Lincolnshire Pedigrees

Lincolnshire Pedigrees

J iJJk i c ^TilJONVSOV"^ ^/ja3MNIl]i\^ •t 9oo AH <^VlOSANCElfj^ . ^\« UNlVERy/A ^OFCAIIFO% ^OfCAllFOff^ ^^V\E•UNIVERJ/^ Aj^lOSANCElfj— ^ S^\ ^^ & <§ ^1 efc«^r -Ti o ^<?AavHgni^^ '^OAavaani^i'^ "^/iUDNvsoi^^ '^/MJMNnjrtN s^lllBRARYQr ^^iUBRARYQr""'^ ^\W£l)NIVER% AvlOSANr.Elfj> ^^lllBRARYOc. A^tllBRARV^, ^1 irri ^' o § 1 l/~' ^ .§ ^.JOJITVJJO'^ ^tfOdlTVDJO'*^ "^/ia^AiNiiJiW^ WlTVJJO'^ ^.aOJIlVDJO' ^OF-CAIIFO% ^OFCAIIFO% ,^«fllNIVERj//, ^lOSANCElfj-^ ^OfCAllF0% ^OfCAllF0«(, ^. 4 >85 5 3 iIj II rr ;^ ^JVllGNVSOl^ %a3AiNn-3WV^ ^0Aav8aii-# ^<?Aavaani^ .\\\EUNIVERJ/A ^lOSANCFlfj-^ ^^UIBRARY<?/^ ^^HIBRARYQr^ ^\«EUNIVERS//, .v^VlOSANCEIfj-. o C > =: o ~^ V0JO>' "^/iajAiNdiuv^ ^.nojiivjjo'^ ^(i/ojiivjjo'^ "^J^HDNVSOV^ %a]AiN(i~ AWEI)N'IVER% ^lOSANCEtfJ-, ^•OFCAIIFO/?^ ^OFCAllFOff^ ^^ME•UNIVERJ/^ o en o -< , "^/iaaAiNH-jviv^ ^<?Aavaain^ •^<?AavaaiH'^ ^TJUDNVSOI"^ ^/idJAiNn ^^UIBRARY<V ^^lUBRARYO/. .^WE•UNIVER% .jjclOSANCElfx, ^lllBRARYOc. ^^tllBRA!; o I ]rtV^ ^.yOJIWJJO'^ ^.JOJIWDJO'^ '^ilJONVSOl'^ ^>S83AINn-3\\V^ ^^OJIIVDJO'^ ^40JI1V, ^MjOFCAllF0% ^0FCA11F0% .aWEUNIVERJ/a ^•lOSANCElfj)* ^OFCAllFO%, ^OFCAll '^ o^ ^^ . — .< iNn3i\v '^<?Aavaan# '^OAavaani^ '^j^udnvso^'^'^ ^OA.avaaii-5^ ^OAavaaiii^ AWEUtJIVERJ//, ^lOSANCElfj> ^^^UIBRARYQ^ -j^^lllBRARYQf .NWUNIVERS/a ^lOSANCEl/j^ ^ g -^^^—.^ 5 ^TJUDNVSOV^ %a3AINI13V\V^ ^<J0JI1VJJO'^ ^AOJIIVJJO'^ ^I'iiaoNvsoi'*^ ^/Sa3AIN(lJ\\'!i . \«[ UNIVERS/A ^VlOSANf,Elfj^ ^•OFCAllFOff;!^ ^0FCA11F0% . \WE UNIVERJ/A vvlOSANfJ O <ril33NVSOV'^'' ^/SajAINllJWV^ ^<?Aavaaii-# >&Aav8aiii^ ^/ia]AiNn3Wv <: 33 5 '^MJiivjjo''' '^<!/ojiiv3JO>' <rjH3wsoi^ '^^/smmv^ ^.OfCAllfOff^ ^OFCAllFOff^ .^MfUNIVERJ/A ^lOSANCftfj^ _^OfCAllF0P^ >- > > < •<fil3DNVS01^ "^/Sa^MNfl-JWV N'riEUNIVERS/A ^vMllBRARYOc. i^tllBRARYO^ ^lOSANCflfj> u3 1 |i—^ s; cc o , > 5 o .13DNVS01^ %ojnvajo^ <riiJ3NVS01=^ %aiAiNn-3av^ •liNIVER%. ^lOSANCElfj^ ^.Of-CAllFOftji> ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^WEUNIVERVa ^lOSANCElfj> ^ o o '.HDNVSOl^ "^AajMNnjlW" ^<?Aavaan# ^<?Aavaan# ^/iaaAiNn-jWV** ^^^lUBRARY•(9/ ^IIIBRARYG^ .^«UNIVERS/A ^lOSANCElfjv. ^5M•llBRARY<V ^^tllBRARY(9/ 1^ '^.JOJIIVOJO'^ <rju3wsoi^ "^/sa^AiNnjift^ %oi\mi^'^ '^aojiivjjo'f^ x.OFCAllF0% .>;..OFCAIIFO% ,^Wf•()NIVER5/A .vlOSANCElfj-;>, .-^^OFCAIIFO^ .