Temp le Be th El 10 70 Orchard Ave . Providence, R. I, Gi~e Your GJC Pledge Generously Helps More Thon 52 To The GJC 1955 Beneficiary Compoign The Jewish Herald Agencies VOL. XXXX. No. 41 FRIDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1955 PROVIDENCE. R. I. TWENTY PAGES 10 "ENTS THE COPY Center to Dedicate South Side Branch -- - - . • . "· a >&LIL . a I United Fund Head Immigrating Soviet Jews Meet UJA Head Zionist District Is Guest Speaker '-'i 'Told of Projects Dedication day ceremonies for Herschel Aue rbach. former exu­ the J ewish Comm un ity Center's tive director of the Zionist Organ­ new South Side Branch building at ization of America, delivered a 45 H a milton Street will be held brief talk on the current situaLion this Sunday afternoon at 2: 30 in Israel at the first board dinner o'clock. touchin~ off a full week's meeting of the Zionist District dedication activities in the new held on Monday even ing at the Cen ter. Narragansett Hotel. A question The entire community is in­ and answer period followed h is vited to attend the dedication talk. program a nd to enjoy t he refresh­ Ra bbi Nathan N. Rosen. presi­ ments and the open house p ro­ d ent of the District. outlined the gram which follows the formal projects recommended by the ceremonies. steering committee. Among the The afternoon program will in­ proposals are a me morial to the clude addresses by ma ny promi­ late G eorge Pullman, veteran Zi­ WILLII\M H. EDWI\RDS nant local fi gures. best wishes as onist and JNF cha irman: and the expressed by officials of the United planting of a forest in Israel in Fund a nd the General J ewish honor of Gove rnor Roberts. "in Committee. a nd the dedication of recognit ion of his consistent devo­ Finds Author special building areas in the name tion and help to the Zionist cause." of the late Sam uel H . Workman Rabbi Morris Schussheim. past a nd Mayor \.Valtcr Reynolds. president of the Providence Zion­ ist District. brought greetings and In Soviet Camp An Area Facility a "ban voyage'' to D 1•• and Mrs. Th~ ceremonies ma rk the culm1 VIENNA - Ezekiel Dobrushin . IliP Berger. \':ho wili lcavC; tlext n ation of mauy month 's effort \Jj noted Yiddish a uthor and litrn,ry month for Isreal. Center leaders. staff. Boa rd. and J ewish immig-rants from the Soviet Union a nd leade rs of the critic. who is 70 years old and \\ ho Membership committees to p ro­ recent United Jewish Ap11eal S tudy Mission to Isr ael met aboard a n "disappeared" several ~,ears a g-o vide a facility which would more E l AJ Israel Airlines plane flying from Vienna to Israel. Pictured above from Moscow together with otllL'r aclequntely serve. in a neighbor­ (left to right) arc Mrs. Fania l"crlmuttcr from Moscow, Miriam Jac­ Soviets to End prominent. J ewish writers and cul­ hood settin~. Center members ques, El Al hostess, Mrs. Pl'ssia S niburski from Kis hine v. a nd Edward tural leaders. is being held in the M. 1\1. \\' arlrnr~. Prrsid,•nt of the UJA. Mrs. r c rlmuttcr and Mrs. Soviet camp at Abes. in the Arc­ f:'0m Soul h Providence. \Vashing­ Arms Delivery t.on Park. Edg-ewooct. Cranston. S niburski a rt• amon .i::· the s mall number of Soviet J e ws who have re­ tic Circle. it was reported in a Vi­ ceived t•xit permits in rct·cnt months. a nd Warwick areas. This addition­ WASHINGTON ~ Th e Soviet enna newspaper Wednesday. a l Center facility includes a nurse­ bloc is speeding· up its arms sh ip­ The report comes from Dr. Ra­ ry school. g~·mnasium. locker and ments to Egypt in an attem pt to ph ael Spann. or Vienna. who re ­ showe r rooms. auditcrium. kitch­ complete delivery by the end of t urned a few weeks ago from Abes. en, lounge. library, ~ame rooms. ]k 'Yuzw.'1- o)id:iv~ this year. r1ccording to reports where he discovered Dobrushin in and a variety of meeting rooms reaching h ere last week. t.hc cam p hospita l suffering· from 1 i\n /\JI' Round U p Of World News.