Kabul Times (October 2, 1967, Vol. 6, No. 155) Bakhtar News Agency

Kabul Times (October 2, 1967, Vol. 6, No. 155) Bakhtar News Agency

University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 10-2-1967 Kabul Times (October 2, 1967, vol. 6, no. 155) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (October 2, 1967, vol. 6, no. 155)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1612. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1612 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. " " , , , l'J''': '.' ," ,~'::. ,:,' :1,. ·I'~:'...!.' '. , \ . ' ,. , ' '. , " "'I '. '.' .. , !,. ~ ... '.;, . '\. ~ PAGE ~ THE ,KAltUL';'I'IIdlI8 .l'\"·~I~·;·I, 'y:i"1' I~. - '" ) ' .. ' . '. ' ' • ',r ~ Afghan Week In Review ' '.' - ," .'" " -. ", , ,. ~.-. .. 50th":J"a~,:'>~J_ ,'~ '., :' I" • ~'. ~I " Plans 'For j)u_lc',: ... :" ,. ,t·,· ....i t .' , ')~ .'~. ~~ r~ ;~, t,1 . ,,' 1"-" ." , •" .' "',I ~ t .. • 'B7 :A:.&taIf'"~ ." t!!..1 .. ". '. " '_.:1}" , , , For the last '49 years the big- 'sEitoOn a"'few.;Ii:IlOJlllltl'eil, from ~ i;;,the~reillD~d:d~t;'I:~' , -';.' ",IN:"~~te,, , i' :' . ,.. .. : ('YJ~~Jj $V' ' i " gest pub}'ic, holiday in Afghan- the headq"lii'tetS cit ,KlIbu,l,l'l!r8f' vest/llent'\iI,W'; .. ,. -t, . ,'~ ~.!., ,'~' ~', A~ \,;','t;';~~:,,i,,"' istan ha~ been th~ independen- fic ,Department. .': over tlve ,,!,on~:~(j';:~f~ ... ,'" t. ." , I ',' J .. l " '.::. r;, I' h ,.'!: ", ";. .,I~,l, "Ij .. ' I,: ",,~/jl,.:; I" , ",Iii~e~\~.,...,. r'~", ce anniversary holiday. It used The Food Procurement De- He sald"lD ,an " • • ' ''',~,, • '.. _', ,t, , to be celebrated' to be over. ,a partment Silid. 'within' ~ next catioilS were "i'e\:ei~..~{ '.,. ,- ; •• ', I .'",', • :,""" J ">,; , ',,,,/ ; ,v, ", ", I , ' "" 10" , CollUiletee ' .. , ,,;. .':, NO.~I55r,", 'to '.~; kABt1L"MO~,,'~y~,?~ER2;-~ (~, week It shrunk to' six days, months granaries with-a'COl2Ibi- Ministry of '...VOL. VI, ; '\' " "y ". ,"" i n:: <. '9;'1346 ,$.H2,_. price At. 3 ', \" ned'capa~lty ,in~,:,~O~!" .. and' then tu three days. None- of"oyer.'75;000·thou- v,stoi's to, .. " ",,:" \ ." ,'~''''r ,_, . I "0 \_,' " " • j • - '--- ~--~--_-_---_--;.;.:.;;;;;.;;;;~ theless, SOme peopJe thought it sand tons will be bUllt around 1,000,000,000 Iii a -nulill:ie1: \Io!'~..... ' was too long. the ·countnr.· industries.; ;.t'h~re ,WAI .'no: ·..uu.· ;',::.';O,.'.. ;~J'·','.:;,,":n::':' :~.:G'.. '·!.~,e·.··tIS:":;:·.';,'~',li:.··,:;j ·~d. ',:n··'.',·'-','· ",",' ,snAil' T-ha'r~iH~1 . ."F"",~or' ,e ' ' ··8rea'lk O' t: 'A. .:.•" Last month some newspapers Of the 54 storages two are il! the IteiD'ahOut wh.4·tb8:babIt' J 'r.. ~.' ng~. LAGOS, ENUGU Ai. !r .. suggested that the anniversa- large reii>.torced concreto 11101 itself was'dnli!B,. .' .. Mv .- ,':',. .:," .. " ,.'2<.";::: f . ".", . .' s. u gain ry be marked by a one day ho- and 52 smaller hanllar type de- The woro;!' at.J~e' tourilt ..' tivr-, .. .... .' .:, Fl6f Mes~e,· i, ,On Slkk,m-Tibet B:order URGE PlAYERS· liday a military parade and no pots. eau is ~at sliIce the~ aren't expe~sive ~C!en~ acCoJriinodati~ /a"~ ,Hlds.pi~a','I.,.:· ,'p" e~i' I~'n'g" Oct.' NEW i:lEUu, Oct.' 2,. .(~ter).