Bensalem Jewish Outreach Center Library List: A B C 1 TITLE AUTHOR BARCODE 2 First Steps in Kiruv Abenson, Rabbi David 001374 3 Menoras Hamaor The Merits of Giving Abohav, Rabbeinu Yitzchak 000087 4 Menoras Hamaor. The Ten Days of Teshuvah (The Menoras Hamaor Series) Abohav, Rabbeinu Yitzchak 000209 5 Menoras Hamaor: The Jewish Child Abohav, Rabbeinu Yitzchak 000120 6 Menoras Hamaor: The Mitzvah of Tzedakah Abohav, Rabbeinu Yitzchak 001833 7 The Days of Awe (Menoras Hamaor) Abohav, Rabbeinu Yitzchak 000210 8 Menoras Hamaor. The mitzvah of tzedakah Abohav, Rabbi Yitzchak 000088 9 Nishmat Avraham Orach Chaim Abraham, Abraham S. 000062 10 Nishmat Avraham Vol.2: Yoreh Deah: Medical Halachah for Doctors, Nurses, Health-Care PersonnelAbraham, and Patients Abraham (Artscroll S. Halachah 000063Series) 11 Nishmat Avraham, Vol. 3: Even Ha'ezer and Choshen Mishpat- Medical Halachah for Doctors, Nurses,Abraham, Health-care Abraham Personnel S. and Patients000492 (Artscroll Halachah Series) 12 Two Halves of a Whole Abramov, Rabbi Yirmiyohu 000113 13 The Secret of Jewish Femininity Abramov, Tehilla 000147 14 The Secret of Jewish Femininity; Insights into the Practice of Taharat HaMishpachah Abramov, Tehilla 000153 15 The Secret of Jewish Femininity; Insights into the Practice of Taharat HaMishpachah Abramov, Tehilla 000911 16 Who by Fire Abramson, Chaya Malka 000390 17 After the Chuppah: Making Marriage Work (The Miriam Adahan Handbooks) Adahan, Miriam 000280 18 Emett Adahan, Miriam 001986 19 EMETT: A Step by Step Guide to Emotional Maturity Established Through Torah Adahan, Miriam 000281 20 EMETT: A Step by Step Guide to Emotional Maturity Established Through Torah Adahan, Miriam 000282 21 It's All a Gift Adahan, Miriam 000276 22 Living with Difficult People (including yourself) Adahan, Miriam 001115 23 Living with Difficult People (including yourself) Adahan, Miriam 001987 24 Nobody's perfect: The Miriam Adahan Handbook Adahan, Miriam 001411 25 Sticks and Stones: When Words Are Used As Weapons Adahan, Miriam 000283 26 The Children's Book of Jewish Holidays (Artscroll Youth Series) (v. 1) Adler, David A. 000497 27 Donny and Deeny K' Teeny Help the King (ArtScroll Middos Books) Adler, Ella 000496 28 Miracle Next Door Adler, Malka 001274 29 The Vintage Haggadah Adler, Rabbi Binyamin 000246 30 The Yeinah Shel Torah : Haggadah a Collection of Explanations, Interpretations, Profound InsightsAdler, ... [Etc. Rabbi ] / CompiledBinyamin by Rabbi Binyamin000842 Adler ; Translated by Yaakov Lavon 31 Perfect Timing Adler, Tzvi Aryeh 002030 32 Hidden Beauty of the Shema Aiken, Lisa 001424 33 To Be A Jewish Woman Aiken, Lisa 000278 Bensalem Jewish Outreach Center Library List: A B C 1 TITLE AUTHOR BARCODE 34 To Be a Jewish Woman: Jewish Women's Issues Aiken, Lisa 000114 35 Why Me, G-d? Aiken, Lisa 36 Why Me, G-d? Aiken, Lisa 001261 37 Glimpses of Jewish Frankfurt Alfansi, Rabbi Y. 000343 38 Glimpses of Jewish Frankfurt Alfansi, Rabbi Y. 000344 39 Voyage of the Visionary: The Commentary of Rabbi Moshe Alshich on the Book of Jonah Alshich, Rabbi Moshe 000826 40 Puzzle Pieces Altein, Chani 001469 41 Shining Star Altein, Chani 000575 42 One Word Too Many: Stories for Kids About the Life Changing Impact of Words Amar, Elisheva 001646 43 Well-Put! 2 Amitz, A. M. 001351 44 Let's Say Amen! Ansh, Tamar 001019 45 Let's Say Amen! Ansh, Tamar 001020 46 Jewish Theory of Everything Anteby, Max 000108 47 Judaism in a Nutshell Apisdorf, Shimon 001409 48 Judaism