J-Gonspiracy Heads the Bill • During Housing Hearinq

J-Gonspiracy Heads the Bill • During Housing Hearinq

i-ic-rri. fla/opp/ eyes merger Rare opportunity Life is a County clerk-elect Joanne Rajfappfi mth Vfivabf Fest U. conductor pushing for consolidation of Cb&tk, Eli Levine, local , Register offices, Page B1, • steps into the footlights feffis a rare qperau P^e B4. •';;. with "Anne Frank," Page 11 Sprin Leade TWO SECTIONS — 50 CENTS Community Honored members Update J-Gonspiracy heads the bill Historical open house • during housing hearinq AxilH.1flH.lJ r,f ,.,,., - _ ____ , ^^ ^^ The Historical Society will 1 -•'Jersey,. Unsajjj Allorncy ocncrjii ..duringdllnrtir: llhtiiiffWedtV.plenary. ~ u* . : . f **"^ ""V- KWUOfJl AlIOfDCV ficn/Tnl PccarFU o contend.s tha. t had his law- hold a colonial Christmas open Ddwrjih KBUZ. mu»md «o quish ihc Bid^dtc Jtuigit Jbiini Pisansfcy as pjain- suit not been enacted, Springfield house at the Cannon Ball House • sjtpoenu on Ibe. gmooniJs ibat'ibe rtflfT PTTTW Ir^rtfnrTi • iviliT vp^f^g him- , would luvc been able to completely on Sunday! ;.-. "^fwc^cr Dduac'climseof tbcNcw e-eanx that be bad .ignore tlie Mount Laurel.mandate: From 3<5 p.m., the public is '. Jcracy CttcsaiiMlkra piobibits' the welcome to visit the historic I .slate -Senate ' ftesiicnl Prior to his complaint, no other chal- ..-iSB^ '®!fiancest» ' jb; asaty coo- q lenges were made against the lown- site, which doubles, as the socie- laacanc iJdiaat. Mac aramng litis, uwptwaneat in the case. ; ship's exclusionary zoning and had he ty's^ headquarters, and lake live ppaoefs'iu>;'"«iy, ooheripiapcr . ' ' ; H3lc!ia »ailv, gjtt-anytin Mondty let- /not raised his complaint, he! con- guided' tours. The house, built : ChFirinaesoo »'j» oat prcscai dur-. tinued, tlio obligation would have around 1740, will be decorated :.inJ5 ihc bearing. • • :. .." •.•; •. • •' Coumy never been addressed. ^ '..-.. ; : in the fashion Of the 1700$. for PCCJSPO itsscs^od Su3i3cx* onith ihjtj fee a Christmas celebration. Electri- ; , Reprcschtaliyes from Union Coun- fied candles will illuminate fresh .... ..... tmeraof ,'•' ty, in depositions, staled that the land hut. imctead pine and evergreen boughs with . u -:---» fiar Ihc ccuadoaiibu -was taken for parklands and for com- colorful -apples, oranges and nuts , a^-SllwhiltPfccaro wasacfcm wu|, pensation for lands on the Walchung ••/'; : ; j jac bj]3 tnottuig'Uja( iitt as a means of holiday decora- Ink toil' firm. ;"• •••'•' ' '•-' '•.'•.'-. , . Reservation intruded upon by 1-78. in dwcci corjifca »-iib ihc inter- tions!'. •• .- • ' .... , ;•,'••: :;:.. •:. Lois Kaish and Blandlne INteM <df L ai ctlmulupcr. Pecaro, pointcil out. that there The Cannon Bull: House is, receive honors from Teunplle ©eSto MimifmWmi jyffiSSBWcmpr^li Co«po- 'already was sufficient park land in tlic • .. Pccaw*.'Haftiflcd llhjfl-rWi.'&&cxr$n:to located at 126 Morris Ave.,. /history ,pf: cornrnuriily.aiiitil raatfiGmsll 'sBtrwtoe- iani:iij iiipurxJuse ID unuscti porlsoa area (in• e'ictcSs of; 144 acres) and 70 tpuh the subgioeaa - .would hurl his near the Union border. For were honored during Jtliie" ttewipte'is ©alia '" oil rturpftpinrii to constiuct sCDonlible acres oforiginal quarry tract had been . Dance Sunday at 6:30pjm. ! , : : - (July lu did that Ifae DOT ; rijid la {now avuutaoe;'to ihc conn: . mppiied by llie DOT in addition to S3 moro information, call Janice ; uly lu did that Ifae D i '**>«<«rir»«1«»'.