I TE MWO Relentlessly Pounds Out Touchdowns and Success for Minnesota (It Is also IDlportant in Finance) This is What Happens on a Spears' Scoring Play To the casual observer, the aver­ Then as ' Gibson (with Brocky age play seems little more ' than a close behind) charges thru this hole, sudden struggling mass of men in Gibson plunges into the defensive which the man carrying the ball is Half who has come up, takes him watched intently ,and his efforts in out of the play and Brocky is past advancing beyond the linesmen's the line of scrimmage and in the stick followed with breathless in­ open where he must decide instantly terest. what his course must be. He can However his success in doing so either reverse his field (swerve to depends entirely upon how well his the right), throwing opposing lines­ fellow-players do their part in block­ men off balance as they rush up, ing out opposing linesmen. Suppose or he can continue' on a wide sweep we review one of Brockmeyer' s now in an effort to outrun the enemy familiar dashes thru left tackle. secondary defense and safety man. There are two dangerous opponents Ordinarily reversing his field is to be dealt with - the End and the most productive of results for Tackle. As the boys "hip" into this draws opposing defense men out position and the ball is snapped of position and gives his own lines­ back to Brocky, Timm (leading the men a chance to get up the field and interference) and Haycraft charge run interference for him as he makes into the opposing Tackle and his last desperate dash towards the shoulder him out of the play-pref­ safety men and a touchdown. erably "in" towards the rest of the team. At the same time Nagurski Withou~ perfect timing and team­ and Hovde head toward the enemy work, such scoring plays would be Right End who is coming in to stop out of the question. Each man has the play and carry him off on their his assignment and if anyone fails, shoulders. preferably "out" away the play is smeared. In life just as from the others. in football teamwork wins. The In the meantime Right Guard man who is to achieve financial in·· Gibson leaps from his position and dependence cannot hope to accom­ cuts over to enter this gap just made plish everything alone. Many a in order to run interference for failure and disaster could be pre­ Brocky who has been running wide vented by ··teaming up" with a re­ until the hole opens up. liable Investment House. (Wells-Dickey Has "Teamed" with Northwest Investors for SO Years) The Minnesota Goal Post 1 -"a beeg fahey!" Welcome back to the old and the new campus, you men and women who were youngsters here but yesterday! Let's join In "a beeg lokey" this Homecoming Day--one that will encourage Dr. Spears' great 1928 team to "Scalp Chicago." Atwood Larson Co. Frank H. Higgins Co. McCarthy Bros. Co. Banner Grain Co. , Hiawatha Grain Co. McCabe Bros. Co. Cargill Commission Co. I. S. Joseph Co. Pacific Grain Co. Continental Grain Co. C. E. Lewis & Co. L. N. Ritten Co. William Dalrymple W. C. 'Mitchell Co. Stuhr Seidl Co. The Haertel Co. McDonald & Wyman C. T. Stevenson Van Dusen Harrington Co. H. A. Wernli &.Company The University of Minnesota Field House 2 The Minnesota Goal Post HOMECOMING DAY! 7 he Gophers are out for Chicago's Scalp NATURAL SPRING WATER "Purest and Softest in the World" will help to give the needed pep! Drink it at home---drink it in the office 8 to 1 0 glasses per day CHIPPEWA SPRINGS CORPORATION 232 Nicollet Ave. 177 Colfax Av. No . Call Atlan tic~ 6361 For Service The after-dinner train , that gefs there first- the Le~ionnaire for Chicago Lv. Minneapolis - 7:45 p. m. Lv. St. Paul - - - 8:&0 p. m. Ar. C::hic:ago - - - 8115 a. m. On the Leg ionnaire you'll find an obser­ D etails, tick ets a nd b er t hs fro m vation car, a cozy MINNEAPOLIS CITY TICKE T OFFICE 5 22 Second Avenue, S out h club car, the newest Phone Main 3080 kind of Standard ST. PAUL CITY TICKET OFFICE Pu llmans and 4th a nd Robert Street s dining car serving Phone River v iew 4200 wonderful meals- ~6 1 6C& D The Minnesota Goal Post 3 Chicago Series Is Resumed Traditional Rivals of 1906 to 1918 fvleet on Gridiron for the First Time in Decade "Chicago versus Minnesota ," greats of Minnesota will be out today Nuff said. with a view to showing the Chicagoans For the first time since the good old how a Minnesota team plays football days of Doctor Henry L. Williams these nowadays. Dr. Spears is no great re­ traditional