SflnTfl BfiRBfìRfì COLLÊGG TH€ picTUResQue.cflmpus UMTH n view Vol. XXVII SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, MARCH 16, 1948 No. 35 WÊÊÊÊ?m a w s 'so ir ee; fo r WOMEN ONLY, HITS Doin's Merged AUD. TOMORROW The coming “Gaucho Roundup” took an unexpected swing this The long-awaited AWS Soiree, an evening of entertainment for ■•„week toward what is “mucho” women students only, will be held in the Riviera Auditorium on Wed- f better, when the Cal Club offered nesday, March 17,' at 7 :45 p.m. its hospitality to the all-student af­ The only man who will be admitted to the exclusive gathering fair planned for Malch 24 at 7 :30 will be the speaker of the evening, Dr. Paul Perigord, professor of pm in the Riviera Auditorium. The French civilization from UCLA, who is a visiting professor on the Club has invited all students in at­ SBC campus. His topic will be tendance to enjoy free refresh­ “Women’s Place in the World.” ments while they dance in the col­ Dark Secret Knights Initiate lege caf after the fun-for-all pro­ The rest of the program, which gram in the auditorium. is so far a deep secret, will include NewMembers; performances of an undisclosed New to Campus nature by such talented individuals The “Roundup” is a new addi­ as Barbara Abbott, June Rice, Plan Busy Seas tion to campus life and is spon­ Connie Peugh, Donna Thomas, John Caldwell, president of the sored by the Blue Key, Knights Marge Mayers, Jan Fitts, May Knights, honorary junior men’s and Squires. It is planned to co­ Nakanishi, Don McDonald, Doris organization, announced the init­ incide with campus-wide celebra­ Savennj, Joy Foster, Mary Lou iation of twelve new members re­ tions at the University of Califor­ Lewis and Ginny Gobels. cently: Howard Mann, Chuck nia for Charter Day on March 25. In the intermission between the Little, Paul Harder, Hugh Denton, The evening program ( which is various program events, refresh­ Bill Brett, Rap Capps, Don Mar- free) will include a program of ments will be 'served. quart, Stan Baker, Stu McPher­ skits, songs, yells, class meetings This program is designed to son, Lloyd Richardson, Bill Bow­ and dancing. This will be a chance give Gaucho women an opportun­ ers and Mel Patton. for all new and old Gauchos to ity to meet with their friends, to Barbary Coast meet and get to know each other. “AS BIRDS DO MOTHER”— Pictured in a scene from “Macbeth,” enjoy an evening of good enter­ to be presented in the An active season is ahead for If this “Roundup” is successful, Riviera Auditorium Thursday night, are Barbara Griggs as tainment and to become acquaint­ Lady Macduff and Mark Hassell the newly reactivated, ever-grow­ it will become a monthly event. as her son. They are members of the High Valley Players. ed with other co-eds on the campus. Student body officers' hope that ing Knights. Plans include the re­ such regular meetings of all the Dr. K. A. Brown vival of Santa Barbara’s tradition­ students will huild a stronger Eye-Filling 'MacBeth1 Plays 'Bruin' Attacks UC al Barbary Coast celebration, the school spirit and interest. Heads Housing all-student festival held each spring To Early Celtic Melodies in the Quad. Ruling Against Petition Drive This semester’s officers include “Eerie music” arranged from Woodrow Chamblis is Banquo arid Wendell Kirk, vice-president, Lack JOURNALISM FRAT Kenneth A. Brown, lecturer in early Celtic melodies will help to Ronald Bennett plays Macduff. Laswell, secretary, Dick Struck, Political Speakers social sciences at Santa Barbara treasurer, and Don Dickey, sgt.-at- REORGANIZED HERE set the stage for Shakespeare’s Special student tickets are on A University regulation forbid­ College, last week was named di­ tragedy “Macbeth” which will be sale at the Graduate Manager’s of­ ding political discussions by out­ rector of a camapign to obtain arms. The active members are “Encourage good journalism on Bob Lorden, Francis (Kewpie) fice. The performance will begin side speakers on Cal campuses 2500 signatures in Santa Barbara the campus.” presented in the Riviera Auditor­ Guess, George Grilley, Sam Dimas, at 8:30 pm. came under attack by students at to place on the November ballot a With this slogan, the local chap­ ium Thursday night by the High Ed Morris, Chris Stone and Tiger UCLA in a recent issue of the State constitutional amendment ter of Alpha Phi Gamma, national Valley Players. The music has Matthew. “Daily Bruin,” student newspaper. which would establish a State honorary journalism fraternity, been scored for the play by Mech- California 'Winter' was reorganized recently, accord­ In a front-page editorial signed housing agency to provide homes thild Johannsen, who will conduct I. E. Gauchos Bid ing to Don Wilson who was elect­ Setting of or endorsed by most