WHY KIIRUSHCHOY FELL FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRESS PEK ING \s WHY KHRUSHCIIOY FELL -Editorial, Hongqi (Reit Ftag), Nos, 21-22, 1964 FORE,IGN I"ANGUAGES PRESS PEKING 1984 Krr*rarcHov has fallen. This arch-schemer who usurped the leadership of the Soviet Party and state, this number one representative of modern revisionism, has finally been driven off the stage of history. This is a very good thing and is advantageous to the revolutionary cause of the people of the world. The collapse of Khrushchov is a great victory for the Marxist-Leninists of the world in their persistent struggle against revisionism. It marks the bankruptcy, the fiasco, of modern revisionism. How was it that Khrushchov fell? Why couldn,t he muddle on any longer? This question has aroused different comments from dif_ ferent political groups al1 over the world. The imperialists, the reactionaries, and the opportunists and revisionists of a1J. shades, whether they sympathize with Khrushchov or have had conflicts of interest with him, have expressed varied views on the sudden coliapse of this seemingly "strong man,,, Khrushchov. Many Communist and Workers, parties have also pub_ Iished articles or documents expressing their opinion on Khrushchov's downfall. In the present article we too would like to discuss the question of Khrushchov's downfall. For Marxist-Leninists, this downfali is not something Printed in the People's Reyublic of China which is hard to understand. Indeecl, it may be said to Khrushchov collected all the anti-Nlarxist views of have been fully expected. Marxist-Leninists had long history's opportunists and revisionists and out of them foreseen that Khrushchov would come to such an end. knocked together a full-fledged revisionist line consisting People may hundreds even thousands charges list or of of "peaceful coexistence", "peaceful competition", "peace- against Khrushchov to account for his collapse. But the ful transition", "the state of the whole people" and important one to most of ail is that he has vainly tried "the party of the entire peop1e". He pursued a capitula- obstruct the advance of history, flying in the face of the tionist line towards imperialism and used the theory of law of historical development as discovered by Marxism- class conciliation to oppose and liquidate the people's Leninism and of the revolutionary will of the people of revolutionary struggles. In the international communist the Soviet Union and the whole world. Any obstacle on movement, he enforced a divisive line, replacing prole- the people's road of advance must be removed. The tarian internationalism with great-power chauvinism. people were sure to reject Khrushchov, whether he and In the Soviet Union he worked hard to disintegrate the his kind liked it or not. Khrushchov's downfall is the dictatorship of the proletariat, attempting to replace the inevitable result of the anti-revisionist struggle waged socialist system with the ideology, politics, economy and staunchly by the people of the Soviet Union and revolu- culture of the bourgeoisie, and to restore capitalism. tionary people throughout the world. In the last eleven years, exploiting the prestige of the im- Ours is an epoch in which world capitalism and Communist Party of the Soviet Union and of the first perialism doom and socialisrn and com- are moving to their socialist country that had been built up under the leader- munism are marching towards victory. The historie ship of Lenin and Stalin, Khrushchov committed aII the mission this epoch has placed on the people is to bring bad things he possibly could in contravention of the proletarian revolution step step to complete the world by genuine rvill of the Soviet people. These bad things may and establish a new world imperialism, victory without be summed up as follows: capitalism and without the expioitation of man without 1. Cn the pretext of "combating the personality cult" man through their own efforts and in the light of the _ by and using the most scurrilous language, he railed at Stalin, conditions their respective countries. This concrete of the leader of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union the inexorable of historical development and the is trend and the Soviet people. In opposing Stalin, he opposed people of the common demand of the revolutionary world. Marxism-Leninism. He tried at one stroke to write off trend is an objective 1aw which operates This historical all the great achievernents of the Soviet people in the of man's wi1l, and it is irresistible. But independently entire period under Stalin's leadership in order to defame Khrushchov, this buffoon on the contemporary political the dictatorship of the proletariat, the socialist system, chose to go against this trend in the vain hope of stage, the great Soviet Communist Party, the great Soviet Union turning the wheel of history back onto the old capitalist and the international communist movement. In so cloing, and of thus prolonging the life of the moribund ex- road Khrushchov provided the imperialists