rivals will meet today, and specter of tradition. Although he and for the first time in a decade the Ma­ Mr. Stagg exchanged courteous com­ roon and Gold waves beside the Ma­ pliments at the Homecoming dinner roon of the Midway as the whistle last night, both ' had their fingers blows. crossed in anticipation of Amos Alonzo Stagg, the present circumstance. who brings the Minnesota and Chicago team Chicago met first Minneapolis, in 1895, Min- IS In his wln- Dr. A. A. S p < ars Stagg Capt. Capt. Gibson Weislow ning, 1 Oto 6. consecu ti ve Their n ext year as coach game was in 1899, the University a champion.,ship Chicago team. He has Chicago team beating been there since foot­ the Gophers 29 to 0, ball was started-in fact, since while the next year the teams bat­ the institution was established. Stagg tled to a tie at 6 to 6. Football rela­ is to football what George Washington tions were resumed after that in 1906, was to Valley Forge. He certainly has and annual games then continued with­ done a great deal to make it famous. out interruption through the fall of And today is "Homecoming" at 1918. Minnesota. Ye editor has been asked In memoirs recently published, not to forget to m,ention the Homecom­ Coach Stagg said that his earliest rec­ ing dance, which will be held in the ollection of Minnesota football dates Minnesota Union tonight from 9 to 12. back to 1891, when he watched prac­ Dr. Clarence Spears, Captain Georg e tice on . the Minnesota campus. He Gibson and all the current football (Continued on PaM 4 ) 4 The Minnesota Goal Post Minnesota "B~' VI. Dakota Wesleyan ODAY Minnesota begins the policy of having its "B" team, chosen from T the reserve squad, meet a college opponent in a regular contest. Dakota Wesleyan University of Mitchell, S. D. is the opponent for the first game, which began between 12 and 12 : 15 and is probably still in progress as the crowd enters the Stadium. After its conclusion, the Minnesota-Chicago con­ test will be started. THE LINEUP Dakota Wesleyan Minnesota 2 I-White L.E. (T o be selected from foll owing) L.T. 12 Bergquist 62 Korkula 27-Lange 15 Osell 66 Leander 5 -Fairfield ( Capt) L.G. 16 Antilla 69 Chalmers 17 Hoefl ek 70 Beard 25-Gallion C. 18 Frisby 71 Myers 19 Dodson 74 Cooper 9 -Lane RG. 20 Heenan 75 Mi kelson 16-Maylon Deller R.T. 2 1 Oas 81 Carlst rom , 24 Redmond 82 Moe,ler 22-Maurice Deller R.E, 26 Koester 83 T eeter 27 Erickson 84 Sommermeyer I - Class Q .B. 28 Ahlstrand ' 8 5 Ohlsen 29 Palmquist 8 7 Gershovitz 20-Thompson L.H. 30 McQuill an 88 Kraus 2 - Holgate R.H. 3 7 Haislet 89 Furgeson 4 1 Pierce 9 1 Irwin 14-Hoerauf F.B. 43 Erickson 92 A rvidson 53 Bennis 94 Udd Other players: Davis II; Lenz 24; 55 Blindman 95 Skala Hansen 26: Hoyes 3 ; Smith 10 ; Lock- 5 7 McQuoid 96 Pirard hart 23; Test 4 ; Sanders 6; Fishbeck I 9; 60 Krause 98 Teeter Rippe 18 ; Sherman 15 ;W oods 8 ; Day 12. 61 Burnet 99 Hindeman Chicago Series Is Resumed (Continued from PaM 3) mentions, as players he remembers, sota is making its second conference ap­ Captain Leary at halfback, Alfred pearance today, having played Purdue Pillsbury, quarterback, George Sikes, a week ago. tackle, and "Big" Harding ~ who'm he calls the bigg est player he ever saw. Home games rem a ining on the Min­ Dr. Harding is now a member o~ the nesota calendar will be with Indiana, School of Chemistry faculty at the on November 10th (Dad's Day), and University of Minnesota. with the famous Haskell Indians on So many dire reports of ineligibility Novemb er 17th, in M emorial Stad ium. have come from the Chicago camp that A week from today Minnesota will it is a little difficult to make an advance invade Iowa City, for its third confer­ prediction on the makeup of its team. ence game, and the following week the It is known, however, that Chicago's G ophers will m eet Northwestern for the squad includes a good number of fast, first time since the fall of 1923. Then brilliant backs, and some of the strong­ come the tw o home games, followed b y est linemen in the western conference. the season' s windup against Wisconsin, After a weak opening against South at Madison, on Saturday, November Carolina, which won the opening game, 24th. If Minnesota does as well a s Chicago came back to overwhelm the Wisconsin seems to b e doing, this game University of W yoming 47 to 0, and will be one of the most sensational in the next week played Iowa.
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