Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 6-6-1980 The BG News June 6, 1980 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News June 6, 1980" (1980). BG News (Student Newspaper). 3761. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/3761 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. friday- -June 6, 1980 The B'GBowling 'Green "State UniversitySlews Stolen exams scandal leaves its mark on University CHENAULT ADDED that this is the chair, calculator, vacuum sweeper, whole situation was not the number of Students may last action the University will take in Searches netted paintings and books from the Wood School image people arrested or suspended. It was connection with the stolen exam in- County Law Library were discovered the fact that the University has taken face expulsion vestigation. some surprises in the apartments and fraternity seen unharmed a stand to enhance the integrity of the by Diane Rado And University President Hollis A. by Diane Rado houses searched in addition to ex- by Diana Rado institution," Myron Chenault, Univer- tlalf reporter Moore Jr. said in a statement issued atafl reporter aminations. stall reporter sity assistant vice president for in- yesterday, "The University an- "I didn't think it (exam scam) stitutional contracts, said. More than seven University ticipates taking no further action in Great expectations. would be as significant as it turned out Exam scam 1980. Test stealing, a "If you don't have academic integri- students could be expelled on charges this matter, although this investiga- Some had them, some did not, and to be," William R. Bess, director of raid, seven arrests and four suspen- ty, hell, we may as well pack up and of violating academic honesty policy tion will not be formally concluded un- some did not know what to expect Campus Safety and Security, said. sions. go down to the banks of the Maumee in connection with the theft of ex- til all current charges have been pro- after the raid of three on-campus "I didn't think it would last this long Has it cast a shadow on the image of and fish for a year. Why should we ex- aminations or possession of stolen ex- cessed through appropriate pro- fraternity houses and three off- or receive as much publicity as it the University, or brightened it in the ist if we don't have academic hones- aminations. cedures." campus apartments almost 11 weeks did," he added. eyes of the public? ty," he said. Letters will be distributed today in- ago. In city and county courts, exam Most administrators, law enforcers Chenault added that the Universi- forming the students that they have He referred to cases pending in both But in retrospect, many of the ad- scam probably will "drag on for a and students agree that action taken ty's image would have been tarnished been charged with those violations, the city and county courts regarding ministrators and law enforcers who while depending on the games they're by the University in exam scam has if it had not taken any action in the Myron Chenault, University assistant the seven persons charged in the in- participated in the March 17 raid and (the defense attorneys) playing in enhanced rather than tarnished its situation. vice president for institutional con- vestigation. subsequent stolen exam investigation court," William A. Fox of the city image. tracts, said. Also, those students informed of admitted they were unprepared for at police said. And while they admit that the in- ALTHOUGH A majority of the of ex- Disciplinary action stemming from charges today will have to proceed least some of the discoveries which BECAUSE DECISIONS have not vestigation cannot eliminate test aminations stolen were from the Col- the charge could range from failure of through academic honesty procedures arose from it. been made yet on motions to suppress stealing or cheating completely, they lege of Business Administration, Dr. a class to expulsion from the Universi- before disciplinary action is taken in "Although we had information evidence filed in the courts, John J. say that it will curb the action. Karl E. Vogt, dean of the college, ty, he said. their cases. about stolen exams when the searches Callahan, Toledo lawyer representing "A UNIVERSITY can never look maintained that it will not affect the Although Chenault said he could not were conducted, reflecting back, the four of the persons charged in the in- good when something like this occurs, image of the college or the probability reveal the names of the students who THE STUDENTS have five days to situation became rather complex. We vestigations, agreed that the case will but I'm sure we have the admiration of its students getting jobs. will be charged, he admitted that request a hearing, Chenault said. didn't expect to find stolen property," continue. of people out there who perceive that Vogt said he has talked to several some of them have been arrested After the requests are made, each Thomas Burke, assistant director of But he stressed,"The motions are it (the investigation) was handled deans at other colleges and job previously in the exam scam in- student will schedule an informal Campus Safety and Security, said. not intended to prolong anything - well," University President Hollis A. recruiters who were curious about vestigation by city police and Campus hearing before a person designated by HE REFERRED TO the fact that we're just testing the validity of the Moore Jr. said. what occured at the University. Safety and Security. continued on page 4 items including University keys, a continued on page 4 "The most important thing in this continued on page 4 column one, Getting the ACGFA increases 1 budget request message An appeals committee for the Advisory Committee on General Fee Allocations recom- Two University students aatume mended yesterday increasing awkward positions while trying to only one of eight budgets sub- read a message that waa spray- mitted for review. painted on the sidewalk In Iront of A revision of the Social the Union. Justice Committee's budget Campus Satety and Security la of- was recommended by the com- fering a reward for Information con- mittee because of "an improper cerning the Wednesday night or use of the partisan political Thursday morning defacing of clause." University buildings and property. The clause requires that William R. Bess, director of Cam- organizations receiving general pus Safety, said that a reward of fees not participate in partisan probably more than $100 will be political activities. given for Information resulting In the arrest or conviction of the van- The committee recommended dals. full funding ($1,320) for the About 30 parking meters, a sign, Social Justice Committee, and 11 buildings and the sidewalk which received $800 of its re- area in front of the Union ware spray quest in ACGFA's recommen- painted. Mora than $500 damage dation. was done, Bess aaid. To help alleviate this pro- blem, the appeals committee staff photo by Dale Omorl suggested that ACGFA decide on an operational definition of "partisan political" and "curricular auxiliary" before next year's budgetary process. Committees continue investigations into Latino demands pliance Office and others, Dr. Margy Referring to ACGFA's deci- by Paula Winslow claims to provide equal access to the organizations supportive of their demands made during last spring's stall reporter educational experience for all," cause. minority protest here. J. Gerber, acting committee chair- sion this year to disallow John The ad hoc committee created man, said yesterday. G. Giedlinski's vote on the LSU Carlos M. Flores, Latin Student Union Meanwhile, investigations into the Most University students will aban- chairman and ad hoc committee Latinos' grievances continue by the especially to investigate the Latinos' Gerber said the committee, which budget, the committee said it charges is aiming to finish its inquiry has been meeting at least once a week "believes that...the denial of a don Bowling Green during summer member, said in a statement released University committees assigned to break, but the seven students of the yesterday. that task early last month by Moore. by today, Dr. Ramona T. Cormier, to study the claims, plans to have its members's vote was blatantly committee chairman and associate final report to Moore by July 1. incorrect and that the president Ad Hoc Committee on Latino Con- cerns say they will stay here this sum- The students have ended their quiet THE COMPLAINTS involve allega- provost, said. She added that the should prescribe justification group's final report will not be com- THE THIRD group ordered to in- for removal of the voting mer to continue their "struggle for sit-ins in front of the office of Universi- tions of negligence by the administra- justice" for Latinos. ty President Hollis A. Moore Jr. But tion in four major areas: recruitment pleted for one or two weeks. vestigate the matter, the Human rights...in accordance with the The Equal Opportunity Committee, Relations Commission, was unable to provision of due process." •'There is no vacation for a people Flores said they will continue to of Latino students, affirmative action who are neglected, disrespected, not solicit support from various com- policies in hiring Latinos, social and which also is investigating the allega- conduct its inquiry because of the represented, discriminated against munity and Latino groups in Ohio and cultural programming for Latinos and tions, still is looking through records Latinos' refusal to cooperate with and oppressed in an institution that work with University student attention to several still unmet kept by the Equal Opportunity Com- continued on page 3 Ciao for now This is the last regular issue Group ends debate on ACGFA selection of The BG News this quarter, • Third World Graduate Student Association.
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