!? ' i VOL. XXYIILNo. 37.i HONOLULU, TUESDAI, SEPTEMBER 12, 1893. i WHOLE No. 1496. Gazette. Business darlis. iBrciai Tottrts. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Members Dr. Day, Dr. Miner, Dr. Hawaiian Andrews, J.T.Yaterhouse,Jr., John BEEAD FRBIT. PUBLISHED BY MISCELLANEOUS. Ena, Theo. F. Lansing and Utomey-Gener- al MISCELLANEOUS Smith. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., (Limited,) Provisional Government of the President Hon. W. O. Smith. HOW IN BISHOP & COMPANY. HAWAIIAN Hawaiian iBlanda. IT FLOURISHES vrv Tuesday Morning, Secretary Chas. Wilcox. THE SOUTH SEAS. Executive Officer C. B. Reynolds. VI fIV'L DULLAlli PER ANNUM BANKERS. Executive Council. Inspector and Manager of Garbage, Sor-- IIOXOM'LU, HAW'AHA. D. vice L. L. La Pierre. A bUJUS iioil Title Co. 8. Dole, President of the Provisional TTflK I' YAIlLh IX ADrAXCE. DKAW EXCHANGE ON itetracl Inspector G. W. C. Jonps. A rftrngp .Story of the Mutineer. THE B8NK0F Government of the Hawaiian Isl- forcJcHo'cf'criSC.OOIu Atlvmicp CALIFORNIA. SAtf FBAHCISCO Port Physician, Dr. G. Trousseau. Bounty. AND TDIin AGENTS IK ands, and Minister of Foreign AJ- - Dispensary, Dr. McGrew. Which includes postages prrpaid. Aew Vorlc. Dottuu. 1'nrin ' fairs. H. N Leper Settlement, Dr. R. K.Oliver. KESSRS. PI. BOTHSCHILD'i SONS, LONDON, rvo. MKKCEANT S1 J. A. King, Minister of the Interior. H. M. WHITNEYriusiness Manager The bread-fru- it tree, Artocarpus ANKFORT-ON-THE-JJAIN.-The S. M. Damon, Minister of Finance Board of Education. And. Commercial Banking incisa, seen in the Dutch East Indies EDITOR. Co. of Sydney, W. 0. Smith, Attorney-Genera- l. Court House Building, King street. HONOLULU", H. I and in many of the islands of the yfflce, No. 46 Merchanl Street The Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Advisory Cousctl. President, Hon. O. R. Bishop. Sydney. The Bank of Nc Zealand, Anckland, Secretary, James South Seas, grows forty to fifty feet Branches W. Smith. and"? ia Christchnrch, Danedlnand nt high, or slightly Wcll-Ingto- K. Al. ilatcl: fresidrol F. M. Hatcli. of the Pro- Inspector of Schools, A. T. Atkinson. the fruit being round RATES OF ADVERTISING. The Bank of British Columbia. Portland, Cecil Brown visional Government of the Hawaiian oval in shape, first green, then brown, ! Oregon. W. R. Castle - Shcretary In District Coubt. HMtaral 1 The Azores and Madeira & Islands. and turning yellow when fully ripe. YonpAXcJL 1 w ! w m 2m 3m1 Cm ly Island'. J. F. Brown, Treasurer Manger Stockholm, Sweden. y. - W. V. FYcat Ai ltor O.Bolte, Police It is from five to eight inches la di- 200 300, 400 600 1000 The: Chartered Bank of India, Australia John Emmeluth, Station Building, Merchant street. n In- -1 .. 100 150 and .. 200 3001 400 500 COO 1000 1400 China. Cecil Brown, E. D. Tenney, William Foster, Magistrate. ameter, and tastes insipid when In... 1400 Hongkong, Yokohama, .. ' 300 500 GOO BOO 1000 2000 Japan. And transacts J in... 1200 1750 2400 1356 General Banking John Nott, W. F. Allen, James Thompson, Clerk. cooked. I could not determlno what 3 in... .. 4 00 6 001 7 50 1000 Business y 4 .. 500 750 900 1200 1500 2400 3000 is prepared unless were grocery fk in... 50 00 This Cozuiian; to search RJqhn Ena, Henry Waterhouse, Ihetastowas it 5 .. 750 1000 1200 1600 2000 3000 find of to in... 2400 3600 80 00 K. O. HALL & records famish abstracts title store brown paper. In Samoa and T ..1900 1200 14 00 1800 SO.t. Kingdom. James F. Morgan, A. Young, in... 3000 4000 5000 10000 all real property in the Tahiti the tree yields a succession of --i Col. .. 1500 1800 2200 LIMITED. O M. 0EF FOB MOI0KA1. (1750 2200,3000 4000 5000 8000 12000 Ed.8alir F. Hch. two or xnrea crops aunng cignt f Col. .. 15000 on, contempts! 1 12000 arolssoo 500017S00 11000 Importers and Dealers in Hardware. Panics placing loans or - Col.. estate It Jos. P. Mendonca. months in tho year. "Its uui- Plowe.Paints, Oils and General Merchandise, ing the purchase of real will find to gener- -- publication, to advantage to consult company ChaS. T. Rodgers, Secretary Ex. and ncss ia said exceed even the Gorrespondcnco Intended lor -- OFFICERS: their the ous upon nonld be addressed to tbe"EdItor of tbc Hawa in regard to title. Adv. Councils, plantain, which the natives Office O. 55 SJPH --.President and Manager iian Oazctte. Post Bos. Secretary and Treasurer srr . oi tne tropics subsist almost soieiy S.Jr,'I" J3T-A- I1 bread-fru- Allen Auditor orilTsuttamlEul to with prompt ??!, SurREME Godot. J! SPECIAL, TRIP "Bi GOVERNMENT where tho it is not grown. inents ThosMayand F Wundenburg Directors cess. i iM dispenses entirely with the labor of 1356 Corner Fort and Kincr v It St. Hon.jA. F. Judd, Chief Justice. 