2016-2017 ANNUAL REPORT LRNow.org ANNUAL REPORT | 2016-2017 ANNUAL REPORT | 2016-2017 ANNUAL REPORT | 2016-2017 ANNUAL REPORT | 2016-2017 2016 BOARD DEAR MEMBERS, OF2016 DIRECTORS BOARD DEAR MEMBERS, OF2016 DIRECTORS BOARD Thank youDEAR for your MEMBERS, interest in Lynnhaven River NOW and your AndrewOF Fine,2016 DIRECTORS Co-Chair BOARD and Treasurer supportThank youDEAR of forour yourshared MEMBERS, interest work. in As Lynnhaven we review River 2016 NOWand prepare and your 2016 BOARD Thank youDEAR for your MEMBERS, interest in Lynnhaven River NOW and your Andrew Fine, Co-Chair and Treasurer tosupport begin ofour our 15th shared anniversary work. As year, we reviewwe have 2016 much and to prepare celebrate OFHarry DIRECTORS Lester, Co-Chair support of our shared work. As we review 2016 and prepare Andrew Fine, Co-Chair and Treasurer andThankto begin much you our workfor 15th your left anniversary interestto do. in year,Lynnhaven we have River much NOW to celebrateand your Harry Lester, Co-Chair Andrew Fine, Co-Chair and Treasurer supportandto begin much of our work our 15th shared left anniversary to work.do. As year, we reviewwe have 2016 much and to prepare celebrate RobertHarry Co-Chair Lester,Wells, PresidentCo-Chair and Treasurer Takingand much care work of our left environment to do. is not a luxury or an option. It Robert Wells, President to begin our 15th anniversary year, we have much to celebrate Harry Lester, Co-Chair Taking care of our environment is not a luxury or an option. It KarenRobert Forget, Wells, PresidentSecretary andis the much air we work breathe, left to the do. water we drink, and the food we eat. isTaking the air care we of breathe, our environment the water weis not drink, a luxury and theor an food option. we eat. It KarenRobert Forget, Wells, PresidentSecretary It is where we go for serenity and for recreation. And restoring Robert Wells, President is the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. Emily KarenSteinhilber, Forget, LRNext Secretary Co-Chair andTakingIt is whereprotecting care we of goour our for environment natural serenity resources and is notfor is recreation.a intricately luxury or And antied option. restoringto our It Emily Steinhilber, LRNext Co-Chair Karen Forget, Secretary isandIt theis whereprotecting air we we breathe, go our for natural serenitythe water resources and we for drink, isrecreation. intricately and the And tiedfood restoringto we our eat. EmilyWinston Steinhilber, Bibee, LRNext LRNextSecretary Co-Chair Co-Chair economic well-being as well. Itand is whereprotecting we go our for natural serenity resources and for isrecreation. intricately And tied restoringto our Winston Bibee, LRNext Co-Chair Iteconomic is where well-being we go for serenityas well. and for recreation. And restoring Emily Steinhilber, LRNext Co-Chair Winston Bibee,Steve LRNextHerbert Co-Chair andTakingeconomic protecting care well-being of our our environment natural as well. resources is everyone’s is intricately responsibility. tied to our Taking care of our environment is everyone’s responsibility. Winston Bibee,SteveLillie LRNextHerbertGilbert Co-Chair economicTo succeed, well-being we need citizensas well. who are knowledgable and Winston Bibee, LRNext Co-Chair Taking care of our environment is everyone’s responsibility. SteveLillieBrent HerbertGilbert James motivatedTo succeed, to we be need good citizens stewards who — arethe knowledgable kinds of citizens and who LillieBrent Gilbert James motivatedTakingTo succeed, care to weof be our need good environment citizens stewards who —is areeveryone’sthe knowledgable kinds of responsibility. citizens and who SteveDave Herbert Jester participateTaking care inof our our Pearl environment Home programs. is everyone’s Citizens responsibility. who come CathyBrentDave MastonJesterJames Tomotivated succeed, to we be need good citizens stewards who — arethe knowledgable kinds of citizens and who Lillie Gilbert toToparticipate workshopssucceed, inwe ourto need learn Pearl citizens more, Home andwho programs. who are knowledgableare Citizens reducing who turf, and come CathyRobertDave MastonJester Miller participate in our Pearl Home programs. Citizens who come Brent James plantingmotivatedto workshops natives, to beto good learnand installing stewardsmore, and rain— who the barrels. arekinds reducing Theof citizens kinds turf, of who CathyRobertGene Maston RossMiller Dave Jester participateplantingto workshops natives, in ourto learnand Pearl installing more, Home and programs. rain who barrels. are Citizens reducing The kinds who turf, comeof RichardRobertGene RossMillerSerpe citizens who are building living shorelines and oyster reefs, and Cathy Maston toplanting workshops natives, to learnand installing more, and rain who barrels. are reducing The kinds