^.0FCA1IF0% > < cs CO ^OAavaaii-i'^ ^<?Aavaaii# <f3]]DNVsoi=^ v/sa3AINn-3V\v' '^<?Aava'aiH^^ ^OAavaaiH^ ^\V\fUNIVfRy/^ ^lOSANCElfjv. ^^IIIBRARYO/^ ^tllBRARYQr ^^WE•UNIVER% ^vlOSAVCEl^f^ ^juDNvsoi^ '^AaaAiNn-Jwv^ ^^ojiivdjo^^ ^^ojiivdjo'^ <rj]3DNVS0\^ \hmw' \Vf UNIVERJ//^ ^lOSANCElfjV. ^OFCAllFO)?^ ^OFCAllFOff^ .^WEUNIVERy/A ^lOSANCFlfj-^ .^ <3 o , o '^J3l3DNVSOV<^ ^<?Aavaan-^^ ^OAavaaii# ^rjiaowsov^^ "^/saaAiNfl-iwv -^\Sl LIBRARY!?/: ^tllBRARYO/ .^MH)NIVERy/A ^lOSANCflfJ^ v^lllBRARYQf^ -5^1-llBRARYQf CO '»'AOjnvjJO>' ^aOJI1V3JO>' <fJl]ONVSm^ '^Aa3AINIl-3WV %OJI1V3JO'»^ '^(JOJIIVJJO'^ M^OFCAllFOff^ ^OFCAllFORi;, . MrtE UNIVERJ//, ^lOSANCElfj^, ^OFCAllFOff^ ^OFCAllFOff^ 'OAavaaiii^'^ ^OAavaaiii^^ <fii3DNvsoi'^^ %a3AiNn]ttV^ '^Aavaan-i'^^^ ^OAavaan# Al It. THE Ai^r ^ I ptiibUcattons OF €()e JIarletan ^ocietj>* ESTABLISH I'D A.D. MDCCCLXIX. VDlume M» FOR THE TEAE MDCCCCIII. iLmcolnsftire J^entgrees. EDITED BY THE REV. CANON A. R. MADDISON, M.A., E.S.A. ^Ol. 55. *»•»» • « LONDON 1903. :]14O_WAR0OVPv STREET. LONDOIM .W HAROLD B. LEE LIBR.\Rr BRIGLL\M YOL-NG UNIVERSITY PROVO. UTAH 4/0 iltst of ^ttitsaes. PAGE PAGE Gace of Panton - - - - 381 Grantham of St. Katharine's, Gaxnock of Boston - - - 383 Lincoln, and Goltho 431 Ganxock of Sibsey - - - 383 Gravenor (or Grosvenor) of Mes Ganxock of Stickxey - - - 385 SINGHAM - - - . - 424 Gardner of Bishop's Norton - 385 Greathed of Lincoln and Stick- Garnon of Brant Broughton - 387 XEY 425 Garrett of Heighington - - 388 Gregory of Harlaxtox 427 Garthwaite of Fulbeck, Bark- Gregory of Stockwith 430 stone, RopsLEY, AND Grantham 388 Greyille of Thorpe Latimer - 431 Gates of Gosberton - - - 395 Grey of Kingerby - - . 432 Gedney of Ancaster - - - 395 Groome of Bitchfield 432 Gedney of Bag Enderby - - 395 Guevara of Stextgot - - - 433 GKLSON of ^YALMSGATE - - 398 GUILLIM of SwaFIELD - - - 434 Gkring of Winterton - - 398 GusTARD OF Threckingham 435 Gibbon of Walesby, Tealby, etc. 399 Hacket of Creeton - - - 43(5 Gibson of Lincoln - - - 401 Hales of Lincoln 437 GiBTHORPE of ThORPE-BY-WaIN- Halford of South Witham 438 fleet 401 Hall of Donington in Holland- 439 GiLBY OF StAINTON-LE-HoLE - 401 Hall, formerly Fitzwilliam, of GiLDON OF Burton-by-Lincoln - 403 Grantham - - 440 Girlington of Xormanby - - 404 Hall of Snarford 444 Gloter of Wispington - - 405 Hall of Spalding 444 Glovbr of Wispington. (Appen- Hall of Westborough 445 dix.) 744 Halton of Woblaby and Glee 445 GODFRBT OF ThONOCK - - - 405 Hamby of Tathwell - 447 Gonville of Ketsby - - - 407 Hamerton of Horncastle - 449 GoocH of Alvixgham - - - 408 