JUHOA HILES P9LICLIBRARY BABO IA.TIB BILES IL 60641 Police seize MGmanin Broken water main knocks out Maine Twp. phones currencyexchange attaçk by Nancy Keraminas - A Moflon Grove man was ar-. heran through un ulley near 9220change. Phone service .10 a few bust-FoslerRoad, Des Plaines. '.. rested as he fled the scene of aWaukegan Road und recovered From her bed in Lutheran Gen- nesses 'and residents io north- Aspokesman'fOr Central Tel- robbery in the Goif-Waukeganbroken eye glasses from his shirteral IlospilalParkRidge, DAlba west Maine Township remainedephoae Company of Illinois in- currency exchange on Feb. 17.pocket An arm from the glassestold Police she knew Sullivan and disrupled until laIe Tuesday, ai- dicatedthatCenlelreroultid -Morton Grove Police officerswas found al Ihn scene of as at-he seid 1m sorry,-Merle,' over1er a Feb. 19 waler main breaknomn of the lines and providing ÌvlikeFujara andTim McCloskeylack on Merle DAlba,. 31, ofarid over as he allegedly stsuck flooded a 17 'foot section ofemergency cellular phones for stôp Michael Sullivan, 37, asNorthbrook, opomlor of the es- Continued on Page 38 cable at Dempster Slreet and Continued on Page 38 Blase calls Nortran-Face agreement '"something we can live with" 1 h ' . Agreement. 87;:s.=d f!u g.tr . 'preveftts 250 per copy VOL. 33,. 50. 37, THE BUCLE,THURSDAY. FEBRUARY¡(599O . - bus, cut-off by Nancy KeraiuinaS Fi-orn the Nues Pärk raises , Rrprcseslatives for both sides north suburban rOutes would not wrre optimistic that a contractbe haltes! after Murets 1, when dispose between Pace und Nor-the existing costract exteasion pool and golffees tras officials would be resolved iet }tiut Feb: 22'when Norlran'sfull pantins cave in Ou a row . hySheilyaHackett board is expected to agree Ir, lhiugs,Blase said, noting she byBud Besser reels, bat ntipslated feeswill beterms of the new parchase ofnew agreemeat was something The Niles Park Board wrestled we cas all Bye with." with money issues at ils monthly rcbatcsl,hasCd ou she actual open- service agreement with Pace, the Independent Nues drug subnrban bus division of the Re- According to Blase, Face will ..- SavMor Drugs at meeting ou Tuesday. Feb. 20 and ing date, if the pool doesnt open stores, by the third week of Joue. gional Transpòetalion Aulbority have ownership of farebox reve- Denrputer and Harlem and derided to raise fees al two of ils lises but has agreed lo tarn over facilities,she pool andgolf Ou opening day this spring,(RTA). ' ' BircIiway Drugs at Mitwau- 25 Niles mayor Nick Blase, aoperating revendes to Nortean at lice and Harlem will be clos- course. Taus golfers will confrout a Ihr beginning of each month, -- ing their doors ai the end of They approved eliminating the cesta, across the boardincrease member- of Norlran's executive per rousd forresidents and sen-board committee, expressed bisrather than' at the.end. Pace car- February and March. Bath early bird regislraliou discount ready provides approximately and set the price of she token iors sad a 75 'crut increase perview that Ike revised agreement drug stores have served their would be signed by all 27 inter- 60 percent subsidy for Ncirlran's cuetomers for uevera4 dec. package at $35 per initial person: round for non-residents. Cartren- Ial wasboosted 50 cents. govemmenlal members of the operations. ades. Following is a column $12 for each additional person. Is addition, Nortean represen- They raised lesson prices by Referring lo the newly builtboard, ensuring that bus service fromOctober 26, 1986, writ- in Nilen and along 23 other Continued on Page 39 ten when anotherindepen- $2.00 and daily admmssious by 50 Continued on Page 38 deniNitet drugstore, Pan ¡eau Drugs, closed ils daors after District 64. beinginNilesfar3sYearS. studies reopening ReceivesUnited Waaard Bob Pankau is closing his drug storeon Waukegan Road of Jeffersòn School today after having been is School Board members for business in Niles for the past Communily Consolidaled Dis- . 35years. leid64 nies. Feb. .13 so act ou a proposal for an addition to the, Like the comer groc6r3 Franklin school, 2401 Manor, store and the local hardware Park Ridge. At a Feb. 5 meeting sisee, tiro locally-owned indo-. of the committee of-the whole, . pendnnt drug Porn is slowly lise majority of board members passingfrom the scene. favored the addition over a aug- gestionro reopenJefferson . Last wcek we read in the school, 8200 Greendale Ave., Wall SIredJoumal doctors Niles. ' aie competing withdruggists The $1.6millionaddition bysellingpharmaceutical wosldinclnde sin crassrooms.ond próducts. While this comprIt- have a seatalive completion dote tion may be negligible, oliser Continued on Page 38 competitors are shattering lo- cal pharmacies. Fäf isany years she larger èhsis abres have been in- Retireme..ti brmsng competition. In more Nursing . lesYent Rimes, the URdO josa- isnceplsnA have added aneth- Home ér IPIYÙ lolo Ihr dying corpse - bfthelocaIdPuggi5t. Guide Pictured äbovo is Mayor Nicholas B, Blasa, ed Way Travelling