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Retrieved from: https://ujdigispace.uj.ac.za (Accessed: Date). - J '- ,j'- DEVElOI)MENTOFIIATCIIERY FACILITIES FOn TilEBREEDING AND LAltV AL REARING OFSELECTED MACROBRAC/IIUM SPECIES MYRON PAUlCORT Dlssertatlon presented In porth" fulfilment of the requirements for the degree MASTEn OFSCIENCE In ZOOLOGY In the FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE at the RAND AFRIKAANS UNIVERSITY SUPERVISOR: Prof11.1. SCIIOONDEE CO-SUPERVISOR: DrJ.T. FERREIRA ij.... ;, . ~. 0248054/4/11 BIBLIOTEEK :;.';:-:: "au AUGUST 1983 DEDICATED 1'0 MY PARJ::NTS AND CIIERYL FOR TIIHIR CONSTANT SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMHNT TADLE OFCONTENTS Page CIiAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION ............................................. 1 CIiAPTER TWO LITERA'rURE REVIEW ••••••...........•.•.•..•........••..••• 4 2.1 CflOiCEOFCULTURESYSTEMS . 6 2.2 LARVAL REARING FACILITIES . 14 2.3 HOLDING FACILITIES FOR BREEDING STOCK •••••••••••• 19 2.4 IIOlDiNG FACILITIES FOR POST·LARVAE ••••••••••••••• 20 2.5 MANAGEMENT OF ADULTS FOR BREEDING PURPOSES •••• 21 2.6 LARVAL DEVELOI)~fENTAL FORMS •••••.•••••••••••••• 2S 2.7 LARVAL REAfUNG AND FACTORS AFFECTING DEVELOP· r.tENT ......•..••••.•.•.....••.•.•...........•.•.••• 28 2.8 POST·LARVAL REARING . 36 2.9 DISEASES AND OTHER FACTOltS AFFECTING SURVIVAL OF PRAWNS IN CULTURESYSTEMS . 41 2.1 0 SU~I~IARY ••••••••••••..•••••••••••••.••••.••••••••• 48 CHAPTER TIIREE MATERIALS AND METHODS . 52 3.1 INFRASfRucrulm ..................................• 52 3.2 INVESTIGATION INTO TilEUSE OF SOLAR ENERGY AS A SOURCE OF IIEAT FOR CULTURE WATER . 55 3.3 ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF WATER CONDITIONS •• 56 3.4 LARVAL REARING FACilITIES . 59 3.5' HOLDING FACILITIES FOR BREEDING STOCK •••••••••••• 65 3.6 1I0LDlNG FACILITIES FOR POST-LARVAE . 69 3.7 COLLECTION AND MANAGEMENT OF ADULTS FOR BREEDING PURPOSES •......••..•.•.•....••.....••••• 69 3.8 PRELIMINARY STUDY OFLARVAL DEVELOPMENTAL FORAfS .......• ...............•..............••••••• 12 3.9 LARVAL REARING PROCEDURES AND MANAGEMENT PAACflCES •.•.•..............••.•............••••••• 7S 3.10 INVESTIGATION OF TIlE SALINITY PREFERENCES OF TilE EARLY LARVAL FORMS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 82 3.1t POS'f·LARVAL REARING ............................•• 88 I, Paso 3.12 TREATMENT OF DiSEASES . 91 3.13 SU~IAIARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 92 CHAPTER FOUR ItESU LTS .............•.................................••.. 9S 4.1 PJlYSICQ.CHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF WATER QUALITY •• 9S 4.2 COLLECTION AND IDENTIFICATION OF TilE INDIGENOUS SPECIES ....•••••.•.......•.....•...........•••••••• 103 4.3 POTENTIAL OF SOLAR ENERGY AS A SOURCE OF HEAT FOR CULTURE \YATElt ..........................•...•. 106 4.4 SURVIVAL AND REPRODUCTION OF TilE ADULTS UNDER LADORATOny CONDITIONS . 106 4.5 LAIWAL REARING PROGRAMME ••••••••••••••••••••••• 113 4.6 POST·LAnvAL REARING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 140 4.7 TREATMENT OF DISEASES . 142 4.8 SU~Ir.fARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 144 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION ......•••.••••.•........•••...•.•......•••••••••• 146 LITERATURE CITED .....•.................•...........•••.••• 166 j ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS J would like to take this opportunity toexpressmy gratitude to the (ollowing people and lnstltutions, without whose aid this study would not have been completed. • Prof(ssor 11.1. Schoonbee for acceptingme liSa candidate (or this study and for his support and encouragement over the course of the project. • Dr J.T. Ferreira (or his sound, practical advice, when most needed. • The C.S.I.R.and the Rand Afrikaans University for financial support. • The Department of Zoology at the Rand Afrlkallns University and especially Dr J.G. van As, his postgraduate students andMr T.Brockman. (or their assistance. • Dr K.M. Calgcr and the staffof the Deportment of Zoology at the University of Zululand for their valuable assistance In thecollcction of wild prawns. • Professor L.B. lIolthuls (Lelden, Netherlands), forhis co-operation in ldentl­ fying the indigenous species. • Md. llesp and Mr J. Dell, for the development of anelectronic temperature control unit. • Dr V.Hamilton·Atwell for the preparation of material for electron microscope studies. • Marilyn Kohli, Sharon Cort, Dee Wingate and Richard Benjamin (or their help inrounding the manuscript off. • Mrs L. Lamblsnon for her assisttnce in the