& Satellite Listings! THE FREE Local Guide to TV, Your Community, and Entertainment for December 25 - January 21, 2010 24 Is Back See Pages 27 & 30 Mel Brooks is honored at Escape to Baja with “The 32nd Annual Kennedy Center Honors,” Boat Captain airing Tuesday, Dec. 29, on CBS. Brett Forrester ~ See page 3 ~ See page 3 Save Up To $600 With The New Bresnan Triple Play! No Contracts • No Commitments • 12 Month Price Lock Guarantee Bresnan Digital Phone Bresnan Digital Cable with ON DEMAND Bresnan OnLine High-Speed Internet $ 99 $ 99 $ 99 A Month For A Month For A Month For 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 39 Plus Equipment* 29 Plus Equipment* 29 Plus Equipment* NO CONTRACTS! NO COMMITMENTS! PLUS, PRICES ARE LOCKED IN FOR 12 MONTHS! Call Today & Save! 1.877.BRESNAN 273-7626 Offer valid for new residential customers who sign up for 2 or 3 services. Digital Set-Top Box at $5.99 per month and High-Speed Internet & Phone modem at $3.00 per month is additional. Certain restrictions and limitations apply. For complete restrictions, go to www.bresnan.com/tripleplay. MW5381 SOURCE TV )FSFBUUIF$JUZPG(SBOE+VODUJPO XFTPNFUJNFTmOE USBWFMT0VSDIBMMFOHFJTUIBUXFSBSFMZHFUUIFPQQPSUVOJUZcourse of normal conversation. From there it travels. Our chal- incompleteUIBUJODPNQMFUFTUPSJFTPSNJTJOGPSNBUJPOBCPVUUIFXPSLXF stories or misinformation about the work we do UPSFTQPOECFGPSFNJTJOGPSNBUJPOTQSFBET*OUIFQBTU XFlenge is that we rarely get the opportunity to respond before circulatesEPDJSDVMBUFTUISPVHIPVUUIFDPNNVOJUZ5IFNJTJOGPSNBUJPO throughout the community. The misinformation may IBWFVTFEUIJTTQBDFUPCSJOHZPVJOGPSNBUJPOPO$JUZFWFOUT misinformation spreads. We would like to take this opportunity to NBZCFHJOXJUIBOFXTTUPSZ BOFOUSZJOBCMPH BDPMVNOJO QSPKFDUTBOEJOJUJBUJWFT'PSUIFUJNFCFJOH XFXJMMCFUBLJOH beginBQSJOUFEQVCMJDBUJPO JOGPSNBUJPOPOTPNFPOFT8FCTJUF PS with a news story, an entry in a blog, a column in a printed UIFPQQPSUVOJUZUPVTFUIJTTQBDFUPBEESFTTTPNFRVFTUJPOTuse this space to address some questions you have asked. Our publication,TJNQMZJOUIFDPVSTFPGOPSNBMDPOWFSTBUJPO'SPNUIFSFJU information on someone’s Web site, or simply in the ZPVIBWFBTLFEhope is to respond directly to your questions and/or concerns. 8IZBSF$JUZPG(SBOE+VODUJPOFNQMPZFFTHFUUJOHQBZ 8IZJTUIF$JUZPG(SBOE+VODUJPOHFUUJOHSFBEZUPTQFOE Why isSBJTFTEVSJOHUIJTFDPOPNJDEPXOUVSO the City spending money for a new irrigation WhyNJMMJPOTPGEPMMBSTUPSFGVSCJTI.BJO4USFFU is the City of Grand Junction getting ready to system at Tiara Rado Golf Course? Couldn’t that money spend millions of dollars to refurbish Main Street? 5IJTJTBSVNPSUIBUIBTCFFOnPBUJOH 5IJTJTBOPUIFSXJEFMZIFMENJTDPODFQUJPO5IFGBDUJTUIF$JUZ be spent on somethingBSPVOEUIFDPNNVOJUZBOEXFBSF that is more necessary? JT/05HFUUJOHSFBEZUPTQFOENJMMJPOTPGEPMMBSTUPSFGVSCJTI This is another widely held misconception. The fact is the City The shortOPUTVSFKVTUXIFSFJUTUBSUFE answer to that question is no,$JUZPG the money .BJO4USFFU5IFXPSLUIBUJTTMBUFEGPS.BJO4USFFUXJMMCFQBJE is NOT getting ready to spend millions of dollars to refurbish could not (SBOE+VODUJPOFNQMPZFFTBSF/05be spent elsewhere and the need at Tiara GPSQSJNBSJMZCZUIF%PXOUPXO%FWFMPQNFOU"VUIPSJUZ %%" 5IF Main Street. The work that is slated for Main Street will be paid Rado rightHFUUJOHQBZSBJTFT now is significant.