turf, of RichardGene RossSerpe volunteeringtocitizens workshops who arefor to buildinglearnour monthly more, living and cleanups. shorelines who are The reducingand number oyster turf, of reefs, these and Robert Miller Richard Serpe plantingvolunteeringcitizens who natives, arefor buildingourand monthly installing living cleanups. rainshorelines barrels. The and Thenumber oyster kinds of reefs, of these and Gene Ross committed water stewards continues to grow. committedcitizensvolunteering who water arefor buildingour stewards monthly living continues cleanups. shorelines to Thegrow. and number oyster of reefs, these and Richard Serpe citizens who are building living shorelines and oyster reefs, and 2016 STAFF volunteeringWecommitted need businesses water for our stewards andmonthly institutions continues cleanups. that to Thegrow. want number to do ofthe these right committedthingWe need and businesses be water part stewardsof andthe institutionssolution. continues This that to is grow. exactly want to what do the our right Pearl Executive2016 STAFF Director committed water stewards continues to grow. 2016 STAFF thingWe need and businesses be part of andthe institutionssolution. This that is exactly want to what do the our right Pearl ExecutiveKaren Forget Director Faith Communities are doing and what we know our new Pearl Wething need and businesses be part of andthe institutionssolution. This that is exactly want to what do the our right Pearl Executive2016Karen STAFFForget Director BusinessesWeFaith need Communities businesses will be. Andare and doingLRNow institutions and is here what that is we educate, want know to our guide,do thenew assistright Pearl Pearl School2016 Program STAFF Coordinator Karen Forget thingBusinessesFaith Communitiesand be will part be. of Andare the doingLRNow solution. and is here whatThis isis we educate,exactly know what ourguide, new our assist Pearl Pearl SchoolExecutiveJody Program Ullmann Director Coordinator and motivate as we all learn and move forward to a more FaithBusinesses Communities will be. Andare doingLRNow and is here what is we educate, know ourguide, new assist Pearl Pearl SchoolJodyKaren Program Ullmann Forget Coordinator sustainableFaithand motivate Communities future. as we are all doinglearn and and move what forwardwe know to our a more new Pearl Pearl Home and Pearl Faith Jody Ullmann Businessessustainableand motivate will future. as be. we And all learnLRNow and is movehere is forward educate, to guide, a more assist PearlPearl SchoolCommunity Home Program and Programs Pearl Coordinator Faith Jody Ullmann andAsustainablend motivatemost importan future. as wetl ally, learnwe need and to move be developing forward to the a more PearlCommunity HomeEmilyJody UllmannandHatfield Programs Pearl Faith And most importantly, we need to be developing the CommunityEmily Hatfield Programs sustainableenvironment future. stewards on whom we will depend in the PearlPearl Home Home and Assistant Pearl Faith And most importantly, we need to be developing the Emily Hatfield future.environment In 2016, stewards LRNow on staff whom and wevolunteers will depend worked in the with CommunityPearlEmily Home Hatfield ProgramsAssistant environment stewards on whom we will depend in the Afuture.ournd 78 most PearlIn 2016,importan Schools LRNowtl iny, weVirginiastaff need and Beach to volunteers be developingtraining worked teachers the with to PearlEmilyPam Home Northam Hatfield Assistant efuture.ournvironment 78 PearlIn 2016, Schools stewards LRNow in on Virginiastaff whom and Beach wevolunteers will training depend worked teachers in the with to EmilyPam Northam Hatfield eprovidenvironment excellent stewards environmental on whom weeducation will depend in our in schools the and RestorationPearl Home Coordinator Assistant future.our 78 PearlIn 2016, Schools LRNow in Virginiastaff and Beach volunteers training worked teachers with to Pam Northam future.providingprovide In excellent 2016,meaningful LRNow environmental outdoor staff and activities educationvolunteers for instudents.worked our schools with These and RestorationEmilyTrista Hatfield ImrichCoordinator ourprovidingprovide 78 Pearl excellent meaningful Schools environmental in outdoor Virginia activitiesBeach education training for instudents. ourteachers schools These to and RestorationPamTrista Northam ImrichCoordinator students embody an environmental ethic that is inspiring and Oyster Scientist providestudentsproviding excellent embody meaningful environmentalan environmental outdoor activities education ethic for that instudents. ouris inspiring schools These and RestorationTrista ImrichCoordinator gives us all hope. RestorationOysterLaurie SorabellaScientist Coordinator providinggivesstudents
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