Hansard of Bixbrook - 451 Good of Owmby and Girsby - 409 Hansard of Biscathorpe, Gayton- GoopHALL of Holywell - - 410 •le-wold, and humberstone - 451 GOODHAND OF KiRMOND-LE-MiRE - 412 Hansard of Cuxwold and LTssel- Goodman of Threckingham - 414 BY 453 GooDRicKE of East Kirkby - 415 Hansard of Lvdborough - - 455 GooDWYN OF Sleaford - - 418 Hansard of South Kelsky - 455 GowER OF Great Grimsby - - 418 Harbottle of Baston - - - 456 Grandorge OF DoNiNaTox IN Hol- Hardeby of Evedon - - - 457 land 419 Harewood of Thurlby - - 458 - Grant of Allinqton - - 420 Harneis of Lacbby - - - - 458 312180 VI LIST OF PEDIGREES. PAGE - 51* Harrington op Witham-on-the- Hornsey of Fiskerton - - - 515 HiLL AND South Witham- - 461 Houghton of Boston - - 515 Harrington of Wykeham in Howe of Sudbrooke Holme ' in Frod- Spalding - - - - • 463 HowsoN of Scunthorpe - 464 INGHAM ----- 516 Harrison of Norton Place - 517 Hart of Boston - - - - 464 HowsoN of Wigtoft - All Hart of Wrangle - - - 465 Hubbert of Wainfleet 518 Hartgrave of Wilksbt - - 466 Saints - - 518 Hastings of Bilsbt - - - 467 Huddleston of Lincoln - - 519 Hastings of East Keal - - 468 huddleston of eowston - - 520 Hatcher of Careby - - - 469 hulton of donington Hatcliffe of Grimsby and Raven- Humberston of Upton - - 521 dale 471 Humberstone of Humberstone . - - - 521 Hatcliffe of Hatcliffe - - 471 AND WiCKENBY - - 522 Hawkredd of Boston - - - 474 HuNNiNGS OF Whaplode - - - 523 Hawley of Girsby - - - 475 Hunston of Boston - 524 Hawley of Mablethorpe - - 475 Hurst of Barrowby - - HONINO- Hawley of North Langton - 476 HUSSEY OF SlEAFORD AND 526 Healey of Burringham - - 476 TON and Heardson of Claythorpe - - 479 Husthwaite of Grimsby - - - - 532 Heneage of Hainton - - - 480 Little Coates - - 534 Herenden of East Kirkby - 485 Hutchinson of Alford and Thed- Herox of Burton Goggles- - 486 Hutchinson of Lincoln - 535 Heron of Cressey Hall, Surfleet 487 dlethorpe ... - 537 Heron of Lincoln - - - 490 Hyde of Langtoft - - 539 Hbwett of Ingoldsby- - - 490 Ingoldsby of Fishtoft - - - 540 Heydon {or Headox) of Moulton 491 Ingram of Bucknall - - - - 541 Heyton of Long Sutton - - 492 Ion of Barrow 541 Hickman of Gainsborough - - 493 Irby of Gosberton ... HoBSON OF Cambridge and Gedney 496 Irby of Sutterton ... 543 543 Hobson OF Scredington - - 497 Iremonger of Boothby in Welton - - 544 HoBSON OF Spalding - - - 497 Ironside of Nun Ormsby 544 Hodgson of Barlings- - - 500 Ithell of Bratoft ... Bard- Hodgson of West Keal - - 501 Jenkinson of Southrey in 544 Holbeche of Stow . 