University of Kentucky UKnowledge XXI International Grassland Congress / VIII International Grassland Congress Proceedings International Rangeland Congress Provision of Turf Surfaces for Major Football Stadiums in Europe: Environmental Issues and Design Criteria Stephen W. Baker Sports Turf Research Institute, UK Follow this and additional works at: https://uknowledge.uky.edu/igc Part of the Plant Sciences Commons, and the Soil Science Commons This document is available at https://uknowledge.uky.edu/igc/21/11-1/1 The XXI International Grassland Congress / VIII International Rangeland Congress took place in Hohhot, China from June 29 through July 5, 2008. Proceedings edited by Organizing Committee of 2008 IGC/IRC Conference Published by Guangdong People's Publishing House This Event is brought to you for free and open access by the Plant and Soil Sciences at UKnowledge. It has been accepted for inclusion in International Grassland Congress Proceedings by an authorized administrator of UKnowledge. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World Volume Ⅱ 瞯 2 83 瞯 ] Provision of turf surfaces for major football stadiums in Europe :environmental issues and design criteria S W Baker S ports Tur f Research Institute , Bingley BD16 1A U , United K ingdom . E‐mail : stephen .baker@ stri .org .uk Key points : Major football stadiums present a significant challenge for the grow th of healthy turf because of soil compaction and wear resulting from play , in an environment with significant le‐vels of shade and restricted air movement . Turf drainage and grow th can be improved by the use of carefully selected sand dominated rootzones . The stability of the turf , which may decrease if grass cover is lost , can be improved by reinforcement of the grass layer by various types of plastic fibre . Quantification of potential light levels and airflow during the design stage is important to maximise the amount of light and air movement for the pitch in relation to the constraints of other architectural design criteria . A number of potential methods of improving the growing environment within stadiums is discussed , of which transparent roof tiles and artificial lighting systems in particular are being increasingly used . Key words : football pitch , rootzone , reinforcement , shade , photosynthetically active radiation Introduction Football ( soccer) is the most popular spectator sport in Europe and in most countries large s=ta9d0iu0m0s0are needed to accommodate supporters . Some o=f 7t4he5l0a0rgest stadiums in Europe include Wembley i=n 8E5ng0l0an0d ( capacity , ) , the Millennium Stadium in Wales (=c9ap8ac0i0ty0 , ) , the San Siro Stadium in Italy ( ca=pa8c0ity000 , ) , the Nou Camp Stadium in Barcelona , Spain ( capacity , ) and the Stade de France , Paris ( capacity , ) . Particularly in northern Europe , where protection from rain is important1,9m95any of these large stadia have extensive roof structures that create significant problems with shade and air movement ( Baker a , b) . Pitch provision in stadiums of this size provide some unique challenges with respect to ensuring healthy grass grow th and a high quality playing surface . Problems are often made more acute by multiple use of the stadiums for events as diverse as pop concerts , motorcycle racing , boxing and evangelical meetings . The main design requirements for the pitch include : i) adequate drainage rates to avoid the risk of surface water which could res‐ult in games being cancelled or abandoned , ii) a suitable growing medium that allows a reasonable balance between air filled and capillary pore space to support healthy grass grow th , iii) adequate light to support the most appropriate grass species for the area concerned , iv) adequate air movement to help dry the surface and reduce the risk of problems with surface algae and disease , v) heating systems or pitch covering in colder climates to prevent problems with snow and frost . ‐ The objective of this paper is to review the technology used to support high quality playing surfaces and to provide the best possible growing conditions for turf in areas with potentially high levels of wear and environmental stress . Construction profiles and rootzone selection Europe has a wide range of climatic conditions and this can influence both the co1nstruction methods that are used and grass selection . Examples of average temperatures and rainfall totals are given in Table . Excess rainfall over evaporation rates for much of the playing season means that good drainage is essential in most of northern Europe but , even in drier areas in southern Europe , allowance must be made for high intensity rainfall events , which could disrupt play . In most of Europe , the main playing season is from August , through the winter months into May , but in Scandinavia the harsher winter means that play is mainly from spring through the summer into the autumn , and elsewhere in parts of northern Europe ( eg . Germany) there is a short winter break . 