I BEtiD.GOA~ 51 ·Panaji. 18th September, 1980 IBhadra 27. 1902) SERIES '" No. 25 'O,FFICIAL .GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN·· AND DIU GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU Works. Education and Tourism Department Public Works Department Works Division III (PHE) NORTH (Panaii-Goa) '0" Tender Notice No. PHE-N/ADM-6/22/80-81 • TQ.e Executive Engineer, PHE-N(WDm), PWD, Panaji-Goa, invites on behalf of the President of India, Sealed iten:t rate/percentage rate tender trom the approved and eJigible contractors uptc 3.00 p. m. on 30-9-80 for the below men-. tioned work; ~Sr. No. Name of the work/supply Estimated Cost Earnest Money Time limit Cost of tender Form 1. Construction of 'A' type Quarters for the ·Complex at Tonca-Caranzalem ................................................. Rs. 2,57,756-54 Rs. 6445-00 240 days inclu­ Rs.30/- ding monsoon 2. ,Construction of roads, fencing and well improvement for' PHE Complex at Tonca-Caranzalem ................. Rs. 1,72,807-25 Rs. 4320-00 180 days inclu­ Rs.30/- , ding monsoon Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day. •who do not deposit Earnest Money in prescribed form are "Conditions and tender forms can be had from his office liable to be rejected. on any working days upto 4.00 p. m. on 29-9-80. If required The Executive Engineer, reserves the right to accept by post an amount of Rs. 15/- each win be charged extra. or reject· any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Tender forms will be issued only on production of a valid . Panaji, 8th September, 1980. - The Executive Engineer, _Income .Tax clearance certificate. Tenders of Contractors Sd/-. "(i'... Tender Notice No. PHE-N/ADM-6/23/80-81 "The Executive Engineer, ,PHE-N{WDIII), PWD, Panaji­ eligible contractors/suppliers upto 3.00 p. m. on 10-10-1980 -Goa~ invites on behalf of the President of India, Sealed for the below mentioned work/supply. item rate/percentage rate tender from the approved and Estimated Earnest Time limit Cost of Tender Sr. No. Name of the work/SUPPly Cost Money form Rs, Ro, Rs. 1. Supply of sluice valve & air valves for Divisional store 49,61()/- 124()/- 90 days 20/' including monsoon 2. Supply of cast iron detachable joints for' Divisional store ................................................................ 49,085/- 1230/- 90 days 20/- including monsoon 3. Providing & fixing pump sets and accessories at Opa Water Works .............................' ................ 91,465/- 2290/- 180 days ·20/- including monsoon Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same ,day. /Suppliers who do not deposit Earnest Money in prescribed Conditions and tender forms' can be had from his office form are liable to be rejected. , on any working days upto 4.00 p. m. on 9-10-80. If required The Executive Engineer, reserves the right to accept or by.post an amount of Rs. 10/- each will be charged extra. reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason t':'~ thereof. Tender forms will be issued only on pr()duction of a valid Pap;aji. lOth September, 1980. - The Executive' Eng~eer~ Income Tax Clearance Certificate. Tenders of Cpntractors/ Sd/,. 226 Corrigendum All the other terms and c.onditio~ remain ut,lc1?:ang~(L Read: 'render Notice No. PHE-N/ADM/15/S0 sent Panaji, 3rd September, 1980. - The Executive Engineer,_ under reference No. 9/7/S0/PHE-N/pWD/ADM/S21, M. P. Padmanabhan. dated 19-8-80.. , The above tender notice' for the above work mentioned Read: -.Tender Notice No. PHE-N/ADM/19/SO- d8.ted below'stand modified as follows: 23-8-80 sent under reference No. 9/7/80/PHE. N/PWD/ / ADM/842 dated 23-8-80. 1~· Extension of water- supply distribution pipeli.m:l to ,Gaikarwado, SOliya Sonsbi in village Panchayat at The above- tender notice for the below mentioned _work: Onda, Satari. stands modi;fied as follows. 1. Extension of distribution net work to Poriyem village Estimated Cost: Rs. 2,S6,110-23. in Satari Taluka... Earnest Money: Rs. 7,153w OO. Estimated cost Rs. 4,26,848.50. Dai:e of opening tender 16-9-19S0 at 3:30 p. m. All the other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Last date -of. issue -qf tender forms 15w9w 80 upto 4.00 p. m. Panaji, 8th September, 1980. - The Executive Engineer.. Tenders will be accepted upto 3.00 p. m. on 16-9-S0. M. P. Padmanabhan. Works Division ~I Fatorda Margao (GOll) Tender Notice 'N~. '5/6/80-WnVIiADM/14 The Executive Engineer, Works DiviSion VI, P. W~'D., . contractors of C. P. W. D., and those of appropriate list of Margao Goa invites on behalf of the President of India Union TerritOries/State P. W. D.,/MES/Railways upto· Percentage/Item Rate tenders from appz:oyed. and eligible 3.00 p. m. on 27-9-80 for the following works separately. ES,timated Cost Earnest 'Cost at Tender 'Time 'limit Sr. No. Description money (days) " . Rs. Rs. ;,·I" Percentage Rate 1. Const. of Staff quarters "B" type single unit for Forest De~artment at Sesayal Canacona .............. 