DOCUMENT RESUME ED 328 382 RC 017 974 TITLE Revitalizing the Rural South. Extension's Role in Enhancing the Quality of Life. Proceedings of a Regional Conference (Birmingham, Alabama, January % 16-18, 1990). INSTITUTION Southern Rural Development Center, Mississippi State, Miss. REPORT NO SRDC-130 PUB DATE Jun 90 NOTE 171p. PUB TYPE Collected Works Conference Proceedings (021) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS .".:ommunity Development; *Economic Development; Elementary Secondary Education; Extension Education; *Human Capital; Labor Force Development; Postsecondary Education; *Role of Education; Rural Areas; *Rural Development; *Rural Extetsion IDENTIFIERS Cooperative Extension Service; .Infrastructure; Regional History; *United States (South) ABSTRACT Co7dperative Extension Service personnel from 13 Southern states attended a conference on rural revitalization, focusing on Extension's role in (1) economic development,(2) human capital, and (3) infrastructure; 17 of the 22 papers presentedare divided among those categories. Thrce of the remainingpapers provide respectively, an overview of the South's political and economic history, educational history and trends, and need fornew leadership; suggestions for needed changes in the structure and role of the Cooperative Extension System; and an outline of public policy perspectives on rural revitalizatz 1). Two other papers briefly discus.: Extension's role in enhancing the quality of life andthe foundations and challenges of rural America. Presentationsin the economic development section discuss Extension education'srole in rural economic development and entrepreneurship, major trendsshaping the business environment in the 1990s, recent federal legislation related to rural development, paradigms for building community leadership programs, value-added activities, threecase studies of rural industrial development, and three case studies ofhome-based or small business development. Papers in the human capital section discuss education as empowerment; job and labor force trendsin the 1990s; a resource development approach to community healthissues; a community program to develop decision-making skillsin adolescents; and combatting the problems of adult illiteracy andhigh school dropouts through a p:Irtnership of family, school,and community. Papers in the Infrastructure section discuss the relationshipbetween infrastructure and economic development, the need for strategic capital improvement planning, local infrastructureneeds in the rural South, strategies for improving housing at the communitylevel, wastewater management, and Extension's role in strengthening Georgia's community health infrastructure. 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Minot changes have be en made to tmcnove ..4. ....**4.0... 0 ar . 000004..0 reproeuctionQuality 0.000000.00000 . .......... Pants Ot we* or orantonsStstedinthisdocu- fiONAL RESOURCES 14.41. .... .. ...... ,..... ' TO THE EDUCA .. mentdonot necessanly repfesent ()Moo & INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." ................................. , . .444..... omposthollurpol.cy .,. * 4 4 4 * * . 0"*...4:)..'4..**4.........4..'4.4.0..... ft 4 Otf. ....... o . 4 , 4 a . 4 0 0 0 0 or 4 41,0.. 0 * ,4.tlit0 0 0 0 Exten&on's Role in Enhancing the Quality of Life January 16-18,1990 ITrmingham, Alabama Proceedings REVITALIZING THE RURAL SOUTH Birmingham, Alabama January 16-18, 1990 Published by SOUTHERN RURAL DEVELOPMENT CENTER Post Office Box 5446 Mississippi State, MS 39762 SROC Publication No. 130 June 1930 TABLE OF CONTENTS Extension's Role in Enhancing the Quality of life T. Roy Bogle 1 Social and Economic Impacts of Rural Revitalization Robert R. Soileau 3 Land-Grant Perspective for Revitalizing the Rural South Max Lennon 13 Policy Perspective for Rural Revitalization Ronald D. Knutscn and Dennis U. Fisher 19 Rural America: Foundation of the Past; Challenge for the Future Heather Johnson 23 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Setting the Stage Doris A. Tichenor 27 Rural Development Legislative Update Fred Woods 33 Rural Business Development and Entrepreneurship Challenges:Is Extension At& and/or Willing? Thomas G. Johnson and Dennus U. Fisher 37 Kimber J. Reda-Wilson 43 Gary F. Faircnild 49 Evanding Leadership Programs for Economic Development Verne W. House and Loretta A. Singletary 53 Mark Peterson 61 Economic Development Through Value Added Joe H. McGilberry 75 Industrial DevelopmentCase Studies Lowell Wagner 81 Logan B. Barbee 83 Larry L Mc Peters 87 Homebased or Small Business Development -Case Studies Georgia Aycock and Evelyn Bran Ion 91 Chine lla Henderson 97 Bill Edwards 101 HUMAN CAPITAL Education: The Empowerment of People William F. Winter 107 Job Trends in the Future of the South Oliver C. Johnson, Jr. 111 Community Wellness: A Resource Development Approach to Health Ism= Susan Jenkins, Rich Reinheimer and Lonnie Varnedoe 119 Free to Face the Future Joseph A. Weber, Sheila Forbes and Sandra Gilliland 127 Building Palizerships for People: Address the Rural South's Human Capital Needs Lionel J. Beaulieu 129 INFRASTRUCTURE Overview of Infrastructure and Economic Development Gerald W. Doeksen and Claude W. Allen, Jr. 153 What are the Local Infrastructure Needs in the Rural South? 0. H. "Buddy" Sharp less 163 Strategies for Jmproving Housing at the Ccommunity Level: Results of a Seven State Research Ptoject Jacytelyn W. Mc Cray and Margaret Weber 167 Wastewater Management and Local Infrastructure Needs F. J. Humenik and M. P. Levi 183 Extension's Role in Strengthening the Community Health Infrastructure Susan Jenkins, Rich Reinheimer and Lonnie Varneloe 187 5 EXTENSION'S ROLE IN ENHANCING THE QUALITY OF LIFE 1'.
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