FEDKRAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOI/PA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET FOI/PA# 1468393-0 Total Deleted Page(s) = 2 Page 75 ~ b6; b7C; Page 76 ~ b6; b7C; XAXAKAKKAKAKAKAKKKMKKKAKKKK Xx Deleted Page(s) Xx Xx No Duplication Fee X Xx For this Page Xx XAXAKAKKAKAKAKAKKKMKKKAKKKK ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE O4-20-20le BY 60322 UCLPYSPFLUSIN oe FD-340a (Rev, 1-27-03) 7 Date To bereturned ae eereaeees peedrereamet ‘A ae ee 8 « re * eee ae: EpeRAncaRAND. ae : ey .e wea TyMENEPA asonySUREORIA. A pheeeple A ad ineeam ane len ee aaee ene ae ee ch C Cc : FD-340 (Rev. 4-11-03) File Number 2EKh-LA~ 2496i“ — [ /t ( . oe . a ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED Field Office Acquiring Evidence | fy HEREIN TS UNCLASSIFIED gS DATE 04-20-20le BY 60322 UCLPSFLI SIN Serial # of Originating Document ‘ Date Received ¥ } al0g * From (Name of Contributor/Interviewee, . be Address) (City and State) . By ‘ To Be Returned (C] Yes Sooe ‘ Receipt Given C Yes No Grand Jury Material - Disseminate Only Pursuantto Rule6 (e) Federal Rules of Criminal Procedurex. C) Yes ° No Federal Taxpayer Information (FTI) a C) ves No Title:“tls UNSo BYsY(5% Zs, bel _ set Mw CowSto 057 “ON Comyer Bayles DOV he Reference: Sobfox Lio, | (Communication Eachsing Material) Description: [Originalnotesre interview of C-rru| Leon” RE: Subpoena No. CCS-0802247-A Page 1 of 3 RE: Subpoena No. CCS-0802247-A Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 9:11 AM To: Thanks for appearing on my behalf. PST removed — newzip available at http://isdev.quinnipiac.edu/tools/filetransfer/pickup/nkeptipizr | do not have additional info unless youfind that something is missing or need additionalfiles. vir, information Security Officer ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED Director of Information Security and Network Operations HEREIN Is UNCLASSIFIED DATE 04-20-2012 BY 60322 UCLPYPLI/IN Quinnipi iversi www.Quinnipiac.edu From; Sent: luesdav February 19, 2008 10:56 AM To: Subject: RE: Subpoena No. CCS-0802247-A L pre Thank you for the information. I have not yet looked at the files, but if you still need to provide information you can either burnit to a CD/DVD or emailit to me at this address, which everis easier for you. Also, before I lookatthefiles in the link, could you please remove the outlookpstfile. I assume that is email. Email is outside the scope of the subpoena. I can only view the email content with a search warrant. One exceptionto this is if you or the IT departmentis a party to the email (to/from/cc) and you are voluntarily turning it over to me, otherwise I can notview it. Because you provided the materials to me, you will not have to appearin front of the Grand Jury. If necessary, I can appear and saythis is what was provided. Thank you, sf Tel: Fax https://www.324mail.com/OWA/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAACIGgwuXsHaS4x... 2/19/2008 RE: Subpoena No. CCS-0802247-A Page 2 of 3 From4 . Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 7:35 AM be To: b7C Subject: Subpoena No. CCS-0802247-A [| Received subpoenas. Will e-mail suffice for transfer or can | burn to CD/DVD and Fed-ex? Firewall logs alone would need over 50 3.5 inch floppies. Also whenwilll knowif I’m required to appearor if Grand Jury will except you providing logs? Hereis a link to pick up files. b3 The call logs are from Our Absolute contactinfo below - | iL] | "| Absolute SoftwareInc., a be! . ‘Regional Recovery ManagerLawEnfor... pwww.absoluté:com: i | have also copied thd = Hardwaredetails: Name Value b3 Local IP Proxy IP Network Card 1 Description Network Card 1 . MAC Address Network Card 14 IP Network Card 2 https:/Awww.324mail.com/OWA/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAACIGgwuXsHaS4x... 2/19/2008 RE: Subpoena No. CCS-0802247-A Page 3 of 3 Description Network Card 2 MAC Address Network Card 2 IP [| cissp, cism, MSA bé Information Security Officer Director of Information Security and Network Operations Quinnipiac University Office Mobile Fax 20 . www.Quinnipiac.edu ee aeteeare ce https:/Awww.324mail.com/OWA/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAACIGgwuXsHaS4x... 2/19/2008 C C) FD-340 (Rev.4-11-03) A / 4 Co ~. +o. x _ 2 2 - ——~ > , File Number * 8 L A N95 gi @ - ° Field Office Acquiring Evidence _ te fh Serial # of Originating Document __. | | _ Date Received 3 [3 TX +. From ‘(Nameof Contributor/Interviewee) (Address) By ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED To BeRetumed C) Yes EYNo HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED Receipt Given 0. Yes LE-No. DATE 04-20-2012 BY 60322 UCLPeYPLY sgh nd Grand Jury Material -"Disseminate Only Pursuant to Rule 6 (e) Federal Rules of CriminalProcedure C] Yes «(4 No Federal Taxpayer Information (FTI) _ CO Yes cr No TOLOGY —yrcImEm CWoRM OF SERV “Ets: Comput06 Eb Reference: ‘33. r= (Communication Encbsing Material), Description: WYovina notes re interview of chr Stybee VV. EEE oe| L ALL INFORMATION CONTATHED b7C _ __PATEHEREIN04-20-2012IS UNCLASSIFIEDBY 60322 UCLP/PLU/IM pldene,_tenpule wet oe veutLip OL ae “By Pst Aoece Irelf toldavertYrechore. _ ue Stub |could roa less. Guhy . ; 7.en Sst!lomacls Cor? _w__ ehMiwh les 0 he os : ' » t i “30wee - e er A . 0 . pices als oe “~— ge a ee* ates | T r0340 Rev.3-8-01) ay «{ A 8 : Universal Case File Number LIC:At“Lh“oAgTETCa= | Field‘Office Acquiring Evidence Z- LSKA + i Serial # of Originating Document a “ | - Date Received ‘ JAS/d. , & , i * From _ . yan £00 in tor) ' . be . \ b7 ‘ (Ad Ip yutor) . “ Ae ; “t : By “TSA , ~ pe ToBeRetumed [] Yes No . Receipt Given [[] Yes No | Grand Jury Material - Disseminate Only Pursuantto Rule 6 (e) ce J Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure ¥ r ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED [1 Yes E}No HEREIN IS UMCLASSIFIED PT Federal Taxpayer Information (FTI) - DATE 04-20-2012 BY 60322 UCLPYPLI/dM Cys “ Etoxe , tows.- x Title: LWwseBQ) EY OhuRt OF SCERTO loop Metra Cinpufer. arrester Reference: LO £G2 wh fF. , (Communication Enclosing Material) ° | + B Description: Srisnat notes interview of ne ' prc ~ 5 = an ss f rN L ‘S \ \\ .=. \ \ be ae” LELL, aaa = . reer =““LLL INFORMATION CONTAINED Ale —— HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED LLGG,.. : peeJATE O4-20-201le BY 60322 UCLP/SFLI/J——___..