3 , Post OEicc Bor, O Hell oif. the agriculturist, the miller, the .iazctte. Hutaal Telephone 11 Telephone iCi Cards and all quarterly or j early 152. P. O.Eoz325 Hon. F. Bickerton, First Associate OFFICIALS. baker; there need bo no care for seed or on I.STSZ2. ITS5V CM. CCCJCZ ' , advertisement! are payahle in advance .Justice. time or harvest; there is no thresh-- presentation of the bill. t. ElVUKK Ac CO OK IB, ing, no grinding, no kneading; in v All foreign advertisements mnstbe Succesors to Lewxks Dicksok, Hon. TV. F. Frear, Second Associate b or no k fact, the islanders ot the South Seas with the pay when ordered in, Importer i ad Dealers in Luinbor, drs. mm km, Justice. bread prepared, will be taten or them The rates of have their ready and remit-lance- s Ad ail kinds of Building Materials. liar"cs are given in the above scale, and Henry Smith, Chief Clerk. have only to place it on the coals as for European or American advertise 1253 FortStreet.l.'onoliiln. y ' they need it," says Ober. acnts, r sabsenptione may be made by postal Fred Wundenberg, Deputy Clerk. I'urchaie uf the KuleaiiaiThe Daiu-ie- u This placing on tho coals is a pictur- urdcr. EMPIRE HOUSE, BENTLSTi; Geo. .Lucas, Second Deputy Clerk. esque affair, like a Rhode Island J OLDt. : : . : : : : Proprietor I! THE J. Walter JoneSjSfcnographer. Statue to b in oiled. clam-bak- e. The fruit Is cut up, the Corner Nuuanu Avenue and Hotel Streets. core removed, stones Daily Pacific Commercial Advertiser Cntcnrr Judoks. and hot having Choioo Ales, Winos and Liquors nr'KJS'iSaSIf been placed in a hollow In the earth Is published by the Hawaiian Gazette Com-rtx- r 1356 r. and covered with leaves, the fruit at Its Office in Merchant Street, and City, at Fir3tCircuit:;;5JOahU. is laid on top, and again covered with by Carriers in the E. S. CUKHA' stones, on Hotel St., opp.Vr.J.S.McGrew' Second-Circui- (Maui) A.N. Kepoikai. leaves and hot which Dollars (86.00) Per Annum. more bread-fru- it is laid, Six "WJLxxo Xovlo2.-- TWrd and (Hawaii)' . (From Monday's i)aily.) then jally t Foreign Countries Postage paid, Etotoll Fourth Circuit: S. another layer of leaves and stones .' .7. $10.00 per annum UNION SALOON. L.' Austin. Last Wednesday at tho regular "a"l Communications, fld APMINISTERKD, and on top of ail earth is heaped Address Inrearof the " Hawaiian Gazette" Buildln" to of inches or more. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY. 135T. 'Ojt.2! Merchant Street Filth Circuit: (Kauai) J. Hardy. meeting of the board of health, a depth six The hot-sto-ne bake lasts about thirty No. 46 Merchant Street m Offices and Court-roo- in Court House, President AV. O. Smith announced minutes, and tho result is n brown HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO Canadian Pacific: Kins street. Sitting in Honolulu that the last statements regarding Eiece of natural bread, white, or per" arfljs. tCSpgt Steam Englnes.SDgirMllls, Boilers,, The yellow, inside, and very nutri- gustos Coolcrs,Iron,BracandLcad Casting first Monday in February, May, the kuleanas at the leper settle- The Faoos Tourist Rocte ot the Wobib. August and November. tious. Some think it more Iiko the Machinoryof Evory Description ment on Molokai had been made plantain than wheat bread. It is PROFESSIONAL. - lladi to Ordor. -- J Department or Fobeiqn Aftaibs. morning to the government almost tasteless when cooked green, $5 Second and $10 First Glass. that is highly appreciated by experts 8 Particular attention paid to Ships' Blackt Office in Capitol Building, King street. but smithing. JOB WOItK executed on ths.bort.i. and as soon as the steamer Hawaii when allowed to ripen just a little; & CARTER, 1356 notice. CARTER y Loss than by Othor Lines. His Excellency Saniord B. Dole, Minis- returned a special trip would be not to the yellow state, however, .frtoxrxxoy t TLmotw. ter of Foreign Affairs. when it has a decayed flavor. I found 1356 No.24 Merchant Street. y J. K. KAHOOKANO. To Ali, Points ik thk UNITED STATER made by members of the board of it Impossible to like it much in any Geo. C. Potter, Secretary. seems to be an acquired ASD CANADA, via Poeiijjjd, Taooua. health and other government offi- state, Dot it A. ROSA. Attorney and Counsellor: at Law. LW.,.Horace Wright, Ed. Stiles, Lionel taste with some whom I have heard vt AmHDS ah. the Cocuts or Tiic Eisadox. Seattw, TioTOBfTAKD VAKConvsa. cers to tbelepersettlement. raise it. This is the seed-bearin- g Attomoy Ereadfruit, which grows throughout 15 1377 15 Kaahnmann Street, Houolnln. ly DgPABTltBifr OF THK IXTSBIOK. the request of No. Eaahuuasd Stbbit, At President Polvnesia. but the true bread of the Honolulu. H. I. T U01TNIAIN KESOBTS, U5o J. S. SMITHIES, Office in Capitol Building, King Smith no newspaper mention was Moluccas, which is propagated only street.
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