HOWARD MAYER BROWN MICROFILM COLLECTION GUIDE Page individual reels from general collections using the call number: Howard Mayer Brown microfilm # ___ Scope and Content Howard Mayer Brown (1930 1993), leading medieval and renaissance musicologist, most recently ofthe University ofChicago, directed considerable resources to the microfilming ofearly music sources. This collection ofmanuscripts and printed works in 1700 microfilms covers the thirteenth through nineteenth centuries, with the bulk treating the Medieval, Renaissance, and early Baroque period (before 1700). It includes medieval chants, renaissance lute tablature, Venetian madrigals, medieval French chansons, French Renaissance songs, sixteenth to seventeenth century Italian madrigals, eighteenth century opera libretti, copies ofopera manuscripts, fifteenth century missals, books ofhours, graduals, and selected theatrical works. I Organization The collection is organized according to the microfilm listing Brown compiled, and is not formally cataloged. Entries vary in detail; some include RISM numbers which can be used to find a complete description ofthe work, other works are identified only by the library and shelf mark, and still others will require going to the microfilm reel for proper identification. There are a few microfilm reel numbers which are not included in this listing. Brown's microfilm collection guide can be divided roughly into the following categories CONTENT MICROFILM # GUIDE Works by RISM number Reels 1- 281 pp. 1 - 38 Copies ofmanuscripts arranged Reels 282-455 pp. 39 - 49 alphabetically by institution I Copies of manuscript collections and Reels 456 - 1103 pp. 49 - 84 . miscellaneous compositions I Operas alphabetical by composer Reels 11 03 - 1126 pp. 85 - 154 I IAnonymous Operas i Reels 1126a - 1126b pp.155-158 I I ILibretti by institution Reels 1127 - 1259 pp. 159 -168 I More Italian libretti and masses, copies Reels 1260 - 1700 pp. 168 - 201 of 15th C. missals, chant manuscripts, books of hours, graduals, and misc. works This is the extensive checklist which Howard Mayer Brown kept for his extensive collection ofmicrofilm. The Newberry Library has kept his numbering system and maintains the collection iunong its other microfiJms. Although at first somewhat daunting, we think that specialists will find this list easy.to use and we put it among our reference works here so that there can be access to the films themselves until some future time when they may be otherwise cataloged. , Mary Wyly . , Associate Librarian June 1995 1. RISlf 1537-10, n secondo libra de dr.iga.l1 d1 Verdelotto 1ns:1eme .cona1mmi a1 . ssim1 madriga.l:1 d1 Adriano, et d1 Cons 0 Festa••••Venezia. O. Scotto, 1537 2. RISM 1535-8, n primo libra de~canscm1. .t1'&bZese•••per A.zidrea Antigo inta~•••Veneda. o. Scotto, 1535 3. RISM 1521-3. Hotetti libra ~vene~. ~. ~c~, 152l. 4. RISM 1584-14. 'DLbulatura nova aont2nems . atLsa:bas quasque cantiones ut aunt .' mtatae, paci"lJllae et v.Uanellae, te .sic aptata., ut qu1l1bet singulas dup1:1ai Iudere at ecmcdDt:re possit 4alIl recens edita Gregor.Um 1'.I."eDg8l•••~ " Frsnk.tort, a •• Q!8ra "A Blchom, l~ ,.~~;0 ": ~",' '-1':l'" .", • S. RISM 1.569-29. m. Don Fmncesco . zam. a'brliZ._,· 11 pr.1.mo libra delle ca' Cm1. ana. rapo1.1ta:aa,a tre . wei. con a qua:ttra.;'.VemHda.:G. Scotto. 1569 .>. ··7j~l,'~..~i:':;~r~ITJ~!