Mosquito Systematics Vol. 12(2) 1980 179 Collection Records of the Project “Mosquitoes of Middle America” 14. Trinidad and Tobago (TR, TRM, TOB)l SandraJ. Heinemann2, Thomas H. G. Aitken3 and John N. Belkin4 For generalinformation and collectionsfrom the Dominican Republic, the first publication of this seriesshould be consulted(Belkin and Heinemann 1973). Departuresfrom this method are noted below (see especiallyunder “Code:TR”). Publications2-6 of the series(Belkin and Heinemann 1975a, 1975b, 1976a, 1976b, 1976c) recorded data on collectionsfrom the West Indies except Jamaica(covered in Bel- kin, Heinemann and Page 1970: 255-304) and Trinidad and Tobago (covered by the presentpaper). Pub: lications 7-10 (Heinemann and Belkin 1977a, 1977b, 1977c, 1978a) coveredthe collectionsfrom Mexico and Central America. Publications 11-13 (Heinemann and Belkin 1978b, 1978c, 1979) coveredmost of South America. The principal collectionsfrom Trinidad and Tobago availableto the project, that are included in the presentpublication, are recordedunder 3 separatecodes: TR, for collectionsmade in Trinidad by T.H.G. Aitken and his associatesthen of the Trinidad Regional Virus Laboratory; TRM, for a few miscellaneous collectionsmade by M.J. Moody in both Trinidad and Tobago; and TOB, for collectionsmade in Tobago, partially by T.H.G. Aitken and his associates,and partially by R.F. Darsie. Not included in this publica- tion is miscellaneousmaterial without data or with only fragmentary data from the collectionsof William H.W. Komp (TRK, TRX) and Lloyd E. Rozeboom (TRR) from Trinidad. These collectionsmay be treat- ed at a later date when additions, correctionsand an index to the entire seriesare published. Also not included is material collected in Trinidad ( 1958-l 960) by T.H.G. Aitken and associates, and known to contain speciesnot included in the presentpaper. This material has not been assignedlot numbersor a code, but has been individually labelled with collection data and identifications by TRVL. A large portion of this material is in the “Mosquitoes of Middle America” collection; some has alsobeen sent to the USNM, to John Lane (Sao Paulo) and Pedro Galindo (Panama). As noted in Collection Records7 (Heinemann and Belkin 1977a:237-238), most of the identifica- tions are preliminary only and in no way constitute a change in taxonomic status. With regardto the identifications, it should be noted that in the Trinidad SpeciesIndex the speciesnumbers and letters used by the Trinidad Regional Virus Laboratory have been included when possible. For example, Culex (Ae- dims) accelerans is known by the TRVL identification of “Culex sp # 8,” and Ctllex (Microculex) conso- lator by “Microculex sp c.” As noted in Collection Records 7 (Heinemann and Belkin 1977a:237), variouserrors in previous publicationsof the project have been rectified in the presentpublication. The following correctionsof data in previouspublications are particularly important: (1) Schick (1970:48) givesthe type locality of Aedes berlini as Parrott Hall, 15.5 mile post, elev. 300-400 ft, nearesttown Parlatuvier,Tobago Island.” This should be changedto: “just W of Parlatuvierat 15% milepost (20PQT5649), St. John parish,Toba- go, elev. 80m” (seeTOB 13 1). (2) Berlin ( 1969:9 1, lines 4042) lists some specimensof Aedes sexlinea- tus as TR 5, 10, 2 1, 28,40,62. The code for theselots is incorrect and should