MOTORINDIA AUTO EXPO COMPONENTS NEWSLETTER 11 February 2018 Day-4 Powered by Anand Group focus on light-weighting, safety, BS-VI and electromobility The Anand Group’s theme of aie ad passie, light-eighig ad safet, B“-VI ad eletooilit. futue-eadiess atated a lot of usi- euieets to eet B“-VI ad fo Fa-sighted ioaio is a ke easo ess isitos iludig leadig OEMs eleti ehiles. Fo eaple, Ma- due to hih the Aad Goup is ale to its stad i Hall A. With goig do is shoasig AB“/EB“ poduts to pla its oadap ad adapt to the fous o B“-VI ad eleti teholo- hih ould e oeiall olled hages the aket pesets. Goig gies, the lage ogloeate had all out et ea. O passie safet, Takata foad, oth IC egies ad ele- its goup opaies displaig thei has ought i ee poduts o ti ehiles ill o-eist, at least fo esaile age of poduts. seat elts. We also hae poduts fo a etai peiod of ie. The ate of Eplaiig aout the goups fous, eleti ehiles like hages, DC ge- goth fo eleti ehiles ill hoe- M. V. Madhaa, Pesidet – Goup eatos ad eleti ales fo “pie e oetake IC egies i the et - Busiess Deelopet, Aad Auto- Daa. With Gaiel, e hae soe eas. This ill e oe so o uses, oie P Ltd. said: We ae futue sei-aie suspesio poduts ad to-heeles ad fo ehiles that ae ead ad ou displa oasts of a light-eighig ipoeets. Ou pi- euied fo shote age euie- Mr. V. Madhavan, President – Group Business Development, poduts that ehae safet, oth a fous has ee o light-eighig, ets, ifoed M. Madhaa. w Anand Automotive (P) Ltd. ‘Global market’ to be Simpsons’ focus for next three years Haig deeloped poduts dia ut also fo the deeloped a- sigle iggest fato h people fo the upoig B“-VI eissio kets. Ou fous fo the et thee should oside souig fo os i the Idia aket, “ip- eas is goig to e the old. Idia. As fa as teholog apa- sos, eputed egie-ake fo We ill e oig sigiiatl ilit is oeed e ae ight up the Aalgaaios stale, has its ito the Euopea aket i the thee. sight set o epadig its pesee oig eas ad ae also lookig Whe asked if the ielie fo i the gloal aea. to epad ou eisig pesee i the B“-VI shit is a it too M. ‘aghu Vekataaa, Vie the U“ aket. eal, the VP uipped: Just go out Pesidet Copoate Plaig Quizzed as to h people oe- ad eathe the ai, itll tell ou e & Pogae Ipleetaio, seas should oside souig fo ae uite late i shitig to B“-VI. “ipsos, said: We ae fousig Idia, M. Vekataaa gae a The teholog is aailale, its Mr. Raghu Venkatnarayan, o the e eissio os ad o lea oe-od ase: Cost, aout people iesig the oe Vice President (Corporate Planning & Programme Implementation), Simpsons poduts hih ae ot just fo I- efoe goig o to add: Cost is the ad geig it. w Turbo Energy charged up for India’s BS-VI dream Tuo Eeg Pt. Ltd., oe of the a aket-leadig supplies has deeloped highl-eiiet sstes to suit thei euieets ad is ead ith that oe fo the TV“ Goup, laid out its B“-VI ead tuohag- hatee the ehile akes eed to ahiee B“-VI. es fo passege a ad CV appliaios. With B“-VI eig at the Apat fo peseig its age of tuohages, the opa also had o dis- heat of this eas Auto Epo, Tuo Eeg used the plafo to pla its asigs ad othe opoets that ae popula i the doesi atea- shoase its teh-eadiess to the idust. ket ad also epoted aoss the gloe. w M. Aath ‘aauja, Dieto, Tuo Eeg Pt. Ltd., shaed: We hae shoased ou tuohages fo aious OEMs fo oth Collect your copy of passege a ad CV appliaios. Whe eissio os ae upgaded, the egie sizes ae iaial ought do, ith the MOTORINDIA Auto Expo Special Editions eiie of theodai pefoae goig up. We ae okig Visit our stalls: ith OEMs o difeet pojets ad ae ead ith the poduts fo ou side. The OEMs ae okig o oiguig thei poduts Hall 7 Foyer Hall 1 ad akig the opaile fo B“-VI. Stand No. F6 Stand No. E2g With alost all the CV OEMs takig the “eleie Catali ‘edu- Mr. Ananth Ramanujam, Director, io “C‘ oute alog ith ate teatet sstes, Tuo Eeg Turbo Energy Pvt. Ltd. MOTORINDIA Auto Epo Copoets Neslete | 1 MI-Feb-18-A3-AutoExpo-Newsletter-final.indd 31 10-02-2018 21:00:08 MOTORINDIA AUTO EXPO COMPONENTS NEWSLETTER Powered by ACMA Meet discusses component sector’s preparedness for xEVs of goeet i failitaig