Radio Science,Volume 31, Number 3, Pages645-653, May-June 1996 Multiple polar cap arcs: Akebono (Exos D) observations T. Obara, T. Mukai, H. Hayakawa, K. Tsuruda, A. Matsuoka, and A. Nishida Institute of Spaceand AstronauticalScience, Kanagawa, Japan H. Fukunishi Department of Geophysicsand Astrophysics,Tohoku University,Sendai, Japan Center for Atmosphericand SpaceSciences, Utah State University,Logan Abstract. Akebono (Exos D) observationsdemonstrate that polar cap arcssometimes have a fine structure,that is, multiple (doubleor triple) arcswith spacingof a few tens of kilometers.The multiplepolar cap arcsare dominantlyobserved in the nightsidepolar cap region, suggestingthat low backgroundconductance favors the appearanceof the structuredarcs. A relationshipbetween the spacingand the averageenergy of the precipitatingelectrons is investigated.Results show that a higher energyleads to a wider spacing.Akebono observationsalso showthe existenceof a downwardcurrent region embeddedbetween upward current regions (arcs). Comparison of the observationswith resultsfrom a coupledmagnetosphere-ionosphere Sun-aligned arc model is made, which showsgood qualitativeagreement between the modelingand observationalresults on the spacing-energydependence and the effect of backgroundionospheric conductance. Introduction dawn-to-duskcomponent of the electric field is the major contributorto the negativedivE. These results The electronsreaching low altitudes in the polar suggestthat localized electron precipitation in the cap region were categorized as "polar rain" and polar cap region shouldbe Sun-alignedand that the "polar shower"by Winninghamand Heikkila [1974]. satellitetraversed a Sun-alignedarc structure[Obara Polar rain is a relativelyuniform flux of electronsthat et al., 1996]. The polar cap arc sometimeshas an is enhancedduring southwardinterplanetary mag- internal structure,that is, multiple (double or triple) netic field (IMF) conditions[Mizera and Fennell, 1978].A polar showeris a spatiallylimited (localized) arcswith spacingof a few tens of kilometers[Zhu et and more intense electron flux [Winninghamand al., 1994]. Recently, multiple polar cap arcs have attracted much interest because of the connection Heikkila, 1974] that is enhanced during northward IMF conditions[Hardy, 1984]. Polar showerswith between multiple features and the magnetosphere- very high downward fluxes have been identified as ionosphere(M-I) couplingprocesses. Such a feature, polar cap arcs.In the past decademany observations that is, bifurcationof the polar cap arc, was theoret- focusedon the measurementsof the electrodynamical ically predicted by a time-dependentM-I coupling signaturesof the polar cap arcs [Burkeet al., 1982; model of polar cap arc [Zhu et al., 1993; Sojka et al., Carlson et al., 1988; Weberet al., 1989; Valladaresand 1994]. The model calculationproduced some inter- Carlson,1991; Obara et al., 1993]. These studieshave estingresults, including a short timescalefor the arc shownthat a large velocityshear was associatedwith formation,cross-arc plasma transport, local closure of the very intense electron precipitation. From the the arc currents, and a tendencyfor a single arc to Akebono satellite observations,Obara et al. [1996] split into multiple structures[Zhu et al., 1993]. found that (1) mostof the intenseelectron precipita- Akebono(Exos D) is a polar-orbitingsatellite that tion was seen in a dive < 0 region, and (2) the performshigh-resolution measurements of both par- ticle precipitationand electricfields. This providesus a unique observationaltool for the study of the Copyright1996 by the AmericanGeophysical Union. electrodynamicsof multiple polar cap arcs. It also Paper number 96RS00435. complements the ongoing ground-basedobserva- 0048-6604/96/96RS-00435511.00 tional and theoreticalstudies of the multiplearcs. The 645 646 OBARA ET AL.' MULTIPLE POLAR CAP ARCS EXOS-D LEP Dec.26,'89 I0-60Down 60-120 Perp. 4 120-180 Up 4 0-60 Down 60-120 Perp. 12½180 Up I UT 02:20 02:30 02:40 02:50 03:00 03:10 MLAT 66.8 82.9 83.6 76.5 70.8 66.3 MLT 15.7 17.3 0.7 2.1 2.5 2.7 ALT 3163.2 4776.0 6220.0 7440.6 8424.6 9172.0 Figure 1. Akebono energy-timediagrams for electrons(top three panels)and for ions (bottom three panels)sorted by the pitch angles.Energy range is from 10 to 16 keV for both species,and the energy is logarithmicallyscaled in the vertical axis. Orbital parametersare given in the bottom of the figure. MLAT, MLT, and ALT correspondto magneticlatitude, magnetic local time, and altitude,respectively. Bifurcated electron precipitationfluxes are observedat around 0234 UT. Observationwas made on December 26, 1989. purposeof this paper is to presentAkebono observa- 10,500 km, perigee of 270 km, and initial inclination tionsof multiple polar cap arcsand to comparethem of 75.1 ø. The Exos D