i jjpaaouTH'co. historical assx., , ,-.,.. |£ .. rnEsaoiD.’ n.j. - . T h is W e e k COVERING TOWNSDITS OF 2450 COPIES HOLMDEL/ MADISON ON8 tKCIION ' MARLBORO, MATAWAN AND . 1 4 P A G E S MATAWAN BOROtGU Utmbcr National Editorial Anodattoa U im M r 89th Y E A R — 9th W E E K New JerMj Pran lasdatloa MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1957 Uonmoull) County Pr*M AssooUUoa Single Copy Ten Cent* Madison Twp. Pupils Attending Local Policc Nab Escaped Murderer From Florida Await Results Of How Much Saved? Matawan Policc M a m o Contracting Co., Matawan, was low bidder on Matawan High Get Bus At 6:30 A.M. New Water Tests Marlboro Township road Pay Hike Adopted Finnegan Reports On work Thursday at $16,647.80 Magill Deplores Need To Be On W ay At Dawn; for rebuilding three-and-one* 15 Per Cent Boost Lists Routes, Times; Registration Tuesday Water Plant Activity half miles of roads. This was Goes On Ballot the first tlmo the firm had . Madison Township pupils at­ Cralv Finnegan, Matawan bid, It had been offered be* An ordinance providing a 15 tending Matawan High 6chool Township Water Engineer, fore a n d C. II. Sutphen, por cent across-tho-board sal­ this coming school year will Eric Hultin Is yesterday told the Matawan Freehold, had bid * $20,643,15 ary increase for members of have to start to school at 6:30 Township Committee that and Fred McDowell, N e p- tho Matawnn Police Depart­ a.m. Charles Maglll, superin­ samples of the water taken at tune, $20,700.13, These bids ment was adopted Tuosday tendent, told the board that Is Accident Victim the new municipal water plant were rejected because t h e night by the Matawan B o ,v- • the hour scheduled (or; Uie bus Madison Worker Hurt on Jersey Ave. have been test­ bids sheets specified mater­ ough Council. Thero wero n» for MHS to leave Browntown ed and approved at Rutgers ials for 9720 square yards of objections raised at tho publia on Route 2, going around Fatally in Southwood University laboratories. Sam­ work and the specifications hearing on t h e ordinance through Madlcon Park on Its ples were sent yesterday to the 7020 square yards, necauso which must bo ratified at tbs way to reach school at 7:35 A Madison Township MunlcU Stnte Department of Health for of this mistake, the original November general election. a.m. pal employee, Eric Hultin, 23, final laboratory tests and bids wore rejected and According to state regula­ Mr. Maglll found the situa­ Lee Ave.. Laurence Harbor, analysis. Thursday bids were recolved tions, the ennbllng ordinance tion elsewhere was not much died ln St. Peter’s Hospital, The enilneer said final ap­ for 7020 square yards In both providing tor the pay hikes better. Buses from CUffwopd New Brunswick, at 12 o’clock proval from the Btate ls a l l the bid sheets And specifica­ hnd to bo adopted by tbo coun­ Beach and-Laurence Harbor noon yesterday from Injuries that is needed before pumping tions. Mr, Hutphen bid $17,­ cil before It could be placed beaded for Sayrevllle High received when he was appar­ operations can be started by 140,00 and Mr. MoUowell on tho ballot In November. If ' School will be on the road by ently run over by a garbage tho township. lie suggested $18,304.02 on tho lowered fig­ council lind not adopted tho or. 7:10 a.m.. Mr. Maglll had not trUck ln Southwood at U a.m. that plans bc made at this ure, both higher than Mr. din mice, members cf the po­ received the time schedule for Mr. Hultin was working on time lo switch over from lhc Manso, lice depnrlment would have the staggered session plan at the truck at the time of the Matawan and Koyport water The committeemen dlxput- boon forced tu olrculnte peti­ u South River High Bchool b u t accident. According to the re­ supply terminals In prepara­ (*d us to how much had been tions dcinnndlng the pay raise lie believed Junior and seniors port given by Bernard H. tion for notual pumping by tlio saved bocnuxo tho error in question be placed on the bnl- from the Old Bridge area Thompson, .28, of 1730 Charles municlpnl plnnl. tho original bid forms h a d lot. - St., Laurence Harbor, operator could count on leaving for that been found. Committeeman Pny boosts In the ordinance1 of the truck, to Patrolman Wil­ T h e .'township- Instruotcd ' (lool no later than 6:45 a.m. Building Inspector II o m c r Joseph A, Lansaro IjislMrd arc as fulluwH! Chief, $5000 to "T h e superintendent found li liam Volkert; Madison Town­ It w a s “ approximately *07H0: captnln, iHIWO to $M7»| ship Police, Mr. Hultin h a d Mattoson to issuo no further deplorable