Quenched disorder forbids discontinuous transitions in non-equilibrium low-dimensional systems Paula Villa Mart´ın Departamento de Electromagnetismo y F´ısica de la Materia, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain Juan A. Bonachela Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 08544-1003, USA Miguel A. Mu˜noz Departamento de Electromagnetismo y F´ısica de la Materia and Instituto Carlos I de F´ısica Te´orica y Computacional, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain (Dated: August 8, 2018) Quenched disorder affects significantly the behavior of phase transitions. The Imry-Ma-Aizenman- Wehr-Berker argument prohibits first-order/discontinuous transitions and their concomitant phase coexistence in low-dimensional equilibrium systems in the presence of random fields. Instead, dis- continuous transitions become rounded or even continuous once disorder is introduced. Here we show that phase coexistence and first-order phase transitions are also precluded in non-equilibrium low-dimensional systems with quenched disorder: discontinuous transitions in two-dimensional sys- tems with absorbing states become continuous in the presence of quenched disorder. We also study the universal features of this disorder-induced criticality and find them to be compatible with the universality class of the directed percolation with quenched disorder. Thus, we conclude that first order transitions do not exist in low-dimensional disordered systems, not even in genuinely non- equilibrium systems with absorbing states. PACS numbers: 05.70.Ln, 02.50.Ey, 64.60.Ht I. INTRODUCTION The Imry-Ma argument i) holds for equilibrium sys- tems (where the free energy is well defined), ii) is backed by more rigorous renormalization group calculations, Quenched disorder has a dramatic effect on both the which prove that no symmetry breaking occurs even at statics and the dynamics of phase transitions [1–3]. A the marginal case d = 2 (where rough interfaces could po- time-honored argument by Imry and Ma explains in a tentially break the argument above [5]), iii) has been ver- simple and parsimonious way why symmetries cannot be ified in countless examples both experimentally and nu- spontaneously broken in low-dimensional systems in the merically, and (iv) has been extended to quantum phase presence of quenched random fields [4]. In a nutshell, transitions [6, 7]. the argument is as follows. Suppose a discrete symmetry In contrast with the equilibrium case, recent work by (e.g., Z2 or up-down) was actually spontaneously broken in a d-dimensional system and imagine a region of lin- Barghathi and Vojta [8], shows that second-order phase ear size L with a majority of random fields opposing the transitions may survive to the introduction of random broken-symmetry state. As a direct consequence of the fields even in one-dimensional cases [9, 10] in genuine central limit theorem, by reversing the state of such a non-equilibrium systems with absorbing states for which region the bulk-free energy would decrease proportion- there is not such a thing as free energy [11–14]. There- ally to Ld/2, but this inversion would also lead to an fore, the Imry-Ma argument does not apply to these non- interfacial energy cost proportional to Ld−1. Comparing equilibrium systems owing to the presence of absorbing these two opposing contributions for large region sizes, states, and, in consequence, states of broken symmetry it follows that for d ≤ 2 the first dominates, making the can exist in the presence of random fields. broken-symmetry state unstable. If the distinct phases Let us now shift the discussion to first-order phase are related by a continuous symmetry, soft modes re- transitions, for which system properties such as the mag- − arXiv:1402.1406v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 6 Feb 2014 duce the effect of the boundary conditions to Ld 2 and netization, energy, density, etc., change abruptly as a the marginal dimension is d = 4 [5]. Thus, the ener- control parameter crosses a threshold value at which two getics of low-dimensional systems is controlled by the distinct phases coexist. As shown by Aizenman and random field, which is symmetric, thus preventing sym- Wehr, first-order phase transitions in low-dimensional metries from being spontaneously broken and continuous equilibrium systems are rounded (made less sharp) by phase transitions from existing. Instead, in higher dimen- disorder, and, even more remarkably, the rounding may sional systems, the situation is reversed, symmetries can result into a critical point; i.e., first-order/discontinuous be spontaneously broken, and phase transitions exist. phase transitions become second-order/continuous ones 2 upon introducing (random-field) disorder [5]. A simi- lar conclusion applies to the case of random interactions System with 2nd order 1st order [5, 15, 16]; indeed, a random distribution of interactions Random Fields (spontaneous (phase (e.g., bonds) locally favors one of the two phases, and d ≤ 2 sym. breaking) coexistence) thus, it has the same