·------~ which are PxpecLed to be in full It is understood that amon g- the a h eart ailment and from an ad­ service soon . meeting the recrea­ llNITEll STI\TES Communist infiltra Lion and sub­ a rms already in Egypt arc MIG 15 vanced case of tuberculosis of the tion a nd education al n eeds of Cen­ The spirit of Chanukah. Liberty version in Africa At the UN jct fi ghters. tanks . artille ry a nd bone. Writing in ··Die Wochen­ t er membership groups of all ag·es. a nd Freedom. is the thf'mc of the a Russian release contained in the small arms. It is believed that Pressc" of Vienna. Dr. Spann re­ new UN commemorative stamp latest Sovirt Kil reports the fol­ sma ll coastal subma rines arc in­ lates: To Pay Tribute marking Human Rights Day lowing under the heading "Tass cluded in t h e order. a lthough "We heard. sometimes with J ulius C. M ichnelson . pa.st presi­ ,:hich. significantly. falls this Yl'ar Denial" "Reports which recently there is. as yet. no indication that a mazeme nt. som etimes. with in­ dent of the JCC. will serve as on the first Day of Ch anukah. aµpcarrd in the foreign press al­ they h ave been delivered. dignation. the detailed reports of chairnrnn of the a fternoon 's dedi­ Drccrnbrr 10. Issued rrcv Ha nuk­ legC' tha t, the Soviet Union intends Th e Washington burea u of t he sch olarly Dobrushin about the cation prog ra m . Tribute to !\<lay­ kah. F'riday, DPccmbcr 9 . the UN to offer arms to Israel. These NC'wsweek magazine reports that syst ematic persecutions of Jews in or Reynolds in recogn ition of hi:-,. starnp sh ows a hand holding a reports arc based on a statement the Israel.- request for a rms is re­ the Soviet Union. many services to thf' J ewish Com­ flaming torch. made by S uydam. a spokesman ceiving "serious attention" in thr "Thr first example is Dobrushin munity Center nnd t h e Jewish Mnny well-known UN delegates for t he U. S. S t.i.t.e Department. respective government offices. himself. For decades he was au community will be pnid by coun­ and Srcrctnnat officials attended a ll cµ-i ng tlrnt thC' U. S. S tale Dc­ enthusiastic Communist. Hr wns. cilman Edmund Wexler, mem ber the- Wf'lzmann I nstitute of Sci­ pnrtmf'nt possessed information with llya Ehrenberg, among the of liH' Center Bonrd. Saul Ab­ encp Oinrwr a t thr Waldorf the Lh nt the Soviet bloc had taken Military Expert len clrrs of the Jrwish anti-fascist rnms. pnst prrsident of the JCC, nl~ht 0 1 Dl'rcmber l in thr hopt' stPps to offC'r delivery of nrms to Communists who sought to win thr will dedicate' tlw new building's of J.(rrrtl n (,t Pi1'1Te Mrndcs-F'nn1n· lsral'l. Tnss is authorized to state Calls for Action Jews outside of the USSR for thr a uclitonum section to tlw late who. becaus(' of the fnll of tlw that tilL·~e rrports arc n purr fig­ cnusc of Communism . ln n vit- Snmurl H . VV orkmnn . one of the Fn·nrh Govnnment. couldn't ap­ ment of tiH' imn~lnntion and ob­ WASHINGTON- Major George rlolic nrticlr lw onc<' damned "th C' Cen lt'r's former prC'sidcnts nnd a pi ar. ThC' $250-a-plntr dlnnC'I' rc­ viously cil'sl1-:nC'cl to mislcncl." F'irlding Eliot. a lrndlng militnr~·l Amcric:1n hate-mongrring ,iour­ moving Ogurc in the development sult<'cl In nosing $375.000 for till• The American Jrwish Con ~Trs~ f'XJJC'rt. called t his wrek for nrnlC'cl nnlisls" :.ind Lhdr reports nbout of CentC'r. !-. upport of Ltw lnstitutl' at lt.e­ hns askPcl the U . S. Senatt• to U . S. action in tlw Midcilt• Enst to n11Li -Jl'wish persl'cutlons in 11.us­ hovoth. broarlt·n llw rli~ibillty n•quirc­ prevrn t t lw Soviet block from l's- sia. A frw clays aftC'r the- articlr Lh,t S peakers Dr!-. pltr sc·c·ptirisn1 from 11rnny llll'llls of a proposed bill which Is tnblishln1-: n RC'd m illtnry bnse 111 w;is 1rnblislwd hr wn s srizrct by Other speakers on the progrnm quartPrs. Lincoln White•. State !Je­ ch's1g 1wcl to co1npc·n!-a tc• Ameri­ "n Sovlpt ERYPt," Writ ing In ngpnts of till' NKVD bC'CllUSf' he i11cludr Peter H. Bardach. Cf'ntrr pnrtmrnt NPOI' Enst l'XJWrt. was cans up to :i mnxlnn11n of $ 10,000 " Army Tlnws," ll llUII -OITI C'lll l u. s. \\':IS n Jl'\\'." prC'sidrnt: \1/ill1am EdwRrds . pres- sun• of n 1ww trl'nd Suicl hr : "We for losst's !-Ustnirwd as n result of m ilitary publicntion , Mn,lor Eliot 1ct r11L of Lhr United Fund: Srnator nn• conflclt•11t, thnt with l<!Ooclw1 ll 0Pr11ia11 military net10 11 clurinµ stn•ssl'd thnt ill' made t lw :-- ugµ ps­ IH:Ill('ATE CEMETEHV Frnnk Licht. vicc--presidrnt of Uw on both s1clC's ~ solution cn11 bl' Wdrld Wnr .ll tion not for tilt' snke o f Jsr:wl but.
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