July 3, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E959 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING THE PROUD PATRIOT programs to test and evaluate advanced Kevin received his commission through Offi- ON ITS GRAND OPENING screening technologies related to the agen- cer Candidate School in 1995 after graduating cy’s mission. Using information from TSA, from Old Dominion University with a Bachelor CBO expects that meeting the bill’s require- HON. ELISE M. STEFANIK ments would not add significantly to the of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. OF NEW YORK cost of existing and similar activities related Kevin was designated a Naval Aviator in 1997 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to transportation security. CBO estimates and qualified as an SH–60B Seahawk Pilot. Tuesday, July 3, 2018 that any change in federal spending under Kevin amassed over 3,100 hours of flight time the bill—which would be subject to appro- in six different naval aircraft. Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to priation—would total less than $500,000 annu- Kevin served several operational tours in- honor and congratulate the Proud Patriot on ally. cluding with the HSL–46 Grandmasters, De- Enacting H.R. 5730 would not affect direct its grand opening. stroyer Squadron 24, and the HSL–48 Vipers. Vanessa and Niklas Herring, co-owners of spending or revenues; therefore, pay-as-you- go procedures do not apply. He deployed aboard the USS Cape St. the Proud Patriot, are passionate about hon- CBO estimates that H.R. 5730 would not in- George (CG 71), USS Arthur W Radford oring those who serve their country. The crease net direct spending or on-budget defi- (DDG 968), USS John F Kennedy (CV 67), Proud Patriot is an all-American restaurant in cits in any of the four consecutive 10-year and USS Underwood (FFG 36). Kevin filled a Rouses Point, New York, that offers a 10 per- periods beginning in 2029. variety of billets on the tours to include: Land H.R. 5730 contains no intergovernmental or cent discount to veterans, law enforcement Safety Officer, Air Operations Officer, Detach- and peace officers. Serving up classic Amer- private-sector mandates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act. ment Officer-in-Charge, and Squadron Oper- ican food, the restaurant has its slogan, ‘‘Land The CBO staff contact for this estimate is ations Officer. of the free because of the brave,’’ proudly writ- Megan Carroll. This estimate was reviewed Additionally, Kevin served tours ashore with ten on its ‘‘veterans wall,’’ decorated with by Theresa Gullo, Assistant Director for HT–8 Eight Ballers, the Chief of Science, photos of local veterans. Vanessa and Niklas Budget Analysis. Technology, and Intelligence for Naval Air both have military lineage in their families, and f Systems Command, and the Appropriations Niklas is a proud Army veteran himself. Their A TRIBUTE TO JOHN REYNOLDS Matters Office in the Office of the Assistant dedication giving back to those who sacrificed Secretary of the Navy. so much for our country is truly admirable. Through the Navy, Kevin pursued several On behalf of New York’s 21st District, I want HON. DAVID YOUNG academic opportunities. He attained his acqui- to thank Vanessa and Niklas Herring for their OF IOWA sition certification in Systems Planning, Re- honorable commitment to our veterans. I wish IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES search, Development and Engineering; lifetime the Proud Patriot nothing but success as it Tuesday, July 3, 2018 membership with BETA GAMMA SIGMA—the opens its doors to the community. Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise International Honor Society Recognizing Busi- f today to recognize and congratulate John ness Excellence; and obtained his Certified Defense Financial Manager certification. Kevin COST ESTIMATE ON H.R. 5730, THE Reynolds of Council Bluffs, Iowa who recently graduated with distinction from the Naval War TRANSPORTATION SECURITY retired from the Pottawattamie County Sheriff’s College with a Command and Staff Diploma, TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION RE- Department with 30 years of service in law en- Naval Postgraduate School with a Master of FORM ACT OF 2018 forcement. John’s tenure was marked by honor and distinction. Business Administration in Financial Manage- John served in many capacities at the ment, and School of Aviation Safety. The edu- HON. MICHAEL T. McCAUL Pottawattamie County Sheriff’s office. He was cation prepared Kevin to screen for Financial OF TEXAS a jailer, court security officer, corporal, and Management SCP Commanding Officer. