TODAY’S WEATHER Sunday, July 2, 2017 Today: Mostly sunny. Tonight: Mostly clear. Sheridan, Noblesville, Cicero, Arcadia, Atlanta, Carmel, Fishers, Westfield LIKE & FOllOW US! HIGH: 86 LOW: 66 Cicero poker run honors Bud Green Ending Sheridan’s food desert By STU CLAMPITT The Reporter After Sheridan’s IGA closed more than a year ago, residents have had to travel out of town to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. This month, thanks to the work of Purdue Extension’s Community Wellness Coordi- nator, Gloria Del Greco, Sheridan will again be able to buy fresh produce. “We started this process over a year ago when Sheridan lost their IGA grocery store and became a ‘Food Desert,’” Del Greco told The Reporter. “My job was to meet with the community and learn how we could ad- dress their needs, to make the healthy choice the easy choice.” See Food Desert . Page 5 Photo provided Saturday morning the Cicero Fire Department, 1359 Stringtown Pike, was the start of the golf cart poker run in memory of Bud Green. Green, 1936-2016, had served in the U.S. Air Force, Marion County Sheriff’s Department, Indiana State Police and Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department. The poker run was one of the first events in the Fishers July 4 Lights Over Morse Lake festival and helped raise funds for the fireworks show. The festival runs daily through Tuesday night, July 4. A schedule of events is available online at www.lightsovermorselake.com. More photos celebration from the poker run can be found on our website www.ReadTheReporter.com. to be a ‘Blast’ The REPORTER Blast on the Bridge in partnership with Denim and Lace raises $9K for Sheridan youth the Geist Lake Coalition is the place to be The REPORTER for this year's Fourth of July celebration. Thanks to the generous sponsors and The event will occur on Tuesday, July 4 community support, the inaugural Sher- on the Fall Creek Road Bridge beginning idan Denim and Lace was a success for at 6 p.m. for what organizers call “an un- the Sheridan Youth Assistance Program forgettable night with family and friends.” (SYAP), which raised $9,000 in dona- The bridge closes to traffic at 3:30 p.m. and tions in the sold-out event on June 16 at opens to the public at 6 p.m. the Blackhawk Winery. The funds will Food, beverages and spirits will be go directly to SYAP, an organization that available for purchase while children enjoy provides support services for Sheridan’s games and activities (no outside alcohol at-risk youth and their families. Over 200 allowed on the bridge). A live DJ will spin attendees raised the $9,000 through spon- some of summer's top hits emceed by Tom sorships, a silent auction, games and do- Britt, publisher of TownePost Network, nations. See Blast . Page 3 Indiana State Police Superintendent, Doug Carter, served as the special guest for the event. Special thanks to John Per- rine, Indiana State Police and Sheridan Westfield Chamber native, who served as the emcee for the event. Live entertainment featured The looking for Lantern Hunter Smith Band. This event would not have been pos- Award nominations sible without these generous sponsorships: The REPORTER Godby Home Furnishings, Smith’s Jew- Every year the Westfield Chamber of elers, Biddle Memorial Foundation, The Commerce hosts an annual awards night Legacy Fund, First Farmers Bank and called the Lantern Awards. The Chamber Trust, Reynolds Farm Equipment, Krieg celebrates the community of Westfield. DeVault, Norman and Miller Eyecare, Photo provided The use of lantern components represents Gaylor Electric, Waitt Grain Company, R Pictured with Hunter Smith are (from left) Gayla McMurtry, SYAP Vice President; Westfield’s rich history and its ties to the & T Auto, JBS United, Patton Automo- Lisa Samuels, Early Intervention Advocate; Sandy Moore, committee member; Underground Railroad. Our goal is to con- tive, Riverview Health, Riverview Health Tina Kitchel, SYAP Board Member; Patty Nicholas, committee member. nect people in our community and learn Physicians-Sheridan, Hercules Tires, Mr. SYAP is affiliated with the larger Hamilton viding services to family and youth to enrich a bit more about what makes Westfield & Mrs. Jason Ells, Dr. Kent Erb, Mr. Todd County Youth Assistance Program. Its goal is their lives. To find out how you can serve the unique. Erb, Keever’s Sheridan Hardware, Mr. & to reach at-risk children through family assis- youth of Sheridan, visit www.youthassistance. Mrs. Ronnie Sorgius. tance, tutoring, and mentoring programs, pro- org/sheridan. See