- had been no report of tiring a1nce festivities. The Project will cost Afahai>- , 0'. rom., 2;.{BaidttMii.+.M~est::Y ~.Fb~lJig" ""d~Inc!!ab p~m.; tho~h ~ This wOl'k the news was bro- istan 28,000,000 dm, I.2l;'illllon ot .able,l'" Atg~. we iIiould n SudliJi.,has thanked.' His between Chinese 4 unlll then had '=OR VICTORY ken that next year's J ashen Will which wlll go to a foreliIl tlnD refratn tI'OIb launChtni ·a 'pubU- ,, tbe King' for' his ·mess8llj'.-"w: .~oop.,' ~~Ji,e ,~ut !'ialn Sunday on been Intermittent shooting throueh- be the biggest ever-note, not 'for conducting ,bidding colllltr- city progr~; ,., 'F.,". .. ,. opening of the Arab· fll!Dl!n1t.' 'tliil\ .S!l<lIiiri.Tlbel bOrder after a 15- out the day. LAGOS, Oct. 2, (Reuter).­ "r the longest. uction, dra1!dng up the plans Officials of the d!!~~ .'~. t O~·,,"'. ~ .W·e.,d,., ~, ,e'sda'y His '~ajesty in his me~!'.i~"; : d8i!luU 16' the '!eii.e Himalayan con- There were casualties on both The Federal Nigerian Govern­ all~iIorta 5 'shed fQr the success of the'con. ,frontaUon of the two armies. &Ides but details were not available J ashen celebrations haye of- and supervising the construction. however PBl'tlcipate In '.{:~ "~'i' ment and breakaway Biafra ten been supervised and planned There was no word about who of meetings. "T6is.. ~'.Pre8id­ .. ferenCe. ' ,:" ': Indian befence Minlatry he .aid. both oalled for prayers on' the .. By A statt Writer . .' '. Th!! message from .sudan 'was .:~~a\l·~dC;:hin~ troops open- The Chinese used recoilless guns bY a cabinet member. Next will oven;ee filling; emptying, ent Abdul Wahab· Tarzi ". bqp­ A.ne~ .~ent ,,~8"'.Y'.IP1~l'tprov9,~~UOn . country's seventh independence year's Jashen, the 50th anniver- and refilling these grlliiariea. ped.to TCik;Yo 'to'attend .an ex- . 25, bed lozjan bospltal wiJLbe olIIclally inaugurated b:,o .Ismael AI' Azhtu!i; on theIn. and battalion morlars. Indian troops anniversary Sunday as their Publlc.Betilth MInister RalmillDBaldml chairman of the·sununlt; ,I dl'S' ~!,SIcr~ay!m~f""~ In Cho La relurned the fire, the lIPOkesman sary of the country'S fte~OI11, . The president of the )i1d~ ecutive.' ~6~ttee mee~ of Wednesday, DllPUty Abdul on 11+" troops remained locked in bat­ ~d tllday. The, two rlorey bosplta,l:1s equipped with laboratories hall' of .the Arab leaders. ! ,;tliree-t"'d-~M.It;~es fU,lpn) from .ald. will be planned by a COIDJDlttee lal Bank gave the hearteniD& .~ offie:tal' tntemational I. tour- ~l'I1ked ;,~a~/' ~, tle· of four ministers. news thIS week that the respon- 1st orgamsations. ' . , and X-Ray facl.UUes.· . '. .' Jle, . His Majesty tQr', wliere fierce lIihllne rook . A Chlne.e account of the clash, The calls came as Federal for­ wJshmg ,tbe Arab sumlpi~ su~{ : ~laee~ ,~, ~d~Ptembet. IsSued by the omclal New Chine ~,:' o~ tlrln~ ces were poised outside' the MaID features will be an in­ "It !ook US ,more than three year~ to complete the new, mo­ .cess, stronger unity among ..H,. ,aiid. ·lhb Intenally the news aeency, saId Chinese soldie'" secessionist capital of Enugu for ternational industrlal and ec0­ dern bUdding. It is a very impressive looking structure. You can ab nations and