be changedto “TRR.” The data are alsoincorrect and should be changedto the following: TRR 5, Cumuto, 11 Jun 1941; TRR 10, Todd’s Road, 19 Jun 1941; TRR 21, Cumuto, 11 Jul 1941; TRR 28, Cum&o, 21 Jul 1941; TRR 40, Cumuto, 5 Aug 1941; TRR 62, Cumuto, 5 Aug 194 1. Specialthanks are extended to Ambrose and Felix Guerra, Raymond Manuel, Raymond Martinez, FrancisPowdhar and Simon Pattersonwho collected most of the material, and who also assistedin rear- ing the immature stages. ’ ’ Contribution from project “Mosquitoesof Middle America” supportedby U.S. Public Health Ser- vice ResearchGrant AI-04379 and U.S. Army Medical Researchand Development Command Research Contract DA-49-1 93-MD-2478. 241 80 Dolores Ave., Atascadero,CA 93422. 3 Yale Arbovirus ResearchUnit, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, School of Medi- cine, Yale University, New Haven, CT 065 10. ‘Department of Biology, University of California, Los Angeles,CA 90024 (deceased). 180 Maps Used For Trinidad and Tobago World 1:250,000, series1501, sheetNC 20-4, ed. l-GSGS. LesserAntilles 1: 250,000, seriesE 54 1, Trinidad, ed. AMS 2. Trinidad 1: 150,000, Government of Trinidad and Tobago, 1930. Trinidad 1:62,500, seriesE 742, sheets1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, ed. 2-AMS; sheet 9, ed. l-AMS. Tobago 1:25,000, seriesE 8410, sheets1, 2, 3, Trinidad and Tobago Government, 1962, 1963. Trinidad and Tobago Collectors TA Thomas H. G. Aitken LM Raymond L. Manuel RD Richard F. Darsie RM Raymond Martinez JD John B. Davies MM Marjorie J. Moody JJ Jim J. Dinsmore FP FrancisPowdhar MD Trinidad Health Dept., Malaria Division personnel SP Simon Patterson AG AmbroseGuerra cs CharlesSeesahai FG Felix Guerra ET ElishaS. Tikasingh VL Trinidad Regional Virus Laboratory personnel MT Mitsuo Takahashi Code: TR The TR collectionsare recognizedby one of the following 3 printed labels://TR [handwritten lot number] /Trinidad 63/64/T. H. G. Aitken//, //TR[handwritten lot number] /Trinidad 65-66IMosq Mid Amer// and //TR [ handwritten lot number] /Trinidad/Mosq Mid Amer//. The TR collection consistsof 1623 collectionsmade for the “Mosquitoesof Middle America” pro- ject by the Trinidad RegionalVirus Laboratory (TRVL) led by Thomas H. G. Aitken. They were all made in Trinidad, 16 December 1963-l 7 August 1967, by Dr. Aitken or his assistants. Becauseof the largenumber of TR collections,many of which were made in the samelocality, the TR collectionsrecords have been simplified in the following manner. When giving the locality for a col- lection, the nearesttown and the UniversalTransverse Mercator grid coordinateshave been eliminated. Thus, the locality is given as follows: county, specificlocality, elevation. The UTM grid coordinatesand nearesttown are given in the Locality Index. The following abbreviationshave been used: nr SL (near sealevel), ag (above ground), gp (group), sbgp(subgroup). In the Locality Index, the lot numbersare not listed individually, but in serialgroups. The data for the “Bush Bush Forest” (Nariva Co.) collections have been simplified asfollows: (1) All collectionsin “Bush Bush Forest” or “Petit Bush Bush” have been made in virgin forest or swampforest, unlessotherwise noted. (2) All collectionsof immatures from a swampin “Bush BushForest ” have “water permanent-semipermanent,stagnant, fresh; bottom with mud, plant debris,” unlessotherwise noted. For most