Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1981 Daily Egyptian 1981 9-15-1981 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 15, 1981 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1981 Volume 66, Issue 17 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 15, 1981." (Sep 1981). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1981 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1981 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Somit to explain new budget cuts R\· ,\Ian S('ulll"'I' presidential area's cuts are About $900.000 to 51 million was siarr WriloPr - $2t6.000 for academic affairs which happen when a pay raise Athletics budget and changes In fort'C'ast last year but the rest of 15 given because a job is and research. S76.500 for the 51.5 million was not known fee allocation gUidelines. President Albert Somil and stud!'n! aHairs. S45.000 for upgraded, $160.000 from the SI(' Budgt'! Plannt'r John Bak!'r until (;0\'. James Thompson annualization of salarv in· The WomlC/is AthletiCS l·ni\·t'rsity relations. $9.000 for Signed src -("s appropriation in r{'solution urges tilat 1100.152 of will explain Wednt'sdav whv an Financial affairs and 14.500 for creases. which was causf..d b\' additional $4S0.roo in budge! July The appropriation left the higher than expected Increase's the 5125.152 carrY-<lver !rom eampus services. Bakt'r said l'OIversity With the aditional cuts must hE> madP this vt'ar and In t'mployet' pay. 565.000 In rent last year's budget hE> returned He said the vict' president in $450.000 defil'lt what f'Ht'C't the cuts ma\' ;lavt' to the Women's AthletiCS charge of each area will havt' budget. The resolution also on graduate students. Somit and tht' discretion on which ~~:a~~~~;~.~1 ~!~~B~~ !\lost of the 51.5 million will be formula eHor and 571.000 from recom mf'nd~ the remaining Baker are expt'C!ro to address programs and ~ervices to covered by 5900.000 lapsed from the Graduate Student Council at the difference between the $25.000 be r·ut In a fund for receive the cuts unfilled lni\'E'rslty positions projt'C'ts wh'ch will benefit both Tom Bush. assistant to the salary increase costs and state ~aNr:~ i8 Student Center and $600.000 rt'C'overed from allocations. Baker sairi 'he men's and womf'n's president. said Somlt will tell overhead funds, Baker said programs Tentativt' amounts have been tht' GSC the cuts could affect the Of that total. 1329.000 ..... as cut Exact uses of the 525 1))(, set to be cut from the budgets of number of graduate The $450.000 to be cut replaces last vear. ThiS leaves the 51 ;) each vice presidential area. the would be determined b\ aSSistantship positions offered money already budgetffi in the million starting point. Raker Charlotte West. Womf'n·s president's office and the office overhead account. Tlt'llt year. de~nding on how said Athletic~ director. Lew Hart. of computing affairs to cover John Guyon. Vice president for Factors in the t.5 million In addition to the presen­ tht' defiCit. Baker said Mondav. zog. the mtenm :'oten's AthletiCS academic affairs. applies his deficit were $600.000 which wa:. tatIOns on the budget cuts b\ dIrector. and Bruce Swinburne. Thl' president's office and the portion of the budget cut. budgeted for the lapsed Somit and Baker. the GSC ..... ill office of computing affairs will \'Ice presllient for student af· Baker said the total deficit POSltiO:lS. 5500.000 from In· also consider resolutions on tht' fairs. with input from the ~ cut $49.500 each. The vice was originally $1.5 million creases in the value of positions. carry-over in the Womt>n's student constituency group;, 'Daily 'Egyptian Tuesday. September 15. 198I-Vol. 66. No. 17 ~s( Jut h( 'n1 11/;flO':,; Un;\ 't.~r,~ity (ius sa~'~ Kl'n has folks buzzing about what he knows about who's runninl! for I!o"ernor. Buzbee to run for lieutenant governor By '\ndrt'w Strang Associat'on. Staff ,,'riloPr BUl~ attended SIC-C from which he obtainPd a bachelor'~ State Sen. Kenneth Ruzb('('. degree in radio and tde~,sion [)..58th District. is expected to announce hi. cand.dacy I .... the Democratic nomination for fJeute:nant lJOVernor Wednesday mornUIIl· Buzbee is expected to make the announcement at an 8 a.m. press conference at the Southern Illinois Airport. Buzbee, 43. is now in his third term as senator. He was first elected in 1972 and his present term will end in 1982. He is presently the chairman of the Senate Appropriations II Committee and the Fnergy Resources Commmission. He is also a member of the Executive Appointments Committee and the Senate Appropriations I Committee. He was \'oled outstanding legislator in 1980 by the illinOIS KI"Dneth Buzbee Staff p .... ~ Michael Marcotte Community College Trustees ROOFTOP REP"IRS-P•• I LI,..... eID,leyee .. die 10 ..... ,..1s _... ., lIIe Fftlenl Balldla, fII lite fftleral Geaenl ServIaiI ,w............. ., tile ~er ., S-til V.eni&), "veue and ftII.. en wire e .... lllal .... ....,. aDeet..