The Westher Fereaast of U. 8. Weather I aoady, aet ee cold, tight eaow begiaaiag late toalght. Lew taiihe FOR FINE STEWS and FOOD 8*e. Pyidar. eleady, Wai'aiei, Mambor o f the Audit low chaagug to rala. High Si­ Bttreon o f Ctrcnletlos te. The 4XXXX team increased its t M anchester^A City of Village Charm lead in the Elks Setback Tourna­ Taxpayers Slatie ment last night to 40 poinU over Mrs. Geraldine Chsce, 54 Chest­ nut St., buyer for the J. W. Hale Second Meeting runnerup The Heights. After 2t rem em ber. .. VOL. LXXVf, NO. 127 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TOURSIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1957 O^Bright to Ploy Corp.,.snd Mra. Dorothy McGregor (Claeelfled AdvertlMag oa Paga 88) PR IC E FIVE CBNIR sitUhgs, the leaders have scor^ of the sportswear department, an­ The Mancheatsr.Tfcxpayera AU Jayc«e« UMl theii 4,237 points. The Heights have nounce a completaly new line o f League has scheduled a, second I ur(*d. to attend. 4,217, leading The Manchester For Sport Dance spring and summer fashions to be orgenixstlenal meeting for Sun­ MiM Bian Culver, daughter of day at 2:M p.m. at Verplanck Mr, and Mra. Donald H. Culver, 36 Herald, last week’s second place previewed st the Manchester Tony O’Bright’a oreheatn will YWCA Homemaker’s Holiday pro­ School auditorium. It hopes to Weatmlnater^ Rd^ has been ap­ team, by 26 points. provide-th« 'music for dsndng st gram, "Bermuda Treasure Hunt,” have representatives of. tax groups is r w is r ^ pointed to serve on the general Other scores: The Herald, the sport dsnee tonight st the from Hertford and ifockville pres­ planning committee for rally day ,to be. presented at the Community SANDWICHES 2 4,209; Diamond Jims, 4,207; Joe's AmeHcsn Legioo Home, starting Y March 8 at 9:30 Am. ent March 2 at Russell Sage College, st 8 o’clock. INKS ^ IC E C R E A M I Barber Shop, 4,168; Your Deuces, Fashions ranging from bsach- According t6 . a spokesman for Troy, N. Y. Miss Culver, a Junior, 4,158; Oliva’s Esso, 4,117; \Valnut Tickets for the dance may be as ‘Mad Killer’ ths local group, which held its is majoring in physical therapy. wssr to cocktail desses will be Clippers, 4,110; Manchester Trust, obtained st the door. Dancing will modeled by Mrs. Arthur Osnovese, first meeting lakt Sunday, mem­ She is servliig as treasurer of her 4,097; Vlchl’s R and TV, 4,085; Pat­ be until 11 o’clock. bers- of , temporai’y' committess RNS^AURANT and Mmr Drag Sitres j class and was formerly president Mrs.' George K sU and Mrs. Arthur ten’s Builders, 4,085; Woody's have received ulations of the college outing club. WUUe Jr., all of Manchester. COCKTAIL LOUNOB Wonders. 4,065; Elka No. 18M, from tax groups in both those 4,089. 'M'Miss iss EMsilbrEMsimr Tyler, manager of Team Keeps Lead the Drhde Development BoArd. towbs on ths launching o f the new Routes 44A sad 8. Boltoa, Conn., MltcbeU 9-4448 Also, Caplt(^ Equipment, 4,038'; league here. RANGE Leone’s Trucking, 4,029; Garden NewcTork City, who. will be guest Restaurant, 4,028; Anderson Paint­ In Setback Play speaker, will present her program The spokesman said the local Under New Management—Foimerly The HiUcreet Restaurant of color slides interspersed by the group hopes to have explanations In Eight S^arate and Signed Confessions ers, 4,026: Petersen’s Milkmen, tUEl OIL 3,998; State Shoe Repair, . 8,996; V Ths Rad Men’s Setback League fashions; and will follow with the from ths visitors •- methods they OPEN EVERY DAY INCLUDING SUNDAY FOOD has completed 21 rounds. Maple have used to save, tax monies. and D, 8,976; RMYD No. 4, 8,968; preihlera showing of the movie, GASOLIN: Paul’s Paint, 8,947: The Rebels, Super Service continues to lead, "Bermuda Treasure Hunt” The new league la a non-poUtical Monday through Saturday, dinners aSrvsd from 4:30— i With 4,448 polnU. ' m u p formed chiefly to find waya 8,917; Fogarty Bros., 3.866; HUln- Cottee and biuis will be sefved Kitchen open until midnight—Sunday noon to 9 'P . M, aki’s Sunoco, 3,852; Qutsh Funeral Othter sebrsa: Manchester Wall- froni'9:30 to 10 s.m., and the pro­ to aave tax dollars. Fot..ier Dired- Arab.Four SALE Home, 8,704. paper and Paint, 4,S44f Red Men’k gram will be over at 11. tor Walter Mahoney is temporary Lodge Suspends UN By MANCHESTER EMBLlEM BANTLY OIL Lodge, 4,188; Belton Five, 4,TTBr -’-^TB# ................. preaidsnt:------------------------- Describes Murders C L V B N o .251 I .'Il'W i, l\( Recitals Planned Reaffirm s '1 \'N ii;i:i.i 2 J. W. HALE'S By, Werner Studio Efforts on Mideast Thuradfiyi M ». 