effects as random fields. Different Monte Carlo results support this conclusion; furthermore they suggest that the disorder-induced continuous transi- Equilibrium NO [4] NO [4, 5, 15, 16] tion exhibits critical exponents which are consistent with those of the corresponding pure model. An argument ex- plaining these findings was put forward by Kardar et al. Non-equilibrium YES [8] [17]. (abs. states) ? In close analogy with the argument above for the ab- sence of symmetry-breaking, in the case of phase coex- TABLE I: Random fields in low-dimensional disor- istence as well, regions (or “islands”) of arbitrary size dered systems. Summary of the effects of quenched of one of the phases appear in a stable way within the random fields on the existence of continuous/second-order other. Therefore, islands exist within islands in any of transitions (with spontaneously symmetry breaking), and the two phases in a nested way, leading always to hybrid discontinuous/first-order (with associated phase coexistence) states. Hence, two distinct phases cannot possibly coex- phase transitions in d ≤ 2 systems. Both, the equilibrium and ist and first-order transitions are precluded in disordered non-equilibrium cases are considered, the latter including the low-dimensional equilibrium systems. possibility of one or more absorbing states. Thus, the question arises as to whether shifting to the non-equilibrium realm entails the shattering of a fun- damental cornerstone of equilibrium statistical mechan- with absorbing states [20–24] or, instead, belong to a ics as it happens for continuous phase transitions (see new universality class defined by this disorder-induced table 1 for a synthetic summary); do first-order phase criticality. transitions, and, hence, phase coexistence, exist in low- If no novel universal behavior emerges, then it is ex- dimensional non-equilibrium disordered systems? pected for the model to behave as a standard two- Aimed at shedding some light on this issue, we study dimensional contact process (or directed percolation) non-equilibrium models with absorbing states in the pres- with quenched disorder with the following main features ence of disorder. More specifically, we study a variant of [20, 22–24]: the well-known “contact process”, sometimes called the • there should be a critical point separating the ac- “quadratic contact process”, in which two particles are tive from the absorbing phase, needed to generate an offspring while isolated particles can spontaneously disappear [11–13, 18, 19]. As a first • at criticality, a logarithmic or activated type of scal- step, we verify that the pure version of the model exhibits ing (rather than algebraic) should be observed. For a first-order transition separating an active phase from an instance, for quantities related to activity spreading absorbing one. Then we introduce disorder in the form of such as the survival probability, averaged number a site-dependent transition rates and investigate whether of particles, and radius from a localized initial seed, −δ¯ θ¯ the discontinuous character of the transition survives. we expect Ps(t) ∼ [ln(t/t0)] , N(t) ∼ [ln(t/t0)] , 1/Ψ and R(t) ∼ [ln(t/t0)] , respectively; t0 is some crossover time, and δ¯, θ¯, and Ψ should take the values already reported in the literature [23]. II. TWO POSSIBLE SCENARIOS • there should be a sub-region of the absorbing phase, right below the critical point, exhibiting generic Two alternative scenarios might be expected a priori algebraic scaling with continuously varying expo- for the impure/disordered model: nents, i.e. a Griffiths phase [25]. Griffiths phases stem from the existence of rare regions where the 1. the Imry-Ma argument breaks down in this non- disorder takes values significantly different from its equilibrium case and a first order phase transition average [24]. is observed, or 2. the Imry-Ma prediction holds even if the system These features follow from a strong-disorder renormal- ization group approach for the disordered contact pro- is a non-equilibrium one, and a disorder-induced second-order phase transition emerges. cess, which concludes that this anomalous critical behav- ior can be related to the random transverse-field Ising If the latter were true, we could then ask what uni- model for sufficiently strong disorder [20], and have been versality class such a continuous transition belongs to. A confirmed in computational studies which suggested that priori, it could share universality class with other already- this behavior is universal regardless of disorder strength known critical phase transitions in disordered systems [23, 24, 26]. 3 III. MODEL AND RESULTS As customarily done, we perform two types of exper- iments [11–14], considering as initial condition either a We study the simplest non-equilibrium model with homogeneous state, i.e., a fully occupied lattice of linear absorbing states exhibiting a first-order/discontinuous size L, or a localized seed, consisting in this case of a few, transition.
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