Name Who is your favorite cartoon character and why? Aaron Sinicki Road runner Aaron Williams Daffy Duck because he is funny Abagail Maziarz sponge bob Abby Sysak Spongebob because he was my childhood I grew up watching him and he’s funny Abigail Deasy spongebob Abigail Gales donald duck Adam Reyes Todoroki because he looks cool and acts cool Adante Berrien Ferb because he’s so quiet Ainsley Smith Spongebob because he’s funny Alex Reick Johney test Alexa Malloy Scooby Doo. He’s cool Alexander Fuchs Spongebob, I used to watch him the most. Alexander Petrak Bugs bunny. He’s funny Alexis Zurbola spongebob Alysha Cutri Sponge Bob maybe, but I don’t really have a reason, I just like the show. Alyssa Jozefowicz Spongebob Alyssa Jozefowicz Spongebob Amber Cross Wile E. Coyote because he is funny Andrew Jones tom he is cat Anessa Preteroti Spongebob because he brings back memories Angela Coyne mickey he’s smart Annaliese Mertz Tom and Jerry Annie Colantonio Mulan because she’s my favorite Disney Princess Anthony Cicchino Dipper from Gravity Falls because that was my favorite show Anthony Porco spongebob Antonio Battista Squidward Antonio Cirilli Sherk bc I look like him Bailey White Spongebob Bradon Logan Family guy, it’s funny Brady Zarnick SpongeBob Braehm Brown spongebob Brendan Greco SpongeBob: Honestly, the show defined my childhood. Brennan Hipkiss Aang because he’s cool Briana Tambellini spongebob bc he’s a classic Brody Ellis spongebob Brogan Victor Dodgy because she bubbly and forgets A lot like me Bryce Hinkle Spongebob because I have watched that show since I was really young Cameron Ropchock Didn’t have on growing up, I like then all the same Carmen Worrall Sponge bob. The memes Carolyn Bigley anyone from gravity falls!! (it’s just the best show ever>>) :D Cecilia Sciullo mickey Charles Colantonio Phi ears and Ferb because I watched that show all the time, Chloe Butler Spongebob because my younger siblings have it on so it started to to affect on me Christian Andrews Spongebob. He is greatest Clara Lucas cinderella because she’s pretty Cody Smida Spongebob he is funny Connor Jacobs Spongebob Davan Holler Scooby-doo because I can relate Dominic Elliott Red Robin Teen Titans Go Dylan Schuerholz Tom. He’s a cool cat. Eliza Bell Mr Crabs, he’s funny Elizabeth Hitchings Hello kitty because she is ver cute Elizabeth Volz Patrick Emily Butler spongebob because he is always happy Emma Sysak Timmy turner Erin Egan Spongebob Erin Jameson Spongebob. He is funny Evan Victor Bart Simpson cause he is a rebel Francis Bochicchio Po Kung fu panda because he’s bodacious Dick Dastardly from Hanna-Barbers pictures. He is my favorite because he was always the bad guy who got foiled in the old Wacky Races.(It must be mentioned that I am referring to the old version of both the character and cartoon because Francis Skindzier the rebooted versions are not the same and are inferior in my opinion.) Frank Nicholson Garfield Gabriella Dugan Spongebob Garrett Nolf Scooby doo Gaspar Linan Spongebob because of the comedy Geno DeFrank Patrick Star, great guy George Shorthouse The Mystery gang (Scooby doo) since mystery’s are some of my favorite stories Jerry the mouse because I was always just raised on Tom and jerry since I wash Gianna Beichner little. Gillian Golupski Spongebob because it’s a classic Grace Gaita My favorite cartoon character is Snoopy from Charlie Brown because he is cute. Halle Bergman patrick star bc he’s a little dumb like me Hanna DeLisio Spongebob because it’s funny Isabella Paul i like all the scooby doo characters because i grew up watching them Jack Mickle Scooby Doo. I loved the old Scooby Doo cartoons. Jack Staley Baljeet from phinneas and ferb Jaiden Torres Bugs bunny he’s iconic James Grab Rick Jarret Casmer Spongebob BC he cool JaShaun Butler Bart Simpson cause people say I