of the for low-income families. ed chairman of the group. the theatre group, orchestra. “Bruin” staff, the Uclans de­ The plan contemplates the erec­ To Roaring Acclaimed by critics as the fi­ nounced University Regulation 17 tion of 100,000 units for new hous­ To Discuss Aims which denies the use of University ing, for low or moderate income nest and most eye-filling “Mac­ Carnival Dance A second meeting has been facilities for “partisan, political or families, in the next few years. Helldorado Fete A California winter, complete scheduled for March 18, at which beth” staged on the West Coast in sectarian religious purposes.” Un­ Santa Barbara’s probable share Along with the clicking of dice, with oranges, bathing beauties time a full discussion will be held many years, the High Valley pro­ der current interpretations of the would be 1000 units. the whir of the roulette wheel, and and dry lawns, is scheduled for concerning the aims of the organ­ duction comes to the UCSB cam­ ruling, permission to speak on any , Mr. Brown is chairman of the the gruff monotone of a raised bet, the “Winter Carnival” to be pre­ ization. Cal campus is denied to such po­ Santa Barbara chapter of the the Industrial Arts Club Helldora­ pus as the second in the Spring sented next Friday, March 19, at litical figures as Presidential can­ American Veterans Committee do party will roar in full swing Artist Series sponsored by Uni­ the Carrillo Auditorium. The all­ PROF., STUDENT didates. and housing chairman for the lo­ Friday night, March 19. college dance is sponsored by the versity Extension and the Com­ Declaring that Regulation 17 cal chapter of Americans for Dem­ An informal get-acquainted par­ Junior class. CAST IN SOAP mittee on Drama, Music and Lec­ gives “dangerous” power to the ocratic Action. ty open to IE Department mem­ tures. The Starduster’s orchestra, with University head, since he deter­ bers and their guests, the party OPERA SATIRE Dolores Dahl, vocalist, will supply The High Valley Players, form­ mines what constitutes political or public figures whose widely diver­ will be held at Adams Hall at UCSB will be represented in the the music from 9:00 to 12:00. The religious activity, the “Bruin” edi­ gent political and religious views Hoff, according to Nick Moropou- erly the Ojai Valley Theatre, have cast of the new three-act comedy price for the dance is sixty cents torial charged that the regulation can stimulate student thought, and los, head of the entertainment “Listen Again Tomorrow” by Vic been working together for ten per person. defeats the very purpose of "the to grant use of campus facilities to committee. Whitman, which will be given at years, having originally trained Juniors interested in helping University. student political and religious or­ Stage money will be handed out the Lobero Theater on April 23 under Michael Chekhov in Eng­ out with the affair should contact “The first statement of political ganizations. Both moves, said the at the door and the couple with the and 24. land. Ford Rainey will play Mac­ Mike Melvin, Ardis Adler, Joy science and economics professors “Bruin,” would aid in the fulfill­ most cash at a designated time will Dean William Ashworth will beth, Iris Tree is Lady Macbeth, Hart, Shirley Hillis or Dave in the classroom is to the effect ment of the University’s primary be awarded the door prize. For play a surprise comedy role por­ Brownell, class officers in charge. that we live in an economic and function. further dope on this get-together traying a gentleman who believes Gift Books on political world. Certainly men The article called on all polit­ see any of the IE club officers. - he is Julius Caesar, and LeNor INDUSTRIAL ARTS, prominent in public life have eco­ ical and religious groups to co­ Lombard will have the feminine Printing History I. E. MEN HOLD nomic and political views worthy ordinate their activities toward VET COORDINATORS lead, “Edith Moss,” a crisp, ef­ of consideration by students—wor­ such a revision. ficient secretary. Goes to Mesa FIRST SPRING MEET thy of consideration on a campus FROM U t CAMPUSES The play is a satire on advertis­ A valuable collection of books, The first spring semester meet­ devoted to the forging of citizens ing agencies and the sponsors of HOLD PARLEY HERE periodicals and smaller pieces il­ ing of the Industrial Arts Club and the probing of truth.” radio soap operas. Plans and policies of veteran lustrating the history of printing was held jointly with the I. E. De­ The editorial proposed the re­ affairs of the University of Cali­ was recently accepted as an anon­ partment meeting in the Mesa vision of Regulation 17 to permit fornia were discussed when vet­ auditorium, March 3.
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