Lantern . Page 5 2 News & Views TODAY’S BIBLE VERSE Sisters from other mothers But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the Friends are born from the Columnist I would dial 911 and then word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, heart. Some of the best ones Kathy. some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. become a part of your story It was in the seventh when you are a kid and then grade when Patrice sat in Matthew 13:23 they show up in chapter after the desk in front of me in chapter throughout your life. Mr. Fleming's homeroom I have two to write about to- class. I think our friendship day. I've always considered began that first day of sev- them . sisters from other enth grade. For a while, life mothers. separated us in miles but So my story begins with never in spirit. Her words once upon a time there were made everything better three little girls . JANET HART LEONARD when the chapters of my I was in the third grade life were not written the when I first became friends way I had planned. with Kathy. She and I were "only" kids. Patrice is also considered an aunt to Our mothers were our Girl Scout leaders. my kids. Patrice and I were in each oth- She lived just a block from me. She still er's weddings and even our daughters lives just a few blocks from me. were in each other's weddings. Throughout the chapters of our lives Recently, Patrice's two year old we were main characters. To know one granddaughter, Marissa, saw a picture of of us was to know the other. If one of us Patrice and I and she pointed at me . was upset with someone, so was the oth- Aunt Janet! er. We always had each other's back even When Patrice and I turned 50, she when we were not close by. We even and I took a Thelma and Louise road trip have burial plots just a ways down from to Hilton Head . but no one died. Our each other. husbands say that we finish each other's Kathy performed the wedding cer- sentences. Well of course we do! Our emony for my daughter Emily and her hearts can read each other's minds. husband Drew. Actually it was the day Lately, if my kids might not know before their church wedding. Emily where I am, they could call Chuck and wanted to have the same wedding date as then Patrice. my parents (March 6) so they were mar- When Chuck and I got married Kathy ried on a Friday with just family attend- and Patrice sat in my "family" pew. Of ing. It was in one of the old courtrooms course they did! in the Hamilton County Courthouse. Friendship is one of life's greatest Most people know Kathy as a State blessings. A lifelong friend is a rare jew- Representative but my kids have always el. Kathy and Patrice and I may not share called her Aunt Kathy. Funny thing is that the same blood but we share the same five years ago she married my daughter- hearts. in-laws's Uncle Perry and so she really is The chapters of my life would never Aunt Kathy. be the same without them. And yes, we I've always said that in an emergency have more chapters to be written. Keep your pets safe this July 4 The REPORTER also not an option as your pet may suffer The Hamilton County Sheriff's Of- heat stroke from the warm temperatures. fice, Animal Control Division, would Leaving a TV on or other ambient noise like to remind you that more pets are lost to help drowned out the festivities nearby during the 4th of July than any other time will help keep your pets calm. of the year and many don't make it back 3. Have your pet properly identi- home. Please consider these three tips in fied. preparation for the holiday festivities to When your pet becomes lost and does keep your pets safe. not have proper identification it will be 1. Keep your pet indoors at all that much harder to get them back. Con- times. sider micro-chipping your pet, ID tags Even if your pet is used to being out- with your name and phone number, or side, the panic caused by fireworks may both. It is also a good idea to have a recent cause them to break their restraint or picture of your pets if they do become jump a fence in a terrified attempt to find lost so you can file a lost report with the safety. local humane society or Indy Lost Pets. 2. Going to a fireworks display? Following these basic steps will help Leave your pet at home. prevent your family pets from being a ca- The safest place for your pet is at sualty of the holiday and if they do get home, not in a crowded, unfamiliar and loose will assist in getting them back noisy place.
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