MEN'S WEAR R E V 1 K \V Distinctive Leishman Clothes, 1916 dj[ The individual attention ^jj given each Leishman garment, the superiority of Leishman materials and the exclusiveness of Leishman styles combine to place these clothes on a high plane of tailoring. Leishman Clothes present the finest tailor- ing, the most perfect fit and the most authentic version of correct styles for men of any line offered the Canadian trade to-day. Leishman Clothes are approved by Canada 's best dressed men. With the Leishman Tail- ored-to-Measure Service at your command, you have the key to much of the better tailor- ing trade of your town. We have a proposition to make to a good mer- chant in a few more towns and cities in Canada. No investment is necessary, the profits are good and the immediate business to be done is unlimited. Write to-day. Wm. H. Leishman & Co., Limited WHOLESALE CUSTOM TAILORS New Address : Temperance Street, Corner Sheppard, Toronto Mafceis of the Best Tailored Garments for Men ! ' M E N S W E A R R E V I E W Why Don't YOU Go After Private War Orders for G i 1 1 e1 1e ILazo r s and Blades? They're Plentiful this Christmas! We are spreading broadcast, through snappy advertise- ments, the news of how the "Boys" at the Front appreciate the Gillette Safely R^zor and its velvet shave. People see the point, and the Gillette is becoming one of the most popular of the gifts sent Overseas. Go after your share of this business Your Store is the most natural place in the world to show shaving equipment, along with clothing comforts and other gift suggestions. On request we will send you one or more of the striking n "Dugout" Counter Cards, 1 1 x 14", shown on the opposite page. Make this the centre of a strong Gillette display in your window or on your counter, and just watch it create extra business. Don't miss this opportunity! Get a stock of Gillette Razors and Blades, and write us for the Card. Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited The Gillette Bldg., Montreal MEN'S WEAR RE V T E W Will Your Boy Spend Christmas Somewhere in- France"? Then help him spend it Merrily ! Lieut.-Col. Canon Almond, Senior It's a luxury the lucky ones share Chaplain of the 1st Division Over- with their pals, so send along plenty seas, says : "The boys want books, of Blades. If he has a Gillette "smokes", good razors and toilet already, a few boxes of blades will articles"— the Gillette Safety Razor go far toward making him the most ranks as a warm favorite, for one popular man in his Company. of the real luxuries of trench life is a clean, comfortable shave—and it Choose a Gillette Set to-day. Our is even more appreciated by the Distributors will arrange through us wounded in the hospitals. for delivery at the Front. Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited GILLETTE BLDG., MONTREAL. is^ma zzzzzza ' M E N 'S W E A R R E V IK W The H. G. B. Bovs We are the originators of Boys' Patricia Uniforms and we have reached the 18,000 mark in sale of these. Help ns to reach the 25,000 mark this fall hy asking us for sample dozen. They are the Biggest Selling Suits on the Market. Also a full line of Men's, Young Men's, Boys' and Juvenile Suits and Overcoats. Cavalry Officer Top Coat Great Coat Infantry Did you try our Helleur, Gariepy Broderick, Limited & BALMAROONS? 16 CRAIG STREET WEST - MONTREAL, CANADA "King George' Pearson Jewelry Suspenders Xmas Gifts for Retail Price A Line that will be in special demand 50c. at the Christmas season is men's jewelry—tie clips, scarf pins, cuff links, combination sets. These make Give Free very acceptable Christmas gifts. Movement Pearson Jewelry meets with a ready sale because the styles are good and of the values fight. Body and Write to-day for a good assortment for your < Jhristmas trade. Shoulders Pearson Bros. Easily the best value in Canada WHOLESALE JEWELERS 31 Notre Dame Street W., MONTREAL Berlin Suspender Co., Ltd, BERLIN ONTARIO MEN'S WEAR REVIEW PUSH THE EASY SELLERS Xmas"EZE"and XmasXHAMPION" Suspenders The Beautiful Patriotic and Fancy Holi- day Boxes make "EZE" and "Cham- pion " Suspen- ders excep- tionally at- tractive and appropriate Xmas Gifts. Xmas "EZE" $8.90 per doz. net In Patriotic and Fancy Boxes No change has boon made in the quality of the goods in order to cover the extra cost of the special boxes. "EZE" Suspenders in Patriotic and Fancy Boxes are the same as the nationally advertised "Eze" Suspenders which have been giving Canadian men the utmost Suspender Comfort for years past. "CHAMPION" Sus- penders are the same strong, durable