Tide, Son, Temp. Weather Forecast 8813 Hig~h tide-ll:58pm A-A,-j- - Low tide-- 5:39pm . Partly cloudy; 6 SwAV' 6e--- :37am N Isolated showers; Swset ---- 7:37pm , Winds 12-15 kts; ILow-------- 74 1 The aoy4 ni dot-bct~ed daity 2-4 ft. Vol. 32, No. 149 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Wednesday, August 3, 1977 Groundwork hits snag Vance confers with Sadat, Fahmi ALEXANDRIA, Egypt (UPI)--Secretary Vance suggested that the Palestine Vance met with Sadat for about of State Cyrus Vance's attempt to Liberation Organization be accepted three hours Monday night and with lay the groundwork for a Geneva at the Geneva conference "if the PLO Fahmi Tuesday morning. Middle East conference has hit a would accept the framework of the Vance's spokesman, Hodding Carter World News Digest serious snag, Egyptian sources re- conference." III, described the meetings as ported Tuesday. This would be an oblique way of "fruitful and helpful to the process (UPI)--Weary firefighters are bat- The sources said that in his answering Israeli objections to the that brought the Secretary of State tling 121 forest and brush fires in meetings with President Anwar Sadat PLO. By "accepting the framework of to the Middle East." California and 55 blazes in Alaska and Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmi, the conference" the PLO would accept most of them triggered by lightning. Vance presented a plan that would U. N. Council Resolution 242 which The worst one in California is a link Israeli withdrawal from occu- affirms "the sovereignty, territorial Al Baath, the organ of Syria's 3,500 acre brush fire on Mount pied Arab territories with full ac- integrity and politcal independence ruling Baath Socialist Party, said Diablo, 30 miles east of San Fran- ceptance of Israel by Arab states. of every state in the area and the "the American and Arab positions cisco. About 50 families were right of every state in the area to should not be expected to coincide." evacuated in the face of the roaring The two processes would take place live in peace within secure and re- PLO spokesman Mahmoud Labadi said blaze. simultaneously, in a phased five cognized boundaries free from his organization expected the Vance Sixty-six of the fires are in the year schedule, the sources said. threats or acts of force." visit "would produce nothing." North Coast area, 13 inland in But, they said, the idea was not In other words, the PLO would ac- eight in the acceptable because Egypt wants the cept the existence of the state of Northern California, Fresno area, 18 in the San Francisco Israeli withdrawals to take place Israel without having to go through Vance is scheduled to leave Alex- Bay area, and 16 in Southern Cali- sooner than in 5 years. the embarrassment of amending its andria for Syria today with a brief fornia. The sources said another idea pre- own charter, as the Israelis have stopover in Beirut. The trip is In Alaska, fires have burned up sented by Vance had more promise. demanded. scheduled to last 11 days. more than one million acres of tundra and timber. The blazes have threat- ened nearly a dozen Eskimo villages with about 800 people. (UPI)--The Carter Administration adopt whatever individual laws they Dense smoke is hampering efforts yesterday went on record favoring wish to deal with marijuana users. of the Alaskan firefighters both on decriminalizing possession of small Although the proposal for decrim- the ground and in the air. amounts of marijuana. inalization of marijuana is bound to In a comprehensive message on drug be the most talked about provision Carter favors abuse to Congress Carter stressed in the Carter drug proposal, the mes- (UPI)--A Coast Guard board of in- that decriminalization isnot legal- sage contains other recommendations quiry released a report in Cleveland, ization, that it only means that as well. Ohio yesterday on the sinking of the federal penalties for possession The President has ordered a study ore carrier "Edmund Fitzgerald" in a would be reduced so that the penalty to determine how barbituates and storm on Lake Superior back in No- decriminalizing would be a fine rather than any sort other sedatives can be used most vember 1975. The report blames in- of criminal action. safely and recommends a "deliberate effective hatch closures for the Carter pointed out that some 45 increase in attention" to the abuse sinking in which all 29 crewmen million Americans have already tried of drugs originating from legitimate aboard the ship lost their lives. pot marijuana, and that there are an medical sources. The report found no evidence of estimated 11 million regular users. Carter also asks Attorney General misconduct or negligence, nor any He said federal penalties for Griffin Bell to intensify Justice indication that any government trafficking would remain in effect, Department investigations