vacation of Is-'; , dec'Naaed, at a,p,rn. local lime as fog were killed and wounded In an at- a "final punch" in the 12-week­ nomic exposition, a cUltural see the bUllding from far away,". he said. raeli agllression froni Arab closed iD over the pass and there tack carried out by 50 Indian troop. old civil war. , show aimed at introducing Af­ World News I.nBrief 'lands. [. across the border. It gave no esU- The Lagos government urged . :' mate of the casualties. ghanistan's cUltural heritage to The conatruclioo colit Is esUmated at The 'MinIstry of Public Health Is prayers for peace in Nigeria whi­ the outsi<le world, and a library UNITED NATIONS, Oct. I, one of the'dozen important gate­ Af. lev'on million, The hospital re­ ---------__....:._... £.... ,. _'. _ The Chinese dIspatch from Lhasa le the secessionist Eastern re­ intensely eneaged in building hos­ ~1"g~pOn~ said eieht Indran troops inItially of literature on the country'S de­ (Reuter).-Indoneslan Foreign ways In the world faJnous Great ., place. an old building which had pital, around the country. Durin, the S ,....., gime asked Biafrans to pray very few rooms. r crossed Into Chinose territory over velopments m the last 50 Years. Minister Adam Malik FrillaY Wall. , past two months (hrec new hosplWs M. 1 M Donated .tor guidance of their leaderI Lt. This was aU welcome news. denied a press report attribut­ They also visited the Ming Afghan doctors and nurses wlJ1 were opened in the provinces and "WOl:'ns Against Fast the Cho La and carried out prov,," Col. Odumegwu Ojukwu. There was general agreement 109 to biJn the statement that TombS; the New China News ,... ruo the ho.pltal and Its sUreery, In· In a radio broadcast, Col Oju­ Fly East Fly BOAC. Fly any day the foundation stOnes tor a annex to ca~:~:n troops later launched an that the 50th anDlversary cele­ the sentence of death on Of: Su­ ency repOrted ternal diseases, and eye, nose, ear Ihe Kabul maternity hospital was For Urozgan Ed V.etn· P II t . kwu called on Enugu's 60,000 in­ brations should be something ex­ bandrio, the f01'lller foreign mi­ 'The Pakistan ambassador to and thoracic departments. lald. i I am U OU .,tack under cover of heavy artll- habitants to defend the city 'at tra special but advocates of nister, woUld not be'carried China, Sultan MohllJDJDad "The hospital Is built more or The Baehlan hospital opened' two TIRIN, OCI. 2 (BAkhtar)-Thc '. SCAl,U30ROUGH, (England,) lery fire, and the Chinese frontier all costs. the one·<:ray anniversary thought out. Khan, accompanied the party. less along the same lines as the one months ago. The Maozel Dagb HoS" People of Urozgan have dOnald:! ., Qct. 2, (Reuter).-5ingapore guards were torced to fieM back In "To fail may mean the cer­ of the week from Karachi or Delh:i. in Baghlan which opened recently," they Will have their way there- The Indonesian deleaation, pltal opened in Kandahar a month AI. 1,198,000 to the provinclBl ed<l- , Pr.ime Minister Lee Kuan Yew se~::t~~~~se new. report added: tain end of us as a people," he after. be said. which Dr. Malik =tlY 18 PARIS, Oc\ 1, (DPA).-Fr­ and a half ago.

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