-i~. .%^/. i,. )". - • t- Bohgiovanni at 379-2634, iLLiiULLiiiU) lUUiuilUU t CourtlyC -^ ^ kraal oooiM o9M)bci la aaay iciocstsCid ^trcri^H . iliir (ilruutuprnurti comr/any Gled a 1 - 71'c plaintiff, citing his deposition X DiFraajcesioodoemif' ^-~-—"- " •" Sports trips tjri"r**'t 'inr ^jmirLiiiir ccmtesung das of county official Armand Fjorlctti, .lutujni * claimed ihat 50-60 acres of the Quarry.' The Springfield Recreation . ,:-: fa tns c«*e..Peairp con^aids nhar Department presents trips to the Board approves two-year ,'wcie pirscrilly unused,- with .the. '. Mcadowlands arena in Hast t tu avoul pnivulcag balance of acreage included for no . JP^Qiisw^vidtlo^^jimderaJe- Rutherford to see the New contract for teachers UMa&Md mala reason: otlicr than to frustrate him. suiir taur. Townsliip attorney Bruce Bergen' is Jersey Devils.and the New BVI y KutliryMr > n Fitzgerald Jersey Neis.. • I Ituiluiit expected 16 render a formal housing . Munuglni; Editor mdrif.wiili ;ii ini.. At.7:30 p.m. on Dec., 27/ the After two mediation sessions with i ' ' • .•-i.dwni*'1 sciid 17 housing units to Linden at a Devils Will face the New York' the American Federation of Teachers, luinititir iflf c<uir«r aji cosa of $320,000 at compensation for Islanders,This trip costs- $37.50. Local 3417, and lengthy negotiations, •ejiaii your Srnni 211 ite _ . ._ At 7:30 p.m.. on Jun. 27,' the • -An r;iiareujie nffSi juu'iiiuj: tliiiiun the omission of low-cost housing at 235 teachers witliin Union County : Nets will meet the Los'.Angeles Ucgionul High School District \ iniiniil ileuvr iiiuiuifits-" ;, the, SprirtgiBcU nursery property. Lakers. This trip costs $33 per 5Sif^Seijfci ji DOT. Based on the evidence included In received a now, tworyear contract. •yonr'trtrt'llu; uidiibiiut; \luuu.iiM\aa±avaulimxo , Cdil naantoy jphopcrtic*. »icre equal in person. ' ' ••••;• llie.transcripts of the, hearing,.Pisans- The federation, which received ithe . • All liiiaraiKC tf SHtl mar \yxTin TS'""'t'&ft3a"tlK;»"'n' . »oxa^io«bclLmiliiiUcQuiDTy Both trips will leave the Sur- yj . i:y is expected to rule on the subpoena contract onNovl 28: ratified the con- aiek unddlai».uj.ujl^pKu^i^£bUii8l ^ 10 pujebnse lo •quash and. - uitimatcly,"rriakc a Tina] ah Builey, Civic. Center at 6 truct Ihc previous night. (lie Ktutindl jicur, crod i * ruling on the case. p.m. and return al approximately Included within the contract, which • An iiiJreaBeiiiillliciiluilaiHiUnu*"- II p.m. For more information will cover the 1995-06 and J996J97 ity titipond TIM ieiuili ^ituirnl! illf otcin- or to obtain a registration form, academic years, arc (lie following: • coniacl the Springfield; Recrea- tiuul feir 'Icudliun. wullli itwRC'llun 31) • A salary increase of 3.8 percent, ycart. idf Mirauie ——•»•-•>" .* tion Department at 912-2226. - \ including; increment and longevity in Bat mitzvah marks religious The IBourd >til Edluaatioiu «ntail ttliiti . Ihc'-first yeur of the contract iirid a 3 it wus ,rlleaKeil Illuil Him .'Inuumiuiiiiift UNICO party percent increase in the second year, ' The Springfield/Mounlainslde which also includes an increment and and mediilticin KUUHUIIII. IIIIMU iiuHilltuil beginning for local woman ^ g^ Smith y chapter of UNICO National will in II uueueuHiiil Uwti-jiuuripuuC •• . •• ' %. Bto» Scmtb: '. •••:.•'.-;.:);.>; .-'v-s-^^^^—:.! '.•••"•'• •••'••'-.••. ••• ".'•'••••••:.'.