WA AFMeet the Churchman. WINDNews; Harmony Time. 9:45W-G-NNews reports. WINDBing Sings. " WJJDWaltz Time. WEN RTrcasu ry Parade. WAAFFrank and Ernest. W-13-2i.Men and Missions. WMAQAtomic Sclenthts [NI. WLSNews reports. WBBMWarren Sweeney, news IC]. WSBCPolish Village. WCFLNews; Serenade. WINDNews: Lyric Time. WJJDUncle Billie. funnies. 10:05WBBMWings Over Jordan MI. 10:15W-0NInt cresting Farts. WMAQDesign for Listening IN]. WLSSilver Sails. WCFLColor In the News. 10:20WINDDave Rose's orchestra. I 0:25-1V-G-NNew sbulletins. 10:30W.0-NN. U. Reviewing Stand [Mb WMAQ.Sunshine Serenade. WBBMDemocracy, U. S. A. WCFLDon Artiste. pianist. WLSThe Hour of Faith [Al. News Broadcasts WINDMusical Motorcade. 10:45WCFLBing Crosby. WMAQSolitalre Time. WEIBMSerenade. 'MORNING WJJDMuslcal Jewel Box. 7:00=WBBM 0:30WIND 10:25W-G-N WINDQuiz Time. 8410WEIBM .10: 00WCFL 11: 00WCFL WAAFOff the Record. 8:00WMAQ 10:00WBBM 11:00WIND Paper Party. 8:55W-G-N 10:00WIND 11:215W-04i WMAQWorld Front [ N I . WLSReading the Funnies. AFTERNOON IDW-G-NFunnyVCFLNews reports. WINDNews; Lovely to Look At. 12:00WBBM 1:00WIND 4:45W8BM WAITChristian Catholic church. 12:00WIND3:00WCFL 5:00WCFL WEFMSunday concert. 12:45W-G.N WJJDPcople's church. 11:15WCFLSalute to flits. , EVENING 11:20WINDHere's to tha Bride. 1 I :25W-G-NNews reports. 6:00WENR 10:00WENIt 11:55W-G-N 11:30W-GSLutheran hour FM]. 6:00WCFL 10:00WMAQ 12:00WENR WMAQEternal Light IN I . 6:15WENR 10:30W-G-N 12:00WIND WBBMYours Sincerely [C1. 7:00WIND 10:45-1V41-N 12:55WMAQ' WLSRounding UP the World. `i 7:55WBBM 11:00WEN1v. 1:00-1V40.11 WCFLNews; Serenade. 8:00WIND 1I:00WMAQ 1:00WIND WINDNews; Musical Motorcade. Ronald Colman, who will pay a 11:45WLS-1111nols Children's Home. WEDCSymphontc hour. WCFLRay Bloch Presents. visit to Jack Benny on WMAQ-10:15-17-G-NChicagn at Night. NBC at 6 o'clock tonight. WMAQBehind the Headlines. AFTERNOON WBBMNate Gross. W-G-NWarden`a Crime Cases [Ml. WENRWax Museum, 4 WENRJohnny Thompson show [AL WONThose Welvders [311. WCFLVillage church, Western Springs. WMAQAmerica United [NI. MINISRhythm ,ml Romance. 10:30-1V-G-NNews events. (114WHIMNews reports. WMAQThe Catholic hourrti I. WIIIIMNews reports. w INDNews: Accordion Artists. WI310MOrrie ond Harriet [C I. WE:FMSpotlight Varieties. WM.Beaver Joe. 0 WINDNews: Best on Records. WMAQSymphonette. M. Mastro. WCESCa Moth High mass. WENRSUnday Evening Polly (Al. 10:45W.G-NNews of the Week. WII.11.MIflinvIewinv ClAnel_ WCFLNrws: Best by UMW. 17/31151People's PlatformICI. WEFMNoontime Serenade. 3:15WINDTommy Dorsey. WENIIVeterans. housing. 12:15W-G-NAmerican Radio Warblers [MI. 15:30-1V41-NNIck Carter (ML WINDSunday Story. {VON'SDistinguished Guest. Nagel's orchestra(MI wENRSports Question Box EA]. WINDThe Haunting hour. WM AQNews reports. WHOMShow Tune Time. WBBMRate Smith [CI. al1V-G-NFreddyWCFLCleero Bible church. WCFLScandinavian Melodies. WMAQBob Burns show (NI. WENR, WINDNews reports. 12:30W-G-NSinging Sweethearts [MI. WENRWIllie Piper, drama (Al. 11:05WINDFirst Church of Deliverance. WMAQU. of C. Round Table [N]. 6:45WONBWalters. 11:15W-G-NDick Jurgen's orchestra [MI. WF.NR. WCYLAmateur hour. WCFLNlk k IKnye. MIMIBudapest String quintet. IVIIBMMarion liulton. WMAQDon Eider. sports. WINDMan Behind the Music. EVENING WI:NBGay Claridge's orchestra. WAIBI, WI/LillOrgan recital, {V.G.N. MINISYour Right to Say II.11;30W4i-NLawreitre Welk's arch. [MI. W.LIDBrighten Up Time. WM AQ.1ack Benny allow IN I. WITLDonce orchestra. 12:45W.G.NNew. reports. W13051Gene Autry show [CI. WENRFine Arts Quartet. WINDCover Girl Parade. 0 WINDNews: Sweet and SoliWENRDrew WMAQPacillc Story. WIIBMScrenade by Scott. PearsonI A I. 11:55W.11-NNews bulletins DI]. W-G.NCilizens of Tomorrow. INCRWMusical program. WCFLNews reports. WMAQRobert Merrill show IN]. WEFMThe Masters' Album. Hayes' orchestra. WIDIMWestern Theater. WCFLNews reports. WMAQPromenade concert. 