January 4,J,9.68-- 1~~q SANFRANCISCOCOV:r PALACE--Summaries-of Saturday night rs ExamLne:.All-America Indoor Track and Field Games: 60 Yard High Hurdles (Heat 1)-1.. 1rlillie Davenport, Hou$ton Striders, 7.2: (ties meet record by Hayes Jone3, 1963; Blaine Lindgren, 1965; Ralph Boston, 1967; Don Shy, 1967; and Earl J.I1cCullouch,1968); 2. Larry Livers, Athens, 7.3; 3. TomWyatt, Athens, 7.4~ 4. Jerry Dolphin, San Jose St., 7.6. 60 Yard High Hurdles (Heat 11)--1. Gary Powers, So.Cal. Striders, 7.~ (also ties meet record); 2." Dz,:re Hemery, Great Britain, 703;~ 3. Rick Tipton, Stanford, 7.4,; 4. TomBonin, D),'~_ghamYoung, 7.5. 60 Yard High Hurdles (Finals)--l. Davenport" 7.a (~ies meet record again); 2.. Power, 7.2.; 3. Livers, 7.3; 4. Tipton, 7.3. Women's 60 Yard Das~--l~ Bonnie Albrecht, Laurel TC, 7l (meet record, n~T event),; 2. Cherrie Sherrard, Laurel TC, 7.1; 3. Kathy Smallwood, Millbrae TC, 7.l; 4. Nancy Mullen, Millbrae TC, 7.2. High School 60 Yard Dash--l. Ernie Reese, Menlo-Atherton, 6,,4; 2. Gary Keyes, Skyline, 6.4; 3. Gerald King, Marysville, 6.4; 4. Tim O'Connor, Sequoia, 6.4. 60 Yard Dasl' (Section 1)--1. Harren Edmundson,Merritt College, 6.3; a. Bob Griffin, Athens, 6.3; 3. Dave Masters, U. Calif., 6.3; 4. steve Rogaway, u. Calif., 6.4. 60 Yard Dash (Section ~)-l. Billy Gaines, unattache(~,(San Jose), 6.1.; 2:. Ronnie RWSmith, San Jose St., 6.1; 3. Earl Harris, Oklahomapt., 6.2..; 4,. Ernie Smith, Oregon st., 6.2. GirL's 480 Yard Relay-l. Nillbrae TC (Nancy Sprlngham, ChrisSmallwood, Adrienne Platt, Glenna Pickel, Ei1.een O'Connor, Pat J.I1ersch)l:04.4 (betters CowPalace and meet record of l:05.5, Orinda TC, 1968); 2...Oakettes AC, 1.:06.61 3. Diablo Valley TC 1:06.6; ~._Laurel TC, 1:10.0. Devil-take -the-hindmost Mile--l. Peter Duffy, U. Nevada, 4 :18.5 (bet ters Cb1 Pa>laceand meet record of 4':l8.7, Duwaynej\~,.Hodesto"JC;, 1968); 2...Tony Risby, U. Nevada, 4:20.4; 3. Mike Isola, Idaho st., 4:30.6. (only finiShers) - more •. fi-rst add/All··America Gamessummaries 1..000Yard Run--~. vlade Bell" Oregon TC, 2::~3.2: (betters CowPalace and'meet record of 2::~3•.S, Terry Thompson,Oregon St., ~967); 2.. John Ul1y, Oregon stOo~ 2::13.S; 3. Dan Tague, UTEP,2::114[.4;4. John Drew, Cal Fresh, 2,:lS.3. J oC. Distance Hedley Relay-l. San Jose CC (Richard Iliest, Gene Delk, Hark Wade, Jamie Baldovinos) 10:lS.7 (establishes CowPalace and meet record, new event); 2:. Fresno CC10:16.1; 3. Sacramento CC10:180-S; 4. De Anza 10:24.0. 440 Yard Dash--l. Lee Evans, San Jose st., 49.9; 2:. Ike Gayfield, Idaho St., SO~7; 3. Charles Strong, Pacific Coast Club, S~.O. (only entrants) High Schoo~Two }ftle Run--l. Stan Vukajlovich, Sacramento, 9:25.8; 2'. Bill Rice, El Cerritos, 9:27.,8; 3. Chris Carey, Carlmont, 9:2B.4; 4. Willie Eashman, Washington (SF), 9:4S.6. 