and the reaction- ploiting classes and their moribund system of exploitation. aries of al1 countries with the dirtiest of weapons for their the people in the capitalist countries, demanding that thLy anti-Soviet and anti-Communist activities. take the so-called Iega1, parliamentary road. This er- 2. In open violation of the Declaration of 1gb? and roneous line paralyses the revolutionary will of the pro- ,,all-r,ound the Statement of 1g60, he sought co-operation,, Ietariat and d.isarms the revolutionary people ideoiogi- with U.S. imperialism and fallaciously maintained that cally, causing serious setbacks to the cause of revolution the heads of the Soviet Union and ihe United States in certain countries. It has made the Communist Parties would "decide the fate of humanity,,, constantly praising in a number of capitalist countries lifeless social-demo- ,,having the chieftains of U.S. imperialism as a sincere cratic parties of a new type and caused them to degen- desire for peace". Pursuing an adventurist poiicy at one erate into servile tools of the bourgeoisie. moment, he transported guided missiles to Cuba, and 5. Under the signboard of "peaceful co-existence" he pursuing a capitulationist policy at another, he docilely did his utmost to oppose and sabotage the national libera- withdrew the missiles and bombers from Cuba on the tion movement and went so far as to work hand in glove order of the U.S. pirates. He with U.S. imperialism in suppressing the revolutionary U.S. fleet and even tried to s struggles of the oppressed nations. He instructed the by agreeing, behind the Cuban SoviCI delegate at the United Nations to vote for the "inspection" of Cuba by the dispatch of forces of aggression to the Congo, which under U.S. control. In so doing, Khrushchov brought a helped the U.S. imperialists to suppress the Congolese humiliating disgrace upon the great Soviet people un- people, and he used Soviet transport faciiities to move heard of in the forty years and more since the October these so-called United Nations troops to the Congo. He Revolution. actually opposed the revolutionary struggles of the 3. To cater to the U.S. imperialist policy of nuclear Ai.gerian people, describing the Algerian national libera- blackmail and prevent socialist China frorn building up tion struggle as an "internal affair" of France. He had her own nuclear strength for self-defence, he did not - the audacity to "stand aloof" over the events in the Guif hesitate to damage the defence capabilities of the Soviet of Bac Bo engineered by U.S. imperialism against Viet Union itself and concluded the so-called partial nuclear Nam, and cudgelled his brains for ways to help the U.S. test ban treaty in collusion with the two imperialist provocateurs get out of their predicament and to white- powers of the United States and Britain. Facts have wash the criminal aggression of the U.S. pirates. shown that this treaty is a pure swindle. In signing this 6. In brazen violation of the Statement of 1960, he treat5, Khrushchov perversely tried to sell out the in- spared no effort to reverse its verdict on the renegade terests of the Soviet people, the people of aIl the socialist Tito clique, describing Tito who had degenerated into countries and ali the peace-loving people of the world. a lackey of U.S. imperialism as a "Marxist-Leninist" and 4. In the name of "peaceful transition,, he tried by Yugoslavia which had degenerated into a capitalist coun- every means to obstruct the revolutionary rnovements of try as a "socialist country". Time and again he declared that he and the Tito clique had "the same ideology', and 9. In flagrant violation of the principles guiding rela- were "guided by the same theory" and expressed his tions among the fraternal countries, he encroached upon desire to learn modestly from this renegade who had their independence and sovereignty and wilfully inter- betrayed the interests of the Yggoslav people and sabo- fered in their internal affairs. In the name of "mutual taged the international communist movement. economic assistance", he opposed the independent devel- 7. He regarded Albania, a fraternal socialist country, I opment of the economies of fraternal countries and forced as his sworn enemy, devising every possible means to in- them to become a source of raw materials and an outlet for jure and undermine it, and only wishing he could devour i finished goods, thus reducing their industries to append- it in one gulp. He brazenly broke off ail economic and ages. He bragged that these were all new theories and diplomatic relations with Albania, arbitrarily deprived it doctrines of his own invention, but in fact they were the of its legitimate rights as a rnember state in the Warsaw jungle law of the Capitalist world which he applied to Treaty Organization and in the Council of Mutual Eco- relations among socialist countries, taking the Common Market monopoly nomic Assistance, and publicly called for the overthrow of the capitalist blocs as his model.
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