CONFLICTS IN CODRESCU’S THE BLOOD COUNTESS A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Cultural Sciences Hasanuddin University In Partial Fulfillment to Obtain Sarjana Sastra Degree By YUDA SABRANG ‘AINAN LU’LU ISMAIL F21111106 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF CULTURAL SCIENCES HASANUDDIN UNIVERSITY MAKASSAR 2018 iii iv v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin, first of all, I want to express my deepest gratitude to Allah SWT for the blessing, guidance and also the strength to accomplish my thesis, and also for my Prophet Muhammad SAW, the righteous messenger of Allah SWT Who is the leader that guiding us into the right path. During the process on working the thesis, I get some help, guidance, support, advice and motivation from many people. So for the first, I want to say thanks for my beloved parents. The deserve to receive my very special praise for their endless prayers and support in every aspect. I hope both of you can finally proud of me because of my achievement. Seconly, I gratefully acknowledge Drs. Husain Hasyim, M.Hum who is my first consultant for his supervision, guidance and also advices since the beginning of my research. I also want to sent my gratitude to my second consultant, Abbas, S.S, M.Hum who always patiently and gently supervised me. Both of you are the best, thank yoy very much. Great thanks to both Armien Harry Zainuddin and Arga Maulana. The people who helped in giving the ideas support the writing of this thesis. May God Bless both of you. Also, I would like to thank my examiners, Dr. Sudarmin Harun, M. Hum and Dr. Fathu Rahman, M. Hum who willingly support and advise me with good feedback. Without their help, the correction of my thesis would not be on notice. Next, I would like to say thanks to my good friends for all the helps, laughs, taunts, conflicts and stories we have share during in Community of Lobe-Lobe Canteen in which they are Muhammad Rizal, Irsanuddin, Iskandar, Sukur Oda, Iqbal Maliq, Agung Adriani Pasau, Adiel Frendica Sambe, Luthfy Baftim, Wisnu Iswahyudi, Romano Alexander, Maman, Ahmad Harry, La Jumahidi, Erwin Katunde, Edwin Pratama, Nurhadi Hamka, Azlam Ruslim, Ade Irawan, Kristoforus vi Sarira, Dominggus Dallas, Rivani Talaohu, Dio Diantara, Dita Anggraeni, Citra Lestari M., Nurmiaty, Wahyu Kurniawan, Merry Marten, Rizqayanti Usmadi, Troy Thiodorus, Hary Ansyari, Novriel Hulsenks, Septian Fredrick, Amal Nur Muhammad, Ponco Adyie Sugama, Wahyu Harun, Hasbi, Istiqamah, Wulandari, Aya’, Ayu, Erny, Icha, Ciwo and all the names I cannot mention one by one. I also want to delivery my thanks for mama Rabia, Kak Tia, Dian in Lobe-Lobe Canteen for the place she gladly shares with us as a hang out spot in Campus. For addition, I also thanks to for all my friends in Caterpillar 2011. Thanks for all the moment when we are together, hopefully we will meet again in another time. My special thanks go to St. Meuthia Nurfadilah for her support, help and motivation to me for more than three years. Once again thanks for by my side all this time to rise me up when I am down. I believe that my thesis is far from perfection because of the limited knowledge, capability and ability. Therefore, I will very appreciate it if there are any advice and criticism from the readers that will be useful to my development in the future. Finnaly, I would like to say many thanks for everybody who has important to the accompalishment of my thesis, as well as for my apologi if I cannot mention personally one by one. Hopefully, Allah SWT will always be with us. Makassar, 2 Mei 2018 Yuda Sabrang ‘Ainan Lu’Lu Ismail vii ABSTRACT YUDA SABRANG ‘AINAN LU’LU ISMAIL. 2018. Sadism in Codrescu’s The Blood Countess, (supervised by Husain Hasyim and Abbas). This study generally aims to reveal the abnormal desire and conflicts behaviors of The Blood Countess’s main character. This study also shows the causal factors of it, how the main character treat her victims, what is the conflicts background, and what does the and immaterial desire of the main character. The writer used descriptive analysis method in this study, because the object of this study was a novel, which the writer had to analyze the story and later described it descriptively. The primary data in this study was The Blood Countess which was written by Andrei Codresu. In looking the point of the discussion, the writer applied structural approach. Based on the results of the analysis, the writer finds that the theme of the novel is thriller, the genre itself is historical-fiction. The writer also finds that the abnormal desire of the main character is affected by an alchemist. The sadistic behavior itself comes from her psychological experiences and her desire which wants to be young and beautiful in a long time. viii ABSTRAK YUDA SABRANG ‘AINAN LU’LU ISMAIL. 2018. Sadisme dalam Novel The Blood Countess Oleh Andre Codrescu. (dibimbing oleh Husain Hasyim dan Abbas). Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk mengungkap ketidaknormalan hasrat dan tingkah laku sadis dari tokoh utama pada novel The Blood Countess. Penelitian ini juga memperlihatkan faktor-faktor penyebabnya, bagaimana karakter utama memperlakukan korban-korbannya, apa saja latar belakang psikolgi karakter utama, dan apa hasrat immateril dari tokoh utama. Peneliti menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dalam pembahasan ini, karena objek penelitian ini adalah sebuah novel, dimana penulis menganalisis cerita yang terdapat pada novel dan mendeskripsikannya. Data utama dalam penelitian ini adalah novel yang berjudul The Blood Countess yang ditulis oleh Andrei Codresu. Dalam mencari pokok pembahasan, penulis menggunakan pendekatan struktural. Berdasarkan pada hasil analisis, penulis menemukan bahwa tema dari novel The Blood Countess adalah thriller, dan genrenya adalah sejarah-fiksi. Penulis juga menemukan bahwa hasrat yang abnormal dari tokoh utama hendak dipengaruhi oleh seoarang ahli kimia. Tingkah laku sadis dari tokoh utama berasal dari pengalaman-pengalaman psikologinya dan hasratnya dimana ia ingin tetap muda dan cantik dalam waktu yang lama. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER ............................................................................................................... i APPROVAL PAGE ........................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ vi ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. viiiii ABSTRAK ......................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. xx CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1 A. Background of The Study .................................................................................. 1 B. Scope of The Problem ........................................................................................ 5 C. Research Question ............................................................................................. 5 D. Objectives of The Writing ................................................................................. 6 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................ 7 A. Previous Study ................................................................................................... 7 B. Structural Approach ......................................................................................... 9 C. Theory of Sadism ............................................................................................. 15 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................... 18 A. Method of Collecting Data............................................................................... 19 B. Method of Analyzing Data............................................................................... 19 C. Data Source ...................................................................................................... 20 D. Research Procedure ......................................................................................... 20 CHAPTER IV: FINDING AND DISCUSSION............................................. 22 A. Structural Aspects of The Blood Countess ..................................................... 22 B. The Major Conflict Portrayed by Elizabeth Bathory in The Novel ............... 36 C. The Psychological Experiences of Elizabeth Bathory to Her Characterization In The Novel .................................................................................................... 41 D. The Material and Immaterial Desires Portrayed by Elizabeth Bathory........ 45 x CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................... 48 A. Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 48 B. Suggestion ........................................................................................................ 50 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 51 APPENDICES .................................................................................................. 53 xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Literature is commonly classified as having two major forms fiction and non- fiction and two major techniques poetry and prose. Literature may consist of texts based on factual information (journalistic
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