~;;{;\~ ,I,'; <" .. , 6. RISM 1539-1, Libel" quiD!ecim m:l.Sal'lDl, 1" ;in.ui:aD.t1sdmis JlWlic:1a composital'Wl'l•••Bamberg. ~,J.,' Petreius, 1539 , . .".~::~~~~t;,~ ,~~::~~:~~~s~'~~7Jrf,tJ'~~i~~; .~ :~:.~i<:~·. 7• RISM 15.39-14, at.f:1.c:1a a&scba1ia.':De Be~ et Ascen­ sione Dondni. Tilt:t8nb8rg.,':'(J. ".,1539 .,:; .#?~~~:, ~:~§:~:'~S~:~;~:~~:::'1!/;'1!~:~:~';.:;, .' . • 8• RIS!1 1538-12, , Tiers livre ccmtemnt nvm.. cliaDscma nouvelles a quatre ,parties .. 1ID8 .,.un-at .. c1oax~~ ~ a&l'is. P. AttaiJI~ ~)i" JuUat, ~ 1SJ8 • .,:;1: .:~~!:(~. , ;!.~~J~L~~,~r$: "~'-s~' ':'~' .I.' . RISM 1538-13. Quart livre contenant nYU cbansons iIoavell.es••• Paris. P. AttaiJIgnant ,et.. H.Jull.et, lSJ8 '.' ~!~!~ ~~~,~~~;;;1~~~*~~·.;~;",~ ~:~J.'~:~~:', RISl1: 1539-17. Septiesme livre contem.nt. DII, chansons nouvelles••• Paris. P. AttJdngnant at. H. Jullet, 1539 < • i::~, ~;;:;:i,;~~ ,f~: .. :~:!fLi'. '~~' ~ ~~,.' "', '""" 9. RISH 1,541-2, Trium vocum aantiones 08ntam.~·~Tomi Primi. NUmberg: J. Petre1wr"·,,~ .'. ":', ..' . .' • , ~ir·· " . .' RISM 1,542-8. Tric1nia. 1'WI1 vetel'lDl tam racent1Ol"W11 :in arte musica symphon1staram, Iat.:1:a&, Pr.aanicia. brarantica & ga111 ca...W1ttembergr G. Bbaw 1b. RISM 1585-)4.. D1 liessandra Striggio•••11 primo libra de nad.r.i.gal1 ... a c:i.%lque voci•••Venezia.G.. Scotto ll. RIS!..t 1.567-14, n primo libra de madr1gali de d1vers:L Autori a notta negra a quatro voci•••Veneda.. G. Scotto • HIS}! 1.567-15: n secondo libra••••(see above) 12. RISM 1585-28: Gli. encomti musica.li del'Moro a quattre et a cinque voc1, •••Venezia 1 G. Vincenzi e R. Amadino 13. RISM1572-9. Di Hippol:ito Baccus:!. da Mantova mestre della • musica dell'illustrissimi signori di spi,., mhergo, fI' . II secondo' l:.i.bra dei mad.r:1gali a c1:Dque voce. Con una ca.nzone nella gmn v:l.ttor.ia contra. 1 TUrchi•• Venezia.G. Scotto 14. RISI1 1551-1;, Di Br.ldissera Ibnato 11 primo l1bro di canzon . villanesche alla napal:l:t:a!l& a. quatro voal 1nsiema con alCUDi madrigalj. ncBiI.msnte l"!tstampate. Agg1ontovi cuchora aJ.cnme v.lllote- di Perissone a . quatre con-la canzon della Ga.111na.. VeneziaI G.Scotto . ~ . , 15. RISM 1551-17. Gen:im.e undav.1g1:nt!. Qial'Wll Hore.t1:1 mal octiAa, quatour vac1bus .probS ador.nataa·, CWIl selectisadad. carminum, pattim. sacrorum, pa.rtt,.m. proplwlOl'Wll, cancentibual additis c1rca fin.. a]"s item aarrt1cm1bwr, _tutines, meridiarr1s, at sal"Oti:a1s. .paedagogiis rec~ institutis, "ac schoJis q1l1bisl.1bet pro axercanda 1uventute litararia accoiDadatissimia.· Frankfort. G. EgenolpJ:&. ,. : ." ~ ; 16. RISM 1551-181 Het ierste mnsyclc ~n ~t Viar;~~n daer 1 inne Begrepen zya,.:x:rii1. Dieuue amorause l1edekens in anser nedar:' cf:qtscher ta1an, Ge­ componeert by' diverscha compcmistan, seer 1ust1.ch om singeb en speieD op ana IllllSicale . • Instrumenten....Antwarpen•.. !. SUsato ... ­ (See let 153 for soprano part ~.) ." • ~~~...... ::,~: ...' ~'4~..;,~:::~.. ..... ~ .:.:i .~:"'''':' RISl1 1551-191 Het tvueetste musick boe:x:lam ad..tvier party&n daer inne Begrepen zya...x:x:v:ti Dieue alllOreuse••••• (same as above) '. 17, RISI-11;44-211 News deudsche geistlicba Geseng& exll II. ·H!.t vier unci funf'£ Stimmen, :fUr die gemeinen ScWen, mit sonder l:.i.chem Vl.eis &US vielen erlesen, der zuvor keins 1m llr'ick ausgangen. Wittenberg: . G. Rhaw • . 