in a Nutshell Apisdorf, Shimon 001410 49 Judaism in a Nutshell: ... Israel Apisdorf, Shimon 001540 50 Kosher for the Clueless But Curious Apisdorf, Shimon 000956 51 Passover Survival Kit Apisdorf, Shimon 001431 52 Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Survival Kit Apisdorf, Shimon 000217 53 Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Survival Kit Apisdorf, Shimon 000219 54 Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Survival Kit Apisdorf, Shimon 000218 55 Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Survival Kit Apisdorf, Shimon 000220 56 Survival Kit Family Haggadah Apisdorf, Shimon 001405 57 Reflections on Redemption (Sfas Emes Anthology) Apter, Rabbi Moshe 000893 58 Reflections on Redemption (Sfas Emes Anthology) Apter, Rabbi Moshe 001368 59 Reflections on Redemption (Sfas Emes Anthology) Apter, Rabbi Moshe 001369 60 The Joy of Sukkos (Sfas Emes Anthology) Apter, Rabbi Moshe 000229 61 The Sfas Emes anthology: The joy of sukkos : a presentation of the thoughts and insights of the SfasApter, Emes Rabbi regarding Moshe the achievement000230 of joy through the celebration of sukkos 62 Michalina: Daughter of Israel Araten, Rachel Sarna 000795 63 Captivity of the Maharam Argaman, Shmuel 000421 64 The Captivity of the Maharam: A narrative of the events surrounding the arrest and captivity of theArgaman, Maharam Shmuel of Rothenburg 001144 65 Barriers Arieli, Ruth 000455 Bensalem Jewish Outreach Center Library List: A B C 1 TITLE AUTHOR BARCODE 66 Torah Leaders: A Treasury of Biographical Sketches Artscroll 000388 67 Terra Incognita Astaire, Libi 001523 68 Secret Life of Gershon Burd Astor, Yaakov 002025 69 Silence Is Thy Praise: The Life and Ideals of Rabbanit Batya Karelitz (ArtScroll series) Austern, Esther 000409 70 Thoughts for Yom Kippur Bachya, Rabbeinu 000238 71 Lasting Legacy Bais Yaakov of Baltimore 001423 72 They called me Frau Anna (The Holocaust diaries) Banet, Chana Marcus 000800 73 The Kingdom Didn't Fall Baram, Meir 000655 74 The Kingdom Didn't Fall Baram, Meir 001945 75 Gut Voch: A Treasure Trove of Inspiring Stories about Tzaddikim from Many Lands Barash, Avrohom 000308 76 Guidelines . Succos Barclay, Rabbi Elozor 001124 77 Guidelines ... Three Weeks Barclay, Rabbi Elozor 001125 78 Guidelines ...Tefillah 1 Barclay, Rabbi Elozor 001471 79 Guidelines... Purim Barclay, Rabbi Elozor 001276 80 Guidelines: Questions & Answers about the Laws of Tefillah, 1 Barclay, Rabbi Elozor 001328 81 Historical Atlas of Judaism Barnes, Dr. Ian 001293 82 Race Against Time Bassara, M. 001626 83 Sun Inside Rain Bassara, M. 001432 84 Double Life of Chani Greenberg Beckerman, Menuchah 001174 85 My Middos World: Avi and Chavi Meet Cocoa the Cow (My Smiling World) Beckerman, Menuchah 001527 86 Real Hero Beckerman, Menuchah 001774 87 Pentateuch Deuteronomy Ben Isaiah Rabbi Abraham 001999 88 Pentateuch Deuteronomy c.2 Ben Isaiah Rabbi Abraham 002000 89 Pentateuch . Genesis Ben Isaiah, Rabbi Abraham 001785 90 Pentateuch . Exodus c.2 Ben Isaiah, Rabbi Abraham 001996 91 Pentateuch . Leviticus Ben Isaiah, Rabbi Abraham 001997 92 Pentateuch . Numbers Ben Isaiah, Rabbi Abraham 001890 93 Pentateuch ... Exodus Ben Isaiah, Rabbi Abraham 001786 94 Pentateuch ... Genesis c.4 Ben Isaiah, Rabbi Abraham 001995 95 Pentateuch. .. Numbers Ben Isaiah, Rabbi Abraham 001998 96 Pentateuch... Genesis Ben Isaiah, Rabbi Abraham 001783 97 Dual Dilemmas Ben Shachar, Chaya Sara 001902 Bensalem Jewish Outreach Center