List of Mind Sciences Spirits for MD say I am God, special innate mind powers, innately divine mind of man, mind at one with God, mind of man is the mind of God, God is all, pantheism, pantheist, pantheistic impersonal divine consciousness, man's mind is Divine Mind or cosmic law, monism, monist, Divine Consciousness or god, omnipresent Power, all is divine and perfect, evil is mental error, mental illusions, false perception, disillusion, disillusioned, divine perfection a spiritual birthright, powers of the mind to correct all, man's true problem is mental not moral, ignorance not sin, psychic development, manipulation of altered states of consciousness, altered states of consciousness, spiritualization of thought, decreeing into existance, speaking into existance, god a Divine Idea, god a Divine Thought, god an Infinite Consciousness, man is divine and can control creation by occult knowledge, New Age power of the mind, Man's Mind and Environment, Man is God's thought, Thought controls image of thought, man's divine consciousness controls creation, religious humanism, humanist, man is divine, faith a mental power to bring spiritual success, Eastern philosophy, occult philosophy, occult practitioners, occultism, occultist, psychic affinity, psychic development, psychic powers, self-realization, spiritistic revelations, spiritists, spiritism, spiritualist, spiritualism, The Forum, Actualizations, consciousness research, Eastern metaphysics, occult metaphysics, Peale-ites, Power of Positive Thinking, New Age seminars, Mind Science seminars, New Age teachings, Creative Power of the Mind: Scientific Use of Thought for Abundant Living, Possible Human, Mind Games, Powers of Mind, Supermind: The Ultimate Energy, "Christian" Mind Sciences, Positive Confession, Positive lying, Positive thinking, Positive thoughts, Positiveism, Faith teachers, Kenyon-ites, Hagin-ites, Copeland-ites, Yonggi Cho-ites, Tilton-ites, Hinn-ites, Roberts-ites, Faith Movement, Faith teachings of prosperity and success, divine health, sensory denial, manipulation of creation, positive confession, and the tentative or implicit rejection of medical science, Science of Mind, Holmes's mix Eastern religion and occult philosophy into a "power of positive thinking" worldview, occult philosophy, Eastern philosophy, psychic phenomena, seances, Truth is One, One Reality in all religions, true salvation through true enlightenment, deny Jesus as God's one and only Son, man an incarnation of God, say Jesus was just a man, say Jesus' mental powers realized the Christ or the truth of His own divinity, Christ means the Universal Principle of Divine Sonship, divine Christ principle is in all, say Jesus wasn't incarnate deity, Man's only salvation is from ignorance (not sin), God is All-in-all, God is good. Good is Mind, God, Spirit, being all, Life, God, omnipotent good, deny death, evil, sin, disease, monistic idea, monisticism, God is Spirit & matter is unreal, all that is not good is unreal or evil, say Jesus Christ was not God and He was not the Savior of the world, say god a triune Principle—Life, Truth, Love, Man as God's idea is already saved with an everlasting salvation, error, mental treatments to cure, life is divine perfection, Thought is creative power, higher consciousness, man is Infinite Power, right of consciousness, the I am consciousness, Peace is, joy is, love is, harmony is, wholeness is, right action is, wisdom is, say what man thinks is god's will, spiritual treatments or affirmations, visualize divine abundance, trust in own mind, humiliating denials, New Thought Christian, Brook-ites, psychic healer, psychic mystic, proper awareness of God or "Good" to counter life's problems, 14 essential truths of Divine Science God is Spirit Omnipresent: The One Perfect Mind, There is but One Presence and Power in all the universe - the Good Omnipotent, Spirit is the Substance of all form. It is the Only Substance. The One Perfect Mind and It manifests ALL there is, to know the Truth of my being, I must turn to my Source, which is Perfect, Christian Divine Science, false view of Jesus Christ, metaphysical thinking, metaphysics, The "Christ" is the divine essence of man's true nature, misinterpretation of the Bible, Unitarian, New England Transcendentalist, Transcendental meditation, psychic healing, psychic healer, think in harmony with Divine Law and Life, state of harmony with the All-Good (God), Pronounce all good, and of God, Divine Intelligence as perfect Ideas, disharmony if evil, or bad, Sense consciousness, negative force or reality, prayer of positive affirmation, treatments for self development, unity says God is an infinite spiritual Mind or Intelligence which is the "higher self" of man, God is Principle, say jesus recognized and appropriated "the Christ" within Him, all have the potential