Ksectio:),_ Lqui7en AN ELECTRO - GYRO - CRUISER. SEE PAGE 54 2 www.americanradiohistory.com ADE (ISOLATORS 1,00010 I;000,0110 VOLTS Employed -by U. S. NAVY r MARK. and all the Commercial Wireless RED. U.S. PAT. OFF. & FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Telegraph Companies ' INSULATION LOUIS STEINBERGER'S PATENTS rtai© ©401116t "' 4500 -1.509 450S 4517 u.%aóiá/iij 6350 <4ij%'.7/j 6977 A ss 68 :13 7370 6..52 SOLE MANUFACTURERS 66-76 Front St. BROOKLYN, N. Y. 60 -72 Washington St. AMERICA NEW PRICES Effective January 15, 1916. All previous prices void. _01111111111111111111111111111 1111 II111111111111111111111111111111_` 13' s' Cut shows Ih, The Brandes Switch Contact nts "Superior " Type Trans - Atlantic Brandes Head Type Receivers We are in a position to furnish Set. Price, com- (price $9) are prompt shipment of the follow- plete with ger- Used in the = ing sizes of switch points: luan silver head- Eiffel Tower to take 6 -32 screw. band, $5. Station, Paris. Tapped No. Diam. Height Doz. 50 100 626..34 inch 0 inch $ 30 $1.00 $1.75 "Astonished at its Value for the Money" 628..% inch g inch .30 .90 1.50 With 34 inch shank threaded 6 -32 627..34 inch / inch $.36 $1.25 $2.00 THAT'S what hundreds of purchasers of our "Supe- Nickel points 50 per cent. advance. rior" Receivers have said. Postage extra. "The best receiver sold at $5 to -day" is what dealers tell us. The value comes in the perfectly matched tone; in the The "Albany "Combination Detector strong, rigid -yet light- construction; in the unusually handsome finish. It is superior to many receivers sold at a higher price. It is less expensive than receivers which look similar but cost less. Investigate. Send 4c. for Catalog E, a valuable book of wireless equipment, containing full information about Brandes receivers. Send to -day. Lacquered brass. .... ...,. $2.50 C. BRANDES, Inc. Polished nickel 3.00 Wirekss Receiver Specialists -Room 814, 32 Union Square. New York Postage extra -Weight 1 lb. Brandes Wireless Head Sets MAGUIRE & SHOTTON 814 LANCASTER ST. ALBANY, N. Y. i1I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1I1I111111111111111111111IlIllBIIIIIN11111111IIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIi: i.edit wetdio.we "The FtaeYitd Hsperw.esYr" nkn, h www.americanradiohistory.com er/y.f te eehM4ws February, 1916 THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER 529 NEW 320 -PAGE ELECTRICAL DUCK'S Nos and WIRELESS CATALOG MORE THAN EVER JUSTIFIES YOUR VERDICT THAT IT IS THE ONE CATALOG WORTH WHILE Everything Electrical FOR THE BOY -HOME OR STORE CATALOG NO, 9 in stamps will bring this unrivalled catalog to your ONLY 8c. home. The great cost of catalog and the exception- ally low prices (oftentimes fully 25% below usual retail price) prohibits its Duck Co. The William B. distribution otherwise. You may deduct the 8c. on first dollar purchase. ANYTHING Our records show that 70% of our catalogs produce us patrons. Many of our competitors admit the waste of 90% of their catalogs. Who pays for them? This ELECTRICAL is the big, controlling reason why you should have our catalog, backed by a great selling and purchasing power, before even thinking of buying elsewhere. Recgnleed Que lli only Goods of We sell at Prices tht Merit, end Over 40 New Pages of Wireless Instruments and You Money will Save and substantial reductions on many popular wire- less instruments and standard electrical supplies. 01410, V. S. a TOLEDO, A FEW OF THE ARTICLES IN OUR CATALOG: 129 pp. Wireless Instruments (129 pages) magnet wire of all kinds, raw material, storage batteries, telegraph instruments, battery motors, commercial motors and generators, sewing machine motors, tele. phones, step -down transformers, massage vibrators, bells, push buttons, auto accessories, flash lights, hand lanterns auto and miniature lamps, Xmas tree outfits, voltmeters, ammeters, lighting plants, Vic - trolas, air rifled, electric aeroplanes, model builders, electric railways, electrical and mechanical books and general electrical supplies. ST. The William B. Duck Co., 230 TOL DO, OHIO SAVE 25% IF WIRELESS BARGAINS YOU ACT NOW Here is Your Opportunity to Secure the Best Navy Type Loose Coupler on the Market. Regular Price $15.00 $10.00 Continued for February- Reduced Sale Price - - A brae. lacquered 6.000 meter inductance tuner, perfect in every detail. Equipped with foor point loading Inductance which lvor b wave length 4,000 meters over the average Neer Type Transformers. The primly winding has 24 tape -one switch control. the primary in group. of tens, the other control. one turn at s time -and I. equipped with s dead and witoh. Enclosed in a cabinet, the front of which ie polished bard rubber. The ..00ndary coil is wound with double silk covered wire and the inductance ie varied by a ten point switch. With this coupler the very finest and moat accurate tuning is easily and quickly secured. With a good sized aerial the recep. tion of wave lengths up to 6.000 m i. possible. All Finished Parts Ready For Assembling With Full Instructions, Special $6.50 Our No. 810 Complete Sending and Receiving Station Receive The Time From Arlington A Thoroughly Reliable Station Regular Price $20.00 Sends up to 12 miles. AND ALL NEWSPAPER AND SHiP REPORTS Receives up to 1,000 For February OUR SPECIAL TiME 10 miles. -Sale Price SIGNAL RECEIVING OUTFIT R_ $14.00 PRICE $10.85 Only REGULAR-SALE PRiCE v This le our new Full I 14 inch onil type. Sends up 1910 model made to 12 miles. Receives up to 1.000 miles under favorable conditions. of the highest Equipped with 2 double pole 1.000 grade material ohm receiver.. 