-‘ i'- THH^NBATHBB NET PBESS RUN reracwrt kr D. ». Waatker 8«ra««. Slaw HavaB AVERAGE OAiliT CIRCULATION OF TlfE e v e n in g h e r a l d for the month of December, 1027 Fair tonight and Toee^y; sU([^t* ly colder toniid^t S.079 \ PRICE THREB CENTS (dassifted Advertising on Page 8) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1928. VOL. XU L, NO. 78. ♦- CHENEYS ANNOUNCE With Lindy in Central America WAGE ADJUSTMENTS DEAD IN P A R K ^ ^ . N NS*.. •• JIi. Decrease In Payroll Wage U M D Y IS M U Most Romantic Figure of In Phn New Attack on Nicara* and Removal of Attend­ BY CROWDS AT ternational Stage Dies gnan R ebels-^ iye He­ ance Bonus to Produce Alone— Close Friend of Into Hungary, Report rmes Killed and 20 Average Cut of 10 P. C. SANWADOR Wounded In Last Battle; Queen Marie. Prague, Jan. 2.— The govern . ^gary over the lines under the guise ments of the Little Entente wilhfilk of machine parts; A wage readjustment that will a protect with the League of Na­ Rebels Well EQuipped To Hop Off Again This After­ Paris, Jan. 2— One of the most tions against the' reported smug­ Vienna,'Jan. 2.— The newspaper affect all employees of Cheney romantic figures of the internation­ gling of Italian arms into Hungary Wiener Morgen today publishes “ an Brothers was announced today by it was reported here today. unconfirmahle report” that five car­ With Guns and AmmiuiF al stage was lost to the world to­ Charles Cheney, president of the noon For Capital of Hon­ The Trianon trepty restricts Hun­ loads of Italian, machine guns have day in the death of Loi Fuller, firm. Mr. Cheney also announced garian armaments and the smug­ entered' Hungary at St. Gotthard. internationally known dancer, and gling of arms into Hungary is re-, The Austrian customs is reported tion. the removal of the present five per duras; Storms Delay Flight personal friend and confidant of garded as an unfriendly act by the to have madetm attempt to stop the cent attendance bonus. The read­ shipment but the Hungarian cus­ Queen Marie of Romania and other Little Entente. justment and the removal of the at­ Of His Mother. Austria has taken no ^action to toms officials would not permit . Managua... Jan. 2.— Reinforce­ members o f Europe’s royal fam­ tendance bonus will produce an av­ stop the reported smuggling al­ them to take action and the Aus­ ments of U. S. Marines and Nica­ ilies. though the Austrian railroads as­ trians quit their posts in protest. erage payroll decrease of 10 per The shipment is alleged to have raguan constabulary are being San Salvador, Jan. 2— Continu­ Loi died at two o’clock this sert that they have been the vic­ cent. tims. of fraud, alleging that machine come front Verona and to have been brought’lip today for a new attack ing on his record-breaking good-will morning, in her apartment at the The average wage readjustment Plaza hotel after a\ long illness, guns have been shipped into Hun- destined fo r Budapest. upon the rebel forces of General decrease will be five per cent. Each flight throughout Central America, which had con^ned her to ner bed Sandinb. payroll operative has been paid a Col. Charles A. Lindbergh was to since last October. Her illness had VATICIAN’S HORSES SOU) . The rebefs, following the san­ bonus of five per cent if he or she take off at 3 P. M., today for Te­ ba ed the physicians, b'ut after USING MOTORCARS NOW, guinary battle of Friday resulting were not tardy or absent during a gucigalpa, capital of Honduras. death the ■doctors labelled her ma­ payroll week. The readjustment and T O ’ DEFENSE in five marines being killed ani Before starting, however, the lady “ auto-intoxicatlon,” and said Rome, Jan. 2.— The Vatican the dropping of the attendance bon­ young American airman who has It apparently resulted from food­ twenty Wounded, took refuge in El us system produce the average 10 to-day took ^ to motorcars and Chipote, some 15 miles outside of won the hearts of all Central Amer­ poisoning, She was 58 years old. • twenty horses were sold. per cent decrease. ica, was to receive additional honors NOW PLANNING Quilali, which the marines captur­ Cheney Statement Alone at Death Three luxurious privately ed from the rebels. statement from Cheney Broth­ from this country, into which he owned cars hare been placed at swept triumphantly yesterday from Althouglr JLiOi numbered Queens, The marine forces-that attacked ers in regard to the wage readjust­ princes andnoted statesmen among the. disposal of the Vatican and on Friday, consisting of barely 200 ment, prepared for The Herald, by Belise, British Honduras. Cardinals and high prelates are At a ceremony to be attended by her friends, she was alone when SURKMOVE men, were