- ....... Omry StreeL White says he'll seek ThoUllflnd. IeUfed by poimn third term as sheriff By Uz Griffilt Chemical warfare suspected staff Wrlwr Saying that he would like to be WASHINGTON (AP) - The employed chemical warfare in released from aircraft as a ~lected to see a new jail Reagan administration said the three countries. yeUow powder that covers the facility built and the Jackson Monday il believes thousands of The Tass report, which came ground, structures, vegetation County Sheriff's Department people in Afghanistan. Laos and in response to a speech Sunday and peouIe below it. expanded. Donald R. White Cambodia have been kiDed in by Secretary or State Alexander AcCording to a ''fact sheet" Monday announcPd his can- recent years by an outlawed M. Haig Jr., instead charged provided to reporters, the agent chemical poison-but it that the United States has used produces "bizarre effects" in di~~fte~~~ h?:~ term. is a declined to hold the Soviet chemical agents against its rapid sequence: dizziness. Southern Illinois native. He said Union directly responsible. enemies,' mentioning severe ilchlng or tingling of skin he is proud. of I,he Government experts briefing specifically Vietnam. with formation of multiple professionalism of hiS deputies reporters said they had only Haig said in West Berlin on smaU hard blisters. nausea. and said that county coverage cin:umstantial evidence linking Sunda)' that "We now have coughing of blood-tinged has been increased even though the so-called lethal mycoloxins physical evidence from material. choking, vomiting of the department has been un­ to the Soviet Union, A Southeast Asia which has been massive amounts of blood derstaCfed by one officer since mycotoxin is a poison lypically analyzed and found to contam shock and death of those about 1976. produced in nature by living abnormally high levels of three directly under the sprays, often The 43-year-<lld White said he organisms. potent m}'Cotoxins-poisonous within hours. has 17 years of police ell- The experts, who briefed substances not indigenous to the For those on the periphery. , starting in 1965 when reporters on th~ condition that regions which are highly tc.xic the symptoms take longer to ~n SIU-C police officer. their names not be used. spoke to man and animals." develop but death usuaDy oc­ He was first elected to the just hours after If' Soviet The agent has been described CW'S within two weeks if 110 government denied it has as "yellow rain" because it is treatment is given. See WHITE P.. e IZ Protesters ready to stop start News Roundup-- Majority condemns DiRest's Bible 1'<'EW YORK I AP)-The New York chapter of Moral Mal'Oritv on Monday condemned what its president called a "be lish" of nuclear plant through attack plan by Reader's Digest to publish a condensed version of tht' Bible. SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. near the seaside I;Ilant. Co., owners of the plant. "You can't chan~e the word of God." said the Rev. Daniel <AP) - Leaders of the 3 000 About 500 Nattonal Guard­ Organizers of the protest ha ve Fore. "It's censonng God." anti-nuclear protesters 'en- smen and hundreds of state neve;- officially said how Rlat!d. The Reader's Digest Bible, scheduled for publication a year camped here said Monday they troopers and local police. ~ere from now, will be a reduced version of the Revised Standard are ready to begin a blockade to statlone<i at a nearby mIlitary ~=~rl!~'glEwe;fi~~~kd Version of the Bible, which also has been criticized by fun· disrupt tne firing up of the $2.3 base. been planning for as many as billioo Diablo Canyon atomic "People are really excited," 30,000. damentalists. power plant. Evanoff said. "The energy is The flow of demonstrators "It will begin tomorrow if really hi~ in the camp." into the camp had diminished to Thatcher fires three ministers everyone is ready," said Mark Evano1f said the demon­ a trickle by late Sunday, ac­ LONDON ,AP)-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher fired Evanoff, a spokesman for the strators. were making final cording to Highway Patrol three Cabinet ministers today in a purge of moderates from Abalone Alliance. an umbrella preparations, with a series of spokesman Ron Henn.
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