/ ' I - ' ■ ] ' ; - ’ ■' ' ■■ ''' '■ . ' • '' ' : PAGE EIGHTEEN i®aurl)p0trr lEuptiittg tSpralb WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27vl967 Pupils at Lincoln ‘‘Are we really grateful for the Parade Opens Christmas Season at 6:30 Tonight: Stores Open to 9 About Town | JVo Herald Scientists Slate | good already received ? Then we | Observe Holiday shall avail ourselves of the bless-1 Average Daily Net Pi-ess Run Manchester Auxiliary Police Tomorrow Holiday Service ings we have, and thus be fitted to ! will meet tomorrow, morning at receive more. Gratitude “is much I F or the W eek F.ndert TV'o special T hanksgiving ss- more than a verbal expression of ' Atlantic Service Station November 23, 19,57 The Weather 9:30 at Police Headquarters for The .Maiiche.ster Evening "Thank.sgiving' will he the siib- Foreeait of D. 8. WMther BnrMm semblic.s were held yesterday at J,ect qf the Lesson Sermon for thank.*. Action e.xpre.*ses m ore i assignment at the Thanksgiving the Lincoln School, one in the Day road race. They will also meet Herald will not publish to­ Thanksgiving Day at 11 a m, at gratitude than speech." Friday night at 6 o'clock at head­ morrow. Thank.sgiving Day. morning for primary grades and the First Church of Christ, Scien­ 12,692 Partly rioudy, cooler tonight and one in the afternoon for intermedi­ tist, in the Masonic Temple. For Lease Member of the Audit Saturday, Increasing elondineas quarters prior to taking part in the ate grades. Christmas parade on Main St. Biireati of Circulation A panel disi iisslon on a "A Ahbiit 200 parents and friends Tht Golden Text is from Psalms RANGE Sattirday arternonn. I.a*w tonight Satisfying Ijitcr I.ife. ' the final enjoyed the afternoon program. 150:141; "Offer unto God thanks­ IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF Manchester— A City of Village Charm 40. High Saturday about #0. A Joint meeting of s f Bridget's. meeting in the .series "Making the Mrs Helen Hardaere coordinated giving; and pay thy vows unto the St. James, and Church of the As­ Most of Your life. " will be held on the program for all grades. Open­ most High." FUEL OIL MANCHESTER PARKADE sumption CYO's was held last Dec 6 from 10:30 a m to 2:30 p.m. ing remarks were made by Diane Selections from the Bible include VOL. LXXVII. NO. 51 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) night in St. James School, at MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1957 at the Hartford YWCA on Ann Zilltovitch for primarv grades the following: ".Make a joyful g a s o l i n e (Classified Advcrtliing on Pag* 2S) PRICE FIVE CENTa which final organisAtlonal plans St. The series has been presented and by Donald Hartzog for Inter­ noise unto the Lorfl. all ye lands. for the CYO's Annual Snowball by the Sendee Bureau for, Wo­ mediate grades. Sharon Goortstine Enter into his gates with Tlianks- AVAILABLE NOW were completed, with the patrons men's Organization,* 0,16 Main .St.. led the pledge of allegiance to the glvlng. and into his courts with committee receiving its assign­ Hartford, and reservation.* for this j flag in the morning and Doreen praise: be tHankful unto him, and BANTLY OIL FOR INFORMATION CALL ments. Dancing to recorded music meeting insv be made with tlie President Rebounds ^ and it Lauds Golas in the afternoon. (Jlosing re­ bless His name" (Psalms 100:1.41. I GMP \A V , IV, followed the meeting, bureau. marks for the intermediate g'roup Correlative passages from the Mitchell 9-8225 DAYS I were made by Maiiri.-e Adam and Christian Science textbook. "Sci­ i 'l '1 \!N '-11(1:1.1 P ol icem an as Oorpa Cadets will meet at the I.orrslne Cormier. Jeanne by Isis Purvis for the primarv- ence and Health with Kev to the TEL, Mitchell 9-4595 or Mitchell 9-6826 EVENINGS Salvation Army Citadel this eve­ Jaeobs. Ann Harrington and group. ! I Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, From Stroke, Heads ning at 6:30 with Mrs. Peter .Ste­ Jeanne Kerrigan. Manchester CYO The program (on.sisted of songs include the following (p.3:22-26l: ‘Bravest Man’i Force Shifts Missiles KOCKVILLE TR 5-3271 venson. members will appear aa guests of rendered {ly each grade The kin­ Ralph Kanns on Digest TV pro­ dergarten rhildren partieipated in Hartford, Nov, 29 (-75- Policeman j gram Channel .30. Friday, at 9 "I.^t's Play We're Indian.