Library List: A B C 1 TITLE AUTHOR BARCODE 98 Double Identity Bendet, Mayer 001631 99 True Identity Bendet, Mayer 001612 100 What Happened to Crazy Yosel ? Bendet, Mayer 000504 101 Carry Me in Your Heart: The Life and Legacy of Sarah Schenirer, Founder and Visionary of the BaisBenisch, Yaakov Pearl Movement 000935 102 To Vanquish the Dragon Benisch, Pearl 001514 103 Diamonds from the Past Benjamin, Ruth 001168 104 Music of the Soul Benjamin, Ruth 001683 105 On a Golden Chain Benjamin, Ruth 000656 106 Selby Printout Benjamin, Ruth 000968 107 Stranger to Her People Benjamin, Ruth 000657 108 Yesterday's Child Benjamin, Ruth 001668 109 My Pesach Play & Learn Book Bennet, J. 001715 110 A New Song Bensoussan, Barbara 000658 111 Dark Island Ben-Uri, Galila 000576 112 The Mysterious Cargo Ben-Uri, Galila 000577 113 Taharas Haloshon: Purity of Speech Berenbaum, Harav HaGaon Aryeh Leib000688 114 Taharas Haloshon: Purity of Speech Berenbaum, Harav HaGaon Aryeh Leib001165 115 Betrothed Berger, Peri 002048 116 Broken Mirrors Berger, Peri 001275 117 Narrow Bridge Berger, Peri 001926 118 Zero Tolerance Berger, Peri 001924 119 Mountain Family Berger, Tzirel Rus 000891 120 Gateway to the Talmud (The ArtScroll mesorah series) Bergman, Meir Zvi 000041 121 Why Us? Reflections on the cause of anti-Semitism Berlin, HaRav Naftali Tzvi Yehuda (Netziv)001932 122 Reb Shlomo Besser, Rabbi Yisroel 000991 123 Mevaser Tov Techias HaMeisim Biala 001532 124 Guide to the Laws of Sukkah Biala, Rabbi Reuvan 000235 125 The Laws of Honoring and Revering Parents Biberfeld, Rabbi Yechiel 000118 126 The Mishkan Biderman, Rabbi Avrohom 000929 127 On two fronts: Two brothers are torn from each other by the struggle between Orthodox JudaismBindman, and the Yirmeyahu Reform movement in revolutionary000659 nineteenth century Hungary : a novel 128 When Two Worlds Met Birnbaum, Avrohom 001979 129 Lieutenant Birnbaum: A Soldier's Story Birnbaum, Meyer 000395 Bensalem Jewish Outreach Center Library List: A B C 1 TITLE AUTHOR BARCODE 130 Fluent Hebrew Birnbaum, Philip 000303 131 Pathway to Prayer Birnbaum, Rabbi Mayer 000168 132 Happy Is the Heart: A Year in the Life of a Young Jewish Girl Birnhack, Sarah 000578 133 More Precious than Gold Blatt, Evelyn Mizrahi 000500 134 Bircas haChammah =: [Seder Birkat ha-hAOAúamah] = Blessing of the sun : renewal of the CreationBleich, : a Halachic Rabbi J. Davidanalysis and anthology,000162 with a new translation and commentary (ArtScroll mesorah series) 135 Alef Bet Word Book Blitz, Shmuel 000498 136 Alef Bet Word Book Blitz, Shmuel 000502 137 Artscroll Children's Book of Berachos Blitz, Shmuel 001119 138 Artscroll Children's Megillah Blitz, Shmuel 001641 139 ArtScroll Children's Megillah ( Blitz, Shmuel 000838 140 Bedtime Stories of Jewish Holidays (ArtScroll Youth) Blitz, Shmuel 000503 141 Bedtime Stories of Jewish Holidays (ArtScroll Youth) Blitz, Shmuel 001242 142 Bedtime Stories of Torah Stories Blitz, Shmuel 001027 143 Bedtime Stories of Torah Values Blitz, Shmuel 001026 144 Every Story Has a Soul Blitz, Shmuel 000581 145 Every Story Has a Soul Blitz, Shmuel 000976 146 My first book of Jewish stories Blitz, Shmuel 001198 147 My first book of Jewish stories (ArtScroll youth series) Blitz, Shmuel 00501 148 Treasury of Jewish Bedtime Stories Blitz, Shmuel 001031 149 Treasury of Sephardic Bedtime Stories Blitz, Shmuel 001025 150 Ron's New World and Other Stories Blum, R.
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