Author suggests Queen Elizabeth may he author of Sliak, -pearean plays. Did actor William Shakespeare merely act greatest role for his Qocen'? SHAKE-SPEARE the Mystery A distinguished O .U. alumnus has written a book revealing a scientist's efforts to discover true authorship of plays attributed to Shakespeare . Following account, Chapter 7 of book, reveals his answer. The spelling "Shake-speare" has been adopted by author from original spelling in First Sonnet Folio and other works. By GEOIZGE ELLIOTT SWEET, '27chem, '291ns "I've reared a monument, my own, the foreground of his thought derived from contemporary poets had relatively little More durable than brass, his fellow University Wits ; his classic back- influence on Shake-speare's sonnets, which Yea, kingly pyramids of stone ground was the broadest possible including argues that he was one of the first Eliza- In height it doth surpass. derivations from Sophocles, Euripides, bethans in the sonnet field. Since the Rain shall not sap, nor driving blast Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Darius Phrygius, sonnet fashion reached its peak in the Disturb its settled base, Ovid, Horace, Virgil, Lucretius, Statius, 1590's, it is natural to assume that Shake- Nor countless ages rolling past Catullus, Seneca, Terence, and Plautus . The speare wrote his sonnets before the 1590's . Its symmetry deface. inspiration for his sonnets came principally Therefore, we have an independent indi- I shall not wholly die, some part from Ovid's Metamorphosis, various poetry cation that Mr. Hotson's date of compost- Nor that a little, shall of Horace, and from Chaucer's Roman de tion is correct . Escape the dark destroyer's dart la Rose . As Francis Meres has indicated, ManV interpretations can be put upon And his grim festival ." Shake-speare as a poet was closer to Ovid the sonnets. Some critics view them as al- Ode Epilogue of Horace than to any other writer. A comparison of legorical, some think that they are more Shake-speare's time sonnets with the F,lpi- dramatic than personal, others that they l1AKE-SPEARE did not strive for origin- logue to the Odes of Horace, quoted above, might have been written merely as exer- ality in his sonnets any more than he will show the similarity of thought and ex- cises in the art of composition in the son- did in his plays. In the dramas his style and pression between the two poets. Apparently, net form . All of these various elements SEPTEMBER, 1956 PACE. 9 probably play a part. We will never know search arrived at the conclusion that the Take all my comfort of thy worth and truth ;" just how personal or just how artificial the main body of the sonnets was addressed to a Sonnet48 sonnets are. Since the poet is of necessity a man. Edmund Malone established this hy- "But thou, to whom my jewels trifles are," central figure in a sonnet as he is not in a pothesis as the correct theory and his views and play, the literary detective, while he knows have prevailed down to the present. Ma- "Within the gentle closure of my breast," he is on shaky ground because of the lati- lone was a thorough and competent re- Sonnet 62 "But when my glass shows me myself tude allowed by poetic license, nevertheless search worker on Shake-speare . He it was indeed, is so starved for clues he is bound to specu- who discovered the poaching story of Bated and chopp'd with tann'd antiquity" late on the possible revelations as to the William Shakspere's youth had to be false and poet's character, physical attributes, and because Sir Thomas Lucy did not have a "Painting my age with beauty of thy days" Sonnet 63 identity contained in the sonnets . The lit- deer park until much later. Malone also ex- "Against my love shall be, as I am now erary detective hopes that the sonnets are posed a number of Shakespearean forgeries. With Time's injurious hand crush'd and as personal as E. K. Chambers thinks they o'erworn ;" are by his, "Here are souls that pulse and Sonnet 72 OMEWHERE OR SOMEHOW there appears "My name be buried where my body is" words that burn." to be a misplaced gender about the son- Sonnet 73 The first 126 sonnets are written in ad- "That time of year netsS . Barrett Wendell recoiled at the idea thou may'st in me behold miration of the physical, When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do mental and spirit- of myriad-minded Shake-speare sincerely ual beauty of a "lovely boy." The next hand prostrating himself before a boy patron; Upon those boughs