600 Yard Dash-I. Ron 1tIhitney, S.C. Striders, 1:13.0; 2. Paddy HcCrary, Athens, 1:13.S; 3. Keith Colburn, Harvard, ~:13.9; 4. Geoff Vanderstock, S.C. Striders, 1:14.8. Shot Put~-l. Nea~ Steinhauer, U.S. ArrrrJ, 64-11%; 2. George 'lrloods, paci fic Coast Club, 63-S; 3. John Van Reenan, Washington st., 61-l0 3/4; 4. Jay Sylvester, unattached (Smithfield, Utah), 61-7. Lon{gJump.•.•l~-.:..30bBeamon, Houston Striders, a6-11. (betters ownCowPalace and) meet record of 26-9 3/4, 1968).; 2. Harion Anderson, San Jose St." 24-3!, 3. Phil Shinnick, S.C. Striders, 24-1.!; 4. Karl Palmen, Brigham Young, 24-0•. 300 Yard Dash--l. Jim Ward, Stanford~ 32:.4; 2. Greg Marks, Oregon st., 32.S; 3. Earl Harris, OklahomaSt., 33.0; 4. Ernie Smith, Oregon st., 33.4 .• Seniors' }Kle Run--L. Bill Fitzgerald, Los Angeles Senior TC, 4:S1.2 (betters CowPalace and meet record of S:02.8, Augie Escamilla,. San Diego TC, 1968); 2. Gene Hwnes, Palo Alto Of~icials, 4:S4.0.; 3. Don Pickett, OlymIPJicCJlub.!> 4:SS.7;4. Bill Hackey, West Valley TC, 4:S6.0. Hi1e l/la1k--l. Jim Hanley, S.C. Striders, 6: 53.1,; 2. Bill Ranney, Athens, 6:S7.8; 3. Walt Ja~uith, Sacramento St., 7:0S.S; 4. Roger Duran, Unat., 7:19.8. Tripl.e Jump--l. Bob Beamon,UTEP,so-6,; 2,. Pertti Pousi, Brigham Young, SO-l!; 3. Sylvester Johnson, Cal St. Hayward, 48-4 3/4. (:rofou)rmJD) •••more - second add/All-1!.merica Gamessummaries TwoNile Run-I. George Young, unat. (Casa Grande, Ariz.), 8:4tJ;.O, 2:. Ker:ry Pearce, UTEP,8:43.4; 3. Bob Day, S.C. Striders, 8:44.2, 4. TomMorrow, U. Oregon, 8:50.2. WomenIs Sprint Hed1ey--l. Yrl.llbrae Lions TC (Barbam Picketj NancyHullen, Ann Chri.stoff, Cathy Smallwood) 1~~6~2; Laurel TC, 1:16.8; 3. Oakettes TC, 1:17.3; 4. Orinda TC, 1:27.8~ One Hile Run-l. SamB&ir, K'..mt St., 4 :09.5; 2.. John Lawsi1l1,Pacific Coast Club, 4 :10.1; 3. DuviayneRs.y J Chi00 St ..•., 4:12.2; 4. Dave Patrick, Villanova, 4 :16Qo5 High Jump--l. Ed Caruthers, P~cific Coast Club, 6-10; 2. Peter Boyce, Stanford, 6-10; 3. Dick FosDury.'iOFeganst., 6-10; 4. r-faxLowe, Athens, 6-10. (also at 6-10: 5. otis Bur'rf;l~, OS.C.Striders; 6. Don Lindsey, San Jose St.) (Places decided on fewer rr..isses~:I Hile Relay--l. San Jcse Stc> (Larr;y-~valls 51.0, J~ck filalloy 52.1, Art Harris 51.5, Lee Evans4733) 3:21.09; 2:. S.C. Striders, 3:2J.,,9; 3•. Pacific CoaS:. Club, 3:22.7; 4. U. California, 3:29.5. Pole Vault-I. Rick Sloan, Dnat., 16-6~; 2. Erkki Hustakari, Fresno st., 16-6~; 3. Bob Seagren, S.C. Striders, 16-0, 4. Ed Martensen, Unat., 16-00 Attendance: IL, 838 Athlete of the Neet: Bob Beamon (second oonsecutive year) - --- --- \ :;.,VENT #1 Pole Vault World' 5 Be5t~ Bob Seagren 1968 A,tnericanRecord~ Bob Seagren ((SoUS) Gal) 1968 Cow Palace Record~ Bob Seagren 1968 All-American Record~ Bob Seagren (So(so Gal) 1968 1. Rick Sloan, Unat. \o~., Ll. 2'. Erkki Mustakari, Fresno St" l6-6~. 3. Bob Seagren, Southern C~l1.fornia Striders, 16-0. 4. Ed Martensen, unat·hchp,~;;18::."1 Jose State, 16-0. 