,4 l$J yjiil r 8 U. S. WEATHER BUREAU, 14. July Last 24 Hours' Rainfall, .00. SUGAR. 96 DegTce Test Centrif 4."c. Tor Ton, Temperature, uls. $$7.20. Max. 82; Mia. 74. Weather, fair. SS Analysis Beets, lis. 3d. Per Ten, $S7.U. ESTABLilSHiSU JUJL.1 2 15., VOL. XLVIIL, NO. 8091. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15.. 1908. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE SETTLEMENT LATEST ADVICES THE DEMOCRATS L I IV 1 i TO GREET FLEET FLEET THIS TO T THEIR WITH FIREWORK: CONTRIBUTIONS Third Division to Lahaina First Large Supply of the Daylight Variety Has Been Second and Fourth for They Will Not Accept More Than Ten Thousand Dollars Secured and Was Shipped Yesterday-F- irst Honolulu. From Any One Person No Greeting to the Fleet. Chairman Yet. The following wireless message was received this morning at o'clock from the U. S. S. Flagship Connecticut, via U. S. (Associated Cablegrams.) v The people at the Leper Settlement McVeigh was able to secure quite an 2:30 Press are going to do the right thing. assortment of these explosive that is, Glacier, by Operator Branch at the Naval Station: FAIRVIEW, Nebraska, July 15. The Democratic National Committer ha the figures which they assume when ex- They will salute the fleet with day decided to accept no contribution of over $10,000 for campaign expenses from ploding in the air will be varied. There Fleet position eight o'clock twenty-fou- r degreesten minutes light fireworks as it passes their little any one person. will be fish and animals and other forms north, hundred fifty-tw- o degrees thirty-tw- o minutes west. Distance peninsula. the devices of Japanese ingenuity have Honolulu three hundred forty miles. Fine weather. Nebraska re-port- ed The selection of a chairman has been left to a committee of nine. Quite a sum of money was raised at devised. at six-thir- ty morning. After passing leper settlement early Bryan will be notified of his nomination on August 12. the Settlement by subscription among But the chef d'ouvre, the biggest Thursday, third division will go to Lahaina, first, second-fourt- h di FAIRVTEW, Nebraska, July 14. The Democratic National the people there for the purpose of pur- piece of all, when it rises high in the Committee lux visions Honolulu. ' Second division will anchor eastward of harbor chasing daylight fireworks in sufficient ai? and explodes, will form the word resolved that it will publish a list of all contributions made to the campai "Welcome." This will be the sen- entrance. Illinois, Kearsarge, Kentucky will anchor to westward. quantity to make a showing. Superin- frrd. tendent Jack McVeigh was commission- timent of the greeting to the fleet from First division and Wisconsin will enter harbor. Connecticut at Leper Settlement. ed to iriake the purchase. He and Dr. the Oceanic wharf; Wisconsin1 and Kansas, Alakea street wharf; Minne- Holeman, the assistant physician of the McVeigh says that the entire Settle sota, Vermont at Naval wharf, number two. Ships entering harbor THIRD PARTY DELEGATES Settlement arrived here by the last ment is in the throes of the liveliest an- August 18th the auxiliaries' except Culgoa and ticipations. That the request that the will take pilots. On steamer. Arethusa will sail for Auckland. Panther, Yankton, Relief and Ajax When McVeigh first started out to fleet should sail along close enough to COLUMBUS, Ohio, July 15. There are 1500 delegates in the city to luy these fireworks he thought he was be seen from the Settlement has been will stop at Pago Pago, the Ajax and Glacier will stop at Suva, Fiji. immensely. the National Prohibition Convention, which meets today. going to be unsuccessful. It looked as granted, has pleased them FULLEN WIDER. 1 though the Japanese committee had It will be the greatest event in the. life Tought the town's entire supply. This and history of the Settlement. There Governor Frear and Chief Justice Hartwell also received mes- ADMIRAL GOING OUT did not look very good to McVeigh, are many there who have never seen a sages this morning in answer to messages sent yesterday to Admiral for he knew how disappointed the peo- warship of any kind except the Iro- Sperry. The Admiral expressed his pleasure in accepting the invi- would be. He quois and the Brazilian man-of-w- ar himself officers to dine with the Governor on the ple at the Settlement tation for and WASHINGTON, July 15. Rear-Admir- BurwelL U. S. N, will be retired hunted all over town on Monday, but Benjamin Constant, which recently 1 8th and with the Chief Justice on the 20th inst. ' there. does not make any on the 19th, was unable to find any. Yesterday passed It : morning, however, he found an avail- difference at what time of the day the able supply and laid in a large quantity. fleet passes, the whole Settlement will THE BOUNDARY ESTEftDS fiRE SPANISH FISHERMEN DROWNED These were shipped yesterday after- be out to witness it. The band will be noon and will be on hand at the Set- on hand, and with music and the day- Thursday morning ready to be light fireworks it is hoped to show ap- tlement SMALLER fifty-seve- IS IN DISPUTE TO IE SANTANDER, July 15 In a storm here n fishermen have been fired and give the first greeting from preciation and recognition of the fleet's : the Hawaiian Islands to the fleet. coining. drowned. J WRITES Bishop Estate and Territory Kapaa Pineapple Lands to Be TAFT'S SPEECH AND LETTER CORRESPONDENT Disagree Over Umauma Cut Into Twenty-Acr- e Surveys. Tracts. OF RACE BEFORE START HOT SPRINGS, July 15. Secretary Taft's speech of acceptance will 3500 words. There will be 15,000 words in his letter of acceptance. The Kapaa pineapple lots are to be A boundary dispute of goodly pro- cut in two and advertised for sale Lurline Conceded Fine Chance Those Aboard portions is iust now pneacrino1 t.h ef-- f . under the special agreement recently forts of the legal and surveying staffs ELKS' GENERAL CONVENTION framed by the Governor. Yachts Hawaii's Hospitality Gets 01f the Territory and t.h Bishor Kstatfl mtij the 1 11 u in an attempt to settle it. The boun- j 'i hut piuu.i j auvrinoc iucm: lands within a week or so. 15. R." ' Notice, a dary in dispute is that of the land DALLAS, Texas, July The Elks have chosen I. Holland as ruler, Favorable In the lands are included in the of Umauma, in the district of Hilo. that and have chosen Los Angeles as the place of meeting year. general term "Kapaa lands" there is nt The old surveys which attempted to J quite an area of what is believed to By Jack Densham. but must either be unshipped and pass- fix the ancient boundary are so un- be good pineapple land. When prep- ed over or hauled aloft and dropped and defective ifferenee DIED IN THE SUBWAY LOS ANGELES, July 4 When the again. certain that arations were being made for the offer Land of the chronometer creeps round has arisen as to who owns about eighty of exchange with the Makee Sugar CARRIES THREE GUESTS. acres over a hundred dollars an and points to 12 o'clock, Pacific coast worth Company, these pineapple lands were There will be three guests aboard acre. divided up into lots of about forty NEW YORK, July 15. Jordan, formeily cortroller of the Equitable Life time, today President Roosevelt will There is one point in the boundary acres each and it was planned to give the Lurline E. J. Pyle of Pasadena, Subway. touch a button. The electric fluid will Maxwell Savage of Redlands and Vic- on which all agree. But there is them to settlers in tracts of that size. died suddenly last night while riding in the t flash over the telegraph wires to the tor B. Stewart of Los Angeles, the lat- where agreement ends. Territorial But since the visit of Secretary Gar- Kanana-nu- .yacht club at San Pedro and fire the ter being well known in yatching cir- Surveyor Wall and Surveyor i field there has come a change of view figure out from the ancient de- as to the proper size of ' homestead cannon that is to give the signalv cles as former commodore of the South CONSTABULARY AND OUTLAWS brass Coast Yacht Club. A very important scriptions and surveys the boundary lots where the land is of good quality, f for the start of the great transpacific man aboard is the steward, and Captain should be in a certain place. The sur- and smaller tracts will be the rule yacht race. Sinclair has made a happy selection in veyors for the Bishop Estate figure out hereafter, it seems probable. forty-acr- e MANILA, July 15. The constabulary Cotu, in Mindanao. There are four entries in the race, Bill' McCann, known as "Alphonse." that it ought to be in another place. At anv rate, the tracts of has stormed McCann sailed on the Lurline during Attorney General Hemenway, for the (the Kapaa pineapple lands are being Fourteen outlaws were killed. and ihey are all fast yachts. Only one 1 the last race, and he. is known as the Territory, and Judge Stanley and Rob-- cut up into tracts of about twenty of them sailed in the last race. She is prince of all stewards. He is an ex bins Anderson, for the Bishop Estate, acres, and these are to be sold under spent a special agreement requiring five SELF-CONFESSE- the Lurline of San Pedro, and she won cellent cook, and has a sunny nature large part of yesterday trying the D DYNAMITER.
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