satellite was renamed "Ake- qualitativelywith the theoreticalpredictions of Zhu et bono," meaning daybreak,after launch. On this sat- al.'s [1993] M-I couplingmodel of polar cap arcs.As ellite, eight scientificinstruments were installed. We demonstratedby Zhu et al. [1993], the ionosphere will useparticle data [Mukai et al., 1990], electricfield playsan importantrole in the formationof polar cap data [Hayakawaet al., 1990], and magneticfield data arcs,the appearanceof multiple arcs,and the spacing [Fukunishiet al., 1990] to investigatethe fine electro- of multiple arcs. There are still many theoretical dynamicalstructure of polar cap arcs. issuesassociated with the polar cap arc phenomena Figure 1 showsan exampleof a bifurcatedelectron remaining to be answered,and theoretical modeling precipitationin the polar cap region. The top panel will be very essentialfor further understandingof the displaysthe electronspectra for pitch angleranges of physicsof polar cap arcs.In thispaper we focuson the 00-60ø (precipitation),60ø-120 ø (perpendicular),and electrodynamicalfeatures of multiple polar cap arcs 120ø-180ø (upward), and it is followed by the ion with variousspacing and comparethe in situ obser- spectra for the same ranges of pitch angles. The vationsfrom Akebono (Exos D) with model predic- energy is logarithmicallyscaled in the vertical axis, tions in a qualitativefashion. covering an energy range from 10 eV to 16 keV for both species.At around0234 UT we can seespatially Akebono Observation of the Multiple bifurcated electron precipitation.The split is very Structure of Polar Cap Arcs clear in the peakswith respectto the energy.On the The Exos D satellitewas launchedfrom Japan on contrary, we can hardly see the separation in the February22, 1989, into an orbit with initial apogeeof low-energy(-100 eV) portion,which is essentialfor OBARA ET AL.: MULTIPLE POLAR CAP ARCS 647 the definition of the bifurcation, since the single arc (A) 12h likely splits into two structures.The spacingin this caseis about 70 km with respectto the dawn-to-dusk direction.This spacinghas been determinedby map- ping the precipitation down to 120 km. The optical signatureat 630.0-nm emissionshould be seen near 18h , 6h 250 km altitude. The reasonwhy we chosean altitude of 120 km is for comparisonwith the theoreticalwork of Zhu et al. [1993]. In the model calculation [Zhu et al., 1993] the ionospherewas treated as a two- dimensionalslab with an integratedconductivity. The maximum of the altitude-dependentPedersen con- (B) 12h ductivityis most likely locatednear 120 km, sincethe E layer conductivity is greater than the modestly increasedF layer conductivity,and the field-aligned currentsare stronglyconnected to the Pedersencon- ductivityincrease at that altitude. Zhu et al. [1994] 18h ;h showed the images of polar cap arcs with spacing taken from the Qaanaaq station in Greenland. They named polar cap arcswith narrow spacingas "multi- ple arcs." Though we do not have simultaneous images,it is likely that Akebono traversedmultiple Oh polar cap arcs. We hereafter refer to the bifurcated (c) electronprecipitations observed by Akebono as"mul- 7 tiple polar cap arcs." 6 By usingabout 100 passesduring the period from November 1989 to April 1990 we surveyedthe mul- • 4 tiple structureof the polar cap precipitation.In total we found 19 cases.In general, we could see several • 3 polar cap arcsin one pass.The occurrenceprobability 2 of the multiple structurewas about a few percent. Figure 2 demonstratesthe distributionof spacingof the multiplepolar cap arcs,ranging from 30 to 100 km 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 with a center value of 70 km. Exact locations where SZA (deg.) the multiple polar cap precipitationswere observed Figure 3. (a) Distributionof multiple polar cap precipita- are plotted on the polar map (see Figure 3a). It is tion locationsshowing that most of the multiple polar cap interestingto see that all the polar cap precipitations precipitationevents were observedin the nightsideregion. (b) Coveragearea of Akebonomeasurement in the polar cap.(c) Distributionof solarzenith angle (SZA) at the locationswhere the multiplepolar cap precipitationevents were observed. 5 with the multiple structures were located in the nightsideportion. Figure 3b givesthe coveragearea a, 2 of the satellitemeasurements, showing that there was complete coverageover the entire polar cap region, 1 both dayside and nightside,but that multiple polar 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 cap arcswere only observedon the nightside.We also Spacing (km) plotted the solar zenith angle for the multiple polar Figure 2. Distribution of arc spacingobserved by Ake- cap precipitationsin Figure 3c. These resultssuggest bono satellite.Spacing is
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