29,332.64 734.00 20.00· '120 days incl .. monso;on 2. Const. of Staff' quarters "B" type twin unit for ~lice Depat. at Curchorem ................................ 56,976.50 ·1,425.00 .20.00 180 days incl.. monsoon 3. Const. of Staff quarters "B" type 3 units for A.H.V.S. Dept. at Dhat ., .................................................• 86,545.68 2,164.00 20.00 -do- Item Rate 4. Const. of Sub-Health centre at Cotigao ................. 1,02,689.03 2,568.00 30.00 -do- 5. Const. of Office cum store block for. Tourist Depart- ment at Bondla ............................................... 1,39,853.82 3,497.00 30.00 -do- 6. Const~ of Staff quarters "A'~ type 12.units for,Police Department, at Curchorem ................................ 2,85,19S.36 7,130.00 30.00 290 days incl.. monsoon Tenders will be opened immediately after 3.00 p. m. on the The intending tenderers'· will have to produce Income· same day. Earnest Money shown against works should be Tax Clearance certificate at the time of b,=,"ying Ten~e,rs. deposited in the State Bank of India, Margao or any The Tenders of the contractors, who do not deposit Schedule Bank in the forml of deposit at call receipt and Earnest Money in the prescribed form' are liable. fo 'be enclosed with the Tenders. Conditions of Contract and rejected. Right to reject any or all the Tenders without Tender forms can be had from the above mentioned Office assigning any reason whatsoever is reserved with the autho-· upto 3.00 p. m. on 25-9-80 on all working days On payment rity competent to accept the tent;ier. of cost of Tender (non refundable) per each item in. cash. If required by post, an amount of Rs. 2.00 will be charged Margao, 9th September, 1980. ~ The Executive Engineer,. extra. K. G. Rao. Tender Notice No. 5/6/80-WDVI/ADM/15 The Executive Engineer, Works Division VI. P. W. D.,. and eligible contractors of C. P. W. D. and those of appro­ Margao-Goa, invites on behalf of the Pr~sident of India, priate list of Union Territories/State PWD/M.E.S./Railways, Sealed Item/Percentage Rate Tenders from the approved upto 3.00 p. m . .on, 9a l0-80 for the following works separately: Estimated Earnest Money Cost at tender Time limit Sr. No. Description cost (days) Rs. Rs. Rs." 1. c~nstruction of road from ,Kinalkatta :tQ Badsayem in V.P~ Gaundongrem-Canacona ......... : .... :.... ~ .. ~' .. :: 2,09,740-73 5,244-00 30-00 240 days indo m~nsoon. p~rio.d 2; : Construction of culvert mcluding ,approaches' at Gal in Loliem Panchayat-Canacona .................. :.:,~.. 1,66,214-06 . -30-00 240 days inc1;,; . , monsoon period,., 'i'l."'<..•.•.. ,: [f--,---~~ 18TH< SEBTcEMBER, 1980 (BHADRA 27,1902) 2.27. Estimated Earnest Cost of tender. Time Limit Sr. No. Description C()~t •. l40ney "". Rs. Rs.. 3. Construction of road from Fatorpa-Cananguinim road to Naqueriwado in V. P. Naqueri - Quepem ........... 6,05,334-07 12,107-00 40-00 300,' days incl; monsoon period 4. Blacktopping of Kamral road in V. P. Curchorem- Quepem ....................................................•......... 1,96,263-35 4,907-00 30-00 180 days inel. monsoon period 5. Construction of Foot-Bridge to existing old State Highway Bridge at Sanvordem - Sanguem ........ 1,95,539-55 4,888-00 30-00 240 days inel. monsoon period 6. Blacktopping of Rasambo road in a length of 400.00M at.' Malkarnem ...,.",. Quep~m._ ,' .................................. 34,265-27 857"00 20-0(; 90 days inel. monf;!.oon. pe,rioq Tenders will be opened immediately after 3.00 p. m. on The. intending. tenderers.' wlll; have to, produce. Income Tax the same day. ~arJle~.t. Money. shown, ag$st works should Clearance. Certificates: at: the time of buying tenders. be deposited in the' State Bank of India or any other ~h~,. tenders Qf; the,. contra~tQrs, who do not depQsit E.amest Scheduled_ Bank in the. form.·Qf. Deposit at G,a1l ~eceipt._and Money in the prescribed form are liable to be rejected, the receipt enclosed with.·the, tender. Conditions of, contract, Right to reject any or all of the tenders without assigning and. tender forms caIJ,. be had from. the a,bov.e mentioned, any reason whatsoever._ is reserved, with the authority Office upto 3.00 p. m. on' 7.-10-1~80. on all- wQrking. days on. payment of cost of tender (non-:-reftmdable) for E!;?l-ch item.
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