*OGBDU OPUPOMZBSF $JUZXJMMCFQBZJOHGPSUIFVQHSBEFUPUIFWFSZPMEVUJMJUZMJOFTUIBU OPSBJTFTPGBOZLJOEQSPQPTFEGPSOFYU forMJFVOEFSUIFTUSFFUJOBEEJUJPOUPQSPKFDUNBOBHFNFOU CVUUIF primarily by the Downtown Development Authority (DDA). Tiara Rado Golf Course, like several other spe- ZFBS CVUFGGPSUTBSFDVSSFOUMZVOEFSXBZ TheMJPOTTIBSFPGUIFQSPKFDUDPTUXJMMCFQJDLFEVQCZUIF%%"5IF City will be paying for the upgrade to the very old utility lines cific operations in the City, is set up under City UPUSJNUIFQFSTPOOFMCVEHFUBTNVDI that%PXOUPXO%FWFMPQNFOU"VUIPSJUZGVODUJPOTBTBUBYJOHFOUJUZ BOE lie under the street in addition to project management, but the Council authority to operate as what is known as BTQPTTJCMFUPCBMBODFUIF lion’sUIFSFWFOVFJUDPMMFDUT BOEXJMMESBXVQPOUPQBZGPSUIFQSPKFDU share of the project cost will be picked up by the DDA. The an ‘EnterpriseCVEHFU8FIBWFJNQMFNFOUFEBIJSJOH Fund’. Generally speaking, what DPNFTGSPNCVTJOFTTFTMPDBUFEJOUIFEPXOUPXOBSFB5IFTFGVOET Downtown Development Authority functions as a taxing entity, and this meansGSFF[FGPSFWFSZQPTJUJPOFYDFQUDSJUJDBM is that Tiara Rado is expected to operate BSFOPUHFOFSBMTBMFTUBYSFWFOVFTBTNBOZQFPQMFCFMJFWFUIFZBSF the revenue it collects, and will draw upon to pay for the project, much likeQFSTPOOFMTVDIBTEJTQBUDIFSTBOE an independent business, and it is not WFSZTQFDJmDUPEPXOUPXO comes from businesses located in the downtown area. These funds QPMJDFPGmDFSTGPSXIJDIXFSFDFJWFEB3FDPWFSZ"DUHSBOU4PGBS XFfunded by the City’s general fund. It has its own budget, sets its own are not general sales tax revenues as many people believe, they are BSFPQFSBUJOHXJUIGFXFSFNQMPZFFTUIBOBUUIFCFHJOOJOHPGUIFfees to fund its operation, and is expected to operate within the con- *OMBUF CVTJOFTTBOEQSPQFSUZPXOFSTXJUIJOUIFCPVOEBSJFT ZFBS0VSDVSSFOUTUBGGQFSDBQJUBMFWFMJTBUUIFTBNFMFWFMJUXBTJO veryPGUIFEPXOUPXOJNQSPWFNFOUEJTUSJDUWPUFEUPJNQPTFBTQFDJBM specific to downtown. fines of that budget. The primary difference from a business though, BOEMPXFSUIBOJUXBTJOUIFNJET4FWFSBMFNQMPZFFTIBWF BTTFTTNFOUXIJDIXPVMEDPOUJOVFGPSUFOIn late 2005, business and property owners within the boundaries of is that Tiara Rado is not permitted to make a profit. If revenues exceed CFFONPWFEGSPNPOFEFQBSUNFOUUPBOPUIFSUPIFMQPVUEVSJOH theZFBST5IFSFWFOVFTUIF%%"DPMMFDUTDBO downtown improvement district voted to impose a special assess- expenses, that money must go into a fund to be used for projects or UIJTTMPXEPXO BOENBOZFNQMPZFFTIBWFIBEOFXSFTQPOTJCJMJUJFT mentPOMZCFVTFEGPSEFWFMPQNFOUQSPKFDUT which would continue for ten years. The revenues the DDA BEEFEUPUIFJSXPSLMPBET/POFXQPTJUJPOTBSFCFJOHQSPQPTFEfor operating expenses in a down year. UIBUCFOFmUEPXOUPXO-JLFXJTF UIFUI collects can only be used for devel- GPSUIFCVEHFUBOEXBHFEFDSFBTFTGPSBMM$JUZFNQMPZFFTTiara Rado is expected to fund its own capital projects out of its 4USFFUBOE$PMPSBEP"WFOVFJNQSPWFNFOU opment projects that benefit down- BSFCFJOHEJTDVTTFESJHIUOPXBMPOHXJUIUIFQPTTJCJMJUZPGVOQBJEown budget as they are needed, and right now, the need is dire. The QSPKFDUTXFSFCPUIGVOEFEQSJNBSJMZCZ town. Likewise, the 7th Street and IPMJEBZTBOEPSGVSMPVHIEBZTirrigation