L~N COLN LORE :\o. 55 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA April 28, 1930 Nnncy,s father must hnvc iJeen a son County in 1826 and two years Inter LINCOLN LORE of Joseph Hanks. who died at least locuted four miles northwt>st of De· four year~; before .Joseph made his catur in Macon County. Jt was here will. According to one of the descend­ in 1830 that Abraham Lincoln split Ill: I I "TIN Hl'o'DOW.II UY 1 o• ants of Joseph, this son s name wag rails for him. 'hn: I.INUUN 'r U ll LIN<XIL~ James. John Hanks was born in 1802. For IIIITO•I~A I NATIOlUL l.1,. There is no positive information a short time- he lived not far frorn the n • ••••en INIUa.aHC. nhout the families of Thomas, Joshua. Lincoln$ in Spencer County, Indiana. t-'oU"IIATIOH C'OMJ'AMT nnd Chades Hanks. The nnme of In 1828 he moved [O Macon County, .Joshua appears in Nelson County lists Illinois, where his brother James, hacl Hr. l.t>uiM A. \\'llrr('n Y.dltm !or 1786 and 1787 while on a fragment ~ettled. It was thi~ John Hanks who (J( pnpcl', evidently about the samf" ~U ilJllied the rnils (or tht' Republican FAMILY' OF PIONEER time the name of Charles Ilnnks ap­ convention of 1860. pears. There was n Thomas and a Cluu·lt'S Hatrkfif JOSEPH HANKS . Jo~hua Hanks living in Hopkins Coun­ ·rradition f!nys Charles mal'ricd nnd .'\l intt•rva1" during the past few ty, Kentucky, at the very be5rinning or hnd four children; Jane. John, C<mrad, weeks there hnvc appeared in Lincoln th(! t-entury. Although no direct con­ r:ntl ~ancy, but evidence to support Lore several dis<:ussions on the mu· tact can be mntlc bctw('cn them and this statement is la('king. ternul ancestry of Abraham Lincoln. th~ Thomas nnd Joshua of the Jo:-.eph f'ami.lu of JoXI']Jh mul Polly Hunk-. The last contribution on this suhjert Hanks will, it seems wise to pr£"~Cnl .Jncoh. mnrriE"d, El i ~ubeth Adams was published in the bulletin or :\1nnh l1rief sketc·hes of them. Elizabeth, married ............ 2·1. ll dwelt upon different forms used Tlwmn.s Hturk8 ............ Jnmt•l'! 1\.irkputrick in spelling the Hanks name. The name or Thomm~ appears on the Su!'lanna, married , ........ ... ? tax list of Chri~tian County, Kentucky, Thi~ confusion in spe1Hns: found its Xnncy, marriC<I .. William Jloo,ooicr way into early campaign biographies as en rly .es l 806. JJe served ns a jus­ .John, married ...... Ann )Jatti!OOn of Lincoln. published in the summer of tkc of th(' pence in Hopkins County J~eph. married ............. 1860. Ho,.,·ell snys Lincoln ns,;isted for i'ie,·crul yct\r!o\. ... ... Martha fit'lrtholomew On Augus;t 5. 1812 Thomas Hnnk~ C:eorJ(e Clo~e in l'plitting rail~ Cor a 1 'lary. married ...... \\'illium Ball .Jnml!S "Hawk~o>" in the year l&aO. but married Cntherinc HC<'k. Thomas wos ,\malthn, married ... Henr~ Loper Howard calls this employer of Lincoln d('mf h~· the yenr 1826 ns his estlttc Caroline•, married ..•• James Hall .James "Jlnnks." Bnrtlelt, in the first waS\ so!d ttl public auction on Septem­ .Joseph married Polly Youn~r on No* t><litiun of his biog-raphy, says that ber 16 of that year. The perSonal vember 101 1810, more than four years Lincoln'& associate in some of these property ·wns appraised nt $679.75. nfter Lincoln's parents were married. rail spJittinJC (.'(mtract~ wal-' .John .Joshua Hanks purchased several item~ The story lhnt. Nancy Hnnks was vis­ "llnwkes," but in a later edition at thi~ f.lale. The children of Thomrl~ iting in the home of thi10 Jo~cph, the changes the spelling to "Hankg." :md Catherine Hanks were Huri('t. Elizabethtown carpenter, at the· time AccordinSt lo Lincoln, this last.. Willinm. Elizabeth. Thomas, Stcph<.