faced with some 400 reb­ Charles Cheney, president, follows; now able to go about their du­ prominent officials. Col. Lindbergh, she died, except for her secretary, els, ’ who were remarkably well “ For a long time we have been Gabriel Block- a o\irse and an old ties with uUprecedented speed. equipped. Reinforcements expect­ laced with increased difficulties in today will, receive a gold medal, from President Bosque. Pictured here are two of Lindy’s stopping plgces on his good-will servant. A brother is the only sur­ ed to arrive today should give the meeting competition, resulting in a flight about Central America and three of the personages who will serve viving relative,- but Block was un­ marines and their Nicaraguan sup­ narrowing range of profitable pro-, Col. Lindbergh arrived here yes^ Lawyers Hold Long CoDfer- terday morning after having cover­ as his host. Above, the American legation at Managua. Nicaragua; be­ able to ^nd his address to notify porters the weight in numbers and duction, which we have from time' low. the City Hall at Panama City. Panama: the statesmen (top to bot­ him of the dancer’s death. - the opportunity to renew the battle to time presented to our Works ed the 260 miles froni Belize in 2 BROKERS PREDICT hours and 45 minutes. Although tom) are Adolfo Diaz, president of Nicaragua: Ricardo Jimenez, presi­ Queen Marie, informed of Loi’s ' ence With Hickman In His under more favorable circum­ Council and to the community dent of Costa Rica, and Dr. John South, our minister to Panama. condition several weeks ago, had through published statements. We he arrived earlier than expected, a stances. great throng was ready to welcome been very solicitious in her in­ ■\Vell Equipi)ed. have been hopeful that a reduction Cell— To Make Announce- Reports received here indicate in wages would not be necessary, him vociferously. Many of the quiries as to Loi’s progress. She I • / A BRILLIANT YEAR and it is with great uisappointment welcomers came directly from New asked Ira Nelson Morris, former thaf General Sandino’s forces were and regret that we have come to Year’s celebrations. United States Gained American minister to Sweden and ment Tomorrow. remarkably well equipped and were realize that it is unavoidable. All roads led to the Illo'pango also a personal friend, to keep her uniformed, indicating that Gen San-.^ "The margin bet een sales val­ military aviation field and the in­ informed of any change in the dan-’ dino has apparently received some 21 Millionaires In Year cer’s condition. Present Leyei of Stocks supplies and stores from' abroad. ues and costs has now been nar­ habitants used every method of Los Angeles, CaliL, Jan. 2— rowed to a point where profits aie locomotion to get there. Special, Prince Carol Anxious Reports even spoke of the rebels reduced to a disappearing point and trains with reduced fares afforded Prince Carol and Mme. Lupescu Mysterious, eleventh-hour maneu­ Gratifying to Inyestors; using anti-aircraft guns against the where the range of coods on which hundreds from neighboring towns a had called at the hotel, numerous vers on the part of his counsel to­ Marine aeroplanes, and there is con­ Washington, Jan. 2.— The ap-^ Fourteen Americans earned in siderable conjecture as td the source- we can successfully compete is be­ chance to join in the welcoming. excess of $5,000,000 fop their times recently to inquire concern­ day indicated, that William Edward ing so limited that the number to Escorted by two Salvadorean parently uneven concentratipn of ing Loi but had been unable to Ontlook For 1928. of this armament. Sandino’s forces work and thinking, this group hav­ Hickman would spring a surprise were in much better discipline than be employed might be seriously re­ planes which had risen to greet the federal direct tax burden was see her biecause of her weakened ing reported a -total income of in any previous engagenient and duced. The reason for this is rec- America’s fiying ambassador, the disclosed to-day with the announce­ $101,675,000. condition. defense when arraigned, tomorrow Although a host of important to plead to charges of having kid­ they are now reconnoltering for a . ognized to be not entirely in high Spirit of St. Louis landed gracefully ment that out of an estimated A $5,000,000 incomes indicates a New York, Jan.' 2.— A brilliant wages. Nevertheless we cannot any after circling the field three times. gigantic fortune, ranging upward personages were her friends, Loi’s naped and murdered Marion Parker. new defense. ' longer neglect tlie wage factor^ in $90,000,000,000 national income in most remarkable.
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