Mar. 1: HARTSVILLI: : Fiesta t1exicana; Harts­ McMaster College, U.S.C. Dept. of Mus1c. ville Co11111un i ty Concert Se r ies; Center Mar. 5: COLUMB IA: Warsaw String Quartet; Theatre, 8 PM. Sunday concert series, Columbia Museum of t4ar. 13 : ."!YRTLE BEACH: Jose Greco, Flamen~o Art, 3:30 PM. Dancers; Coastal Conmunity Concert Associa­ Mar. 8: COL UMBIA: Fredric Hand, classical tion Series; Convention Center guitari st; Uni versity Union Artist Series, The Gallery, Univ. of S.C., 8 PM. Mar. 9: SUMTER: Beverly Wolff, mezzo-sopra­ MUSIC no; Sumter- Shaw Community Concerts {25th Feb. 5: FLORE ,~CE: The Young Ame r icans, Sing­ Ann i versary Series) ; Haynsworth Street cam­ ........ e•·s; Florence Co11111unity Concert Series, West pus of Sumter High School, 8 PM . Florence High School , 8 Pl1. 11ar. 10: COL U~18IA: Annual Extravaganza by ( \J J Feb. 7: HARTSVILLE: Longstreth & Escosa, Allen University Choir; Chappelle Aud. Duo- harpists; Hartsville Commun i ty Concert 14ar. 12: COLUMB I A: John Kenneth Adams, pia­ \.) - -~~ .• G:-~ ' ~ . 0 Series; Center Thea tet·, 8 PM. nist; faculty recital; Fraser Hall, McMaster ------------ Feb. 8: 11YR1LE l:iEACH: Christopher Parkeni ng, College, USC Dept. of 11usic, 4 PM. Classic Guitarist; Coastal Community Con­ Mar. 13 : COL UMBIA: Opera Quartet: Richard cert Association; Convention Center. Tucker, tenor ; Maralin tJiska, soprano; Be­ EYE ON -;-HE ARTS FEB-MAl< l972 verly \Jol ff, mezzo-soprano and \Ji lliam Wal­ Feb. 9: FLORENCE: Christopher Parkening, Classic Guitarist; Francis 11arion College ker, baritone; Columbia Music Festival Se­ Artist Series; Florence Little Theatre,. BPM ries; T01-msh i p Aud. , !l PM. ___ :,ir::=:·~~~·ji,.~~:;.,;~~-~·r.. ~- ARTS FEST! VALS sation Series; Hartness Aud., Converse Col­ THEATRE Mar. 17-18: COLUI13IA: Stan Kenton Band 1n Feb. 19: t1YRTLE BEACH: Un i ve rs i ty of South Mar. 17-19: CHARLESTON: Second annual Fine lege, 8 PM. Feb. 8: GREE:lVILLE: Pu~petry; 11aggie Duff, residence with the University of S.C. Bands Arts Festival, the College of Charleston_ Feb. 10: SPARTANBURG: The Arrangement; Leo­ speaker; Greenville Fr1ends of the Library Carolina Concert Choir; Grand St rand George Workshops in jazz by Kenton and members of Washington Days conce~t; 11yrt1 e Beach Con­ Special guests include William Schuman, Lin­ nard Aud., Wofford, 8 P~ Admission, 75~. Lecture Series, Thos. F. Parker Aud., 8 PM. his band, open to h i gh school and universi­ vention Center, 8 PI·: . ~~~~:~~ ~s~~;:~t~·~ coln Center, Neo.; York; Vincent Persichetti, Feb. 21: SPARTANBURG: Shop on Main Street; Feb. 14-18: ROCK HILL: Arms and the Man ty students and teachers. Jazz concert, Juilliard Conservatory of i1usic and S.C. Af­ Leonard Aud., Wofford, 8 PM. Free. (Shaw); Winthrop Theatre;JofiiiSornrrcrg. **Feb. 21-25: FLORENCE: Atlanta Symphony ;·lith USC Jazz Ensernb 1e, Wind Ensemb 1e and DANCE filiate Artist Adib Fazah (see MUSIC). Feb. 24: SPARTANBURG: Joe; Leonard Aud., Aud., Winthrop College, 8 PM. members with Robert Shaw, conductor, in re­ Carol ina Concert Band, at USC Coliseum on sidence with the Florence Symphony Orchestra 11ar .. 