>n, Thomas Lincoln met her in 1806 can* named .John llnnk" was a first cousin Ann, David, and Samuel. nut be maintained. to Abraham's mother. This should Jo81m.a Hat1ks Family of Eli:abt'tlt am/ mnke it of interest to learn if possible The .Joshua Hnnks who wn~ a~soci­ Thomu!f Sparrou• who were some of the other cousins of Rte-d with Thomas Hanks in Hopkins They W('re manied in 1796. A~ they the president's mother. John Hanks' County1 wa10 born February 17, 1797, had no children of their own th~y took father wns William Hanks, a son of aetordins: to the family records. There their nephew Dennis Hanks, into their Jo!-leph Hunk!' n Kentucky pioneer. is very good ~vidence, however, that home. At their death in 1818 DenniJ; IL is the family of this Joseph Hanks hi~ rnther's namt" wns John. Joshun inherited their property. The 1\lory and hi~ descendanh that is of primary mnrril•d E,.ther Catlin, a cotlsin, No­ that Lintoln's mother Jived with thcnt importance in f>tudying lhe llankfli an­ ,·emt'l<'r 2:!. 1817. The nanw~ or thf>ir H~ a :-;mnll ehild or at any period in her cestry. Here are to be found the C'hildrf'n were Mary. Williamson. )la­ lite Jaeks confirmation. The ~:otncy unde~. aunts, nnd cousins of Nanry haln, Nnn<·y, StuArt. Efiz.aheth, Caro· Hanks who made her home with them Hank!'!, i£ the preaidcnt was correctly line. :'\hmsfield, 1jnd :\lurthn. (or some time waN Eliznheth's m\·n informed about the relationship of his 1-'uwil?l fl/ U'illittm rn•1l Fi~ter Nancy, the mother of Oennito;. mother to John Hunks. ElizahC'Ih Ha,llu: FumUy of .\fnry· tmd Jri$RC' FY"ioul The will of J osc-ph Hanks entered Jnme~. married. Hehecca Atherton .Jesse Friend ond Mary Hanks were for probate on :May 14, 1793, nnmes his F.lb~alx>th, mnrried. Jubnl ~te.adow mnrri~d in Elizabethtown, Kt>ntucky wire Nnnny, and eight children. A Xanc). ma.rritd .. Jncnb Robbins in 1795. Although they hacl st!verul lwqu<~st in th<• will muk~s it ttuil~ Charles, m:arrit"d. Hannah )Jartin ,.hildren the names of their offspring certain that nil of his Jivins: children William, mnrrit"d., ........... 1 hm·c not been lcat·ned. were therein mc.>ntioned. Celia. marri<'d . ............. ? J.~amily of J\'mt~!J nm/ Lt 1•i Httll FrrtllillJ of Jose7)/t anti Nattny Hank~ .ln:o;eph, married .... .. .. ..... ? Dennis (Bank~). murriNf ..... Thomato, married ............. ? John. morri("d., ... , Suo;an Wil.,un •..•....... Eli:tnbeth John:-;! (In Jt,o.;hun. married ......... , •. , .. ? Lucindn. marrh•d, Th~. Douglas Squi re, married ... , ... , ..... Willinm, nmrricd. Elizahrth Hall Sarah. married ....... Mr. Brown . .....•. ... ~1:ltilda Johnston ('harl~. married .............. '1 \nl'lrc>w, m3Tried .............. '1 \\r'illian1, married .... Mur~ Hanks J o~eph, married ..... Polly Young Willinm Hanks married Elizabeth Jamc!O, mn rriC'd .. Cnroline Hank ~ ElinhPt h, mnrritXI ThOli. Sparrow Hull St•ptemher 12, 1793. a short time IA>vi Hnll was a brother of Elizabeth 1\tnry. marritd ...... JP!':ie Friend after the will of his father was pro­ Htlll who married Nancy's brother :Sancy, m:uried ........ Levi Hall hated. He l\Qught his younger broth­ William. Levi'g step$l:On. Dennis, nnrl Thot >lam·y Hnnks was not a child er's inten.•:;;t in the hnmt.•stead and ~on, Struire, married the two step­ uf any of the nhove nnmed sons of C\'id<'ntly kept the family together for dnughicrH of Thomas Lincoln, while .Jo~cph Hank~ i~ quite certain a~ there some time. About the year 1800 he his two other son$ married two daugh­ i~ good C'vidence that :;he was or­ purC'hn~etl lnncl in Hnrdin County and ters of hi!'t wife's brother, .Joseph. r>haned before lhl:' year 1790 when het' finallv migrated into Indiana and Inter John Hull. one of the eight children mother married Hem·:,· Sparrow. If iuto nlinois. born to £\.Quire 1tnd Mntildn Hall Jived the cousinship relation with John The oldest Mn. Jnmes, was born in on the old Thomns Lincoln plut'e in Hank"' i2'1 to ht' maintained and tl1e l 7M nnd married Rehe<'ca Atherton ('o)('s Cc,unty. fllinoi~. after the death integrity of the will con"<'rved. in !g17 He moved to Sangamon of Abra.hnm Lineoln's father. .
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