the at opeiie pies, although tasiio, ad OEM-supplie stat- ate ell aufatuig a egies i eaig e teholog sill lag ehid, he shaed. He also eosste. assued that ACMA ill pla a sup- Coeig o the disus- poie ole i aidig its ee i sios, M. Nial K. Mida, ACMA this tasiio. Pesidet, said that a disupio M. Mehta oseed that of lage sale is likel to take soe thee ill still e a lage oo ie ad a ot happe all of fo oetioal ehiles ad a sudde. Lak of olues is a ICE elated poduts. He also pesistet hallege i ou idust stessed o the ipotae of a ee i the ICE age. As fa as EVs asket of tehologies i pusuit ae oeed, uless olues go of eissio-fee oilit, as the up, loalizaio a ot happe. idust should ate to hat the But ith ieased dead, Idia ed use ats. From left, Mr. Vinnie Mehta, Director-General, ACMA, Mr. Nirmal K. Minda, ACMA President, Dr. Wilfried G. Aulbur, Roland Berger, and w Mr. Jeffry Jacob, Partner, Roland Berger, at the ACMA Meet plaes a suppl e poduts ACMA, i assoiaio ith ‘o- t ositutes fo oe $ illio, KEY POINTS FROM THE STUDY lad Bege, has eleased a “tud of hih pe et eeue is • Core xEV components expected to account for >50% of the auto components markets in 2025. o EV aket ad oppotuiies soued fo poetai elated • Sigiiat ost eduios of 0-5% ae epeted i ateies 05. fo EV opoet supplies opoets. Thus, ou pepaed- to ig lait ad solidif its ess fo the upoig halleges • Goeet push alog ith ipoig TCO appoah has ideed the possiiliies fo Idia i pespeies o the disupie is ke to sustaiailit. adopig to EVs. hages happeig ithi the $ D. Wilfied G. Aulu of ‘olad • Tadiioal poetai opoet akes ust at o, o else isk losig the oppotuit to Chi- illio opoet idust, Bege peseted the stud i nese OEMs and suppliers. pe et of the tuoe of hih detail, aalzig the aket size • High poteial i asselies of e-otos, theal aageet, oetos ad poe eletois. oes fo Iteal Cousio ad goth pospets of eleti • Supplies eed to auie teholog iogaiall, eah to gloal akets sitl ad deostate Egie ICE aggegates. “aid M. ad hid ehiles i Idia i the apailiies to OEMs. Viie Mehta, Dieto-Geeal, upoig eas, status-uo of the ACMA: Apat fo the doesi opoets idust ad its ad- • Goeet eeds to deie EV tagets ad log-te plas that ae oheet ad osistet to deads, epots fo ou idus- aptaio to the e deads, ole suppot idust. Roots forays into manufacture KCI Bearings’ impressive of EVs and electronic products debut at Auto Expo Mr. Bhavin Gadani, Director, (centre) with the KCI Bearings team Mr. K Saravanasundaram, Executive Director (fourth from right) with the dedicated Roots Industries team If ou ae isiig Auto Epo , ou a also fo the OEMs. But desigig ill e deel- With its ist pesee at the Auto helped us go ad eah to the stage - hae ooed a ide fo the el au- oped i-house. Epo, KCI Beaigs oeed its apail e ae toda. We hae all the apail- fatued eleti-die ugg ade ‘oots Last ea, the opa lauhed its ate dis- iies i difeet tpes of olle eaigs iies euied to hadle lage ues Idusties to go fo oe hall to aothe. ‘oots oet sith esides othe poduts espeiall suh as eedle olle eaigs, lidial as ell as top-oth ualit aked olle eaigs, eedle age asselies has lauhed its o EVs fo i-apus use i, as i eletois iludig DC-to-DC oetos, ou stog i-house eseah tea, he ad othe peisio opoets. We shaed. eet as, Jaua this ea. Cashig i o the EV sat U“B hages ad othes, piail foused ae uetl okig o seeal e de- Oe of the U“Ps fo KCI is that all the ood of the autoo idust, ‘oots is ot ol o the tuk ad of-oad segets. M. “aaa- sigs fo hih the OEMs gie us the di- opoets of a eaig like the aes – akig EVs ut also su-sstes fo this e asudaa added: We ok ith gloal ad esios ad speii euieets. We ie ad oute, etaies i.e ages ad seget ude its o ae. doesi OEMs ad hae see ie ad agai esue delie of log-lasig, ualit the ollig eleets i.e the olles ae M. K “aaaasudaa, Eeuie Dieto, that the ate disoet sithes ae ade poduts that keeps ou opa oto aufatued i house. We hae ou ‘oots Idusties shaed: We stated ou EV loall hee ae ot used the gloal OEMs We desig fo life high, stated M.
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