18. RISM 1;44-20. Hundert und £u.nf£zehen guter newer LiedleiJ). mit vier, fun:££, sachs S~ III!IfQ'I vor Die 1m Tra.ck auzgangen, deutsch, £rantzosisch, welsch u:nd lateir.dsch, lnstig zu singan, und aut:£ die Instrument dienstlich von den behrumtesten diser Kunst . gemacht•••!l!1rnberg: J: ott •• • 19. RIS111577-8, Aeri raco1ti insieme con a1tri bellissimi aggionti eli divern dove s1 cantano sonetti !Stanza et terze :rime", "nuovamente ristampate (3-4). Napoli, G. Cacchio dell' Aquila 20. RIS1-! 1574-4. n quatro libro delle. muse a cinque voci COMpOsto diversi eccellentissimi musiai. insieme dui mad •. ~.. sei, nova mente stamps. t1 et dat1 in 1uce, intitalat1 benigni spirti. Venezia I figl•. di A. Gardano 21. ·RISM 1566-27: Musica libro primo- a tre voci,· IlL Adrian Wigll.ar, Cipriano de Rare, Arcbade1t. lban Gero a "et a1tri madrigal1 a tre voc1. de diversi auttore, coretti, & eli novo stamps. ti. Veneziaa G. Scotto 22. RISM 1550-21. •••qua chorus musicus bene precatur optimo sponso ornamentis ingenij et virto:t1.s claro Christophoro Hagio c1arissimi v:1ri. Consilio, • ~ ~ D. Christopheri Hagij f'1110, et castissimaeeius sponsae. Barl::arae Goeblin wirtzburgensi. numeris barmonicisreddita•••Ntlrnberg, J. von Berg & U.Neuber . 23. RrSH 1.54-6-23. Intabulatura eli lautto libro sesto di diversi , motetti aquattro voce, intabt:tlati et accomodati • per sonara sopra 11· laut:to da1 reverendo Messer pre l·1'erchiore de Bareerijs da Padavasonatore . eccellentissimo di lautto da lui proprio nuova­ mente a utilita di virtuosi posta in 1uce. Agiontovi 11 nuovo modo di accordare 11 lautto posta in f'ine. Venezia 24. RIS111570-24c Di Madalena Casulana 11 secondo libro de madrigal1 a quattro voci, nova mente posti in· 1uce. Venezia. G. Scotto 25. RISM 1572-8a i Di .Hipolito· Baccusi da l-Jantova maestro della .mu.s1!:a .. de111 111ustri· signori di Spilimbergo. Il: . secondo libro de madrigalia sei.voc1•. Con una conazone nella gran vittoria contra i Turchi. Nuavamente post11n 1uce. (Basso only) Venezia. G. Scotto See RISM 1572-8 (KCL .56) 26. RISH 1567-17: n terza libra delle villotte alla napo1etana de diversi con due Moresche novamente • stampate. A tre voc1. Venezia: A Gardano 4. t 27. RISM 1551-3: Motetta trium vocum a b pluribus authoribus composita quorum nomina· sunt. Jachetus galicus• Morales hispanus. Constantius Festa. Adrianus • Wilgliardus. Venezia. A. Gardane 28. RISM 1560-20. nl Francesco Portinaro. I1 quarto libro de madrigali a. cin:::tue voe! con dui madrigali a. sei dui dialogh1 a sette et dui a otto nova mente da lui composti et dati in luce. Libro quarto. Venezia.A. Gardane 29. RISM 1589-16. Di Hippolito Sabino 11 settimo llbro de madrigali a cinque, ·&a sei voci al L'1ll.ustr.:it­ sima et eccellentissimo'Principe- di MUretta. NoVamente composte, & date in 1uce ~ Venezia. G. Vincenti 30. RISM 1569-31 Motecta trlum vocum ab pluribus authoribus composita Quorum nomina sunt lachetus gallicus Morales hispanus Constantius Festa Adrianus Wigliardus• . Venezia. A. Gardano . 31. RISM 1538-71 J.1odulationes aliquot quato~ voaum se1ectissi.ma.e, quas vulgo modetas vocant, apraestantiss• . musicis campositae, 18m prium typis .excusae... Nurnberg. J. Petreius 32. RISM 1,520-1. Motetti novi libro 'secondo (4 v.) VeneziaI • A. An:t.ico RISM 1520-2: Motetti novi libro tertia (4-5 v.
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