coUeclion of prawns from the Limpopo river. • Mrs GJ. Best, for her patience in typing thismanuscript. • Mr W. Makhura (or hiJ assistlnce during the course of theproject. u SUMMARY • LDboralory scale hatcherylacllllies were developed. lesled and usedlor breeding and rearlng/lve lndtgenous Macrobrachfum species aswell as Ihe glanl Malaysian prawn, M. rosenbergll. Tire culture systems chosen comprised closed water re­ circulation systems employinggravel biological fllters lor water purtflcation, and synll,ellc sea salts were usedlor prt:parl"g a brackish water culture mediumlor larval rearing. • Analysis 01culture water lromholding and rearlng systems Indicaled that thes« culture systems generall)' provided satisfactorycondttion: ofwater qualll)'. • An Invesllgallon into the use 01solar energylor heall"g culture water was con­ ducted. Results Indicated Ihat th« apparatus used could easily be tncorporated into Ihe infrastructure 01 a hatchery. sttuated In aregion expertenctns dry sunny wlntm, 10 provide an additional source01 energy lor hcatlng culture water. • Wild praw"s were collecteda"dmaintalnedIn thelaboratory 10 supply larvae lor arcarl"g programme. Thes« survived and reproduced In the laboratory, but with decreasing survivaland fecundity overa period01time lor certain 01the species. This appeared 10 be the result 01aggressive Interactions andpossibly Inadequale nuttitlon: • Adult:01the Indigenous species were identifled IIslng available literalure bUI wert onlypositively identtfled 01alaler stage by Proieuor L.B. Holthuts, (Letden, Netherlands) 10 whom examples were sent. • Jnlllal attempts01 rearing Ihe larvae 01lireIndigenous species were unsuccessful, with poor survival and development resultingfrom lowsalintties. However, during Ihts period M. rosenbcrgil andM. rude larvae were reared successfully 10 pOSI· larvallorm. • Experiments were conducted 10eSlabliJh th« salinUI prelerences 01tht early larvallorms olll,e IndlgmouJ species. TI,e resulls ollheseexpertment« sl,owed Ihallhe early larvalforms require salinities ofmore Ihan 8SO100 lor survival anddevelopment. ill -, • Followlllg the solitr/ty experiments, larvae wer« ,eD1ed In large numbers at Increased sal/nlty levels. with tilt StlueJJ/1I1 completion ollan'al developmenr In three o/theIn­ dlgenolls species. lIowtvtf,ln twoolt"tse speclts.percentage sun/val topost· IOn'al/onn WQS low and devtlopment exttnded over 0 Ion,period oltlme. •A ",ellmlnar)' study o/the mo,pllOloglcal development 01larvae o/tlre Indigenous species WQJ conducted. ReJu11J Stlggesud t"at the morpllologlcal development 01 IQn'ae /0110 wedslmllar pomms as for other Macrobrllchlum species. '. SAM EVATflNG • Labonuonum ondersoek Is ultgevotT na teelt!as/llleite vir v)'llnhumse Macrobrachium spestes, sowei as virdie reuse Maltlsleue gamaat, t-bcrobrachium rosenbergll. Die kultuursisteme waarop beslultIs. "el bestaan ult geslole waler­ hmlrkuleringslsleme. walUl)'det/s gebmlk gem4Qk Is van 'n bl%Ariese ,nils /llttr vir sulwtringsdoelelndes. SlnletltSe seesout ts gebrnlk am brakwater kultuurmedla ' vir die ullbroel van lanves tulll temaak. • At/aUtst van die water waarln dlt volwasse garnalt aangtJrou Is, sowel as vir die ultbroelslsreme, toon aan dot dlt waterkwalltell van hltrdle betrokke sutem« oar die ulgemttn goed gebly her. • 'n Ondmoek na die gebrulk van so"lIgencrgle In die mllltling ).'an die wattr waorlt/ c/lt gamale aangehouts, dill daarop dar Mtrdle betrokke stelsel nu/tlg tn­ gtslult kan word In die infrastruktuur as bykomsllge bron van en ergle, veral gt· durend« die wolketose wlntermaande In die blnntland • Wildt gamale Is versamelen aa"gelrou onderlaboratctlum toestande virdi« voor­ slenlng van larwes lye/ens die teeltprogram. 'n Groor penentaste hlervan heldie lomande oorleef en oak voortgeplant In dte labomtotium, maar In di« gtval van 'sommlge spesles het gamalebegin afsterfoar 'n perlode van tyd, war oak gepaard. gegaan helmel 'n a/name II/ voortplantlng. Faktor« "'01 hler 'n rolgcspeeillelis gerdtllli/isur as aggresstew« tnterakste: mer 'n gebrtk aan die korrekte votdsel as 'nmoontlik« bykomstige !aklor. • Volwasst eksemplare van die lnheemse gamaaaoorte wat gebmlk Is, Isaanvankllk gerdtllli/iseer mel behulp l'an beskikbare ltteratuur. Vir bevesllgende Idenllfisering Iseksemptar« van a/ die sptsltsaan Professor L.B. /lollhuls. (Letden, NedtrlandJ, gesluur, wat 'n outoritelt oplIlerdle gebled Is. • Aunvankllke poglngs am larwts van die Inheemse spesles grool te ntQQk deur 01 hulle onlwlkkclingSladlums was onsuksesvol, groolllks as ge).'olg van It lae sallnl·
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