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chief Deputy to Sheriff Jeff Danker. Sheriff I have the pleasure of knowing Kevin since Tuesday, July 3, 2018 Danker said, ‘‘John was an essential part of he was a Boy Scout in Montross, Virginia and I am honored to have watched him grow into Mr. MCCAUL. Mr. Speaker, the following the Sheriff’s Department. His retirement is not the humble servant leader he is today. I wish cost estimate H.R. 5730, the Transportation only a huge loss to us, and me, but it’s a big Kevin and his family the best as they take on Security Technology Innovation Reform Act of hole to fill. John always did a great job, what- this next stage in their life. 2018, prepared by the Congressional Budget ever role he was in.’’ John said, ‘‘I’ve loved Office was not made available to the Com- working here. Never had a day I hated coming f mittee at the time of filing of the legislative re- to work.’’ Mr. Speaker, John Reynolds has made a RECOGNIZING THE RECIPIENTS OF port. difference by helping and serving others. It is THE 2018 FAIRFAX COUNTY STU- U.S. CONGRESS, DENT PEACE AWARDS CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, with great honor that I recognize him today. I Washington, DC, June 28, 2018. know that my colleagues in the United States Hon. MICHAEL MCCAUL, House of Representatives join me in applaud- HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security, ing his accomplishments. I thank him for his OF VIRGINIA House of Representatives, Washington, DC. service to the Pottawattamie County Sheriff’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: The Congressional Department and the citizens of southwest Tuesday, July 3, 2018 Budget Office has prepared the enclosed cost estimate for H.R. 5730, the Transportation Iowa and I wish him continued success in the Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- Security Technology Innovation Reform Act future. ognize the recipients of the 2018 Fairfax of 2018. f County Student Peace Awards. If you wish further details on this esti- IN RECOGNITION OF COMMANDER This program began in 2006 to encourage mate, we will be pleased to provide them. high school aged students to think about The CBO staff contact is Megan Carrol. KEVIN CAREY Sincerely, peace as both a means and an end, and to KEITH HALL, Director. recognize young people who work as peace- HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN makers. The Fairfax County Student Peace Enclosure. OF VIRGINIA Awards began with one high school, and by H.R. 5730—TRANSPORTATION SECURITY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION REFORM ACT OF 2018 2013 the program was being offered in every Tuesday, July 3, 2018 As reported by the House Committee on public high school in Fairfax County, as well Homeland Security on June 22, 2018 Mr. WITTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to as in three private schools. Inspired by the H.R. 5730 would require the Transportation recognize Commander Kevin Carey on his re- success of the Fairfax County program, Fred- Security Administration (TSA) to develop tirement from the United States Navy. erick County, Maryland, launched a Peace ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:19 Jul 04, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03JY8.001 E03JYPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 3, 2018 Awards program in 2014, which is now being Jennett of Bedford, Iowa on the very special who perform extraordinary acts of heroism in offered in every school in the county. occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary on civilian life, and to provide financial assistance Participating high schools choose one Jun- June 14, 2018. for those disabled and the dependents of ior or Senior, or one student group active in Their lifelong commitment to each other and those killed saving or attempting to save oth- promoting peace and/or removing the causes their family truly embodies Iowa’s values. As ers. Since 1904, more than 10,000 awardees of conflict. Examples of outreach include: com- the years pass, may their love continue to have been honored, with more than $40 mil- mitting to peace by engaging in activities that grow even stronger and may they continue to lion given in grants, scholarships, death bene- strive to end conflict either locally or globally; love, cherish, and honor one another for many fits, and other assistance. There is no doubt seeking to discuss or otherwise resolve poten- more years to come. that Karen and Zachary are deserving of this tially controversial issues within the school or Mr. Speaker, I commend this great couple honor. community; promoting the understanding of di- on their 60 years together and I wish them Six-year-old Olivia Thomas and her sister visive issues and situations to bridge lan- many more. I ask that my colleagues in the Addalyn, just 13 days old, along with their guage, ethnic, racial, religious, gender, sexual United States House of Representatives join mother and eight year-old sister were in a ve- orientation, or class differences; and working me in congratulating them on this momentous hicle that struck a tow truck head on, veered to resolve conflicts among students or mem- occasion.
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