' T M E C A M e L I N A f 1 M E 8 v 4-»~>iATUftDAY. MAY 19, 1962 DURHAM, N. C, BBHp MCQ rtUSK nmKm fm Strikiiig Now Against Racii^ liis OIN TV THIS WEEK TULSA. Okla. — Bishop Image Is being maliciously dis­ Victor Reed of Oklahoma City torted by 'her enemies as a re­ and Tulsa baa praised Arch­ sult of racial segregation dif­ WTVD Channel 11 (t oo Capt Kangaroo 10:30 Play Your Hunch bishop Joseph F. Rummel of ficulties, Thi» ehnrch eannnt «f- 0:00 Cartoon Shop ll:C<J i'rice is Hi»ht (COLOR) New Orleans for “standing up fnrd to wait either. Her mission SATURDAY, MAY 19 10 00 Calendar il:;iC Concentration for w hat he knows is right." in the ivorld is not to follow, 10:.'W) Lucy 12:00 Your First Impression 7-00 Sat. Fiinninc 11:00 Tennessee l ^ i e Ford 12:00 Truth I'r Const-qiiBiices Blahop Reed anld thrtt the hilt lead. All realized that the 7:30 Roy Rogers 1 (.HO Surprise Package I2.-55 NBC Sew» archhi.shoD. by ordering integra­ nrnhlem m»>«t .some day be 8 !W f'l'li* tlu? Cat tl:RO (jiear Horizon 1:00 Paul Montgomery Show tion In Catholic .schools of his mnarelv faced. That day has •:!M Capt. Kangaruo 12:00 Love of Life 1:S0 Jane Wyman archdiocese bv Septemher. has dawned." Video Village Jr. 12:30 Queen For A Day 2:00 Jan Murray (COLOR) “elected to disregard the r>eace W:30 Mighty Mouse 1:00 Peggy Mann ?:30 Loretta Yonnc <s WPr«»oi!'« l,l;nO Magic Land 1:30 As the World Turns 3:00 Young Dr. Malone and oulet which hli advanced n :30 Hoy Rogers 2:00 Password 3:80 Our Five Daughters ago ardentlv desires, in order to f » »w v / ’»u x H IN li;«0 Sky King 2:30 Plmwe Party 4'00 Mak< Room For Daddy strike feaijlesslv a blow aganist TI7V V P A P ^ iX:tO Saturday News ^ 3:00 Millionaire 4:30 Cap'n Five racial dlacrimlnation.” Cleveland - The dean of the tl:4S Baieball ^ 3.30 Verdict Ir Voiirs S:.'iO Quick Draw McOraw He explained that he himself S:30 Texas Rangers f 4:00 Brighter Day 6:00 Recvei with Sports follewe law seliool, 4:00 Amateur Hour 4:15 Secret Storm had been raised in a segregated T/'Biiit.-F''tHei" Pohrert Drl^an, 4:50 Preakness Stake* »'30 IMga of Nioht 6 :^ ViewpolhC society, never having been as- <! .T. tnlH a Fir«t Friday Club 6:00 Dance Party B:00 The Pun Hour 0:25 Weather soniated with Negroes In school, Itincheon here thnt within a few 6:00 Wide World of Sport* 8:00 Leavf it to Beaver 6:30 Statellne soeini affairs or local travel vearn hnif rtf the nation'* Ne- V;90 Perry Mason ►i 'HI F»po 6;45 Huntley-Brinklov "I stfongW feel, however.” wrnes wr|11 H^'e in m etronnllten S:30 Defenders 7:00 King oif Diamonds «;40 W eather «aid Blahon Be«*d. "that the d lf nr"*!* and cities of the Nottb. 0:3(1 Have Rim 6:45 W alter Cronklta 7:80 Laramie finulHea of the local altuatlon 10:00 Gunsmoke 7:00 Ossie and Harriet 8:30 Alfred Hitchcock "JAM SESSION?" ThM* Collage campus to "warmup" The girls are from left to Pnmp nf tVte mo»t reani»re#fiil tn,n«f »<ve wny to the greater U:QO Three Star Final 7:30 Three Sons 9:00 Dick Powell girl members of the band ■* prior to theiz appearance at right; Secily Pennix, Efland, eonthe'n N*<»roes, he added, be- Hiffleultles Involved on a J l ; t t Country Style R;00 Frontier Circus 10:00 Emmy Awards the Central High Sdwol HIIla> the North Carolina State Band Narviar Cathcart, Hillsboro, r>nii>e o# B df'*ii*-e to find a pro- 11:00 Dateline ♦l^nal and internaflonal scale SUNDAY, MAY M 0 00 Tell It To Grouelio boro chose the shade of ih* and Orchestra Festival, held and Denise Dearman, Greens­ ner nlace “ (n the sun of 0:30 Twilight Zona 11:10 Sport* hv a contrary or do-nothing J.00 Bob Poole’^ r.ospel Quart«t giant oaks oa the A. and T. last week in Greensboro, boro. American fj-eedom. are mlmrating 10:00 Alcoa Premiwe H:30 Tonight nollcy. t oo Davey and Gflliath 10:30 m il and Howell In lncrer)«ln(» niimhers to the t;15 Through the Porthole ■ WIDNBSDAY, MAY 23 north, nnd esneeiallv to the 11:00 T»ew* school of nursing; four, school "Some might obiect that the ^90 International 11:1S Star Theater cit’es of the northeast.” living Word (h60 Continental aassriMm church has waited before, some­ r;9p Aspaot of pharmacy; and 23, graduate TTe ,qaid tbaft CMbolics. re- 10 00 Lamp Unto Mv Feet FRIDAY, MAY |S Jacob Lawrence Paintings are on school. times for centuries, to correct 1(* W» I^ok Up and Live V;00 Today intivelv nnmerons in northern'^ R’30 The New B loli^ P M Viewpoint abuses, and so has our country. 