18, G Pi1. Concert tickets, $2. Mar. 18: BEAUFORT: The Byrne Miller Dance Hofford. Admission, 7~ Feb. 16: CLEMSON: l QQJ.,l Do! starring Jack in the In-Residence Perfonning Arts Program Theatre; Beaufort Regional Technical Edu­ Feb. 25-Mar. 20: CLEMSON: Photograph i cs , "a and Sally Jenkins; Clemson University Con­ :1ar. 20: CO LU~tl!A: John Biggs Consort, with initiated and assisted by the S.C. Arts Com­ music of the 16th and 17th Centuries; Uni­ cation Center, Ribault Road. combination of photographic and printoraking cert Series, Littlejohn Coliseum, 8 PM. mission. Local sponsor; Florence Symphony ,~ ~-_·:~ :,·.:~~~-::~~;~~::~~-=)~~~-:~:~-~-~~ >~ techniques being explored by young artists" , versity Union A1·tist 5eries; Campus RooM, Feb. 17-20; ANDERSON: Rags to Riches; Yout~ Orchestra. Events include: ··· - .... Abbeville, ". 'A'i[(en ~::~Alleoaat~;;. organized and loaned by Geo. Eastman House, Univ. of S.C. (Non-USC students, $3; pub­ Division of Anderson C0111nunity Theatre; Mc­ Feb. 21: Concert by the entire Atlanta Sym­ lic. $4. ) ENVIRONMENTAL ARTS Bamberg, Barnwellp_E~gefiel~.~ Rochester, N.Y.; Lee Gallery, College of Ar­ duffie High School Aud. phony Orchestra, Robert Shaw conducting; Greenwood; : HAmpton and , Mc=·~ chitecture, Clemson University. 11ar. 17-Apr. ll: CHARLESTON: 25th Annual Feb . 17-19: SPARTANBURG: Once Upon~ '1at­ \Jest Florence High School, 8:30 P~1. Festival of Houses; Historic Charleston Cormick C_ounties. · .: · Mar. 5-Apr. 7; GREENVILLE: Sam Wang: Seri­ tress; Converse College Theatre & i1usic Feb. 23: Lecture-recital by the Atlanta Sym­ THEATRE .-- - --·· - ~--~=~ graphs Photographs; Greenville County Mu ­ Foundation. Seven walking tours, each in­ & Departments; Twichell Aud., 8 PI~ phony String Quartet, including a public Feb. 3: COLUMB !A: Voices , Inc. , readings and cluding architecture of historical inte­ seum of Art. Feb. 18-26: All the King's Men; Spartan­ coaching session with the Florence Symphony songs; Antisdel Chapel , Benedict College. 1·1ar . 15: ROCK HILL: Yojil!bo (Bodyguard); rest . DANCE burg Little Thedtre, Camp Croft. For res­ String Quartet. Feb. 10: COLUMBIA: Twelfth Night; The Na ­ t~ar . 18: CHARLESTON: Town House Tour; Women Winthrop College Cinema Series, Byrnes Aud., Feb. 24: Open section workshops, for stu­ Feb. 12 & 13: AIKEN: Aiken Civic tlallet ervations {membership or individual tick­ tional Shakespeare Company; University of St. Michael's Church; 2 PM. 7 PM. ets), phone 585-8278, 10 AM-4 P11. dents, community orchestra members, etc. in Union Artist Series, U.S.C.: Township Aud., Mar . 25: CHARLESTON COUNTY: Plantation Tour; concert; Aiken Jr. H1gh School Aud., 8:15 Mar. 15: SPARTANBURG: A Man for All Seasons, Feb. 23: SPARTANBURG: The~ Tree, pre­ afternoon. Evening Administrative Workshop 8 PM. (Non - USC students, $2.50; public, $4.) Pi1, Feb. and 3 PM, Feb. 13. Spartanburg Junior College; 9 ~M-.- ---- Women of St. Philip's Church, 10 A/1. sented by Alpha Omega Players of Dallas, by members of the Atlanta Symphony and At­ Feb. 15-25: COLUMBIA: Little Murders; Work­ 11arch & year- round: GEORGETOWN: Historic 11ar. 2: ALL EN DALE: Fiesta Me xi can a; All en­ lanta Arts Alliance staffs (on publicity, dale-Hampton Community Concert Series; Al­ Tex.; Spartanburg Junior Colleqe, 9 AM. shop Theatre, in new location~Bull St. llomes tours. Contact Mrs. lei 1a Marv1 n, fund raising, subscription sales and plan­ (Repeat perfonnance Mar. 1 for Southeastern lendale Elementary School, 8 P11. Ll TE RARY IIRTS Mar. 7-10: GAFFNEY: Animal Fatm (a staged Georgetown Chamber of Co11111erce. 546-4921. _read i nq . bd sed on the fantasy by George Or­ ning). Theatre Conference de 1egates.) Feb0.3 & ·11';- i·1a1 \-"2 & 16: GREENVIllE: Greilt Feb. 25· Joint concert by the Florence Sym­ ,., " 11),-· n , <~im• , Jight Players of Li r.