28 TCI Mlfchcll 9-4595 Neutrality Of Meriden Couple • A J L to 1 PJO, ^canceled, but st least five speakers ROCKVILLE TR 5-3271 Frederic E. Werner, Paul Chete- United Nations, N. Y „ Feb.' 28 (fl*)— The U.S, delegation —ail in favor of sanctions— said lat and Doris Johnson, Instructors they were prepared to take the 'Cairo, Egypt, Feb. 28 iJP) Hartford, Feb. 28 (A*>— Eight signed confessions by ex­ announced today Ambassador of the pianoforte at the Werner floor st an afternoon sesaion of the —The 4-power Arab summit convict Arthur Culombe of Hartford today named his pal, r i Henry Cabot . Lodge had sus­ General Assembly. Studio, announce the first in a conference has reaffirmed Joseph L, Taborsky, as the “ Mad KHler” sought for months m pended his efforts to produce Those listed to speak were Bul­ "ShM Ri^rhif 0f H l« tftr Kind' series of mid-seasons recitals for neutrality in the Cold War. in connection with recent fatal holdups throughout Con­ Sunday afternoon, Mardh 10, at a compromise Middle East garia, Jorda, Iraq, Indonesia and the Sqviet Ukraine. A ll were it took no public stand on necticut. 3:80 in the Vestry of Temple Beth g a ily resolution pending the out­ known to favor sancUona unless Communist penetration of the This was made known this morning by Maj.'George H. Sholom. come of Washington negotia­ Twenty-five of the younger stu. embroidered Israeli, troops are withdrawn at Middle East or the Eisenhow- Remer, administrative officer at State Police Headquarters SAMTTO.TES dents of Werner, Chetelat and Mra. tions. :) once from the GaZa Strip and the Culombe’s name as the confessor* had not previously bera Woric Done WhUe Ton Wait or While You Shop A •pokeiman-eaid: Sharrft el Sheikh area, on the Gulf ei Doctrine. Johnson will be presented in the The conference issued a wdndup made public. coming recital. They are all under ’’The reaolution on which We of Aqaba. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO broadcloth communique last night It was the age of 12, and all from Man­ -were working le in tuspenee. Meanwhile, U.S. -delegation There was a separate written confession for-each of the CHILDREN’S SHOES Whether there will be further de- sources said Lodge was continuing signed by King Saud of Saudi holdups in which Culombe admitted taking part, M ajor chester. These pupils are all be­ Spring's tht season of Arabia. King Hussein of Jordan, a Heavy duty slppers replaced. ginners this deason and parepts velopmenta along thia line in the his -private conversations. They President Shukri Kuwatly of Sy­ Remer said. and friends will see what they change . ^ • and this future, I am not prepared to aay,” said-the situation was expected to N O W AT 23 O AK ST. Lodge had been in almost con­ be 'clarified before the afternoon ria, and President Gamal Abdel Culombe said that he and Taborsky, both 33, joined forces have accomplished within a short Nasser of Egypt At Poraell Place. space of time. tinuous consultation with other aession. on each o f the holdups. The conference had special Oak Street side of PnitieU Parking The second recital In this series spring,, you'll find that the delegations since Tuesday* in the ConfUctlBg Stotements In some cases, however, the near fatal shooting o f a Hart­ significance in the light of Saud’s will be presented by another group hope o f getting agreement on a Delegates were bewildered by OPEN 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. recent talks ivith President Ehsen- ford tailor, for instance, only one would enter a store and of younger pupils on Sunday after­ fashions changes are many reaolution which would get Israeli conflicting statements from Wash­ mCLCDlNO MONDAY the other would wait outside jn a car. noon, March 24, at 8:30. force., out of the GaZa Strip and ington and Jerusalem on a reported hower in Washington. The com-, THURSDAY 7 A. M. to 0 P. M. munique praised the King for ex­ The third and last recital will be an^^axciting, with special inter­ Egypt without resorting to sanc­ agreement under which Israeli Culombe admitted helping Taborsky blackjack an elderly plaining t6 American leaders the presented by the Intermediate tions. forces would withdraw- behind the couple in their Coventry store.“Y «* !------- est in softer, more flattering lines There wasmo comment from the 1949 armistice line. AnI Israeli offi- "Arab point of view regarding He- also admitted blackjacking U.S. delegation on the talks be­ cial in Jerusalem denied any such Middle East problems and other the part owner of a North Haven' questions raised.” tween Secretary of State Dulles action had been agreed upon.
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