look like him Jhamil Fife Timmy Turner Jillian Frosell Stitch fro lilo and stitch Jonathan Moyer Spongebob Jordan Ruffing Patrick Jordan Shevlin Sponge bob Joseph Brooks Patrick from spongebob. He embodies pure laziness and I love it Joseph Carlini Courage the cowardly dog because of how wacky he is. Josephine Bochicchio I like Patrick star because he doesn’t care about anybody else’s opinions Julia Balobeck Scooby Doo Julianna Myron Scooby Justin Duffy Mickey Mouse Justin Gmys Spongebob Justin Lashley Sponge bob because I loved That show growing up and it’s not that bad today Bugs Bunny or the road runner. I’ve always watched them and find it very Katherine Duca entertaining Katherine Mickle Ralph Wiggum Katie Drauch Scooby doo Keshawn Harris Spongebob because its funny Kevaughn Price Spongebob Krista Schuler Jake from adventure time because he will slays fight for those he loves Kyla Hartoyo scooby doo Lenci Boehme Scooby doo because he’s funny Leyton Cypher Spongebob; the nostalgia Lilly Chabala Spinel from Steven Universe because she’s funny and I can relate to her. Lily Barbisch Scooby doo because that was my favorite tv show as a kid Linda Ashby Donald Duck because he makes me laugh Lindsey Brandebura Spongebob because he always puts on smile on peoples faces Luke Andruscik Patrick Star Mackenzie Huet Scooby Doo because he’s funny Madeleine Banaszak Darwin from Amazing World of Gumball because he is happy and positive. Madeline Dillon Mickey Mouse because I love Disney Madison Carothers As a kid it was blues clues Madison Maziarz Winnie the Pooh because he’s always happy Madisyn Cypher spongebob Mark Ingold Spongebob he is funny Marlena Battista Spongebob, he’s funny Maslen Anselm Patrick because he is very funny. Matthew Mell My favorite is Charlie Brown because he is very relatable. Matthias Hirst Scooby Doo-funny Maura Pechin Sponge bob Meadow Lokaitis Peppa pig she’s funny Mia Altman Forky Michael Caputo Aang b/c it’s a great cartoon Michael McFetridge Jerry from Tom and Jerry Michael Smith Dipper he’s funny Miranda Neal Mickey Mouse Molly Frick None....don’t really like cartoons. Morgan Kindle Spongebob because it was funny and i watched that show my entire childhood. Morgan O'Brien Scooby doo Natalie Zurbola Mickey Mouse Nevaeh Thornton Spongebob, because he’s funny and somewhat has a brain. Nevan Crossey Arthur Ngai Avery Jimmy neutron he’s cool Nicholas Adamski Rigby Noah Smida Homer Simpson because he’s funny Olivia Fiore micky mouse because I grew up watching him. Olivia Thomas Dory in finding Nemo because she was always positive Oliwia Karney Stitch because he’s from another planet Patrick Connell Speedwagon, he is best girl Riz Saldanha Spongebob because he’s a dawg. Rosalia Dugan spiderman! Ryan Saginaw Spongebob because he’s funny. Rylee Bush Bugs bunny because he makes me laugh Sam Simpson Tom and jerry I don’t really have one. I love the show Tom and jerry so those two are definitely SaniAnne Jones up there Sarah Barron Spongebob. Only show I can remember Sean Kelsch Spongebob because he’s always happy Shenne Sirazitdinova Bart Simpson, he’s funny Sienna Smith Stitch because he’s cuye Sierra Abbott belle Sophia Maida spongebob, funny Stephen Baker Spongebob because he is funny Stephen Davis Spongebob because I watched it a lot growing up Tayah Swanson Jerry from Tom and Jerry because he is smart Thomas Deasy Spongebob Probably Mordecai from Regular Show. He acts exactly like a college student, which is funny since I will be one soon. I have recently been rewatching the entire Timothy Durkin series. Tyler Mattern Spongebob, I always watch when I need to laugh Victoria Legleitner Spongebob. He’s carefree. William Gamble Scooby-Doo, grew up watching them William Varley Tom and Jerry Zackary Bittner bugs bunny .
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