501 ney Holiwell of Great Limber - 502 Jenkinson of East Wykeham-by- Holland of Estovening Manor Louth 545 {hodie IN Swineshead - - - - 504 Jenney of Knotshall Knod- HOLLES OF IrBY-ON-HuMBER AND ishall), CO. Suffolk, and Horn- Grimsby 508 castle 547 Hollingworth of Lincoln - - 509 Jenyson of Keddington - - 548 - - - 549 Holt of Claypolb - - - 511 Jessup of Revesby HoNYWOOD OF Charing in Kent, Johnson of Bilsby - - - 550 AND Lincoln . - - - 512 Johnson of Claxby . - - 550 HOPKINSON OF Alford- - - 512 Johnson of Frieston Hall and - Hornby of Tothill - - - 513 OF Aldborouoh, CO. Suffolk 551 LIST OF PEDIGREES. VU PAGE Johnson of Raithby - - 552 Littlebury of Hagworthingham, JuLTAN OF Lincoln - 553 Stainsby, and Wragby - - 598 Kay of Holbeach - 554 Llanden of Dalby and Hundleby 602 Kelke OF Barnetby - - 555 LocTON OF Swineshead and Bos- Kent of Doxixgton-on-Bain - 558 ton 603 Kent of Kirton in Lindset - 559 Lodinqton of Faldingworth and Kent of Langton-by-Horncastle 559 FlTjNetby 605 Kent of Lincoln - - - 560 Long of Sleaford ... 609 Key of Leadexham, and Water Longbotham OF Butterwick - 609 FcLFORD, CO. York - - - 561 Longstaffe OF Hagnaby and Hal- KiDDALL OF South Ferriby - 563 ton Holgate - - - - 610 King of Ashby-de-la-Launde - 565 Longstaffe of Horsington - 611 KiNGERBY OF WaINFLEET - - 567 Loveday of Bahdney - - - 612 Kingston of Great Grimsby - 567 Lownde of Winterton - - 613 KiRKMAN of East Keal - - 567 Lowndes of Bratoft ... 613 KiRKTON OF Grimsby - - - 569 LowsoN OF Wainfleet - - 614 Knight of Lincoln - - - 569 Lucas of Fenton - - - 615 Knight of Swineshead - - 570 Luddington of Bracebridge - 616 Kyme of Friskney - - - 571 liYON OF ROXBY. (APPENDIX.) - 744 Kyme of Stickford - - - 572 Lytler of Tathwell - - - 618 Kynde of Coleby - . - 573 Machell of Croft - - - G18 Lacon of Himberstont; - - 573 Maddison of Alvingham - - 619 Lacon of Tetney ... 574 Maddison of Fonaby and Grim- Lacy of Gainsborough - - 576 blethorpe .... 622 Lacy of Stamford ... 576 Maddison of Grimsby and Grain- Lake of Irby .... 577 thorpe 626 Lambert of Pinchbeck - - 578 Maddison of Trusthorpe - - 627 - - Lanam (fir Lavenham) of Welton 579 Maddison of Withern 628 Langdale of Waltham - - 579 Mainwaring of Coleby and Langholme of Conisholme - - 580 GoLTHO. (Appendix.) - -

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