* " and Major John Pickup of the Butterworth Photo! T o Gettysburg F arm Nichola* P. Skripol can look ahead Salvation Army announces a a m in eonneetlon with the CTO "Prayer to the Rain Gods ' Indi­ C«aI1 Marie Liiltev Thanksgiving service at the annual Snowball. viduals who had parts In the pro­ to an official convnendatinn for hi* I Citadel tomorrow morning at 9:.m gram ineliided David Forbes, who .Mr and .Mrs. W alter F. I-ailey. bare-handed capture of an armed Sr. Captain Eric Jackson of the Manchester Grange will seal Us recited "The First Thanksgiving" ’ 24 Harvard Rd . announce the en- Gettysburg, Pa„ Nov. 2 9 ‘ Perfectly nil right for him to make ex-convict last nightr ! and Carol Smith, who read "Psalm I gagement of their daughter. Gall Hartford headquarters will he the new officers Wednesday, Dee. i. in (/P) — President Ei.senhower 'fc-eihry J*mes He came within inches of death special speaker. The Band and JOO ' ! .Marie, to R ichard S. Zavarella. son I Programs to SAC Control Orange Hall. The Installation will came to his farm home hcre^ Hagciiy ,*aid. of Mr and Mrs. Savin Zavarella. Only D O W N when How ard T. M aUhcaon, 30, ' Songsters will provide music. take place at 8:30 p m. \ I 12G N. Lakewood Circle. 1 shouting 'No cop 1* going to take May f,r l„sl » wy.ko.d; ...X tjr r ir i.r S'ivhJ: me" fired a shot from a revolver S i . .lam ps I,a<lips I .Ml.ss Lalley is a senior at Man­ of quiet recuperation from. House ,U 10 42 a m. on the 80- chester High School. Her fiance is' at point blank range at the charg­ the mild .slroke he suffered ' mile drive. ing policeman. • employed by his father at the Pilot t i r e s Sonic 150 to 200 per-sona wailed Hold VJ hist P arlv Co . East Hartford Monday. The SO-mile auto­ Later, at police headquartera. mobile trip from Washington! near a White House gate to watch Matthe.son. who told police he ha* A June wedding is being gets rid of skid! the Risenhowpr.s leave. Air Research Group planned. served .several sentence* in cor­ A militarv' whi.*t party was held 5vas itself a new demonstra-| The President smiled and ntxided by the Ladle.* of St Jam es M on­ rectional institutions, told Skripol tion of rapid recovery prog-j to the onlookers. “5’ou are the bravest man I ever day evening In St. James School re.ss. Mrs Hi.senhower. .allting with Hall Jol) Claim.s Ri.sc LIFETIME GUARANTEE m et." her hu.«band in the big White As the two men wrestled. Mat- Loses Responsibility A capacity crowd was directed Hoii.ae car. also .smiled a t those In playing by Mr. and .Mrs. 'j. Fd- . For SppoikI Week Ask us about it! NN’ashington, Nov. 20 (/P)— ' thoson smashed the aix inch bar- ELECTRIC ward McKeever Prizes were Prc.aiflent Eisenhower .set out! tid e n iia i a.Tto wa.* foi- lel of the revolver five time* on awarded to the winning table and by automobile today for a the policenian'a skiiil. They rolled I ()mahR, Nov. 29 i/P)—-Slratejfic Air Command officials hud* For the second week in a' row. lowed bv a Secret Sorvice car and to the low acore table. weekend or more, 'at Ills another White House limousine to the pavement as the grim strug­ died today over the ramifications of an announcement that . HAIR DRYER . Mrs. Simone Zolio and her com­ unemployment in Manche.ster gle for possession of the weapon showed a rise o\-er the previous Penn.^ylvania farm in a .strik- carrying .MaJ, (len. Howard .\1, to SAC*" transferred its ballistic missile programs mittee served refreshments. Snyder. White House phy.sioian, continued. Blood streamed down week according to ligurcs released o f The proceeds of the affair will in>r new demonstration and some staff members. over the policeman’* face. I l u l be used for the berefit of the St : today by the Connecticut Labor De- It came to an abrupt halt when ! A headquarters spoke.sman at SAC pointed out that more |pnrlment. , speedy recovery from his mild Eight or nine other cais swung James School Building, Fund stroke. in behind tho three as the caval­ a bystander,'Walter Starkowski. ' than a year ago SAC organized missiles divisions in all its Tm Smr I The total of unemployed for the 32. stepped in with a rolled um­ I area ro.se 4 2 per cent during the The Chief Executive, piling the cade left the White House gale. directorates and has been steadily making plans for this I week ending Nov. 23. move on lop of yesterday’s burst Kisenhower wore a lUSt colored brella and knocked the gun out of development. of arti\ity which included surprise Jacket and tan .slack.s. He removed Mattheson's hand. Initial claims for Mancheatqr Det. Capt. William F. McCiie , ro.se slightly from 112 to 119, while attendance at a Thank^iving; his h -l Just before the cai- reached church service, went with full ap­ the gate, having .spotted the crowd gave the following account of the Wasliington, Nov.
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