^ O N A M * FEDERA REGISTER NUMBER 46 VOLUME 22 ^ O î ÎÎ t E D ^ Washington, Friday, March 8, 1957 TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE Operating loan, provided the applicant CONTENTS has been discharged or released from the PERSONNEL active forces of the United States Army, Agricultural Marketing Service Page Chapter I— Civil Service Commission Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Proposed rule making : Guard under conditions other than dis­ Milk in Greater Boston, Merri­ Part 6—Exceptions P rom Competitive honorable, and served in any such forces mack Valley, Springfield, and Service during (a) the period April 6, 1917, Worcester, Mass., marketing GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE through March 31,1921, or (b) the period areas_____ ________________ _ 1511 December 7, 1941, through January 31, Effective upon publication In the F ed­ 1955. For Farm Housing loans, the Agricultural Research Service eral Register, paragraph (a) of § 6.118 spouses and children of deceased service­ Proposed rule making: is revoked. men also will be given preference. “De­ Anti-hog-cholera serum and (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403; 5 U. S. C. 631, ceased servicemen” means men or women hog-cholera virus______ ï___ 1521 633) who died in service during one of the Rules and regulations: United States Civil Serv­ periods specified in this section. Overtime services relating to imports and exports________ 1481 ice Commission, Dated: March 1,1957. [seal] Wm. C. H ull, Agriculture Department Executive Assistant. [seal] H. C. Smith, See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ Acting Administrator, IP. R. Doc. 57-1790; Piled, Mar. 7, 1957; ice ; Agricultural R esearch 8:55 a. m.] Farmers Home Administration. Service; Farmers Home Admin­ [F. R. Doc. 57-1766; Piled, Mar. 7, i957; istration. 8:49 a. m.] TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT Alien Property Office Notices: Chapter III— Farmers Home Adminis­ Vested property, intention to re­ tration, Department of Agriculture turn: Subchapter E— Account Servicing Bockle, Josei Andres, et al— 1539 Subchapter A— General Regulations [FHA Instruction 451.1] Drent, R -__________________ 1539 [FHA Instruction.410.1] P art 361—R outine Lomholt-Pedersen, J 0 r g i n e Karoline________________ 1539 Part 301—Applications S ubpart A—Account S ervicing P olicies - ' Pohl, Edgar________________ 1540 subpart b—veterans’ preference DISTRIBUTION OF COLLECTIONS Rabbie, Jacob S., et al_____ _ 1540 Rostand, Rosmonde, et a l„ _ 1540 Subpart B in Part 301 of Title 6, Code Section 361.3 (a) of Title 6, Code of Spitz, lise Ruth_______ ____ 1540 of Federal Regulations (20 F. R. 2413) Federal Regulations (20 F. R. 9293), is State of Netherlands for bene­ is revised to read as follows: revised to provide a more equitable dis­ fit of Mrs. C. Werner et al_ 1541 Sec. - - * tribution of collections received from Vroman, M___ ________ i 1540 301.21 General. certain Farmers Home Administration 301.22 Persons entitled to veterans’ prefer­ borrowers and amended to read as Civil Aeronautics Board ence. if follows: Notices : Authority: §§301.21 and 301.22 issued § 361.3 Distribution of collections Hearings, etc. r Un<ler R. s. 161, sec. 41 (i), 60 Stat. 1066, Accident occurring at Rikers 6 (3). 50 Stat. 870, sec. 510 (g), 63 Stat. when a borrower owes both real estate Island, N. Y.; investiga­ «8; 5 U. S. C. 22, 7 U. S. C. 1015 (i), 16 and other loans to the Farmers Home tion__________ __________ 1528 8-c- 590w, 42 U. S. C. 1480 (g). Interpret Administration— (a) Collections from Airfreight rate case; mini­ » m !17 sec* 1 <b> (2>. 60 Stat. 1073, as income other than from sale of basic mum rates for airfreight ended, sec. 507, 63 Stat. 435, as amended; chattel security or sale or rental of real 1528 S. C. 1001 (b) (2), 42 U. S. C. 1477. estate security. (1) In those cases where forwarders ______ __ _— a borrower owes both real estate loans Taylor, P. G., Proprietary, 5301.21 General. ’This subpart de- L td________ _____ _____ _ 1528 the types of individuals who are (Farm Ownership, Soil and Water Con­ *° veterans’ preference in con- servation, including those secured by Civil Service Commission ction with making Farm Ownership, chattels, Farm Housing, and Other Real Rules and regulations: rm Housing, Soil and Water Conser- Estate) and other Farmers Home Ad­ General Accounting Office; ex­ uon, and Operating loans. ministration loans, including Operating, ceptions from competitive Production and^3ubsistence, Emergency service_____ 1:______ ______ 1479 f j j 01-22 Persons entitled to veter- and Special Livestock loans, collections viii J>referenee‘ Veterans’ preference Coast Guard y extended to any person who ap- received from each crop year’s income, Rules and regulations: im? i°^,a Farm Ownership, Farm Hous- other than from the sale of basic chattel Liquefied inflammable gases ; *u6> boil and Water Conservation, or (Continued on p. 1481) scope of regulations.—___ — 1484 1479 1480 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued / í m \ CONTENTS— Continued Farmers Home Administra­ Pag® Justice Department Page FEDERÂL|pEGISTER tion— Continued See Alien Property Office; Immi­ Rules and regulations—Con. gration and Naturalization Routine; account servicing pol­ Service. Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, icies; distribution of collec- and days following official Federal holidays, , tions_____________ ________ Maritime Administration by the Federal Register Division, National <y Notices: Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Federal Communications Com­ Trade Route No. 17—U. S. At­ ices Administration, pursuant to jfche au­ mission lantic, Gulf and Pacific thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Notices: Ports/Indonesia -M alaya; approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Hearings, etc.: modification of conclusions amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Emergency exemption of ves­ and determinations______ _ 1528 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ sels; delegations of author­ mittee of the Federal Register, approved by ity .-------—— --------------- 1532 State Department the President, f Distribution is made only by Rules and regulations: the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Parish Broadcasting Corp. ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. (KAPK) ______ _________ 1531 Visas: documentation of non­ The F ederal Register will be furnished by Press Wireless, Inc., and immigrant aliens under Im­ mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Western Union Telegraph migration and Nationality ? per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Col__ _________ ________ 1529 Act; nonimmigrant docu- advance. The charge for individual copies Willis, J. E., and Crawfords-' mentary waivers__ _________ 1482 (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to the size of the issue. Remit check or money ville Broadcasters, Inc___ 1528 Securities and Exchange Com­ order, made payable to the Superintendent Proposed rule making: mission of Documents, directly to the Government Table of assignments: Notices : Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C, Television-broadcast stations: The regulatory material appearing herein Hearings, etc.: H artford, Conn.-Provi­ 1(;o. Aluminum, Ltd_ 1539 is keyed to the Code of F ederal Regulations, dence, R. I___ _________ which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant 1DZ4 Atlas Corp______ 1538 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Madison, W i s.-Rockford, Bell Aircraft Corp___ 1538 Hl.-Fond du Lac, Wis__ amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed­ Combustion Engineering, Inc_ 1539 eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ Rules and regulations: Central and South West Corp. tendent of Documents. Prices of books and Table of assignments : et al____ __ ______ _____ 1536 pocket supplements vary. Television broadcast stations: There are no restrictions on the re­ Albany-Schenectady - Troy, Great Sweet Grass Oils, Ltd__ 1535 publication of material appearing in the N. Y., and Vail Mills, Kroy Oils, Ltd_______ 1535 F ederal Register, or the Code of F ederal N. Y_______ ^____ _ , New Orleans Public Service, R egulations. Î S Î In c-------------------------------- 1537 Elmira, N. Y_____________ f J”“ TXL Oil Corp______ 1538 Evansville, Ind________ _ 14ya West Penn Power Co. ähd Fresno-Santa Barbara, 1 , West Penn Electric Co___ 1538 CFR SUPPLEMENTS Calif_ ____ ___ ________ lou < Worcester County Electric Peoria, 111., Davenport, Co. and New England Elec- *. (As of January 1, 1957) low a-Rock Island-Mo- The following Supplements are now line, 111_______________ 1489 triC System_____________ 1537 available: Springfield, Ill.-St. Louis, Treasury Department Mo________ ;___________ 1484 See Coast Guard. Title 7, Part 960 to end ($1.25) Federal Maritime Board Notices: CODIFICATION GUIDE Title 26, Part 300 to end, Ch. I, Agreements filed with Board for and Title 27 ($1.00) approval: A numerical list of the parts of the Code Grace Line, Inc., et al_____ 1 ‘597 of Federal Regulations affected by documents Previously announced: Title 3, 1956 published in this issue. Proposed rules, as Supp. ($0.40); Title 7, Parts 900-959 Port, of New York Authority , co_ opposed to final actions, are identified as ($0.50); Title 9 ($0.70); Title 17 ($0.60); and United Service Co___ 1527 BUch. Proposed rule making: Title 18 ($0.50); Title 20 ($1.00); Title Page 21 ($0.50); Title 26, Parts 1-79 ($0.35), Filing of freight rates in foreign Title 5 Parts 80-169 ($0.50), Parts 170-182 import commerce of the Chapter I: ($0.35), Parts 183-299 ($0.30); Title 39 United States; amendment to Part 6___ .________________ ___ 1479 ($0.50). oral argument_____________ 1521 Federal Power Commission Title 6 Order from Superintendent of Documents, Notices: Chapter n i : Government Printing Office, Washington ' Part 301 ____ . 1479 25, D. C. Hearings, etc.: _ 1479 Cities Service Gas Co__ 1___ 1533 Part 361 ~ __ Crow Drilling Co., me., and Title 7 * Trans-Tex Drilling Co___ 1534 Chapter HI: CONTENTS— Continued Oil Lease Operating Co., and Part 364 __ . 1481 Commercial Petroleum & Chapter EX: Commerce Department Pa€e Transport Co____________ 1534 __ 1511 See Federal Maritime Board; Texas Co____ __.__________ _ 1534 .
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