6 feet silk cord and obtainable double headband. Size of beg* 12 x Double slide 16 inches. height 13 ¡oche., weight coupler for clon only 19 pound.. tuning Is wound .,. This f. a completelye loppeed and thoroughly w i t h No. 24 {-'- o- rchable station. m , ly sen ales c- green for perfect d reedy silk né ed wire oncover- the Nothing better Inthis primary the 5 4 7 claw was ever construct- - ^=-._ i ri The new Improved secondary with ted enables you to No. 28. There tune in 8 to uningyyroll are points if thuty el,mrnetlnb n, Iroy divide its capac- terference. The wt con. A 3,000 -metre loading coil placed between the coupler SDpoenk ity. °Coil; 12 FletKPlata . and the aerial by a switch that throws it in or out of the denser. "Donn''esuar circuit enables you to receive amateurs with the coupler alone end Switch to tell If your and long wave stations by the addition of the loading coil. One detector la working, fixed condenser of proper capacity, Improved unlvereal detector, Double Slide S,Ib Wire Wound Tuner for long one buzzer test to test your mineral, and potentiometer. This Instrument Is assembled on a highly finished oak base. All Il Fixed Condenser Helix are heavy nickelplated, Key. DPDT Sargon ono metal parts complete 2,000 Obm Thls station, with our Navy Type Loose Coupler, ae illustrated above, $15.00 NICHOLS Send 6c. in Stamps for Our Big 152 page Wireless and Electrical catalog "H. 80" Containing Hundreds of Wesdedul ELECTRIC CO.,r -3 West B'way,y N.Y. Bargains of All Kinds. FREE -Send fo Big Electrical Toy Catalog-Save Money Xmas FREE -Write our Query Department -write us and we will give you free technical advice on all wireless questions. Manufacturers of Standard Quality Goods Only You benefit by mentsoning "The Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers. www.americanradiohistory.com afl 530 THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER Febru: ry, 1916 UIIIIII 111111HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIh1111@uNl11 CATALOG No. 16 the one book you simply must have JUST OFF THE PRESS Sent FREE for 4c to cover postage only SEND FOR IT TO -DAY EVERYTNIN_=F-Off E MICR III1111111111111i11111111111111111IIIIIIIl1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111lllllllll111 11111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIi11111111' 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi11111111111111111i111111 Ilí GAT.6 No _ntit IIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIII II 11111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111 IIIIh11111111111111111111111111111Nlllli111111111111111 If What It Contains What It Contains It contains the largest assort- It contains 658 illustrations, 2,000 ment of Wireless and electrical articles, complete Code Chart experimental apparatus shown of Morse. Continental and Navy in any catalog published. In Codes, sixteen -page "TREATISE addition are shown Commercial Wireless Sending and Receiving ON WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY," Outfits, Electric Motors, Dyna- list of Call Letters of U. S. Gov- mos, Flashlights, Medical Bat- ernment and Commercial Ship teries, High Frequency Apparatus. a LI Toys, Printing and Shore Wireless Stations. ,.f...l Plating Outfits, New York Retail Store: _69. Weft Grea¢ %r Presses, Tools. Sporting Goods, besides a great many useful Brooklyn Retail Store:317 Livingston Street and the LARGEST Scientific tables, and formula;. This val- Book section published. This uable book is 6% z 5!.¡ Inches book will give you as much in- formation as many books that in size and 34 inch thick, and "The Livest Catalog in America" cost you $1.00 or more. SEND well bound. IT IS SENT FREE CONTAINS FOR THIS WONDERFUL BOOK FOR 4c. TO COVER POSTAGE TO -DAY, WHICH IS FREE. YOU ONLY. TO PAY 4c. FOR POSTAGE 75 New Things ONLY. "Everything for the Experimenter" ?Fe ELECTRO IMPORTING CO. 236 Fulton Street, NEW YORK To Accommodate New York City Customers 4 i= L 3 rl ELECTRO + IMPORTING .. COMPANYPANY A 236 Fulton Street. New York City, i enclose herewith 4 cents in stamps or coin for which please send me your latest Cyclopedia Catalog No. 16 containing 275 pages, 658 illustra- BRANCH STORE No. 2 lions and diagrams, including Treatise BRANCH STORE No. 1 " on Wireless Telegraphy, complete of all 317 Livingston Street list 69 West Broadway U. S. Wireless Call Letters, and 20 coupons for your 160 page Free Wireless Course in 20 lessons.
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