11:00 Camera ITT 'i:00 .Tamboree The spring commencement ex-; cltie9. botrn n nnloue opnortu- 11 SO Washington Conversation iilU Today I replv that never before could fl:00 Capt. Kangaroo 8:00 Bozo ercises will be held in the Lee such delay cause the damage that nitv to inflnence public opinion, J* on Accent 0:00 Cartoon Snop 9rM Kuicia and Ollie fxliibit at Nortli Carolina College Hall Auditorium at 9:00 a. m. can be caused today, when all onfict better, laws, wrl+e wiser 12:S0 Cnmmwenlth of Nations 10-00 Calendar - t:S8 Boco on June 2. Dr. W hitney M. indicinl decision*! and “hv these 1:00 Award 'Theater 10:30 lAtcy The Jacob Lawrence Retro the world knows the news In a 1'30 Rnndsv Movie 10^ Say Whan Young Jr., executive director of Toea<itjreQ rai^e the level of iTU- ii 00 virteo v n ian i M>J0 Play Tonr Hunch (COLORl spective," consisting of 58 paint few hours. »:0n nireetimi* 62 11:00 Tennessee finda Paid the National Urban League/ “Our countr.v today is the rn-jTi nnnrecintinn for the prent Editor'* Choire »:Q0 Pfice la Right 'COLOR) ings by the noted American artist, sniritnoi concept of humBP 12:00 Love of Life l(:W ^Micentratlon New York City, will deliver the world leader. Her faihire af­ 4:00 Iwues and Answers I2;80 Queen For A Di9 is now on view at North Carolina 348 To Receive equality," “ 10 first lawression address. fects others than herself. No one 4:30 RCMP 1:00 Pemty Mann College 5:00 T.awrence Welk 13:10 Truth or Consequences here Is unaware that her public 1:30 Aa the World Tom* NBC News The exhibition is in Room 206 Of AC a/nonr- uar>MFIII. « »0 TBA 2 00 Paaaword n on w»h Century i m Time Out of the Music and Fine Arts Build .uiNES rftuRns from t u a v w»:’P rs» F « ? 2:30 House Party 1.-M Jane Wyman Degrees af Fla. ion in th* iailing of Mrs. H'lO Mr Kd inc. where it will remain through TRIP TO NEW YORK T.imn. TJBrn — Archhlshon 3-00 Millionaire 9:00 Jan Munay Show (COLOR) Diane Nash Bevel, at Jaakson, 7-00 Follow the Sun 3:30 Verdict 1* VcWir* Mav 25. ' f ■Romolo Pnrhnni. anostoHc nn- , ••on Pd t;UI NBC News Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones and Mississippi, 4:00 Brighter Day Loretta Young It is onen to the nuhlic dallv, n<'io to PeTi), told American »-no O. K Theater 4:13 Secret Storm other associates have returned * so ,Tsck Bennv :09 Young Dr. Malone Mondav through Friday, from 0:30 University Jun. 2 Mrs. Bevtl, a former beauty Tr(cf). Vni»1ish and Poriivlon 4:.30 Fdge of Night to their residence after a recent 10-nfl Tunrtld (Tamers J:80 Our n v e Daughtera to 1 o’clock and from 2 o’clock queen of Chicago and now nriests here recently that racial 5-00 The Fiin Hour 4:(n Make Poom For Daddy TALLAHASSEK — Three trip to New York to visit rela 1 0-^ Whaf’s Mv T,lne» OrOO Fiimlay FunniM until 5:30. wife of SCLC's Field Secre­ diBcrimination has nrobahlv done I'f-rtO «s<indir» NeT7< Special 4:80 Cap'n Five hundred and forty-eight students tives. 0:30 Faao . 8:80 Deputy Dawc Lawrence a Nepro. is a paintej- tary in Mississippi, is expect- nq TTiiifh harm to the church as 11:18 S<^*r Theater fl-40 Weather have been named as candidates ino her first child in less than nil Viornciec r>iit toirether. MONDAY, MAY 31 8:00 Reeve with Sport* of Internfltional renutation. The 0:45 Walter Cronklte 9; 15 Magic Moments Sports stihlectR of his naintinf* deal with for graduation for the spring SCLC PROTESTS four months. “Fvil neonie trv to weaken 7:00 Manhunt (•!|0 t^ e t;& Viewpoint Nepro life in New York, the his­ semester at Florida A. and M. Mrs. Bevel received a con­ and even destroy' the church 7-00 Mnmtni? .Tamhnree 7:30 Rawhide 6:38 Weather JAILING OF 8:30 Route 06 tory of the United States, and the University, announced E.
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