••••• longevity stipend; , ';'. : Jjfaif Wrritcr practicing dentistry in' 1 Illlsidc for hold its annual Christinas Parly "appiuuutrririiaippiutive-cirri iiiaiKiiiiKDn' H • An inerealc in the dental inKur- many years, comes from a very reli- at L'Affaire restaurant on Tues- duut andccKipuwiitiiiwUllliHiuilutmu-iii •aijcc. deductible from $50 per person giou.v Orthodox Jewish background. day at 7 p.m. The public is dui ing mil ill ita JUWU1|I,Pjuftnlaaindprepaefinnbar But she had never had a bat mitzvah. invited, but reservations musl be iinU miiisMjlti aoJJ Uur nsiiguws rccpoa- 4 gii.i.i per family: "1 was never tlial religious," Brooks made in advance with President ition xif tflic irujjuiniil lUiutiiut"'- ^,n,iiru=si. dur CUBIC with u. Mncy > An increase in Ihc number of:pro- adiiiilled, "hut. I've become interested Vince Bonadies ul 277-1414 or ; 3ll ll'ciur idf.'tillC UilHI UweJJIUUSirttiie Btai.-lw. SL.wili:jpin.ito3iriadk»»ibe uional meetings from 22 to 25 pet and involved because Of my uncle. He [Joseph Chicppa at 233-7675.- IBciurd cil' IZUliicuticin IIUIH i«,'jiuiimiouil afe „, Sannday/ yeur; - ••' .' tad-'always been involved with his bud^ut.i;lufeilti;.'unwtj||.iitjj;ii|ijiiifiiaiili mvuUn. x Dsiniinir cctauJjaiit tar • An increase in the numbor of 6il>le quizzes and puzzles, and he Pancakes for charity redudticin lin litt IliuiUjui, Dt iiiHW tuulte- ,11|e £_„„, (Qrajijjt Btoaniiof Eduauoa school-sponsored activities for teach- gave me my first spiritual interest. I Ihul (tile imnuid-imiiiii ipiuikigu: itiiptu | sj , i nsujaa. JcdJal la The Monsignor Francis X. ers from two lo three und establishing tllul fraIIl ffitW KuntK u "tfuir iU(in|[irtiniiKr' •- -luMu HUE ndipuamure-senDitsly i&a looked at my life, and I was off Coyle Council-of the Knights of u modified eight-period day by adding 1 Ilic smulleul iinarciiucKjin halatice, I looked, and 1 said,; -I'm off Columbus will have a pancake un early inorning fltiX period. Ugreanianti;' iin liiic" SltUU." citf Bikw _ llUitmnur, wllu hud- wnitai a reconl hiilunce. I iiuvc a profession, a family [breakfast on Sunday from 9 In addition, teachers will receive an 3orscy.'" . ; ' csllumu tlm Iliw ntuispapcr (at many 'which'is veiy dear lo me,' and that a.m. to 1 p.m. al the council vUM-t- tulleti Diuc 'w Daia and wbo includes my father and mother, Julian lionie on Old Shunpike Road. - taiii wiitrGiti imtfiKrous bookx cnxs- and Dprothy -Haiiuncr, I. play Very , Tickets for adults are $5 and VVJML! [jaaiiis- and. BlbCt Quu cul- hard ~ we'it; golfers; Horvoy and I for children between 5 and '12 Jimiij. "ITini<ti*)lir«ing my bat mcu- nre. very socially active, and we also are $3. .Children under 5 are Students honor police, travel a lot — but spiritually, I discoV- u.iin ID lnimT nfur suit admitted'-.'free. Proceeds will "BtalU e'ruj I w(is left behind." , .'• . benefit the scholarship fund. fire, first aid squads " iiokK exnlained thai "I think, too. For more information, call Sec RESIDENT. Page 2 Ity KuthrvKuthryn Fil-,n,,....l,. .M.bw. ! ' „...,.. .. T 379-7044 or 379-2714. • ly" m po d Munnglng Editor . 1 .. Klndenls at the James Culdwcll ple eif iihc miuluUl a|mitu.iinmin iVi'i'ft',--".-' huiween ,tlie muiluiits mid Klu' Volunteers needed Scluxil showed the members of tlie People for Animal.1!, a nonpro- township's Fire and Police deparl- Depurtmum fit annual welfare organization ments and volunteer first aid squud C'liiKhtilm Uvaa.ua dlu.

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