~<!>tol'e Feb. 13-19, 22-26: COLUMBIA: A~ of~­ Books Evening Discussion Group; Westminster phony and Atl anta Symphony Orchestra mem­ FILM College; Fullerton Aud ., Limestone , 8. ers; T01~n Theatre. (Repeat perT.~tar.~ FILM Presbyterian Church, 8 PM. bers, Frank 1 in t~es t and Robert Shaw conduct­ for Southeastern Theatt'e Conference.) Feb. ~Mar., to be scheduled: GREENWOOD: Mar. 9-TBA: ANDERSON: flpJ[ ll Again, Sam, Mar. 14, 15, 21 & 22; Apr . 4, 5, 11 & 12: Mar. 6-11: SPARTANBURG: Special: AAU\~ Used ing. Pictures at an Exhibition, Jazz in the Con­ Anderson Comnunity Theatre. Feb. 23-26: ORANGEBURG: The Crucible; The CHARLESTON: Museum without Walls series, Book Sale; Spartanburg Arts Center, 151 N. **Feb., to be scheduled: HARTSVILLE: Flo­ Henderson - Davis Players OfS. C. State Col ­ cert HalloriBA; Lander Colie9eCinemase­ Fairview Ave. , g AM-5 PM . Mar. 13: GREENVILLE: To be Young, Gifted and rence Symphony Drches tra co nee rt day: two Charles Towne Landi~M~ntact Mrs. ries, Barratt Science Hall Black; national touring company production lege; White Hall Aud., 8 PM . f~ri lyn Varn, Curator of Education, the Mar. 14: GREENVILLE: Alex Haley, author, on performances during school hours for 5th and sponsored by the Greenville Urban League Feb. 23-26: SUMTER: J.B.; The Sumter Little Gi bbes Art Gallery topic, Black Heritage: Greenville Friends of 6th graders; evening performance, open to Theatre. -- the Library Lecture Series; Wade Hampton witr1 co-sponsor, the Funnan Theatre Guild, pub 1 i c, sponsored by Friends of the Harts­ UTERARY ARTS McAlister Aud., Furman. Feb. 24-26: NE..JBERRY: Arsenic and Old Lace, High School Aud., 8 PM. ville Memorial Library and Hartsville Arts Newberry Co11111uni ty Players; DraytoiiS'treet LITERARY ARTS Feb. 15-18: AIKEN: literary Festival, Aiken **l~ar . 15-18: CHESTER: The Passionate Pil­ Council; Center Theater, 8 PM. Regional Campus, University of S.C. Events; grim Company (Katharine Houghton & Ken .:en­ Youth Center. Mar. 1: HARTSVILLE: Fiesta 11exicana; Harts­ Feb. 27-28, Har. 5-6: COLUMBIA: Peter Pan; Feb. 9-f~a r. 22: CHARLESTON: Round Tab 1 e Feb. 15: Production by Workshop Theatre, kins of Actors Theatre, Louisville, Ky . ) , ~ook Discussions, Charleston County Libra­ 11US I C ville Community Concert; Center Theater, 8. the Youth Theater of Town Theatr-e-.-­ Colurlbia. Feb. 3 & 5: GREENVILLE' Opera Workshop, Fur­ in residence for workshops, filming, per­ Mar. 8-10: HARTSVILLE: The Sound of 11usic, ry. Feb. 16: fl Realistic Look at the Publishing formance of Loves and Lovers .iD. Shakespeare Feb., to be scheduled: COLUMBIA: Beaumar­ Feb. 9: Mauriac; discussion leader, ~1rs. man Univ. 14usic Dept.; McAlister Aud., 8:15. presented by HartsvillelTlgh SchoOl Choral chais; Le Treteaux de Paris; afternoon per­ ~lorld; Matthew J. Bruccoli and Frazer Clark and Poetry: America Spea~s , through S . C. Dept.; Center Theater, 8 PM Wiley E. Hodges. (editor and publisher of Bruccoli-Clark Pub- Feb. 4-6: SPARTANBURG: Southern Division Arts Coll'ITii ss i on-i ni t1 ate l n-residence Per­ formance in French preceded by explanatory Feb.
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