Trophy' on behab'oflhe May- We think the loss Io the Finance Director Dary Karshna, and Village or/Manager's Office. This trophy is awarded an- community of the local phar- PaöS17-22: Manager Abe Salman. Mr. Karshna presented nually to the department having the highest, macisI calinOt be measured. the Mayor and Mr. Salman with the '1989 Unit, conlribution averageperemployee. , , onPage 3 8 VITAL RECORD DANK I The preceding document has beenre- photographed toassure legibility and its image appears Immediately hereafter. VAB 104 JU9O 15 MILES PUBLIC 11DRR GO DAKIUN R 10648 NILES PoliceseizeMGman in Broken water main knocks out Maine Twp. phones currencyexchange attack by Nancy Keraminas A Morton Grove man was ar-heran throügh an alley near 9220change. Phone serviceloafew busi-PotterRoad, Des Plaines. rested as he fled the scene oíaWankegan Road und recovered From herbed in Lutheran Gen- vesses and residents in north- A spokesmanfor Central Tel- robbery üs the Goif-Waukeganbroken eye glasses feam his shirteral l{ospila],Paek Ridge, DAlba west Maine Township remainedephoue Company of Illinois in- cursoncy exchange on Feb. 17.pockol. An arm from the glassestoldPoliceshe knew Sullivan and disrupted until lato Tuesday, aU- dicaledthatCenlelrerouted Morton Grove Police officerswas found at the scene of an at-he said Im sorry- Merle,'ver ter a Feb. 19 waler main breaksome of the lines and providing Mike Fujara and Tim McCloskeytack os Merle DAlba, 31, ofand over as he allegedly struck flooded a 17 foot section ofemergency cellular phones for stôisped Michael Sullivan, 37. asNorthbiook, operator of the es- Continued on Page 38 cable at Dernpster Street and ContinuedOnPage 38 Blase calls Nortran-Pace agreement -"something we can live with" - 1i4 vilageofNnes h - - - . Agreement 8746: rese Road fLu gtr prevents VOL 33, NO.31, THE BVGLR THURSDAY,- FEBRUARY199O 250 p copy - bus. cut-off by Nancy Keraminas Nues Park raises north suburban reaps would not - . - Reprosontotives for both sidas &om the ..- ..-.-- . eo t a csctbr halted after March I, when- tc the misting conS-art extension pool and golf fees trou officists would be resolvedexpiros. £Qt}tO.«Lt Feb. 22 when- Nortransfull 'Bothpartiesgavehs oua few - bySheilyaHackett board is expectod to agrer tothings,' Blase said, - noting the now agreement was "something by Bud Besser The Nitos Park Board wrestled cents, but stipulated feas wilt beterms of the new purchaseof rcbatrd,bascdOn thractust opes-service agreement with Pace, thewe can all live witt,.' Independent NiFes drug with mosey issues at its monlhly According to Blase. Face will Stores, SayMor Drugs of meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 20 asd ing dote, if the poot doesnt opensuburban bus division of the Re- by the third week of June. gional Transprirtation Authorityhave ownership of farebox rove- Dempster and Harlem and decided to raise fees at two of its tOues buI has agreed to loen over facilities,the poot and golf On opening day this spring,(RTA). Birchway Drugs ai Miiwau- Tam gotfers will confront a 25 Niles mayee Niqlc Blase, aoporating revomies to Nortean at - kee and Harlem will be cUss- coarse. cents, across the board increasemember of Noetran's executivethe beginning of each month, - ing their doors at the end of They approved eliminating the rathor than at the-end. Pace cur- February and March. Both eacty bird registration discount per rouad for residentsand sen-board committee. expressed his and set the price of the token iors and a 75 cent iacreasr perview that the revised agreement ready provides - approximatoly drag stores have served their would be signed by all 27 inter- 60percrnt subsidy-for Nortran's customers for sewerader- package at $35 per initial person; rosad fornon-resideals. Cart ren- guvernmental members of thn operationS. - - odes. Following is a column $12 for each additional person. tot wasboosted 50 cento. They raised lesson prices by Referring to the newly builtboard, ensuring that bus service In addition, Norlran represen- from October 26, 1986, writ- in Nues and along 23 other Continued on Page 39 ten when another indepen- $200 and daily admissions by 00 Continued on Page 38 dentNileSdrugsiore, PantS4u Drugs, closed jis doors- ofier District 64 beingjnNilesfor35yeOrs. - eceives UnitedWa-aard studies reopening - . - - Bob Pankau is closing his clmg 5101e05Waukegan Road of JeffersOn School today after having been in School Board members for business in Nues for the past Communily Consolidoled Dis- sud 64 motFeb. 13 to sct os a proposat for an additioo to the Like the comer grocery Franklin school, 2401 Manor. store and she local hardware Park Ridge. At a Feb. 5 meeting store, tise 1oca11y.owned iode- of the committee of -tise whole, pendraS drug store is slowly the majority of board members passiog from the scene. favored the addition over a sag- gestiontoreopenJefferson Last week we read in she school8200 Greendote Ave., Wall SteedJournal doctors Nues.
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