and com- fortable Suspenders now as heretofore. A window display of these two lines will attract cus- tomers to your store. Our Xmas advertising campaign will be another big factor in sending new customers to your store. Xmas "CHAMPION" $2.10 per doz. net In Patriotic and Fancy Boxes Order BY NAME from your nearest JOBBER or direct from THE KING SUSPENDER C° AdlttlL TORONTO, CANADA MEN'S WEAR REVIEW Smce before the Telegraph was invented "Hero" Shirts TIF EL'S S Indigo Cloth OVERALLS, SMOX, ETC. Wonderful Values Which are Bound to Has been the standard cloth for Tone Up Your Business Overalls, Uniforms and Jumpers CTIFEL'S is the cloth that ^ never has been successfully imitated. You give your customers the benefit of the very best overall cloth made. Look One of Many New Patterns for the Two BIG DEPARTMENTS FOR MEN trade mar Stocked With Latest Goods DEPT. F DEPT. I U ii .1 e r w c a r . Fancy Collars, Ties, Sox, Sh i ts, Working shirts. Gloves, Mitts, Suspend- on the back of ( Iveralls, Smocks, Sweaj ers, Umbrellas, Water- .is, Sweati i < !oa ts, Etc., the cloth on inside Etc. Staple Furnishings Fancy Furnishings of the garments to be of Every Description for of Every Description fc Men an i Boys Men and Boys sure you get the one and I lave vmi ever tried the only StifeVs Indigo. ' (' l!.\ I N E S E R V I CE ? This is a year when goods will be wanted Cloth manufactured by quickly. Racine- service is speciallj designed for this prompl arid satisfactory service J. L. Stifel & Sons try it. Indigo Dyers and Printers Alphonse Racine, Limited SALES OFFICES New York. .260-262 Church St. Baltimore. .114 W. Payette B! i.t, vi.t,,ii;i jiidc Dry Goods Jobbers and Manufacturers Philadelphia ...".•-'( Mmkct St. st. i-miis.. Boston 31 Bedford St. St. Paul. ..238 Bndlcott Bjdp. •r.nMiitn..1t Miinrlirstcr 1! . K 60 St. Paul St. West - MONTREAL ChicajM Ji\>, WYst .Turks, ,11 Blvd. San Francisco, Winnipeg. 400 Hammond Blag, Postal Telegraph Bldg. Montreal, ,s'' Sl - Paul SI Joseph Mo Room 300. st 'finxton Banfc Bldg, MEN'S WEAR REVIEW Mm BADGES mm Metal and Embroidered if Military Tailors' Sundries BRAIDS—BUTTONS—BADGES, ETC. Military Officers' CAPS and HELMETS WUiam KHAKI TRENCH CAPS (Single or Double Bands) cull? GENERAL MANUFACTURER OF UNIFORM jWtlttarp Police and Firemen's Caps equipment Office and Factory BELTS - LEGGINGS - PUTTEESI - SPURS MONTREAL320 UNIVERSITY ST. Estimates and Sketches Furnished on Application CONTRACTOR TO THE GOV- ERNMENT OF THE DOMINION Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of Military OF CANADA Equipment in Canada 1 ' M E N S W E A R R E V I E W iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiti itiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit b Does Your Store Front Fit Your Business? Your business requires its particular type of Store FRONTS have paid up in six months—some take 1 ront. It must enable you to properly show what eight months and some a year or two; all depend- you have for sale it must /// your business. To ing, of course, upon local conditions and the co- be most successful it must be individual — a operation given by good window displays. It only representative, not a »//s-representative. And we takes an increased gross business of $1.29 per day believe by our nine years' experience as Store for a thousand-dollar KAWNEER FRONT to r ront specialists working with Merchants pay for itself in ten years. Many retail- in the building of over 40,000 K AW- ers apply their advertisingat appropriation fC Storefrontsc c I NEER FRONTS, that we are qualified to ngw KAWNEER FRONTS and find to work with you. We have many suggestions to offer you— it pays. If you put in a KAWNEKR FRONT and continue ideas that will enable you to make the most out of the money your general advertising, you will find a marked increase in you invest in your Store Front. actual sales from your advertising through the assistance of the When you install a KAWNEER FRONT you simply loan your Front — it clinches the sales — it exhibits the real articles, not self its cost. It will pay for itself by the extra sales it will pro mere descriptions or illustrations. duce. If we could take you to each KAWNEER user you'd be con- Store Front Book vinced. If you will investigate Kawnee r "Boosting Business No. 21" has you will put in a KAWNEER been compiled for your assist- FRONT, not by what a* believe, Manufacturing Company ance— it will enable you to select but by what you find out. Limited the slyle of Front you need.
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