1 1986 Most1m98a1jor groun1d9s8in8 Europe are constructed with a rootzone layer over a gravel drainage layer , eg . Figure a ( Adams , , DIN , Baker ) . However , for sm‐aller stadiums or in drier parts of Europe , the rootzone may be placed over 1the natural so1i9l8w1ith varyi1n9g8i2ntensities1o9f88under drainage being added , dependent on soil type and design rainfall ‐rates ( Figure b) ( Adams ; Baker ; Baker ) . The composition of the rootzone layer is usually dominated by sand size particles but there can be some variation depending on climate factors and , to a lesser extent , availability of suitable materials . Grasslands/Rangelands Production Systems ——— Amenity and Conservation Turf and Turf‐grass 瞯 2 84 瞯 Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World Volume Ⅱ ] Table 1 Climate data relev ant to pitch design f or selected cap ital cities in Europe . Annual rainfall Highest monthly average Lowest monthly average Latitude ℃ ℃ ( mm) temperature( ) temperature( ) 60 2 863 16 ‐7 Oslo . N 破亮Ζ 52 5 581 18 ‐1 Berlin . N 破亮Ζ 51 5 611 17 4 London . N 破北Ζ 49 0 612 19 3 Paris . N 破北Ζ 40 5 429 24 5 Madrid . N 破北Ζ The grading of the sand u‐sed and , in addition , the uniformity of particles and p1a9r8ti3cle shape will have1a99m9ajor influence on drainage performance , air filled pore space , water retention and stability ( Baker ; Zhang20&06Baker ) . In the Unite4d‐ 8K%ingdom , examples of typical rootzones for professional football grounds are g0iv1e2n5b‐0y B5aker ( ) and usually 2contain only silt and clay with the sand fraction dominated by material in the range18 0. 35 . 4m1m99d1iameter 5(‐F1i8g%ure ) . In Central Europe , published standards for rootzones in Germany , for example , ( DIN Part et a)l allo2w004 silt and c2la0y%and potentially coarser sand materials . In‐hotter and drier parts of Europe , such as Italy , Cereti . ( ) indicate that ‐ of pitches used at professional and semi professional level had all sand profiles while most of the remaining pitches had a sand soil mix as the rootzone layer . Figure 1 Ty pical construction p ro f iles o f suspended w ater table construction w ith rootzone overlying a gravel drainage layer (1a top ) and the rootzone layer p laced on top o f the existing soil w ith v arying levels o f under‐drainage (1b , bottom) ( f rom Baker 2006) . ‐ Surface stability can be an issue on sand dominated surfaces when play takes place 1o9u7ts8ide the mainetpearliod1o9f8g5rass grow th , and grass cover and root density are lost through wear ( Van Wijk & Beuving ; Adams . ) . Under these circumstances ,eat vaalrie1t9y8o8f artificia1l 9r9ei7nforcement 1m9a9t7erials are f2r0e0q2uently used to retain2s0u0r6face stability and improve playing quality ( Baker . ; Baker a ; Adams ; Gibbs ; Spring & Baker ) . Examples currently i0n u1se at professional fo3o5tball clubs in England include Fibresand , consisting o0f 2p5o‐l0yp3ro5p%ylene/ polyurethane fibres of around . mm diameter and mm length blended with 2t0h0e rootzone m20ix at a rate of . by weight ; GrassMaster consisting of fibres punched into the rootzone to a depth of mm and mm spacing , and XtraGrass , a system whereby natural turf grows through a woven synthetic fabric . Grasslands/Rangelands Production Systems— Amenity and Conservation Turf and Turf‐grass Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World Volume Ⅱ 瞯 2 85 瞯 ] Although the selection and appropriate management of the rootzone should provide adequate drainage , a number of major stadiums in Europe also incorporate a suction system linked to the pitch drainage in case of exceptionally high intensity rainfall either just before or during matches . Undersoil heating and pitch covering systems 1950 1954 1980 Undersoil heating systems ha3v2e%been available since the s ( Escritt27% ) and by the s were commonly used at major stadiums with , for example , of1t9o8p8division clubs in England and of top division clubs in Scotland using some form of undersoil heating ( Murphy & Baker ) . Today virtually all clubs in the upper divisions of football in England have undersoil heating and this would also be t2h5e0case in larger sta2d5i0ums in much of northern1E9u9r4ope . By f1a9r9t7he most widely used systems are heated water pipes typically at 19m9m4 depth and mm centres ( Boocock , Baker b) . Pitch covering systems are also used to retain heat ( Boocock ) . Figure 2 Particle size distribution o f rootzone used at p ro f essional soccer grounds in England . Grass selection ‐ Lolium perenne Poa p ratensis 1983
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