system at Tiara Rado is nearly 40 years old and is showing UIF%%".BOZNFNCFSTPGUIFDPNNVOJUZ Colorado Avenue improvement proj- its age. When the present system was installed it had an expected JODPSSFDUMZCFMJFWFEUIBUUIF$JUZXBTUIF "EEJUJPOBMSFEVDUJPOTXJMMCFNBEFUISPVHIBUUSJUJPOBOEPUIFS ectsGVOEJOHTPVSDFGPSCPUIPGUIPTFQSPKFDUTBT were both funded primarily by useful life of 20-25 years, and currently it is experiencing significant WPMVOUBSZNFUIPET5IFTFEFDJTJPOTBSFEJGmDVMUUPNBLFCFDBVTF theXFMM XIJDIXFXFSFOPU%%"GVOET OPU$JUZ DDA. Many members of the com- issues including a power efficiency level of only 35%. QFSTPOOFMDPTUTDPNQSJTFPOMZPGUIF$JUZTPWFSBMMCVEHFU munityGVOETBTNBOZQFPQMFCFMJFWF XFSFVTFE incorrectly believed that the A quality irrigation system is the most vital piece of infrastructure *OEVTUSZBWFSBHFTSVODMPTFSUPPGUIFPWFSBMMCVEHFUCFJOH CityGPSUIFUI4USFFUJNQSPWFNFOUQSPKFDU UIF was the funding source for both EFEJDBUFEUPQFSTPOOFMTP DPNQBSBUJWFMZTQFBLJOH XFBDUVBMMZfor sustaining golf turf. Quality golf turf is what keeps golfers com- $PMPSBEP"WFOVFJNQSPWFNFOUQSPKFDUBOE of those projects as well, which we PQFSBUFMFBOFSUIBONPTUXIFOJUDPNFTUPQFSTPOOFMing back to a golf course. For most golfers, a wellmaintained golf XJMMCFVTFEGPSUIF.BJO4USFFU6QMJGUQSPKFDU were not. DDA funds, not City funds course outweighs all other aspects of the facility in deciding to play as many people believe, were used for 8IZEPFTUIF1PMJDF%FQBSUNFOUOFFEUPIBWFBOFYUFSOBMa course again. *" GVODUJPOXJUIJOBQPMJDFPSHBOJ[BUJPOJTDSJUJDBMMZJNQPSUBOUBOE TIPVMECFUSFBUFEBTTVDI4IPSUMZBGUFS$IJFG$BNQFSBSSJWFEBUUIFthe 7th Street improvement project, This new irrigation system will conserve water and power, and the BTTFTTNFOUPGUIFJS*OUFSOBM"GGBJSTQSPDFTTDPOEVDUFE (SBOE+VODUJPO1PMJDF%FQBSUNFOU IFEFUFSNJOFEUIBUIFXPVMEMJLFthe Colorado Avenue improvement new ponds will improve wildlife habitat. Finally, it is also anticipated UPBVUIPSJ[FBOFYUFSOBMBTTFTTNFOUPGUIF*"QSPDFTTUPWFSJGZUIBUproject and will be used for the Main that one full-time position will be reduced at the course because it UIFQSPDFTTDVSSFOUMZJOQMBDFJTNPEFSOBOEDPNQMFUFBOEUIBUJUStreet Uplift project. will no longer be needed asOFFE OPSJTJUCBTFEPOQSPCMFNTUIF a result of the more efficient irrigation JODMVEFTUIFUZQFTPGTUFQTJUNVTU system. QSBDUJDFT8IFO*OUFSJN$IJFG+PIO 5IFBTTFTTNFOUXJMMCFDPOEVDUFEGSFFPGDIBSHF PUIFSUIBO NJOJNBMUSBWFMDPTUT CZUIF$PMPSBEP"TTPDJBUJPOPG$IJFGTPG1PMJDF After this last snowstorm, 1PMJDF%FQBSUNFOU IFCSPVHIUXJUIIJN BOEXJMMJOWPMWFDPNNBOEMFWFMQFSTPOOFMXIPBSFXFMMWFSTFEJO*"One thing that many Grand Junction residents do not realize is why did snow removal seem to take so long? QSPDFTTFTGSPNPUIFSNVOJDJQBMBOETUBUFPSHBOJ[BUJPOT*UXJMMBMTPthat the crews who do our snow removal are the same folks who We certainly agree that the snow removal was slower than what JODMVEFJOWPMWFNFOUGSPNUIF$PMPSBEP#VSFBVPG*OWFTUJHBUJPO $#* do street repairs in the summer, Leaf PickUp in the fall, and Spring you may have expected, but let’s talk about why. First of all, this was BTXFMMBTBSFUJSFE'FEFSBM#VSFBVPG*OWFTUJHBUJPO '#* BHFOU5IFClean Up in the spring. In other words, we hire appropriately for the
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