9270 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 7 May 25, 2010 SWEARING IN OF THE HONORABLE Hawaii is one of the most ethnically resentatives. And I understand with CHARLES DJOU, OF HAWAII, AS and culturally diverse States in our this incredible honor comes incredible A MEMBER OF THE HOUSE country, and that diverse heritage is responsibility, and I feel privileged to Ms. HIRONO. Madam Speaker, I ask exemplified in Congress DJOU’s unique call myself a colleague of all of yours. unanimous consent that the gentleman French variation on a Chinese sur- The reason I am here today, however, from Hawaii, the Honorable CHARLES name, which goes back to his grand- is not because of anything that I have DJOU, be permitted to take the oath of father in Shanghai. I will let Congress- done but, instead, thanks must go to a office today. man DJOU tell you that story himself. whole bunch of individuals who put an His certificate of election has not ar- Now I extend a warm, warm aloha to enormous effort to helping me become rived, but there is no contest and no Congressman DJOU, his wife, Stacey a Member. question has been raised with regard to Kawasaki Djou, and their three chil- First and foremost, I want to thank his election. dren. I know that they and all the my family, my parents, who raised me, The SPEAKER. Is there objection to members of your family are very proud my wonderful children, Nicholas, Vic- the request of the gentlewoman from today, CHARLES, as you become a Mem- toria and Alexandria. They are the rea- Hawaii? ber of the people’s House. son I get up every morning and con- There was no objection. I look forward to working with you, sider myself so blessed to have so much The SPEAKER. Will the Representa- CHARLES, to ensure that the needs of and driven to do so much more. And tive-elect and the Hawaii delegation the people of Hawaii are met and that most of all, my wife, Stacey, who is my present themselves in the well. their voices are represented in the peo- confidante, my best friend, my most Mr. DJOU appeared at the bar of the ple’s House. trusted adviser and the reason I go on House and took the oath of office, as Congratulations. every day and the reason I am so suc- follows: b 1515 cessful. Do you solemnly swear or affirm that Mr. BOEHNER. Will the gentle- Second, of course, I want to thank all you will support and defend the Con- of my hardworking volunteers. It is stitution of the United States against woman yield? Ms. HIRONO. I yield to the gen- only because of their enormous amount all enemies, foreign and domestic; that of hard work, standing with me in the you will bear true faith and allegiance tleman from Ohio. Mr. BOEHNER. On behalf of the hot sun, doing the unique Hawaiian to the same; that you take this obliga- practice of sign waving, coupled with tion freely, without any mental res- House Republican Conference, let me welcome Congressman CHARLES DJOU, going door to door with me and phone- ervation or purpose of evasion; and banking, that I was able to commu- that you will well and faithfully dis- his wife, Stacey, and their children, family and guests to our Nation’s Cap- nicate my message to the voters of Ha- charge the duties of the office on which waii. you are about to enter, so help you itol. Third, I want to thank the voters God. CHARLES understands what it means from Hawaii for bestowing upon me The SPEAKER. Congratulations, you to pursue the American Dream because this incredible privilege. I want all of are now a Member of the 111th Con- he’s lived it. CHARLES’ mother was the voters to know that every single gress. from Bangkok, Thailand, his father, from China, raised in Hong Kong. And day I have the privilege of serving f during the Communist Revolution of them I will never, ever forget the trust WELCOMING THE HONORABLE China in 1948, his grandfather fled from and confidence they have vested in me. CHARLES DJOU TO THE HOUSE Shanghai to Hong Kong which, at the And, finally, I want to thank the OF REPRESENTATIVES time, was under British control. American people. It is a testimony to The SPEAKER. Without objection, So CHARLES is the son of immigrants the greatness of the United States of the gentlewoman from Hawaii (Ms. and a devoted young husband and fa- America that I, a son of immigrants HIRONO) is recognized for 1 minute. ther with three beautiful children. He from China and Thailand, have the There was no objection. serves as an officer in the U.S. Army privilege of calling myself a Member of Ms. HIRONO. Madam Speaker, I Reserve, which gives him a deep appre- the United States Congress. would like to introduce to you and our ciation for the sacrifices made by the It is a testimony to the greatness of colleagues today Congressman many men and women of our military our Nation that, had I been born in the CHARLES DJOU, the newest member of he will now represent in this body. home nation of either one of my par- Hawaii’s large delegation. He served his community, as you’ve ents, the idea of calling myself the Born in Los Angeles, Congressman heard, as a former member of the city maker of laws in my parents’ home na- DJOU’s family moved to Hawaii when council in Honolulu, and a former mi- tion would be laughable. But it is be- he was 3. He is a graduate of Punahou nority leader in the Hawaii State cause of the good fortune that I was School in Honolulu, the Wharton House. And as most of you know, this born and today call myself an Amer- School of the University of Pennsyl- son of immigrants is about to begin a ican that I have this amazing privilege. vania, and the University of Southern new chapter of his life representing the I am eager to start work, eager to California Law School. By the way, he people of Hawaii. work with all of you. I look forward to attended the same school as our Presi- CHARLES, on behalf of our conference beginning the hard work of doing good, dent. and all of the Members of the U.S. bringing change and restoring our Na- Congressman DJOU most recently House of Representatives, we welcome tion to prosperity. Thank you all very served as one of nine members of the you to our Nation’s Capitol, and look much. Honolulu City Council, where he rep- forward to your service on behalf of the And as we say in Hawaii, mahalo resented District 4, the area extending people of the First District of Hawaii. aloha, best wishes. from Waikiki to Hawaii Kai. He served The SPEAKER. Without objection, as the chairman of the Executive Mat- the gentleman from Hawaii is recog- f ters and Legal Affairs Committee, vice nized. chair of the Planning Committee, and There was no objection. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER as a member of the Transportation and Mr. DJOU. Madam Speaker, Leader Public Safety and Services Committee. BOEHNER, my colleague Congress- The SPEAKER. Under clause 5(d) of He was first elected to his seat in 2002 woman HIRONO, Members of the House rule XX, the Chair announces to the and reelected in 2006. He previously of Representatives, aloha. House that, in light of the administra- served one term in the Hawaii House of Today, I am extraordinarily humbled tion of the oath to the gentleman from Representatives, from 2000 to 2002, and to have the incredible honor of enter- Hawaii (Mr. DJOU), the whole number was the minority floor leader. ing the United States House of Rep- of the House is 432. VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:06 Jun 20, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H25MY0.000 H25MY0 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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