into the agency contributed to the sinking. and that states would remain free to link between organized crime and But as a result of its findings, the Coast Guard recommended that the - drug trafficking. L weather-tightness of hatch closures on other ships be improved. House votes in favor of Energy Dept. The ship's sinking inspired a song called "The Ballad of the Edmund as the (UPI)--The House yesterday voted conducted by such agencies Carter, Ullian disagree Fitzgerald," which became a record- Energy Research and Development Ad- to combine most of the government's ing hit. ministration, the Federal Energy energy functions under a single Administration, and bits and pieces Department of Energy. on Welfare plan NEW YORK (UPI)--The New York Times of energy related activities now That same legislation also would said Tuesday several prominent medi- conducted by other agencies. create a new federal energy regu- cal research organizations and gov- The bill should please President latory commission which in essence (AP)--The chairman of the House ernment hospitals in the United who has been pressing for a Ullman, would be a reconstituted Federal Carter Ways and Means Committee, Al States and Canada were involved in energy agency. Power Commission with expanded single government said yesterday that he and President a secret 25-year, $25 million effort does not re- Carter disagree on a fundamental powers over the transportation and But the legislation by the Central Intelligence Agency wishes that the new pricing of energy products. flect Carter's element of the administration's to learn how to control the human of Energy be given the The new energy department would Secretary welfare program, Ullman said after mind. prices. President, he absorb most of the functions now power to regulate a meeting with the The project started in 1949 under objects to Carter's plan to supple- the code-name Bluebird, later changed ment lower incomes with welfare to Artichoke, as a result of "con- debates payments based on the size of a cern that the Soviet bloc had No immediate problems expected Congress family as well as on earned income. achieved the ability to control The committee chairman said Carter men's minds through drugs or brain- PITTSBURGH (UPI)--The steel and New FDA rules most likely will send his welfare washing," the newspaper said. auto industries say they expect no proposals to Congress this week de- It was apparently a defensive pro- immediate production problems from for Ice Cream spite Ullman's preference for a de- gram at the outset, in which the a strike by 19,000 members of the (UPI)--The halls of Congress re- lay. agency sought ways to insulate its United Steelworkers of America, the sounded with debate yesterday over Ullman said he feels it would be agents against brainwashing, but first major union-sanctioned walk- what would be allowed in ice cream. better to delay it a while and work later became offensive, the Times out in the basic steel industry in The head of the Food and Drug Admin- out differences in order to avoid a said. 18 years. istration clashed with the chairmen confrontation. Ullman's committee state in- Still, the walkout could have a of two House subcommittees over will handle the welfare program in (UPI)--A Pennsylvania official said yesterday serious long-range impact, possibly whether proposed FDA regulations the House. surance in a hospital emer- endangering the innovative no-strike would lower the quality of ice Ullman said he hopes his committee that a foul-up gency room could have played a part agreement that had brought steel cream. will be able to hold hearings on the in the deaths of as many as 35 pa- labor peace. The new regulations would allow program when Congress returns next It happened at Morristown's Union spokesmen said contract ne- what the FDA calls "safe and suit- month from its summer recess, but tients. suburban general hospital. Pipes gotiations to end the walkout, which able ingredients." Democratic he doesn't think it will be possible from tanks of oxygen and so-called started at 12:01 a.m. Monday in Congressman Fred Richmond of New to begin committee votes on the ac- "laughing gas" were mislabeled for seven states, brought no progress. York said the new ice cream regula- tual legislation until next year. six months. It wasn't discovered Most of the strikers are employed tions represent a bold departure until early last month. by 12 companies operating iron ore from the use of natural, unadulter- A hospital official said the in- mines in Minnesota and Michigan. ated ingredients. He said it's surance official's figure of 35 Smaller numbers went on strike at just another step toward chemical- deaths is far too high, but he ac- steel fabricating plants in Penn- artificial, high technology food d.
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