EPOK RESEARCH ESSAYS August 2017 EPOK Research Project 2017 岡山大学 EPOK プログラムでは、EPOK 留学生は日本語コースと EPOK 教養教 育科目から科目を選択履修し、日本の文化や社会、グローバル社会におけるコミュ ニケーションを複眼的かつ実践的に学びます。修了課題として日本研究の視野から、 個々に取り組む EPOK リサーチプロジェクトを行います。その過程では、単なる情 報収集ではなくフィールド調査に根差したオリジナルな学びを重視しました。研究 テーマは、文化的遺産から現代カルチャー、ビジネスから政治的課題まで多岐にわ たり、日本を学ぶという地域研究の学際的取組があらわれています。 2017 年度夏期に修了する EPOK 生 40 名が作成したリサーチペーパーをここにエ ッセイ集として纏めました。願わくば、このエッセイ集が、皆の見出だした“日本” はもちろん、そこに至る過程を、懐かしく思い出す小さな窓の一つとなってほしい と思います。 In summer 2017, 40 EPOK students complete EPOK Research Project as the final product of the exchange program at Okayama University. In this EPOK research essay collection, the students share their individual research interest, analysis and findings, which they pursued as their own research theme in learning about Japan especially through a fieldwork in the local community of Okayama. The compilation of the writings shows a great variety of the students’ interest in Japanese cultures and society. I hope the process of researching own theme as well as findings are acknowledged through original experience for each of the EPOK students in learning about a culture that is not of their own. May this collection of the essays be a token of their fresh eyes and endeavor in Okayama, Japan. 2017 年 7 月 大林 純子 Obayashi Junko Center for Global Partnerships and Education Okayama University i Editor’s Note Dear reader, This year the EPOK students have created another annual collection of essays. We decided to take a more academic approach this time. The topics are varied and while some students wrote about their interests in Japan, some of us wrote about Okayama University, asking the students about Japanese customs and culture. This is the first time the EPOK class has focused specifically on Okayama city, for in the past the vast majority of EPOK essays were researched only by online research. The narrower scope inspired some people to conduct surveys, manage interviews, and generally talk to Okayama university students. Moreover this class has taught us how to organize independent research papers, from the conception of the idea to the preliminary research. It was a valuable experience for some of us, especially for those who have never had academic paper published before. This is why we editors took care to make this book look decent and professional. We are proud to show those who read our collection how devoted the EPOK students are to Japanese studies. We hope you enjoy reading our essays and see how much time and care these students have put into writing these academic papers. We thank everyone who took part in creating this book. I want to thank Simona Pakutinskaite for taking everyone’s photos, Sydney Williamson for organizing our presentations, Donna Dinh for creating the poster, and to the editing team who helped us format the essays. Big thank you to Junko sensei, who strove to make sure everything, for all 40 EPOK students in her class, was perfect. Alivia and I worked hard for the past week to make this book is the best it could be. Besides, it was the collective effort of all the authors of these essays who really made this book a reality. Thank you! Aleksa MacDonald & Alivia Hancock July 13, 2017 ii Table of Contents Table of Essay Contents iii Supervisor’s Note xi Editor’s Note xii __ESSAYS _____________________________________________________________________________ Section 1 : Cultural Heritage in Contemporary Japan 1 Section 2 : Creating, Translating and Adapting Japanese Literature 21 Section 3 : Education in Japan: Teaching Foreign Language 37 Section 4 : Japanese Mind and Behavior 57 Section 5 : Social Issues in Japan 81 Section 6 : Contemporary Cultures 93 Section 7 : Life in Japan 105 Section 8 : Community, Ecology and Agriculture 117 Section 9 : Business and Marketing in Local/Japan 133 Section 10 : Political Issues in Japan 153 Presentation Poster 160 iii Section 1 : Cultural Heritage in Contemporary Japan_________________________ _________________ David Anton Lewis Tocchini デイビッド・トッキニ一 San Jose State University, USA 1 Minka, its Characteristics and New Roles in the Modern Day ミンカ、現代におけるその特徴と新しい役割 _________________________________________________________________________ ________ Sarah Booze サラ・ブーズ Appalachian State University, USA 5 Namako-kabe: Connecting Architecture and Culture 海鼠壁:建築と文化を結びます _____________________________________________________________________________ __ __ Ryan Aaron Anthony Butler ライアン・バトラー York St John University , United Kingdom 9 How Japanese Swords Are Made and Their Popularity in the West 日本刀の作り方と西洋の人気 _____________________________________________________________________________ ____ Caterina Bertoli カテリーナ・ベルトリ Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Italy 13 The Cult of the Mountain in Shugendo 修苑堂の山のカルト _____________________________________________________________________________ ____ Mariah Lynne Armstrong マライア・アームストロング Arizona State University, USA 17 Dance Culture of Japan: Ballet vs Traditional 日本の舞踊文化:バレエ対伝統舞踊 Section 2 : Creating, Translating and Adapting Japanese Literature ____________________ ______ _ Luigi Anne Aumento ルイージ・オーメント University of Kent, United Kingdom 21 On Taketori Monogatari 竹取物語について ____________________________________________________________________ __________ ___ iv _________________________________________________________________________ _____ _ Elena Testa エレナ・テスタ Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Italy 25 Peach Boys: A Comparison Between Ancient and Modern Fairy Tales ピーチボーイズ - 古代と現代の妖精の比較 ___________________________________________________________________________ Shou De Zhang ショウ・チヨウ San Jose State University, USA 29 Japanese Folklore and Legends 日本の伝説 ___________________________________________________________________________ _ ___ __ Kyle Andrew Langston カイル・アンドリュー ラングストン The University of Adelaide, Australia 33 Liberal and Literal Translation: Finnegan Wake’s Impossible Japanese Translation 意訳と直訳:翻訳不可能なフィネガンズ・ウェイク Section 3 : Education in Japan: Teaching Foreign Language_________________________ ______ _____ Justin Warren David ジャスティン・デイビッド Southern Oregon University, USA 37 Teaching English in Japan 日本での英語教育 _____________________________________________________________________ ____________ Shifeng (Tony) Ou シェフォントニーオー University of Northern Iowa, USA 41 Tips for Teaching English in Japan 英語教育への意見 ____________________________________________________________________ ____ _________ Ashley David Bowron アシュリー・ボウロン York St John University , United Kingdom 45 The Perfect English Teacher—Ideology vs Reality 完璧な英語教師 _______________________________________________________ ____ ___ v _______________________________________________________ ____ ___ Enoch Xiao-Yu Chan エノク・チャン Dallas Baptist University, USA 49 How to Modernize the Japanese University Education System 日本の大学教育を近代化する方法 _______________________________________________________ ____ ___ Nicholas Edward Fishlock ニコラス・フィシュロック The University of Adelaide, Australia 53 What’s Good in a Language Textbook? 外国語の教科書、何がいい? Section 4 : Japanese Mind and Behavior ________ __________________________ _ _____ Ethan Duane Jennings イーサン・ジェニングス Arizona State University, USA 57 外国人から見た日本の部活 Japanese Club Activities From the Foreigners' Perspective _______________________________________________________________________ __ _ __ _____ Donna Duyen Dinh ドナ・ディン California State University, USA 61 Shuukatsu: Job Hunting in Japan 日本の就活 __________________________________________________________________________ __ _____ Jenny Bozzer ジェニー・ボザー Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Italy 65 Group Identity in Matsuri 祭りのグループのアイデンティティ Samuel Nicholas Calonkey サミ・カロンキ University of Northern Iowa, USA 69 Between Friends: A Look at Semantic Differences in Japan and English 「フレンド」から「友達」にかけて:英和意味論比較 ____________________________________________________________________ ________ ___ vi _______________________________________________________ ____ ___ Jonathan Stephen Benthan ジョナサン・ベンサム York St John University , United Kingdom 73 Blood Types in Japanese Society 日本の社会における血液型 Bethany Jo Cummings カミングス・ベサニー University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom 77 日本人の働き方について How Japanese Work: Comparison Between Work Style in Japan and Other Countries Section 5 : Social Issues in Japan _______________ _____________ _____ Adrian Ubiarco-Oritz エイドリアン・ウビアルコ California State University, USA 81 Japan: A Story of Dating, Love Dolls, and Line デート、ラブドール, ライン:日本物語 ____________________________________________________________________________ ____ Simona Pakutinskaite シモーナ・パクチンスケイト The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom 85 Japan: War on Dance 日本のダンス戦 ________________________________________________________________ _________________ Supattra Sriploy スパトラ・スリプロイ Chulalongkorn University, Thailand 89 Konkatsu (Marriage Hunting) for Japanese Young People 婚活:日本人若年者のイメージ Section 6 : Contemporary Cultures __________________________________ _ ___ Yu-Rou Wu 羽柔 吳 National Taiwan University 93 Female Characters in Shounen Manga 日本の少年漫画における女性キャラクターの役割とイメージ ___________________________________ _________________ _________ vii ______________________________________________________ ____ ___ Anna Mackinnnon アンナ・マッキノン University of Edinburgh , United Kingdom 97 The VOCALOID Phenomenon 「ボカロイド」という現象 Madeline Grace Meyer マデリーン・マイヤー Dallas Baptist University, USA 101 Mission “Impawsible”: Finding all the Cat Stuff in Japan! And Why is it so Popular? なぜ日本では猫が人気がありますか? Section 7 : Life in Japan ______ __________________________________________ ____________ ______ William Kento Wolfkiel ウルフキエル・ウイリアム California State University, USA 105 Grocery Shopping
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