0WJJDDr. Cycle. 6:15WCFLMuslc for Sunday. WINDNews reports; Night *Watch. WINDNews; Musical allow. WENRNews reportsI A I. @W-G-NShermanWENRNews reports. 1:15WIJDWarm Up Time. 6:30W-O.NStars of Tomorrow. 12:15WBBMRay Pearl's orchestra. 1:20WINDThree Suns. WGNBSunday btusical. WENRJack Tattler. 1:30W-G-NVariety Fair. WRI3MBlt.ndie IC]. 12:30W.G.NRuss Carlyle's orchestra. WMAQliarvest of Stars IN]. WMAQPhil Harris-Alice Faye [N]. WENRFooll luta Favorites. WCFLStrange As It Seems. WCFLLutheran hour. WENRNational Vespers [A]. WENRStump the Authors[41. WIIIIMJohnny Scat Davis' orchestra. W.LIDRockets vs. Cleveland. WINDBert Wilson. 12:55WMAQNews reports. WAITLutheran Church of Air. I1:45WINDExcluslve Story. WF:NRSports program. WIIBMStradIvari orchestra IC]. Board [MI. 17.41NNews reports. WINDFootball Features. WMAQCha rile McCarthy show (NI . WM AQDaily. Prayer. MIMIAdventuresofSam Spade [CI. 1:45W-G-NDistinguished Guest. OW-G-NMrdiationWLSPaul Whiteman [A l . WHOMBernie Cummins' orchestra. WCFI.Across Footlights. 0WINDNews reports; Night Watch. 1 1:55WINDBears vs. Washington. WCFLIrish hour. WINDNews; Melody Time. of Two Cities. 7:23W-G-NCeeil Brown, news. WBBNIN. Y. Philharmonic IC]. 7:30W4.-NSpectal InreslIgator17:12. O1V-G-NQuiaWMAQCarmen Cavilling (NI. MISRTwilight Meditations. ON SHORT WAVES WM.Novelettes. WMAQFred Allen show (NI. WENRDanger, Dr. Danfield (Al. WBI3MCrime Doctor [CI. 2:15WCFLAmerican Musical. WLSThe Clock (A.1 2:30W.G.NMr. and Mrs. WINDI.uth. Laymen's League. The North American service of the BBC from WMAQOne Man's Family. 7:46W-G-NGeorge C. Putnam, news, London Includes the following programs today. WENRThe Roney Dreamed. The hequencica tin megacycles! employed after WCFLFellowship hour. 7:55WBBMNed Calmer, newstel. 4 p. m. are 18.08, 15.31, 9.82. 7.26. and 2:45WENR2Sam Pettengill IA]. W.G-Nrxploring the Unknown [MI. 11.80. 4:45 p. m.The news. 5:55 a. m. W-G-N allouse of Mystery. MINISSunday Evening club. Topical talk. 8:15 p. m.ftellglous talk,s 0:30 WGNIISymphony Selections. (wi)WMAQMerry-Go-Round IN I. p. m.News reports. WMAQQuiz Kids IN]. WENRWalter WInchell (Al. 0 WCFLNews reports. WBBMHildegarde (CI. WENRSemmy Kaye. WCFLBethany Reformed church. 3:15WCFLBob Eberly. WINDNews; Midwest Public Forum. 3:25WENRFact and Fiction tAl. 8:15WENRLouella Parsons (Al. 3:30W.G-NTrue Detective Mysteries 013. 8:30W-G-NDouble or Nothing (Ml. MINISGreat Lakes Glee club. WMAQAmerican Album of Music [11 I WMAQGrand Marquee IN J. MITIMEddle Bracken show [C]. WIlfiktliour of Charm IC]. WENR.11mmy Fidlerfa l . WENRGreen Hornet IA). WEFMCharnber muslc. WCFLVoice of the Army. WINDNorthwestern Playshop. 3:45I,VCFLDon Artiste. pianist. 845WENRThe PolicewomanI AI. W-G-NThe Shadow (M]. W-G-NGabriel Matter [M]. WGNIIMusie In the Air. MINDChamber music. WMAQNBC Symphony IN) WMAQDon Ameche showIN I. 0 W1113MThe Family hour rci. 0WBBMTake It or Leave It [Cl. WENRDarts for Dough (Al. WENRTheater GuildI A I. WCFLMuste Lover.' Matinee. WCFLChrlstinn Reformed church. W.1.1DRanch !louse. WINDNews reports: Cam Rhumba. 4:I5WJJDSupper Frolic In 0:15 p. in. 0:15WI NDSymphonic hour. 4:11W(INIIMen and Missions. 9130W41-SWayne King show. WINDFootball S,orebonrd. WhIAQMret Me at Parky's [NI. 4:30W.G.N-4)uick as a Flash FM]. W1313MThe Whistler. WIINISVhdin Recital. WCFLLIthunnlon program. WCFLLuthurati Sunday School. lVEFM Composers hour. WENftCounter-SPYI Al. Answer Man. WAITBethany Reformed church. WMACL WCFLNews reports. WIIIIMIloagy Carmichael Sings ICI. WBBMCli 1 Ion Utley, news report!. WINDRecords to 5 p. m. ©IMI.NTheWENRPaul Harvey, news. 4:45VJBOMWilliam L. Shirer ICI.. WINDNews: ABC club. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor.

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