- ss 4 ayrac er Gee Gon Bae? PadGen an4 a 2 affix, las lee hi/ L _ 7 Ze fastelle592. Mig. | Pay £2.fecele CE 7 | YLEL. Ladle< Mia...atte, | fleiléhlthes - - Bis HZaaTon JOG Sol Aiiclaeks heOS. yy 6OLdow lite Lal. pwc LPpelos. cl pire. SpAL.Gez< Snlee Lhe:ae Me(a. Lie oieral PCASVED2, I. CAE. fitzless La LEE. Loewbas Ae Wed (tl Keen. tet Sea Lienln<Z Boy Abt (yan hnke| tel creop Dalen. had a Taz. bak apol Maelad! lbpDBE — Tipe lane ZL eke.beieee ellen WaSE. Lf atpe MULLS dlPpapf.Ez| pileWhe _d (age. Alc, peble wee) Siple AGS. ad Bitfe.clewthfowls LE [Zee he fale til. QitiyihteScleShit Metel Mes penphetea= MS atanuat ‘ | MOTEK a ae Hq __ Teasce.i‘fining. 2. Zoll 3 eT NREOF * —_ t (~ ' ee . C) bé . ere “4 b7c FD-340 (Rev. 4-11-03) - }AA 4 File Number Z YIALA -ZY9 8/6 os ~ Field Office Acquiring Evidence 0 MM Serial # of Originating Document Date:Received OFT {7 208 From _ - 7 (Address) /. m- To Be Returned [1 Yes [EE-No J . Receipt Given [1 Yes IY’no GrandJury Material - Disseminate Only Purstiant to Rule 6 (e) ey Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED Cl Yes CXNo HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED Federal Taxpayer Information (FTI) DATE 04-20-2012 BY 60322 UCLP/FLI/IN * [] Yes a UR EULCS- , A ChA/CCH OE SUC% VOLnwry Witr~ Reference: FD-R2clteA P/OB_ (Communication Encksing Material) BS netoinol nator vo intoruioal “¢ Lvl” aL. eatersa ° anetteoe 4 ~— a YR bé { b7c a — ' “Tf ° =m _ - a _ an = = = = ne ” —“ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED : A _ HEREIN 13 UNCLASSIFIED _. ee ; _ DATE 04-20-2012 BY 60322 UCLP/PLI/IN : _ oe ee ~1— . oe - _ : Len. £hun Be eV_ Penns — | eee Speen = ccemeainninn contre Nrfe_. ee - _ ~ LLC,vf Abn.229. Seya tes Sean 02yen vofens __ La A41gre . ~~ _ . Fee a we ena finatLentLW.96 erashid Qypda At» ee li Lg CAF Clery pave Aol Fa EigTigeeLEDSte 0g Rnandnna theedbsIna fre CB I pe tool! hwjpop (hence fren 18st ll Bal dl hrLrntfAA pret vp aetde/ _ Qa.Aan,“a ewChat,wlPntLtoes - gp 7 wpe _ abecetylbs poten __ [etniemt Ad [FE ee : ieSsPomoye “| Ceee[5fet AS Mew “fipek roo re fed ee ueLOWS pore *CANe peeked], (leWEEP fasinaTs Avcssd Crt40. Jedoops— (hesfooODA (aE goaOS Cy “ | ChaneantincleZ vd LZ 0 J D6 bIc aisaereees T ” ~ FD-340 (Rey, 4-11-03) File Number 246i -LA- py4gig ~~ Field Office Acquiring Evidence L A Serial # of Originating Document Date Received g l 31 From (Name of Contributor/Interviewee) (Address) ° (City andState) By 3 f To Be Retumed (1 Yes No ‘ Receipt Given Oo Yes [INo ‘ ; Grand Jury Material - Disseminate Only Pursuantto Rule 6 (e) eR, « Federal Rules of Criminal Proceduré wo‘ 3 C1 yes [1No ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED Federal Taxpayer Information (FTI) : HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE O4-20-20le BY 60322 UCLF/SPLI/IN ‘ Yes No ‘ : Title; UNSURLS Chucl, ou S tM blog wav) setin. (on Je TAs 00°CH Reference: . (Communica: tion Enchsing Material} Description: CHorigina notes re interview of tenn cee Re 8 eS Retr Pere nobok et ReeneWheby— dtl neaAles ee antag | aAG. AW as ef Ltdban endas} eStuvtalesSpjes =aghtyLas..Mest aSO)VB Ned5.-closas,hg — ato2Roce Stable ahh _dleegs|- oely/ttvel0 land wean "ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED “TATE Q4-20-2012 BY 60322 UCLP¢FLI/IN™ = ote FD-340 (Rev.
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