5. AndySteben, Occidental ;J~:lveI'sity, 16-0. 6. Kiyoshi Niwa, Japan, 16-0. 7. Tie between, Jeff Chase~ w~\ttached, San Jose, Calif., and Paul Heglar, UTEP,16-0. 9. SamCaruthers, unattached, San Jose, Calif., 16-0. 10. Yuichiro Takeyama, Japan, 1>.60 SERIESOFCOMPETITORS: XOXOOXX000P15-6 16-0 16.9:2 17-<i-:a AndyDennisRickSamBobYuichiroKyoichiroErkkiPaulEdKiyoshiJeffMartensen:Caruthers:Seagren:Stebben:Heglar:Sloan:Chase:Mustakari:Phillips:Niwa:Takeyama:Inoue: OOX 000 000 X 000 000 OX 000 OX X 000 OOX 000 OOX 000 ox OX 000 ox 000 X 000 EVENT 112 Long Jump World's Best Record~ Bob Beamon (US) 1968 American Record~ Bob Beamon (E1 Paso) 1968 Cow Palace Record~ Bob Beamon (E1 Paso) 1968 All American Record~ Bob Beamon (E1 Paso) 1968 1. Bob Beamon, Houston Striders, 26-11, fAll-American and Cow Palace record, bettering own former mark of 26-9 3/4, 1968. 2. Marion Anderson, San Jose State, 24-3~ 3. Phil Shinnick, Southern California Striders, 24-1~ 4. Kari Pahnen, Brigham Young University, 24-0 SERIES OF FINAUSTS: Beamon: 26-11, F, P, P, P, P Anderson: 21-11, 24-3~, 20-10 3/4, 23-1, P, P Shinnick: 23-5 3/4, 23-1~, 23-11~, 22-6, 23-4 3/4, 24-1~ Palmen: F, 21-6 3/4, 24-0, P, P, P NOTABIES: Jim l'1oore,Oregon Frosh, F, F, 23-7 3/4 Stanley Royster, Uhiversity of California, F, F, 23-6~ Pertti Pousi, Brigham Young Universi~, 23-7~, 23-10, 23-6~ Toomey scratch EVENT #3 Shot Put World's Best Record~ Neal Steinhauer (US) 1967 American Recordg Neal Steinhauer 1967 Cow Palace Record~ Neal Steinhauer (Oregon) 1967 All American Record~ Neal Steinhauer (Oregon) 1967 1.. Neal Steinhauer, U. S" Amy Army, 64-11~" 20 George Woods, Pacific Coast Club, Long Bsach, Califo,~ 63-5. 3. John Van Heenan, Washington state University, 61-10 3/4 .. 4. Jay Sylvester, unattached, Smithfield, Utah, 61-1 SERIES OF FINALIS'IS: Steinhauer:64-2~,61-163-5,F,64-8,'FF,64-11~F,F 63-8~,61-3,59-106o-6~.F,60-4~,3/4, F,61-5,59-2~, 61-10 3/4, 56-0, 58-0 Woods:Van Reenan Sylvester: .- EVENT 114 High Jump world9s Best Record~ 7'4fJ·1 Valerity Brume1 (USSR) 1961 American Record~ 7 ')" John Thomas (Boston U) 1961 John Rambo (4gers) 1967 Cow Palace Record: 7')" 1967 All American Record~ 7i)" JohuJohn Rambo (4gers) 1967 1. Ed Caruthers, Pacific Coas·t Club}'> ATHLETEOF THE 6"j.0. MEET: Bob Beamon 30 Di'..ikFos1mry~ Oregon state Unive:.:'sity, 6-10. (A repeater from 4~ MaxLowe: Athens TC, 6-10~ last year) 5. Otis Bt::.rY.'ell,Southern California Stridsrs, 6-100 6. Don Lin03ey, Sa~ Jose Stat8, t~-lOn COMPETITORSBY JID1PS: 6....5 6-8 6-10 7-0 Phil Singleton, area Frosh 000 Don Lindsey, San Jose State P OX OOX 000 Don Pierce, Sacramento State 000 Ron Tull, Pacific Coast Club X OX 000 Steve Kelly, Oregon State OOX 000 Max Lowe, Athena TC X X OX 000 Rick Sloan, Sou-Cal Striders X X 000 Otis Burrell, Sou-Cal Strid.
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