lots, the exact collection site is not known; therefore the UTM grid coordinatesand espe- cially the elevationsare usually only approximate. The elevationsmay be in error by asmuch as several hundred meters, at leastin the mountainousregions. Many localitiesare designatedby namesthat do not appearon the maps availableto us; thesenames are placed in quotation marks (example: “Bush Bush Forest”). These local namesare retained in the presentpaper, becausethey are often important collec- tion sitesthat have been mentioned in previouspublications. See the following papersfor additional in- formation about many of these collection sites:Aitken ( 1973a, 1973b); Aitken, Wirth, Williamset al. (1975); Aitken, Worth, Jonkerset al. (1968); Aitken, Worth and Tikasingh(1968); Beebe(1952); Downs, Aitken, Worth et al. (1968); Jonkers,Spence, Downs et al. (1968a, 1968b); Pittendrigh (1948, 195Oa,1950b); Tikasingh(1974); and Worth, Downs et al. ( 1968). A brief ecologicaldescription of some of the most important collection siteshas been added to the Locality Index (see for example, “Cu- maca” under St. Andrew Co.). The vegetationtypes are those of Beard( 1944, 1946). The following papersare especiallyvaluable for the ecologicaldata they contain: Beard ( 1946) for all Trinidad; Beebe (1952) for Arima Valley; Downs, Aitken, Worth et al. (1968) for “Bush BushForest ”; and Pittendrigh (1948) for the bromeliad flora of Trinidad. Mosqui to Systemati cs Vol. 12(2) 1980 181 TR Collection Records 1. Nariva, “Bush Bush Forest,” nr SL; 16 Dee 63, VL. Bamboo pot; lm ag; water clear, slightly scummy; partial shade. Or. fascipes. 2. Nariva, “Bush Bush Forest,” nr SL; 16 Dee 63, VL. Bamboo pot; lm ag; water clear;partial shade. Or. fascipes. 3. Nariva, “Bush BushForest, ” nr SL; 20 Dee 63, VL. Large treehole (no. 9); hn ag;water red; deep shade. TX. (Lyn.) moctezuma. 4. Nariva, “Bush BushForest, ” nr SL; 20 Dee 63, VL. Small treehole (no. 10); 0.5m ag; water red; partial shade. TX. (Lyn.) moctezuma. 5. Nariva,“Bush Bush Forest,” nr SL; 20 Dee 63, VL. Small treehole (no. 12); 1Sm ag; water brown; partial shade. TX. (Lyn.) moctezuma. 6. Nariva, “Bush Bush Forest,” nr SL; 23 Dee 63, VL. Bamboo pot (no. 7); lrn ag; water red, scummy; partial shade. Or. fascipes. 7. Nariva, “Bush Bush Forest,” nr SL; 27 Dee 63, VL. Swamp margin; water red, stagnant,fresh; a little vegetation;deep shade. CX. (Mel.) pedroi. 8. Nariva, “Bush BushForest, ” nr SL; 30 Dee 63, VL. Bamboo pot (no. 5); 1.5m ag;water brown; partial shade. Or. facipes. 9. Nariva, “Bush Bush Forest,” nr SL; 30 Dee 63, VL. Bamboo pot (no. 6); 1.%n ag;water brown; a little algae;partial shade. Or. fascipes. 10. Nariva, “Bush BushForest, ” nr SL; 30 Dee 63, VL. Bamboo pot (no. 7); lm ag; a little scum, algae;partial shade. Or. fascipes. 11. Nariva, “Bush BushForest, ” nr SL; 30 Dee 63, VL. Bamboo pot (no. 17); 2m ag; water clear; partial shade. Or. fascipes. 12. Nariva, “Bush BushForest, ” nr SL; 30 Dee 63, VL. Bamboo pot (no. 18); at ground level; wa- ter clear. Sa. (Sab.) cyaneus. 13. Nariva, “Bush BushForest, ” nr SL; 3 Jan 64, VL. Small treehole (no. 14); Urn ag;water brown; partial shade. Hg. (Hag.) janthinomys. 14. St. George, Point Gourde, l-140m; 6 Jan 64. Artificial container? Cx. (Cux.) comiger, Cx. (Cux. ) maracayensis. 15. Nariva, “Bush BushForest, ” nr SL; 6 Jan 64, VL.
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