which shake against the twenty-six are principally devoted to con- then reminded himself of Elizabeth Bar- cold, demning the infamous "dark lady" as a rett Browning's Sonnets from the Portu- Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds wanton with sang. a soul as dark as her com- guese; she was six years older than her plexion. The narrative of the "lovely boy" In me thou seest the twilight of such day "lovely boy," Robert Browning. As after sunset fadeth in the west ;" and the narrative of the "dark lady" taken The picture of the "lovely boy" as gen- Sonnet 76 together strike a most discordant note. The erated by expressions in the sonnets is very "Why write I still all one, ever the same, sixteenth century was still the age of chiv- And keep invention in a noted weed, flattering . He is "the world's fine orna- alry. The story of King Arthur and his That every word cloth almost tell my name, ment," a "beauteous and lovely youth." He Showing their birth Knights of the Round Table and where they did continued to is in his late teens or early twenties, "And proceed?" be the most popular story in England. No thou present'st a pure, unstained prime." Sonnet 89 small percentage of the populace took the "Speak of my lameness, and I straight will He has red or auburn hair, "And buds of story to be history and actually awaited halt," marjoram had stol'n thy hair," The boy is Sonnet 94 King Arthur to return as he had promised. as fair in disposition and mental ability as "They that have power to hurt and will do The Tudors claimed to be descended from he is fair of face, "Fair, kind and true, is all none, Arthur through Owen Tudor, grandfather That do not do the thing they most do show, my argument"; also "Thou art as fair in of Henry VII. Serious writers suggested Who, moving others are themselves as stone, knowledge as in hue." The beautiful youth Unmoved, cold, and to temptation slow ; that Queen Elizabeth was the embodiment has a beautiful mother and we have a hint They rightly do inherit heaven's graces, King Arthur and that the Elizabethan of that Shake-speare has known her in her And husband nature's riches from expense ;" Golden Age Age was the of the return of lovely girlhood : Arthur. A poet was expected to sing the The ideas expressed by Sonnets 72, 76, praises of some beautiful lady and by the "Thou art thy mother's glass, and she in thee and 94 might be guideposts and then again, same token, I suppose, a poetess would be Calls back the lovely April of her prime" ; they might not be. Perhaps Sonnets 72 and expected to dwell on the admirable quali- 76 are hints as to Shake-speare's identity . What is meant by the seventh line of Son- ties of some beautiful boy or beautiful man. Perhaps Sonnet 94 is autobiographical . net 20 : "A man in hue all hues in his con- But here we have a poet singing a boy's From Sonnets 37 and 89 we gain the im- trolling"? Gerald Massey suggests that it praises and throwing mud on his lady. This pression that Shake-speare is lame or has might refer to Robert Devereux, Earl of is certainly a maladjustment. T. G. Tucker been lame some time in the past. There Essex, who had for one of his titles, . decries the lack of "decent taste and ordi- Ewe should be no doubt that the four age son- Herman Conrad for a number of reasons nary chivalry" in most of the "dark lady" nets, 22, 62, 63, and 73 mean what they say selected the Earl of Essex as the "lovely sonnets. in the absence of any contradictory evidence boy." In the Encyclopedia Britannica, K. In 1640 John Benson edited and pub- E. in the rest of the sonnets. Another age son- Chambers mentions this choice of Essex, lished a medley of Shake-speare's sonnets in net, number 138, has not been quoted be- disagrees with the idea, but praises Con- which in some cases he altered the sex of cause it is a member of the "dark lady" rad's work in general. Essex had auburn the addressee by switching the pronouns. sonnets in which we believe Shake-speare is hair. He was born on November 19, 1566, Through the influence of Benson and oth- speaking with another's voice and gazing and would have been twenty in April, 1587, ers, the view was generally adopted that with another's eyes. The age sonnets plain- which would fit the time requirements per- the main body of the sonnets was addressed ly relate that in 1587 Shake-speare was fectly. to a woman. Samuel Coleridge took the middle-aged, perhaps forty or fifty.
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