to become the Son of God like Jesus, spirit guides, Mind Dynamics, mediumism, psychic powers, psychic prayers, man forgive own sins, says Jesus' kingdom of heaven was the alpha brain wave state through Silva Mind Control, rejects Christ's deity, say jesus a very advanced avatar, right brain hemisphere, Rabbi jesus is A son of god, all are sons of the same god, Erhard Seminars Training (e s t), Western form of enlightenment, Eastern mysticism, Eastern perspective, mystics, break down people psychologically and emotionally, destructive psychologically, anti-Christian ideas, Eastern occult philosophy, Easternization of America, occultly enlightened and transformed, Latihan experience, religion of Subud, spirit possession, spirit oppression, Eastern disciplines, occult disciplines, alter a person's epistemology, impersonal divinity, profound psychic, Discover the Power Within You, Sermon on the Mount, Find and Use Your Inner Power, Reincarnation: Described and Explained, the Zodiac and the Bible, Conscious Union with God, Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture, metaphysical sect, Consciousness is God, mental science, Think Yourself Rich: Norvell's Secrets of Money Magnetism, Million Dollar Secret Hidden in Your Mind, Occult Sciences: How to Get What You Want Through Your Occult Powers, Exorcism: Overcoming Black Magic with White Magic, say God is a Universal Mind, Cosmic Intelligence, dynamic mental laws, dynamic spiritual laws, How to Pray with a Deck of Cards, How to Attract Money, Psychic Perception: Magic of Extrasensory Power, Secrets of I Ching, Magic of Faith, Esoteric Mind Power, Treasury of Positive Answers, Mystic Masters Speak, Power of Psycho-Pictography: How to Change and Enrich Your Life with the Aid of Creative Visualization, say to be happy is to be God, H Sherman E S P Body/Mind/Spirit Healing Workshops, How to Make E S P Work for You, How to Use the Power of Prayer, How to Solve Mysteries of Your Mind and Soul, New T N T Miraculous Power Within You, God, the Great Intelligence in all, Three Magic Words, Magic in Your Mind, Success Cybernetics, say one creator the Universal Subconscious Mind, or god, Alpha and Omega of existence, To God the Glory, Ye Are Gods, Secrets of Eternity, Psycho-Cybernetics: A New Technique for Using Your Subconscious, 3 & 5 centers, 7 Worlds, 7 Cosmic Planes, 7 & 10 fold constitution of Man, Adonism, Adyar School of Theosophy, Affiliated New Thought Network, Affirmation, African initiated churches, Agape International Spiritual Center, agni yoga, Ahmadiyya, akashic records, Alchemists, Alchemy, ll Faith's Church, all life is one, allness of god, alpha state, altered state of Consciousness, altered state of mind, Amica Temple of Radiance, animal soul, another jesus, another christ, another god, another bible, another spirit, another word, another gospel, etc, Anthroposophical view, Anthroposophy, anti-Biblical, anti-christ, Antoinism, apparitional experience, Archeosofica, Archeosophical Society, Arica school, Arya Samajis, Aum, Ascended Master Teachings religious movement, organizations, Activities, etc, Ascended Masters, & new age teachings, Ashrams, Association for Research and Enlightenment, Association for Global New Thought, Association of Creative Thought, Association of Progressive Christianity, astral or subtle body, Astral-Ethereal plane, astral light of magic, Astral plane, Astral projection, Astral travel, astrological phenomenon, Astrology, Atlantis, Attraction, Aum Shinrikyo, Ausar Auset Society, autosuggestion, Ayyavazhi, Bailey-ites, Batiniyya, Bhakti movement, Bhaktivedanta College, Blue Equinox, Buddhism, Buddhist, Bhuta, body of light, Bible miss-interpreted, Bible miss- translated, Biblical Unitarianism, Brahma Kumaris, brainwash, brainwashed, brainwashing, Branhamism, Branhamites, Brethren of Purity, Bridge to Freedom, Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, Bridge to Total Freedom, Bridge Publications, Caduceus, Cao Dai, Caodaists, Catharism, Center for New Age Living, Center for Positive Living, Center for Positive Prayer, Centers for Spiritual Living, chakras, major & minor, Charisma church, Chohan of the First Ray, Choice, Christ's Circle for Better Living, Christ Haven Center, Christadelphians, Christian Science, christian Science beliefs, christian Science clergy, christian Science doctrines, christian Science leaders, christian Science teachings, christian Science writings, christian Science writers, christian Science churches, christian Science centers, christian Science Clubs, christian Science denominations, christian Science Federations, christian Science organizations, christian Science Ministries, christian Science Schools, etc, clairaudiant, clairvoyant, coercive persuasion, Collective consciousness,
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