the students had lo building peimllH on property $4000." Otis Henman, l.ong sergeant, $43B0 to $40117, a n d be ready tkt that hour of the emptied a garbage can on the Branch, township engineer, truck at 12. Sycamore. Dr„ on the easterly side of Mur- patrolmen will receive maxi- morning to attend high schoo's wlio was ncmiflcd or making mums or $30S7 to $4000 do. Southwood, and had returned Jorlo Avo., adjacent to the wa­ on double session and found It Seven minute's after an alarm was Issued over'the Monmouih County Police Radio for tho ter works. A furmal resolution tho error in the orlglnul bid pending on length of servlco. ,^'tonclysrve evidence of the dire the can to the side of the road, apprehension of an escaped convict who had held up an Eatontown uervlcenter ycstcrduy, Pa­ forms, said nothing had been Mr. Thompson stated he then banning building ln the men' Probationary patrolmen will need for the township's o w n trolman William Pease of the Keyport Follce Department had tho suspect in custody. The saved becauso part of t h e rcoclvo a top salary of $$3000. glanced ln his mirror, s a w Is being drnwn by Township projected hlglTschool. fugitive, identified as Tliomns McDonald. 24, tiverett, Mass.. told police he escaped Sunday Attorney Ezra W. Karkus. rnud building now will be Appointed A»se*Hor Bites For Registration everything was clear in back from Pompano State Prison, Fla., while serving tlie seoond year of a life sentence for murder. done by the township road T h e appointment of Mrs, Mr. Magill said registration and thought he heard someone Ue left Florida in a stolen car and came to Eatontown yesterday where lie Mugged anil robbed Htnrt Municipal Building Mr. Matteson also reported department. Mayor Doimls Tliorosa Dlggln as Borough of pupils not yet on the roll3 say, “O.K., go ahead.” T h e un Esso Scrvlcentcr attendant of $39. DuuUlry said the saving wan truck moved a few feet, Mr. .Officer Tease, acting on the description of the vehicle, spotted the suspect near the Six that work has begun on tho Assessor wnn confirmed by would take place as follows on only $84.1, tho difference be­ council, She replaces Merritt Sept. 3 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Thompson told the officer, Corners and foreed him to the side of Route 35. llo was assisted by Matawan Township Pa­ construction of a new munici­ trolman John Klnnane wlio had stationed h|mseU at Cliffwood -when tho alartn was Issued. tween the low Manxo bid and J. Warwick who resigned tlie All pupils living In Old Bridge when Its right rear wheel lift­ pal building on Lower Main Above, the fugitive* who was turned over to Sgt. Harry Leo, Eatontown Police, ls questioned tho second Htilphcn bid. post, and will aorvo from Sept. should register at Willis ed up over something, then Bt. The contractors already by Officer Pease, left, nnd Officer Klnnane at Keyport Police Headquarters. Mr. Laniaro passed ill I s 1 to Deo. 31. Mayor Spafford , Bchool: all ln Laurence Har­ settled to the road again. Mr. have started laying the foot­ vote on accepting the Maiuo W. Holmnck Indicated lie would bor and Cllffwood Beach at Thompson stopped the truck, ings of tha structure, Mr, Mat- bid becausc, lio said, he was nppolnt tho winner of tlio ns> Memorial. School, Laurence got out( and saw. Mr. Hultin To tenon reported. Work Is ex­ Sweeten River opposed to tlie whole road sessor'a post f,o bn contested in Harbor,' and those 111 the local lying In the road.. Marlboro Schools Holmdel Scliool pected to be completed before They're going to trjr to de* program. All the other com* ilie general election to serve ereaa of Madison Park, Brown­ Old Bridge First Aid Squad the end of the yenr, odorlze the South River ln WUllam 11, Donaldson, rep­ mltteemen voted to accept from Jun. 1 to July 1, 10011, town and'Cheesequake at the took the injured. , man to St. Bids Are Lower lt. To Open Sept. 9 the Old Bridge area. • resenting t h e llansou-Vati- when tho assessor normnlly district schools for thel.r Peter's Hospital, where he tnken nfticc, areas. died. Hours Designated; Long regarded by residents Contracts Awarded Wlnkle-Muniilng Co. nppenrrd of the Old Bridge area arf to request the township to va- Council confirmed the resia- Mr. Maglll Issued the follow­ Truck Was Demonstrator For Construction nation nf Patrolman John Me- Ing Instructions for pupils as The truck was not a munici­ Bus Routes Listed the source of obnoxious odors cntc a portion of Bank Bt, The Sept.
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