ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRST ROBB IA AV 1 ENUE Gifford 1 CAMPUS PARKING & SHUTTLE Arboretu m 102 1-109 URBINO 107 Blue Purple Parking Meters Miller Circle Route SPEE D 106 LIMI T AV 1300 Camp o Sano ENUE Green Red Pay Station Stanford Shuttle Route 15 . M . P. H . Knight Physic s DR 2 AN Building ER 2 CO E WILD Grey White Coral Gables Street Shuttle Stop NA IV Unless C AV DR 101 Gautie r A Parking O 104 Plaz a M otherwise ENUE Cox P Annex O Pink Yellow Crosswalk posted McArthur S AMAR A 1-109A N BA N 105 Addition Zip Car E O L RA SA A C Cox V R CO Brown Burgundy Fence line I Colleg e of EN C A Science U A AV E R Building Engineerin g Evening Gate B EN Unga r M UE Building McArthur Engineerin g Restricted Visitor (locked 11:30 p.m. to 6 a.m.) Pedestrian Access A T Gate H RIL 2-109B 3 L Hous e Building 3 A LO Dool y 2-109A Saint Augustine MILLE AV 201A Lot A Pick-up and Drop Off Catholic Church ENUE Memorial RIVE R Classroo m D RO G McLa more Building N ZU AD SchoolSchoo l of LE B MEMORIA L DRIV E Plaz a TA Nur sing and Park only in designated spaces (enforced 24 hours a day.) UM parking permit required Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., AV Healt h Studie s C School of Law BRUNSO ONSOL 202 203 Colleg e of except purple lots, which are enforced 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Blue lots are for residents and are enforced 24/7. ENUE D C 204 Arts and Schwar tz Note: Future changes to lots and parking structures are anticipated; parking in these areas may be unavailable due to construction. AT Sciences 209A A AV A Richte r Ashe Center for Nur sing 504 201 Administ rati on and Health Studie s E E Libr ary 4 Smoking is prohibited throughout the Coral Gables campus. NUE Building Allen 4 504A MILL F Hall 1 ER Simulation 50 Fros t Music Studio s Foster Fros t Music Studio s DRIV Doctors Hospi tal/ IVE Graduate Hospit al DR Sout h Building North Herman Baptis t Health RO E 202A Schoo l Sout h Florid a MA Ring Theatr e MA DE A Messinge r N Percussion Buildin g UV-A TA A Gusman LG S Music Exec. Foote Internationa l School of E RO Volpe Concer t U AD Buildin g 212 Univer sity Gree n AV O AV Weeks Musi c Building Building Commun icatio n N Lot A Quadrangle Building Hall 209B E EN V ENUE 214 A UV-3 CO Univ ersi ty Villag e UE Rehearsa l Center Frost Sc hool of Music Ferr é Whitten RNICHE Townhouses Wolfso n O 5 Intramural Field Stanford Shalal a Studen t Building Learning Building N 5 A Reside ntia l S AV UV-B Music Center Center I Colleg e Weeks 215 P ENUE Administ rati on Feldenkrei s Common s Building Music Libr ary Plaz a Centre x 6230 SW 57 Avenue UV-C Walsh and Technology Studen t Center Comple x Building UV-4 UV-2 Tower Weeks Center Center School of Education for Recordin g and Human Development University Village 506 and Performanc e Whitten Merric k 210 209C AL Alph a Sigma Phi Univ ersi ty Building BENG Hecht -Stanf ord Rosborou gh Labyrint h Univ ersi ty Albeng a Garag e Intr amur al Lakeside Center Merrit t Panhel leni c Univ ersi ty Buildin g Dining Hall Tower Villag e A AV Schi ff Patio Stage Jenkin s Scha rlin Building 474 CO E Credit Unio n Cobb Building Family Patio 6 ENUE Tennis Hous e Y DRIV 6 E LLE School of UV-7 Schi ff Founta in Lake Osceola 2 UV-5 446B 301 30 DRIV Sc Tennis Center GE Busines s UNIVERSIT E UV-1 hw Aresesttyy BuildingBuildin g DRIV Administ rati on AG ar McDonald tz Tower VILL LIGURIA Pi Kapp a Wa E Phi lk Herbe rt Fate wa Bridge Cesarano 300 AV 721 Wellnes s Archit ecture Eato n bridge University Village UV-6 y Plaz a ENUE 604A Hecht Center 48 Resi dential closed Epstei n/ Kosar Athletic Pentland Stubblefield Scodella Garag e E Colleg e Facult y Building SC Zeta Beta Lambda Knight Center Schwartz Center Tower Archit ecture Building Beha vior al OD Tau DRIV 4 49 Medicine West 475 EL Chi Alph a Spor ts for Athletic 446A Hecht 7 LA 60 Comp lex Excelle nce 303 Building Laborato ry 7 BRESCI Kearns Reside ntia l Modular B ) 1551 718 AV Sigma Alpha Schoo l of Archit ecture 309A Scho ol EN Sports Colleg e NUE Epsilo n NE A AV Brescia U Common s VE E CA Hall of A Pick 717 Perez 450 Lowe Modular A E. Hall Fame Pentlan d Architec ture Art Muse um HURRI House 435 DICK W 57 714 Casa Center INSON (S Alph a LaGorce DR 309 Soffer Football Bacardi Epsilo n Pi ST AD 4 House 1552 Cobb Stadium Indoor Practice ANFOR RO 60 Walkway & 434N Miller Murph y Counse ling 304A D Bresci a Facilicility Footbridge Design Studio 319 320 RE (Under Construc tion ) BuildLab Center 716 closed (Under Construction) Mahoney -Pearson Student D Dining Hall Studio Arts Lau Foun ders Housing DRIV 8 Hall Sigma H100 310 8 Buildin g Chi 446 444 Villag e ET E 306 Wesley D (Under Construction) Mahoney R 711 Foundatio n T Watsco Cente r STRE 304B A Field house 444 Resid ential E D E V 702 A E A Colleg e R 1535 Levant e L Greentre e Pavia VI T RO MerricM k S U Avenue Practice Field s UHealt h Centra l O Newman Alumni PA Orovitz CE O B Center Ener gy Plan t VI Garage Baptist 304 304C L Bui lding L Garage A ER Maho ney- Pearson I 715 S Christia n D 705B 1 443 Minist ry R Commons A 431 Science A 60 C N 705 A 705D R 9 Ligh t Field WALSH AVENUE WALSH AV ENUE G 9 LEVANTE AV ENUE E UM Polic e T LEVANTE E Episco pal 321 V AVE. I E Gate 305 E The Lennar E R Cente r Rainbow R House 701 D 608 Pearso n Foundation T DRIV Cant erbury R. S O ENUE Build ing DRIV 307 Reside ntial Mahoney -Pearson D Plumer Medica l Center N R Ponce de Leo n Hous e K A 425S 425N D Building C Colleg e I R Toppel 308A M Garage A AV R Garage OR A Braman Miller R Car eer Center UE McKnight Fraser F E GU N Rodriguez Baseba ll Cente r Buildin g DA M A AN DICKINSO SA 700 S Park Building (Hille l) Flipse ST 308B Bui lding 10 LE 10 PONCE DE LEON BOUL EVARD RON FR ASER WAY PONCE DE LEON BOUL EVARD PONCE DE LEON BOUL EVARD CIRC 43 42 A Gables One Parking BR Metr orail/ Univ ersi ty Station ALHAM US-1 ( SOU TH DIXIE HIGH WAY) US-1 (SOUTH DIXI E HIGH WAY) US-1 (S OUTH DIXI E HIGH WAY) S. 11 Visito r 11 Ent ranc e . Pedestrian D Bridge T V ET ET L Gables One Tower UR B O CO STRE STRE R ET E A L IN L R O OS STRE A A B TU A C ARIP Copyright ©2017, GUST University of M iami. M YNAD AU MA ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRST ON-CAMPUS SHUTTLES Parking Garages Campus Parking Hurry ’Canes Shuttle Service Miller Circle and Stanford Routes Stanford Route Miller Circle Route Mahoney-Pearson Garage Fall and Spring Schedule Monday - Friday (Blue and green permit holders only) .............. Q-9 Permit Parking (Students, Faculty, and Staff) The shuttle is available without charge to all University (Regular Class Day Service) 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Stanford Circle Miller Circle Pavia Garage students, faculty, and staff and serves major areas of the Safe Ride 305-298-6128 Monday - Friday All vehicles regularly parked on the Coral Gables campus (Pink permit holders and visitors) ................. N-8 University as well as the University Metrorail station, 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. must be registered with the UM Parking and Transportation Rosenstiel campus, and area retail locations on the week- office and have a current, valid, and appropriate University Merrick Garage Metrorail Saint Augustine / ends. It facilitates the use of perimeter parking lots and Summer Schedule Monday - Friday University Station of Miami parking permit tag displayed. (Brown permit holders and visitors) ............... M-8 provides a convenient means of traveling around campus (Regular Class Day Service) 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Frost School of Music Colors identify parking lots on campus. Park vehicles in des- Ponce de Leon Garage without using a personal vehicle. The shuttles run every seven to nine minutes during class days and every 15 to 20 ignated spaces within lots where the entrance signage in- (For Lennar Foundation Medical Center OFF-CAMPUS SHUTTLES Hecht Athletic Center / patients and staff only) ......................... F-9 minutes all other times. Ponce de Leon 17 cludes the color designator printed on your parking permit. Parking Garage University Village The complete Parking and Transportation Rules and Regula- University Village Albenga Garage The Hurry ’Canes Shuttle does not operate on University of Rosenstiel Shuttle CORAL Miami designated holidays.
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